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Old 02-05-2016, 01:06 AM
hunghingboy hunghingboy is offline
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Re: The Day I lost My Virgin

Me: sibei sexy siol ur ang kong ( tattoo) i leaned forward to touch her tattoo, slowly moving my hands to her boobs and squeeze it. took both her hands and lefted her off the bed and pump her anal doggy style. from the reflection of the mirror in the toilet, i can see her neh neh swaying up down left right centre, her eyes were closed tightly and her moaned can be heard 3 floors below. wondering if she is in pain or shiock. haha who cares?i gave her last few hard thrust of my dick, camed into her ass.

we both collapsed onto the bed with my dick still stuck in her ass. after awhile, we got up and proceed to bath.

A: pain la , stupid kuku so big.. next time cannot tu pigu, shiock but really pain. now i think i shit no need to gake ( gake in hokkien means like forced) take out pants shit come out le.

ME: haha, good ma, save ur energy.

she slaps my hand and give me the pout lips and frowning eye brows. i hugged her and assure her next time wanna anal will ask for permission first. she smiled and kissed me back and proceed to bath for me. after bathing i left her house and went to school.

Msged Y : sorry baby, overslept, coming to school now, on the way.

Y: chey, ytd too shiock right? sleep till cannot wake up. come school lor, see u at basketball court! *muackz mauckz*

Me: ok!

Took the bus to the interchange, walked to mrt station and boarded the train. what timing liao still so full... stupid train. no seats some more. shag die me.

next station, one group of 15 girls boarded the train and i got squeezed onto the glass panel, the girl in front of me is hot, her back facing me and her ass was rubbing on my dick each time the train moved off and stopped. she looked back and me and blushed. her friends were all laughing and teasing her.

girl 1 : geh geh ah, stand in front of guy, wanna bua ( rub against ) him

girl 2 : han nor, keep pretend lie onto him.

Girl in front of me : shhhh i not purpoely one la.

by now, her face was as red as tomato. suddenly the mrt did and emergency brake, she immediately fell only me, almost losing balanced and before she fell to the floor, i hugged her with my left hand hand and managed to prevent her from falling. some of the girls lost balanced and fell. there was anger and laughter at the same time in the mrt.

the girl in front of me immediately stand up and apologized profusely to me. i told her it's ok.

she looked at me with those round glistening eyes, light make up, cute lips. standing at 155cm , wearing her school t shirt carrying an outdoor back.

her friends started disturbing her again.

bunch of friends: ohhhh.... see handsome guy buey tahan liao hor....

her face was like.... wishing there was a hole she can hide into. i shifted myself to the right, led her to the glass panel and let her stand there, leaning back on the glass panel, took out my phone and passed to her.

Me: here, u owe me a meal, let's be friends.

Bunch of friends : wahhhh... guy take number from u wor... faster give ! faster give! faster give! chanting like they are going for election.

she pressed her number and saved it as B. i missed called her and told her i am mark. shook her hands and got down the train to go to school.