Originally Posted by Nato17
Please la. BG. I am going to directly answer your replies once and for all.
Apparently, you think that a lot of samsters here are clones. When you say groups of clone talking among themselves. Basically, it the groups around here at least is this forum are people like Nakamitchi, myself, saabking, allanooi, slayer among others. We don't clone but we do seem to have a great dislike for the things you do. At least I do; I still haven't forgotten some of the things you have said etc. And honestly, I have given you a "wide berth". That aside, do you remember your own words, "I will leave this forum....." I wonder whatever happened to that? But then knowing what you say and what you do are two different things, I have left it as that. .
Hi Nato17,
I am not quite sure how my recent mention of clones involves you. You may think certain nicks are not clones, but others may feel otherwise. But if you insist it is not, then I can give it the benefit of the doubt as per your request.
As for me keeping my silence in the forum, I did that out of respect for you as long as I could if you remember. But someone had to use a clone to stir something up again, and I had to come back out to defend myself unfortunately.
Even when you said certain things against me, I did my best to keep quiet, you remember?
In fact, when others made insinuations recently against me, I did try to ignore it too, and you should know that.
Originally Posted by Nato17
Now, having said that....haven't you noticed that people who you consider friendly towards you also seem to be having issues with you? Ever considered it being a personality issue? Or are you going to sweep it under the rock and think it is clones talking among themselves about you?
Jeez. You think of yourself too highly. Honestly, I can honestly say I don't care of what you think etc. But don't come around and insinuate people like Saabking, Allanooi, Nakamitchi, Slyer etc are clones and talking among ourselves because we disagree with your haughtiness. It is a fact, your haughtiness is really one of the driving factors we band against you.
In reply to your statement above, I do not recall anywhere in this geylang forum that I insinuated that your buddies that you list above are clones.
With regard to your take on personality, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But if it's about haughtiness, there have been many more who are much more haughty than I ever could be and have insinuated all sorts of stuff in this forum far worse than anything I can imagine.
I will agree with you that when I first started posting, I may have been overzealous and made mistakes which rubbed you and some others the wrong way.
However, I have since been trying to improve. And NO, I do not think highly of myself at all. I am only a tiny small fry here with no gang or whatever behind me, and I have stressed this several times.
I know my words to you do not mean much, but may I implore you to put your biase against me away and look at things with a more discerning eye.
I trust with your longer experience in this forum, you probably can see things clearer than I can on who is trying to do what around here.
Peace out.