Originally Posted by dyelook
haha... no wonder i always lose out to you, sifu... 😂
Aiyah! Is not the matter of you lose Or win. Each Individual have their own perspective ma .
The other day I Was gazing at those ppl walking up and down the stagnant escalator.
Suddenly 1 Prc came to my table and pull my arm. C’mon Let’s go.
I said “ What? Go Where?
Aiyah! Just follow me to go happy.
Wait! How old are you I asked?
She starred back at me and said: “ Age is not important.
To me age is very important. I am scared that you are underaged.
So please sit down first and let me tell you something.
After hearing my story, if you are right I will follow you. OK?
OK and she sat down.
What follows ; Have to be in Chinese if not you won’t get the real meaning.
You can copy and Google Translate and listen to what is says.
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Its About Woman’s age and going to bed.This what my father told me I said to her.Now Listen carefully.
八歲的時候,你要哄著她上床;十八歲的時候,你要騙著她上床;二十八歲的時候,你不用哄不用騙她就上床;三 十八歲的時候,是她哄著騙著你跟她上床;四十八歲的時候,無論她怎麼哄怎麼騙都沒人和她上床。
She then start to laugh and giggle.
I then look at her and said I dun think your age is 38 yet. So you dun have to pull me up.

Then she starts to pinch me and said You Ole Devil ! and you are making fun of me.
Ok! OK! I will go up with you. ( if you are already 38. )

So next time dun pull me , ask me okay.
She try to look angry and throw her tantrum.
I told her Dun be angry lor cos today I have having Stomach disorder.
Next time okay. What you wanna drink? , I spend you.
She then said I want Coconut. Coconut it shell be.Then I call Botak and order a Coconut for her.
While waiting for the Coconut to arrive; we continue to blow water. Whew?