Originally Posted by SexCraved
The confusion is the 3 mth is include or exlude? So pep 1 then plus 3 = 4mth to test or pep 1m then 2 mths later test
When to test for HIV conclusively after PEP is a confusing and complex topic.
Various different health agencies and authorities publish different guidelines that recommend anything from 3 to 6 months (last time even 1 year) post exposure. Not post PEP, but post EXPOSURE.
It is basically a case of how kiasu you want to be. That is why even different doctors in Singapore will give you different advice.
According to my interpretation of the current available science and evidence, a 4th Generation HIV Combo test at 3 months post EXPOSURE for patients who have taken PEP is conclusive.
Note that still there are MORE guidelines that recommend testing up to 6 months compared to those recommending testing to 3 months.