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Old 15-06-2015, 01:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
So GoldBird Okts are good or bad?
Really depends bro. Sorry,my reply is going to come long,cos whether OKT in a certain joint is good or bad are rather judgmental from different views and how one looks at it.

When Penang governor puts up a law to restrict foreign workers/talents from being a chef/cook in their state's traditional food delicacies,who benefit most? And who suffers? The one who benefits most are the customers who eats the food,and the one who suffered most are the boss who employs the foreign workers.

Similar theory applies. When an OKT in a joint is discipline and strict with their working girls,who benefits? And who suffers? I have made a comparison with joints with similar size base on their quantity (joints with 30+ girls) of girls like Happy Massage 8,Bunga Massage,New Berry and Indah2 with Gold Bird. I have heard of Happy Massage 8 runaway girls,i have heard of New Berry runaway girls,i have heard of Bunga's runaway girls,even Indah2 has their fair share of runaways...but none from Gold Bird thru out 2014 to mid 2015,hehehe...
(let me know if anyone found any tho)

Happy Massage 8 has a very very good mami and a fairly ok Papi,Mami was praised by almost all girls working there. But average girls booking is only 2-3 customers per week.They are the MOST expensive joints with poorest discipline girls.

Bunga Massage Mami,the white hair old lady who used to be from Happy Massage 8 and the Chinese speaking lady. Both mamis also earn praise from their girls,average customers each girl has is about 4 per week. But lets not forget more than 30% of Bunga's girls are previously from Gold Bird. Chinese Mami was quite strict but still look after the welfare of the girls whereas old lady white hair mami was rather a motherly figure. Bunga Massage is the 2nd most expensive bigger sized booking joint i knew in Batam.

New Berry Papis,i think there are 2-3 main ones. A joint i hear that girls are bribing the 2 main papis for business. Still there are a fair share of good girls who can hold their own ground of regulars but papis are rather not-so-discipline except for that ah teck Chinese guy who is a little better than the rest (dare to scold girls type). Average customers for their girls a week is between 4 to 5 per week,thats why some girls can sometime heck care their

Indah2,OKT was a total pushover by the girls (thats what i heard). Girls dont respect the OKT. Most girls (prettier one) there dont rely on their OKTs to help them for business. Thats why there are often as much runaway girls there as in Happy Massage 8. Prettier girls there catches their customer at Newton disco/Pacific or wechat at a lower price priced by their OKTs tho.

Gold Bird? Hehehe...almost every girls there will have an average of 6-7 bookings per week. The girls complains are mainly,very tiring...OKT very strict,staff benefits no good etc etc. OKTs in Gold Bird are totally not into customer service becos they seems to be very confident to have their girls booked out at least 6 times a week. They are the only joint who dares to double the booking price during CNY over the last 3 years and i am almost sure they are going to do the same next year, are the OKTs in Gold Bird good or bad. That would depends on which angle you are looking at. I would say good for the customers as most girls has a minimum standard there already but bad for the girls. And i am after all a customer,hehehe...
(the word "minimum standard" use here DO NOT equates to good service)

If there is any booking joints that the girls complain that OKT/Boss are no good,i will definitely visit it and book a girl there,hehehe...becos i know what a high-handed discipline OKT can bring about what kind of girls.

Remember i say before,i only have one dick,i can only visit limited girls/joints but when i help others....blah blah blah...and my rewards are, i get the updated information and reports back to me,hehehe...

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