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Big Sexy 01-12-2005 08:17 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Big Sexy 01-12-2005 08:35 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
New prevention methods: innovation for Universal Access

source from

Male circumcision

A recent study in South Africa found that circumcised men were at least 60% less likely to become infected than uncircumcised men. These promising results must be confirmed in ongoing studies in Kenya and Uganda before male circumcision can be promoted as a specific HIV prevention tool. If proven effective, male circumcision may help increase available proven options for HIV prevention, but should not cause the abandonment of existing effective strategies such as correct and consistent condom use, behavioural change and voluntary testing and counselling. Male circumcision does not eliminate the risk of HIV for men and the effects of male circumcision on women’s risk of HIV are not known. It also remains to be demonstrated whether and to what degree circumcision could reduce HIV transmission in cultures where it is not currently practised.


Microbicides offer the best promise of a prevention tool women can control. They could have a substantial impact on the epidemic. Currently, the HIV microbicide field has four candidate microbicides entering or in phase III trials, five in phase II, and six in phase I. They include soaps, acid buffering agents, seaweed derivatives and anti-HIV compounds. Modelling indicates that even a 60%-efficacious microbicide could have considerable impact on HIV spread. If used regularly by just 20% of women in countries with substantial epidemics, hundreds of thousands of new infections could be averted over three years (Rockefeller, 2001).

Big Sexy 01-12-2005 08:36 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
New prevention methods: innovation for Universal Access

source from

Pre-exposure prophylaxis

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent sexual–and possibly parenteral–transmission of HIV holds promise for serodiscordant couples, sex workers, men who have sex with men and injecting drug users who may be exposed to HIV despite using precautions. Small-to-medium sized phase II trials are under way in Atlanta and San Francisco, with larger phase II/III studies under way or planned in Botswana, Ghana, and possibly Thailand. Some of these studies have been dogged by controversy. The main issues were the adequacy of pre-trial community consultation and informed consent, linkages to HIV treatment programmes for those found to be infected at baseline or in the course of the study, and–in the case of Thailand–the lack of access to sterile needles in a study designed to examine HIV transmission among injecting drug users. Two PrEP studies were cancelled (Cambodia, Nigeria) and another (Cameroon) postponed. A consultation in Seattle and a series of consultations led by UNAIDS in two African regions, Asia and Geneva involving community activists, researchers, sponsors and others helped identify the problems in trial design in this promising research area. Trials have moved forward in six other sites.


A vaccine to overcome HIV is our most compelling hope. But developing a vaccine remains an enormous challenge for reasons related to inadequate resources, clinical trial and regulatory capacity concerns, intellectual property issues and scientific challenges. There are now 17 vaccine candidates in phase I trials and four vaccines in phase I/II (including the promising Merck adenovirus vector vaccine now in phase IIb, which may stimulate anti-HIV cell-mediated immunity). There is only one in phase III (the NIH/Department of Defense’s ALVAC vCP 1521 canary pox vector/AIDSVAX prime-boost vaccine trial now under way in Thailand). The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise has rallied scientists, activists, funders and others worldwide around a Strategic Scientific Plan to rapidly advance progress towards effective HIV vaccines, the world’s best long-term hope for bringing the global HIV epidemic under control.

Big Sexy 01-12-2005 09:33 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
HIV and AIDS statistics and features in ASIA, in 2003 and 2005


goto for more info.

gigantic_tk 19-12-2005 07:28 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
This sites did provide some photos on HIV & STD related symptoms, it is a
good reference & resources for sexual related illness............

AfA_hmor 28-01-2006 03:22 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Big Sexy

Pre-exposure prophylaxis

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent sexual–and possibly parenteral–transmission of HIV holds promise for serodiscordant couples, sex workers, men who have sex with men and injecting drug users who may be exposed to HIV despite using precautions.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PEPs) are prescribed to those who may have been exposed to the HIV virus, either via their course of work (like medical professionals) or typically rape victims, who had unprotected sex.

PEPs are not cheap or easy to get, and you have to start on a one-month course within 72 hours from exposure to prevent the virus from entering your body. Throughout that month when a person is taking the PEPs, he will experience the typical side effects of those on HIV medication, like weight loss, lack of sleep, fatigue, and frequent visits to the toilets… For a brief moment of pleasure, is it worth all that trouble?

AfA_hmor 28-01-2006 03:23 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Shaun_G
Hey there. got a question that i need to ask. Say if u HIV+, how many years would one have with medication and how many years without medication>?

To answer this question about how long one can survive, we need to take a short crash course on human biology. In our bodies, there are T-cells (or white blood cells) that work as security guards of our immune system keeping all the viruses and bacteria from making us sick. The HIV virus, once in a host body, attacks these T-cells, making them useless in protecting our immune system, thus the victim will be more prone to diseases and illnesses that will normally not kill a healthy person.

If one has a lot of T-cells and a strong immune system, one can last quite a long while before requiring any medication. Medication (a combination of cocktail therapy) can add some years to someone with HIV, before the onset of full-blown AIDS (which usually means death within a few years). When the HIV virus is present in someone, he or she will have to lead a healthy life, and be on the constant outlook to keep sickness at bay.

kamarsutra 16-02-2006 03:17 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
As mentioned, if the urine of a HIV positive person contains the HIV virus. Can a urine test detect HIV virus in an infected person? Thanks

AfA_hmor 04-03-2006 02:11 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by kamarsutra
As mentioned, if the urine of a HIV positive person contains the HIV virus. Can a urine test detect HIV virus in an infected person? Thanks

The HIV virus is passed in the 4 following ways:-
1) From the blood of an infected person to another
2) From semen of an infected person to another
3) From vaginal fluids of an infected person to another
4) Breast of an infected mother to the child

There have not yet been any reported cases of the HIV virus being passed via saliva or urine from an infected person to another person. Anyway, to play safe, remember that sex SHOULD ALWAYS BE PROTECTED, irregardless of any circumstances. Any doubts, can email us at [email protected] for any queries. Be responsible, play safe!

AfA_hmor 04-03-2006 02:13 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by kamarsutra
As mentioned, if the urine of a HIV positive person contains the HIV virus. Can a urine test detect HIV virus in an infected person? Thanks

The HIV virus is passed in the 4 following ways:-
1) From the blood of an infected person to another
2) From semen of an infected person to another
3) From vaginal fluids of an infected person to another
4) Breast of an infected mother to the child

There have not yet been any reported cases of the HIV virus being passed via saliva or urine from an infected person to another person. Anyway, to play safe, remember that sex SHOULD ALWAYS BE PROTECTED, irregardless of any circumstances. Any doubts, can email us at [email protected] for any queries. Be responsible, play safe!

Big Sexy 10-04-2006 10:20 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
Anonymous HIV Testing & Counselling Clinic operating hours
Tuesdays: 6.30 to 8.00 pm
Wednesdays: 6.30 to 8.00 pm
Saturdays: 1.30 to 3.30 pm
(except on public holidays)
Venue: DSC Clinic, 31 Kelantan Lane, #01 - 16, S 200031

Big Sexy 13-04-2006 08:42 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
New Opening Hours for the Anonymous HIV Testing & Counselling Clinic (from MAY 2006 onwards)

Wednesdays: 6.30 to 8.30 pm
Saturdays: 1.30 to 3.30 pm
(except on public holidays)


DSC Clinic, 31 Kelantan Lane, #01 - 16, S 200031

A map is available on their website......

Cost: S$20

Pre- and Post-Test Counselling is provided by trained volunteers.

Results are available within 20 min of doing the test.

No personal particulars are recorded even with positive results.


Now available for sale at $25.00 during the opening hours of Anonymous HIV Testing & Counselling Clinic

Please approach the reception to purchase.

foe more detail visit

skyfree 16-04-2006 01:12 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
hi got a question to ask

did something in a moment of folly...

if i french kiss or lick a girl there a chance i will get HIV?

Big Sexy 21-04-2006 03:59 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
you asked "a chance"??? then yes.. for more details please read this thread.


Originally Posted by skyfree
hi got a question to ask

did something in a moment of folly...

if i french kiss or lick a girl there a chance i will get HIV?

Big Sexy 21-04-2006 04:00 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
Home Aid Virus Test
Learn how to use it here.....

ctwong 21-04-2006 06:07 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
Hi Bros..

I have a question, i went for a test last year June and it came out ok. I only have sex with my GF since. Recently I caught her sleeping with another guy, and I know she has been doing that for 3 at least months. The last time I did it to her raw about 3 weeks ago but I didn’t ejaculate in her. Am I at risk of HIV?

I have been very depressed lately and worried like crazy. Please help.


AfA_hmor 22-04-2006 02:54 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by skyfree
if i french kiss or lick a girl there a chance i will get HIV?

So far, there have been no reported cases of transmission of the HIV virus via saliva, so french kissing is usually safe. However, french kissing may not be safe, if there are cuts, ulcers or bleeding gums in the mouth.

As for licking a girl’s pussy, the same rule above applies. Make sure no tear in the skin or mouth, where infected blood may pass from one person to the other. However, there are other STDs that could be passed via licking or french kissing…

Big Sexy 29-04-2006 10:50 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
Cabby kills himself thinking he's...HIV POSITIVE
Medical report: He's... HIV NEGATIVE
source from,00.html

He thought he was dying of Aids. So he killed himself.
Taxi driver Liew Chee Kheong's fears began after a recent trip to Thailand.
By Kor Kian Beng 23 April 2006

He thought he was dying of Aids. So he killed himself.
Taxi driver Liew Chee Kheong's fears began after a recent trip to Thailand. He had visited a few massage parlours, bars and nightclubs, and had protected sex. When he returned to Singapore, he went for HIV testing at the Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections Control (DSC) at Kelantan Lane.

But his fears proved too much. Two days after his 41st birthday, he killed himself - without waiting for the test results, which showed that he wasn't HIV-positive.

On 20 Feb at around 6.50pm, Mr Liew, 41, was found dead at a carpark at Marina Park, after he had hung himself from a metal structure. On Tuesday, State Coroner Tan Boon Heng recorded a verdict of suicide during a coroner's hearing.


According to the investigation report, the police found two suicide notes on Mr Liew's body.
They were written in Chinese. One was addressed to his parents and three siblings, and another to his uncle.
In the notes, the Citicab driver apologised for ending his life. His uncle, Mr Jack Ong, revealed that his nephew had been troubled by the fear of contracting HIV.

He told The New Paper that Mr Liew had confided in him in January that he might have contracted the disease during a Bangkok trip that they went on together last November. Mr Ong, 46, who helps out in a friend's trading company, said he often has to travel to neighbouring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. Mr Ong was speaking to The New Paper over the phone because he was at the airport, about to go on yet another business trip to Bangkok.

For the past 20 years, Mr Liew, who was single, had been staying with his maternal uncle in a three-room flat at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3. Once or twice a year, Mr Liew, who's also known as William, would accompany him on such trips for a short break. The trips ranged from 3 to 5 days. Mr Ong said his nephew would patronise the massage parlours, bars and nightclubs.

The uncle said that he doesn't go along because he dislikes such places. After the recent Bangkok trip, Mr Liew began to look worried. He would tire easily. His appetite and temperament also worsened. Mr Ong said he began to worry for his nephew who was usually helpful, friendly and jovial. But after the trip, he began to keep to himself. He also had sleepless nights and appeared to have lost weight.

Mr Ong said in Mandarin: 'William told me that he always used condoms with the prostitutes.
'But when he couldn't find a reason why he was feeling tired easily recently, he thought he had got HIV from them.'
'He said someone told him that even with condoms, one could get the HIV disease. 'He said he was very scared that he could be HIV-positive.' Mr Ong recalled that in early February, he had taken his nephew to a general practitioner, who found nothing wrong with his health. 'But William wasn't convinced, so I told him to go for HIV testing if he was really worried about it,' said Mr Ong. Mr Liew later told him that he went for HIV tests at the DSC clinic in Kelantan Lane.
But Mr Ong said his nephew didn't tell him when he did so.


It is unclear if Mr Liew had attended the normal HIV screening run by DSC Clinic or the anonymous HIV testing provided by Action for Aids (AFA). Both tests are held at the clinic. AFA provides anonymous HIV testing on certain weekdays there.
Mr Ong found out about his nephew's HIV test results only after the latter's death. The police had informed him about it early this month but didn't tell him when the results were out. Mr Ong was devastated to learn that his nephew had decided to kill himself without waiting for the results, which showed that his fears were unfounded. Mr Ong said that Mr Liew had no relationship problems or financial difficulties.

The uncle said he last saw Mr Liew on the morning of 20 Feb before the latter left for work, and he looked normal.
He called the nephew at around 1pm to check on him and Mr Liew sounded fine, said Mr Ong.
In fact, the uncle said he and Mr Liew's family had celebrated the latter's birthday at a restaurant on 18 Feb - two days before the suicide. Mr Ong said he misses his nephew very much, and blames himself for not having detected suicidal tendencies in his nephew. Mr Ong said: 'His family and I treated him very well.

'I even told him that even if he had contracted HIV, I would still take good care of him. 'Yet he decided to end his life and break our hearts.'

Keep active to ease fears, anxiety
CAN test results be delivered quicker? It might have eased cabby Liew Chee Kheong's worries and prevented his suicide, said his uncle, Mr Jack Ong. 'I hope the clinic will also provide proper counselling to people, with accurate and relevant information, so that their minds won't be filled with fears and doubts,' said Mr Ong.

Dr Tan Hiok Hee, head of DSC Clinic, told The New Paper that due to patient confidentiality, the clinic cannnot reveal if Mr Liew had taken the normal HIV test or the anonymous test from AFA. 'Patients who are taking the HIV antibody test will go for a pre-test counselling session and one of the points highlighted during the counselling session is the one-week turnaround time,' said Dr Tan.

Dr Tan added that if the patients are anxious about the results, they could call the AIDS hotline (6295 2944) because 'sometimes talking about their fears helps'. The anonymous HIV testing is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 6.30pm to 8pm, and on Saturdays (except public holidays) from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

Using rapid self-test kits, the test costs $20 and results are out in 20 minutes. AFA volunteer counsellors provide pre-test and post-test counselling for the patients. If the patient tests positive, his blood sample will be sent to the Singapore General Hospital for further tests. Results are out in a week.


If a patient again tests positive, AFA will contact the person and tell him the news in person or over the phone.
Mr Paul Toh, AFA's executive director, said he was shocked and saddened to hear about Mr Liew's case.
He said it is the first time he has heard of such a case and wondered if there were other contributing factors.

Mr Toh, 43, who has been with AFA since 1991, said: 'This shouldn't have happened in this time and age when HIV medicine is readily available at an affordable price. 'There is also so much more awareness and information about HIV now than in the 1980s.' He declined to comment if one week was too long a waiting period for test results but said it was the minimum time needed for the Western Blot test. While waiting for the results, most would have to cope with the shock, shame and fear factors of contracting the disease, he added. Mr Toh advised these people to involve themselves in other activities and meet up with friends, to get their minds off the worry. He said: ''Contracting the HIV disease is not a death sentence. It's a chronically-manageable disease, not a chronically-terminal one. 'Also, the person must know that he is not alone, that there are millions of HIV-infected people worldwide.'

The DSC Clinic is at 31 Kelantan Lane, #01-16. Its hotline is 6293 9648

The Action For Aids website is and its HIV/Aids hotline is 62540212.

AfA_hmor 05-05-2006 01:34 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by ctwong
I have a question, i went for a test last year June and it came out ok. I only have sex with my GF since. Recently I caught her sleeping with another guy, and I know she has been doing that for 3 at least months. The last time I did it to her raw about 3 weeks ago but I didn’t ejaculate in her. Am I at risk of HIV?

As long as you do it RAW with anyone, the risks of contracting HIV or other STDs are always present. If your GF have been sleeping with other people, and according to you, she have allowed you to perform raw sex with her, it is best to assume that she might do raw with others too, hence putting herself and you at risk. Having unprotected (or raw) sex with anyone is a highly risky behavior.

Anyway, 3 weeks may be too short a time to ascertain if you may have been affected with HIV, assuming that you have unprotected sex with an infected person. Probably can wait a month to 3 months (the window period) first, before coming down to DSC during the appointed days and times, for the HIV anonymous testing.

For more information, you can always email us at [email protected]. Be responsible to yourself, play it safe.

Big Sexy 24-05-2006 03:46 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Man claims he got HIV virus after having unprotected sex with other men in health clubs. Most clubs have gym, steam room & cafe, but men who go there don't use the facilities. They're there to look for sex partners

THEY are touted as health clubs for men. But what goes on inside the clubs is anything but healthy. By Joyce Lim

22 May 2006,00.html

THEY are touted as health clubs for men. But what goes on inside the clubs is anything but healthy.

Gay men go there to hook up with other gays. And in doing so, they flirt with death. Just ask Andy.

The 30-something claimed he contracted the HIV virus after having unprotected sex in these health clubs.

In recent years, a number of men's clubs and bathhouses have sprouted across town. Some have turned into pick-up joints for gay men, and even made it to the list of places to visit on gay websites for visitors.

Andy, who asked not to be identified so as not to embarrass his parents, wants his bitter experience to be a cautionary tale for those who frequent these clubs.

He told The New Paper on Sunday: 'I don't want another person to fall victim to Aids.' Andy's nightmare began after he was invited to join a men's health club by his gay friends last year. 'I didn't really like the place during my first visit. It was on a week night. I remember everyone inside there was drunk and I was also too drunk to have sex,' he recalled.

'Most clubs would have a gym, steam room and cafe. But people who go there don't use the facilities. They are there to look for sex partners.'
Andy returned to the club a few days later and soon fell into sexual temptation. It was, to him, a good place to meet gay men.

Andy, who works in the health and fitness industry, said: 'Previously, we had to go to pubs and toilets of certain shopping malls to meet gays. You needed to chat first to find out about their sexual orientation.

'But at these clubs, the men are mostly gays or bisexuals.'

He added: 'The staff are good-looking, and once they are off-duty, they are allowed to hook up with the members.'

The club frequented by Andy is located in a single-storey shophouse in town. It's about four times the size of a five-room HDB flat and the lights are always dimmed, he said.

He claimed all sorts of men - tourists, singers, lecturers, professionals, businessmen, blue-collar workers, NSmen and even students - patronise the club. 'Though alcohol is not sold there, many patrons usually have had a few drinks elsewhere before showing up,' he said.

Andy claims to have seen groups of people having sex in the 12 private rooms. 'Those like myself who didn't want to wait to use the rooms just do it in dark corners,' he said.

'Many men had unprotected sex because there are no condoms available unless you are inside the rooms.' Andy also frequented two other men's clubs - up to three times a week.

He said different clubs offer different experiences. One catered to more of a foreign clientele while another was more kinky, with some patrons clad in leather. Andy believed he contracted the HIV virus from taking part in a orgy with four men last year. He admitted to having unprotected sex with at least two of them.

There was something different about that night, he recalled.
Usually, members are given a locker for their belongings and a towel to cover themselves. 'But as that night was a special night, we weren't given any towels,' he said. It was packed with 300 to 400 men, many of them naked.

Three months later, Andy went for an anonymous HIV test at the Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections Control at Kelantan Lane. When his test results showed he was HIV-positive, his world came crashing down.

'The bad news didn't hit me on the spot. It was only when I got home that I felt distressed. I never expected this to happen to me.' 'Later, I felt angry. Now, I'm resigned to fate,' lamented a forlorn-looking Andy.

After he got his test results, he and his partner stopped going to the men's clubs. Ironically, Andy had met his partner at the same club around the same time he took part in the orgy. His partner also took a HIV test but tested negative. Despite Andy's condition, they are still together.

Andy said they always use a condom. His partner said: 'I accept Andy as he is. I appreciate his honesty.' Andy has since come to terms with his condition. Today, the thought of unprotected sex with strangers sends shivers down his spine. And he wants to warn others of the dangers of visiting men's clubs.

He hopes the authorities can conduct more checks on these clubs.
'I don't want others to end up a victim like myself,' he said.

DNAT.. R u listening..:D

Big Sexy 31-05-2006 10:26 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
Old article but worth a read..

He has HIV but still has sex with prostitutes in Batam
ALEX has the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) which causes Aids.

By Gabriel Chen,66946,00.html

ALEX has the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) which causes Aids.

But he continues to have sex with prostitutes in Batam.

He claims he wears a condom these days.

But he never tells the prostitues about the deadly virus he's carrying, and how he might pass it on to them.

Alex (not his real name) was typical of group with the highest risk of HIV infection - men in the 30-49 age group, working in blue-collar jobs, who have unprotected sex with prostitutes in foreign countries.

This was revealed by Minister of State (Transport and Health) Balaji Sadasivan in a speech to doctors recently. He was speaking at the combined meeting of the Chapter Of Surgeons, Academy Of Medicine, Singapore, and the Royal College Of Surgeons of England, last month.

A senior social worker, Ms Ho Lai Peng, said that about 60 per cent of the Aids patients at the Communicable Disease Centre (CDC) are from that age group, and they are mostly blue-collar workers.

Alex, 48, is a patient at the CDC and was diagnosed with HIV three years ago.

The machine operator at a printing company was shocked when he heard he had the virus.

'I didn't think I would get it because I would sometimes use protection,' he said in Mandarin.

'I started having sexual contact with prostitutes when I was 10 years old. I would sometimes forget to put on a condom in the heat of the pleasure.'

Three years ago, Alex went to American International Assurance (AIA) to buy a life insurance policy, but was told that he would need to do a medical checkup.

It was then that he tested positive for the HIV virus.

He went to the CDC to seek medical help.

Ms Ho said that most of the HIV patients who come to the CDC are not aware of what they can or cannot do.

'He asked if he could eat seafood,' she recalled.

'I told him that as long as it is fully cooked, and he is not allergic to it, he can have his seafood.'

Alex lives with his brother and sister. Their parents died some time ago.

He is single and earns slightly more than $800 a month.

He takes 16 pills a day, including AZT, Ritonavir, and Saquinavir.

His medication costs about $800 a month. If he pays all of it from his salary, he wouldn't have anything left.

So he pays about $300 of it from his Medisave account.

He has $20,000 left in medisave.

Alex continues to visit prostitutes in Batam because he says he still feels the urge to have sex.

He pays $30 each time for their services. The prostitutes in Singapore, he said, are too expensive.

'I'll have to be more careful now because I don't want to infect them,' he said.

'I use condoms when having sex. Even prostitutes want you to put on condoms now.'

But what Alex may not know is that under the Infectious Diseases Act, anyone who knows he has Aids or is HIV-positive must not have sex unless his partner has been informed of the risk of contracting the disease from him and has voluntarily agreed to accept that risk.

The penalty is a fine of up to $10,000, or a jail term of up to two years, or both.

His siblings do not know he has HIV. 'If they know about my condition, they won't let me live with them anymore,' he said.

Alex said that he will not be able to pay for his medication once his Medisave runs out.

'But I'm not going to worry about it. I'll just let each day pass by,' he said.

'If I stop my medication, then I'll just have to die.'

AfA_hmor 06-06-2006 02:07 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Big Sexy
Man claims he got HIV virus after having unprotected sex with other men in health clubs. Most clubs have gym, steam room & cafe, but men who go there don't use the facilities. They're there to look for sex partners
THEY are touted as health clubs for men. But what goes on inside the clubs is anything but healthy. By Joyce Lim

Anyone can contract the HIV virus from an infected person by engaging in unsafe sex, in any place, not necessarily in health clubs. The key thing to learn from this article is that unprotected sex is bad, and there is a heavy price to pay.

For more information, do email us at [email protected]. Play safe, test regularly and be responsible for your life.

dt3305 14-06-2006 12:28 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
hey, there's a newer version of test kit by Afa...the result is out 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes in the past...I know because I was tested with it! sure cuts down on the long waiting time from registering to counselling to testing to knowing the result...cheers!

lge8 30-07-2006 04:46 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by dt3305
hey, there's a newer version of test kit by Afa...the result is out 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes in the past...I know because I was tested with it! sure cuts down on the long waiting time from registering to counselling to testing to knowing the result...cheers!

so anyone knows where to get & how much does it cost?

dt3305 30-07-2006 04:55 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
what i meant is that Afa is now using a newer vesrion test kit and it cuts down the usual waiting time from 20 minutes to 10 minutes...they also have the new oral test kit on sale for DIY at can enquire from the counter...but IMO, why get a oral test kit (you could do it wrongly at home) when it can be done at Afa...the Q is not long nowadays and they clear the Q very fast...

Fabregas_sg 19-08-2006 11:38 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV

Hopefully a cure soon. :)

AfA_hmor 08-09-2006 02:33 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
dt3305, you are right in your posting. The oral test kit may be wrongly read by someone who have not used it before or is inexperienced. He or she may also not be ready for the results produced by the test kit. As such, it will still be best to come down to DSC for the anonymous HIV testing, complete with post and pre-test counseling, which is an important part of HIV testing. As we have more volunteers now helping out at the test site, the waiting time have been greatly reduced.

For more information, do email us at [email protected]. Protect your own life, play it safe, & stay Negative.


Originally Posted by dt3305
what i meant is that Afa is now using a newer vesrion test kit and it cuts down the usual waiting time from 20 minutes to 10 minutes...they also have the new oral test kit on sale for DIY at can enquire from the counter...but IMO, why get a oral test kit (you could do it wrongly at home) when it can be done at Afa...the Q is not long nowadays and they clear the Q very fast...

AfA_hmor 08-09-2006 02:34 AM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
With reference to the site listed, the article mentions a vaccine is being developed, AND NOT a cure. Do take note of that. However, even if a cure for HIV/AIDS is found, it doesn’t mean that you can play it safe. There are still other STIs to deal with.

People currently infected with HIV, and on medication, experience much side effects due to their medication. As the cure have not been found, the side effects of the cure may be even worse than the HIV virus itself. There is that possibility. Moreover, the physical effects of HIV are much easier to deal with, compared to the stigma, prejudice and emotional trauma that those infected with HIV have to face daily. It gets worse when the prejudice comes from family or even close friends whom they trust.

For more information, do email us at [email protected]. Protect your own life, play it safe, & stay Negative.


Originally Posted by Fabregas_sg

himura 11-09-2006 05:55 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
I was just wondering. As i have raw with my girlfriends a few months ago, and i did not feel any wrong or ills for the past few months. Is it clear that i am safe from and STD ? Cos for the past few months, i did not fall a sick and able to excerise well. Any Bros out there could give me a advice ? Cos this girlfriends of mine work as a tunia massager last time and offer sex. I'm not sure if she did it raw with others b4..

Big Sexy 24-09-2006 03:50 PM

Re: All you need to know about HIV
No you are not safe from STD.. go for a check up to be sure.


Originally Posted by himura
IIs it clear that i am safe from and STD ? Cos for the past few months, i did not fall a sick and able to excerise well. Any Bros out there could give me a advice ? Cos this girlfriends of mine work as a tunia massager last time and offer sex. I'm not sure if she did it raw with others b4..

$20 per test... read here


Originally Posted by lge8
so anyone knows where to get & how much does it cost?

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