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mandingo72 07-12-2010 04:10 AM

Sweet Revenge Or Not?
For the whole of my life, I have been missing out a good fuck from a particular German girl who is 10 years younger than me.

She came, we got to know each other and we had the most kinkiest, wildest sex, no holds-barred. I know her history as she tells me all - how she would fuck her brains out with three different men per week when she newly arrived here. How she became sober and sticks to one man (yeah, right!!).

Just as suddenly as she came after almost a year, she finds all sorts of bullshit stories to leave me. She claims if I can survive before I know her, I can survive after I knew her. She claims if she can go on without sex for months previously (yeah, right!), she will do so after me.

And I discovered that she is now dating a German guy (she claims she was into Oriental and Asian, hates Euro men) secretly. This guy came here with his now ex-gf. The ex-gf managed to work here and they broke off while he had to go back home, until now he is back again.

To be honest bro, I crave for that kind of sex. I think I am having a withdrawal symptoms and I know it will only go away if another type like her comes into my life. It's not everyday a woman come into your life and fuck your brains out in public like Marina Barrage, Sentosa, Ubin, staircase, beach, etc, etc.

I feel so despised that I want to hunt his boyfriend's email down and maybe his ex-gf so that I can tell her off and c.c. to the boyfriend and the ex-gf. The boyfriend cos he may not know what's the real story, the ex-gf cos she (my German girl) "helped" him to break off with her. This I know cos she told me all these before in an innocent way when she was with me.

So bro, what do you think? Should I do this, let off my steam and get even with her then carry on with my life as if I don't know her.

Any bros ever seek this Adam's Revenge for someone you truly love and dumps you? To me, I would take it if she were to tell me the truth but to tell me lies after lies for the last two months, that's uncalled for.

jasdude 07-12-2010 09:39 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
live and let die bro ! just treat her like a whore . you spent time and money with her . you will feel better , she might be a good fuck but going after her is a waste of time . use that time to hunt down more pussy is more productive and satisflying . :D

Mee Pok 07-12-2010 10:26 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Why dont you divert your anger into energy in your career?

More money + success= more pussies.

By the time you become successful, you can even have more pussies from Russia, England, USA, Iceland.. ;)

owl888 07-12-2010 10:26 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Dunn becoz of 1 tree give up the whole forest....the world is your TS so many pretty pussy ripe for you to pluck from the forest. Come on man, move on for a better tomorrow!

cockenadan 07-12-2010 10:27 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
i agree with jasdude. Let it go least this gesture will make you better then her..:)

maxpee88 07-12-2010 11:43 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Yep, totall agree with all the bros here..

Let it go and move on la...

I sensed you are angry and upset inside... because you lost a good fuck. And you cant help wondering and imagining that the german guy is having the same wild sex you had with her...

I am sure the rest of the bros here who read this know what you are going through. It is that initial loss of a good fuck. I know.. I was in a similar situation. I met a MidWest American girl here while on a diving trip. She had just broken up with her AngMo expat BF here. Somehow after the dive trip, we met again on other dive trips and we got to be closer friends. And we eventually ended up as a dating couple for 2 years. But in the same way, she broke off with me and said she met some one else. I was of course heartbroken...I felt like shit... and thought about how she was fucking this new guy in the same room, the same bed etc...

Just move on la... no point thinking about what 'was'. Its in the past already.
Even if you plan to take some 'action', it wont bring your German g/f back to your arms. She has already moved on away from you.

So why be a stalker? And create a mess for yourself.

As one of the bros here said and many others also commented - we all mean well for you. So just move on and forget this and focus on something else more productive la.

I wish you the best. It is still good that you let it out and talk about it in this SBF forum. Stay cool, in time, there will be more to come.

naturegreen 07-12-2010 02:05 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Just move on as what most of the people are saying. There are so many trees out there in the jungle, why waste time and efforts on just 1 and who knows it might just destroy yourself.

NewMartin 07-12-2010 02:16 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Within this massive jungle, there are hundred of species of trees. ... common jungle trees, with large, broad green leaves that fan out on each branch...u should know wad i mean bro..:)

fusiopn 07-12-2010 02:48 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
bro.. there is always better and more 'skillful' girls out there.. don't because of one girl, ruin your mood and wellbeing.. its hunting season now and go all out!!! someone out there is waiting for you!! no point wasting your time in checking those things out.. wish you best with all my luck bro!!

RealEstateGuy 07-12-2010 02:49 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Brother, Ang Moh woman are not clean.

waiwaiz 07-12-2010 02:54 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
pls don do things u regret later.........its not worth it. trust me.........over a period of time , when u re read your thread , u be laughing at yourself.
don do things because of "一口气".............Your " yuan " with her is over la. :)

pricky77 07-12-2010 03:38 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Hi mandingo72, I understand how you feel as I've gone through this personally. Just remain calm and take it easy. I agree its hard to let it off but life stills goes on.. well I was lucklier because I waited 1 year later before I took my sweet revenge. Stay calm

needsomeone76 07-12-2010 03:59 PM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
You will meet another gal bro..

It aint worth it.. seriously.. there are other flowers out there..

Its up to you to nurish and turn the flower wild to have such sexual needs.. its not that tough.. ;)

mandingo72 08-12-2010 04:25 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?
Thank you for all your advice and those who meant well, brothers and sisters.

Yes so true, just let her be cause she thinks that I don't know she is attached. Maybe when she comes back, I pretend nothing I didn't know she was attached. LOL!

Thanks once again.

sun814 08-12-2010 08:46 AM

Re: Sweet Revenge Or Not?

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy (Post 5471542)
Brother, Ang Moh woman are not clean.

u forgot to encourage TS to find a "high class" filipino maid instead, give him some tips lah. they are "super clean" also right? :rolleyes:

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