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TadaoKumagai 07-10-2019 02:04 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese

Originally Posted by lazyguy (Post 19292121)
Think u are not here to ask for opinion but just to tell us what you want. Don't understand why u want to tell us?? Haha.

Go ahead with what you want. Yolo.

Think Bros here can stop giving comments or opinions.

Haha, more like sharing bah...
Treat it like a diary lor.
Can also be a example to other in the future.
Well, it may or may not work depend on individual effort...

Definitely, I will update it after meeting with her in November discussion...
For brother out there who think this is SCAM or FRAUD Marriage, continue go dream lor, First I have no money benefit, I have no money at all. Second, who the hell want to get arrested for it.
So rather than the one listed above.... the way I see me and her is more of like a "Conditional Marriage, Arranged Marriage, Contract Marriage" with both party clearly have their agenda for it. I want pretty, she want better life.

SsugarDaddy 08-10-2019 01:21 AM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
Can’t help it but post.....
It’s not gonna work

My advice to you is
Keep the money, and go whoring once in awhile
Life will be better that way

TadaoKumagai 08-10-2019 01:52 AM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese

Originally Posted by SsugarDaddy (Post 19294403)
Can’t help it but post.....
It’s not gonna work

My advice to you is
Keep the money, and go whoring once in awhile
Life will be better that way

How to keep the money when I dont even have any saving in the first place?

Living a Single life since 20+ year, and using NS allowance(2 year NS time) as well as my Salary , all of it went to Electronic Gadget and Gaming setup(high end tier).
Thou the house I live in is basically those traditional old old type, but my own gaming set-up is on par der....

Basically , currently, my single lifestyle salary, money all go into Gadget/Device, FOODS and OVERSEA(both Holiday and chionging)
To be honest despite working for 4 year, my bank "floating amount" always around 100-200 digit by the end of month. (by the way, I don't drink or smoke, all expenses save for a few month will stay go to more advance gaming setup)

With my current lifestyle, and spending habit, I doubt it possible for me to have any girlfriend or any women who like it. Instead of going through the difficulties to find it and "force myself to change" for a "slim chance".

I might as well grab on the opportunity of getting a Vietnam wife who are okay with me at my current "Me" stage. So if she willing to accept me for who I am, I see no wrong in surrender income/salary and let her control it. Who know in her hand, she might be capable of bringing miracle instead of me wasting it for my own sanctification.

maxsee 08-10-2019 08:50 AM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
The way i see it, u live in ur own world. Gaming is sort of an escape for u from reality. Maybe u manage to establisha reputation for urself in a small part of the virtual world. But end of the day, when u switch off ur PC, u are hurl back to reality. And reality always bite HARD.

The fact that you have virtually close to zero savings denote that u are not good with finances. And couple with the fact that u have zero desire to upgrade urself and ur goal in life is to be a restuarant manager. All this spells out that it is going to be gloomy for u moving forward.

Last but not least, u actually thought that a whore can help u manage ur finances and u might have a slight chance of a better tomorrow with her.

All in all, i can only say that i reallly pity people like u. Is it due to upbringing or is it genetics. I cannot help but wonder :o

lazyguy 08-10-2019 08:58 AM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
Ts already say he nt asking for advice and just want to make it like a diary. So Bros here should just respect him and wish him the best lor.

chaoslord 08-10-2019 12:35 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
Bro - You need to remove the rose-tinted glasses that this marriage would lead to a happily ever after ending.

It's a commercial transaction through and through. To call a spade a spade, what she is looking for is a "fake" marriage. It is delusional to think otherwise.

For Her: She is now married here and hence able to work. In theory this is a route to PR
For Him: In "typical" arrangements, the wife pays the husband approx $2k+ every month for the marriage. S Pass now cost between $3-3.5k so marriages are the alternative. Based on your income, you can double your take home. This is illegal btw

BTW KTV girls in general
  • Earn between 7-12k average. $3k is laughable
  • Would sleep with other men
  • Would have many regulars at work and outside

Please wisen up and see this for what this is. Accept that it is a commercial transaction where you get some $$$ and maybe sex. It is not a real marriage in a conventional sense.

Also Women's Charter. Be wise.

TadaoKumagai 08-10-2019 01:25 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
How you all see me, actually doesn't really matter.
As for what a Brother mention, regarding the Women want to give me 2k+...

Maybe in Singapore after she start working, perhaps it might be possible.....
But current Situation, not gonna happen.
If she already "have money" or "rich" in vietnam, she won't seek Marriage to escape her situation in the first place.

From my understanding of a Fraud/Scam Marriage, is that, it involve Money transaction prior Marriage and the Vietnamese Lady will give either a 1 large sum or "sponsor monthly" to the Singaporean Man , for helping her attain what she want. Whereas , the Singaporean Man can seek out more Vietnamese Lady to marry them and repeat the Process.... From this perspective, this is definitely a Fraud/Scam Marriage.

However for my situation, I had no money , she had no money, so the existence of money transaction prior Marriage is not there.
After Marriage, if she manage to find a KTV job and earn money as she like, there the possibility of her giving money to me, if I accept it, it will be similar or fall under the category of Fraud Marriage. So, I just have to reject it.

I do agree that Majority of KTV girl fall under the category that you mention, however you cannot judge all lady working in KTV is the same. I know a few that is really working in KTV for fast money( I dont deny that) but they have their own Boundary Limits.

The 7-12k range which you mention, indeed it fall under that if they are sleeping with Man or target man and kena KC Trap.

However there are those who can only earn 3-5k range via Tips(from selling drinks, dancing, entertaining customer) as well as Willing Man trying to chase after such women. Expensive dates or expensive gifts hopefully to get laid.

In fact, back in Vietnam, I do know a Vietnamese(friend of my Vietnamese Friend), there many Men courting her, showering her with money/gifts/car, she accept them as they are willing party, who the hell will reject freebies... She is a Widow, her husband pass away due to accident....(she become a Single Mom same as my Vietnam Friend.) According to my Friend, she need $ to take care of the Baby and due to the fact that she still love her deceased husband, despite working KTV/Charming other Man for money, she never sleep with other man. By the way she a 9/10, comparable to Actress/Celebrity.

In the End, I dont have the "rose-tinted glasses", it take effort and methods to lead to Normal Marriage.

TadaoKumagai 08-10-2019 01:48 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese

Originally Posted by maxsee (Post 19295203)
The way i see it, u live in ur own world. Gaming is sort of an escape for u from reality. Maybe u manage to establisha reputation for urself in a small part of the virtual world. But end of the day, when u switch off ur PC, u are hurl back to reality. And reality always bite HARD.

The fact that you have virtually close to zero savings denote that u are not good with finances. And couple with the fact that u have zero desire to upgrade urself and ur goal in life is to be a restuarant manager. All this spells out that it is going to be gloomy for u moving forward.

Last but not least, u actually thought that a whore can help u manage ur finances and u might have a slight chance of a better tomorrow with her.

All in all, i can only say that i reallly pity people like u. Is it due to upbringing or is it genetics. I cannot help but wonder :o

I have 0 establishment, I am not even a Ranker or in any top rank of the MMORPG game... In-fact , I throw money into private server who may or may not close down depend on situation, throw in money for Exotic and Exclusive Equipment/Pet, Limited Edition etc... With money, basically you can get the ONLY ONE item in the entire server. So far I already wack in 800usd+ for cosmetic item as well as Exclusive for Donor and Custom Item/Equipment/Pet

I am not really a Avid or Addict Gamer, I play various Game, in fact I don't even have a Main game where I focus. I subscribe for Final Fantasy, which I still paying for it, and I only play it for like 3 time? There hundred of steam game which I buy and pre-order, a lot of it , I have not even touch it once.

What wrong with Goal being a Restaurant Manager? It still a Job. Am I suppose to have a Goal to become President? Become Pilot? Become Trader? Become Entrepreneur? Are you fucking Crazy ??? Why not you, whichever industry you work in, you aim 3 rank higher than your current position lor

By upgrading myself via Academic/Study???, I had no desire, no interest in it, if upgrading myself in-term of other area, definitely. In fact, I had fair shares of complaint and complimentary from Customer who visit the restaurant, with the Compliment outshine Complains in-term of my Friendliness and Service wise... etc....

Right now I am just a Staff Leader which goes like the following...
Staff>>>>Staff Leader>>>> Supervisor >>>>Assistance Manager>>>> Manager>>>> HQ>>>> HQ Executive>>>> Founder

And calling my Vietnam Lady a Whore when you dont even know her? Aren't you quick on Judging? In return, how would you feel if I call your Women a fucking Whore?

Well, I am not Good with Money, that a Fact, and there nothing wrong with letting whoever had the % of managing the money well... If the money in my hand eventually become by the end of month 100-200, if it on her hand, and able to become 300-400 a month, it still much more efficiency than me. Unless by the end of month it fall under 100, that another story... The worst it can be is become the same as me and left 100-200, that make no differences from me managing or she managing it.

TadaoKumagai 08-10-2019 02:06 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
BTW, if there any Gamer out there feel free ask me or jio me when I off day.
We might be able to play the Game

I don't really care whatever game you all play , I might not be a skilled player, but I do have a arsenal of game in my deskstop.
Even the Latest Game, Code Vein(IN STEAM) , I have it, Deluxe Edition.
Destiny 2? Monster Hunter? Elder Scroll? Guild War 2? Just Cause 4? Dying Light? Resident Evil?Call of Duty(Black Ops 3)? Devil May Cry 5? Gear 5? The Surge 2?

I don't have all Game, but majority of the Game, you name it, 95% of it, I'll have it.

chaoslord 08-10-2019 04:43 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
Being with WL is not for the faint hearted and having a committed relationship with one is challenging even in the best of times. They might be innocent when they come to SG, but working in a KTV would open them up to a world of material wants. The amount of vice one sees at a KTV is all around from colleagues, to bosses, to clients. Money corrupts, that's the truth.

You are still young and working your way up is admirable. There is nothing wrong being a waiter, it's an honest man's job and you have upward progression in your career. If you can get promoted to restaurant manager, it is a better path than PHV.

At the end of the day - the decision is yours to make alone. The reality is that the odds are against you as many bros have attested to relationships with WL. Always remember that your money is hard earned money. Go in with your eyes wide open.

pokagreentea 08-10-2019 08:49 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
Jus to sidetrack abit. Just watch a movie and here is a small summary :

Once upon a time, There was a big size guy who don't mind wearing a big green hat. One day, he got on a cruise and was about to enjoy a good ride to start a new life afresh. Unfortunately, he somehow fell into the sea during the journey. He seems to be calling for help and doesn't look like he can keep himself afloat for long. But luckily there was alot of onlooker onboard and many threw their nearby lifebuoy towards the guy, hoping he would cling on to one. The guy can barely stay afloat but his green hat was totally unfazed. To everyone astonishment, the guy was unwilling to cling on to any of the float and seems to insist that he could keep on floating with his signature greenhat.

Watching till here, I was abit angry at how stubborn someone could be when help has been offered. But then when I think again, a normal lifebuoy can't fit a big size guy anyway. Maybe the guy just want everyone to know that he had jump the 'cruiseship' with the new greenhat he had buy and will continue showing everyone he can stay afloat

I will continue watching the movie..


cuscorex92 08-10-2019 09:40 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese

Originally Posted by pokagreentea (Post 19297779)
Jus to sidetrack abit. Just watch a movie and here is a small summary :

Once upon a time, There was a big size guy who don't mind wearing a big green hat. One day, he got on a cruise and was about to enjoy a good ride to start a new life afresh. Unfortunately, he somehow fell into the sea during the journey. He seems to be calling for help and doesn't look like he can keep himself afloat for long. But luckily there was alot of onlooker onboard and many threw their nearby lifebuoy towards the guy, hoping he would cling on to one. The guy can barely stay afloat but his green hat was totally unfazed. To everyone astonishment, the guy was unwilling to cling on to any of the float and seems to insist that he could keep on floating with his signature greenhat.

Watching till here, I was abit angry at how stubborn someone could be when help has been offered. But then when I think again, a normal lifebuoy can't fit a big size guy anyway. Maybe the guy just want everyone to know that he had jump the 'cruiseship' with the new greenhat he had buy and will continue showing everyone he can stay afloat

I will continue watching the movie..


i doubt TS wud b able to comprehend

TadaoKumagai 08-10-2019 11:41 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese

Originally Posted by cuscorex92 (Post 19297921)
i doubt TS wud b able to comprehend

I admit it, I dont get it.
But who care, you get to live once.
Just YOLO , if it fail then just divorce only, there nothing to lose.
There nothing under my name, so even if there a divorce, there nothing to split. I believe according to whatever Women Charter or Law out there, no matter how the Law sided with the Women. There bound to have some "Logic" to it.

My earning capital only 1600+- and if the court decide to still give half of it to the other party, just give lor, Half of it is about 800+- , which is more or less the same amount I willing to give her if we remain together which is about 65% which i think about 900-1000+-?

Wear Green Hat or whatever only happen if the Wife Cheat and you Find out about it.
But it totally different if you are already aware of it(worse case scenario, I always imagine the worse scenario), where she ask for divorce and seek a better Man or whatever.. totally possible, I dont doubt it. As for whether she will sleep with other Man for Money during KTV/working, just close one eye lor....

I believe many brother here, whether secretly or openly confirm fuck around even if you marry liao. Some of you might even have mistress, sugar baby or illegal wife from all over the world.

And you expect your wife to only fuck you and dont fuck other guy? Given they have the opportunity to do so?

Basically to me, I already fuck around in the past and still on-going as and when I like it, whether she choose to sleep or don't sleep for money is up to her belief and own principal, which is something I cannot control.

If she really uphold to her honour or words, then that a really Bonus Factor which further prove her as "Wife Material" ...

If she submit to the power of money and sleep other man, there nothing wrong with it either.

But till the end, it still depend on how I treat her.
I respect her, willing to accept her as who she is, and in return she accept me for who am I, that just perfect.

As much as all the negative or bad thing had higher % of occur, there no doubt that the minority % will still happen on the bright side.

MoJoe313 08-10-2019 11:42 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese
Better find out if she is going to have sex with you when "married". The answer seems like a No. Even if she says Yes for the sake of marrying, she can still refuse to have sex with you when married.

You can argue you have nothing to lose. By then, you are already married. No sex. And no trophy wife to show off to your siblings and cousins. Bec it's not her plans to entertain them. You have not gained anything.

What's worse, when you finally find a dorky girl you love, you can't marry her. You're already married. Your already low social status will plunge further as a divorcee.

But since you have made up your mind, I wish you all the best. YOLO it. No disrespect. How much more can you screw up an already screwed up life? Haha

TadaoKumagai 08-10-2019 11:57 PM

Re: Meeting Online Vietnamese

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 (Post 19298374)
Better find out if she is going to have sex with you when "married". The answer seems like a No. Even if she says Yes for the sake of marrying, she can still refuse to have sex with you when married.

You can argue you have nothing to lose. By then, you are already married. No sex. And no trophy wife to show off to your siblings and cousins. Bec it's not her plans to entertain them. You have not gained anything.

What's worse, when you finally find a dorky girl you love, you can't marry her. You're already married. Your already low social status will plunge further as a divorcee.

But since you have made up your mind, I wish you all the best. YOLO it. No disrespect. How much more can you screw up an already screwed up life? Haha

Haha, totally agree on your Last statement "How much more can you screw up an already screwed up life? "

Pretty much , if I continue my current lifestyle, I will work and get promote eventually, after all ,effort and hard-work prevails (it just take way too much time), by that time maybe I around late 30 to early 40.

By that time, then have the stability income to find Women to marry... by that time if have children, I might die of obesity and other health diseases liao... Even if got children, the most I think by 60-70 my health already super red zone liao

I think by the time my Children reach 21, It totally possible for me to be dead by then.

So instead of facing that "Stable Career First, Marriage/Family Next" , might as well do it reverse "Marriage First, Career Next".... which pretty much impossible for the normal people in Singapore which value education, value economic potential, family background.....

So if I can't find a partner and live a normal life through normal mean, might as well just venture the abnormal path.

First of All, you all been calling my Girl whore this and whore that, please be mindful of Karma for whoever call it, your daughter and wife might be walking down the same road as what you call them.

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