Re: The Day I lost My Virgin
Woke up the next day with my legs damn soft. tired to the max but had a great night. W was no where to be seen and only M was still lying naked sleeping like a baby beside me. i heard voices outside so i went to wash up and went out. june and W just came back from the market with breakfast and i set up the table with june. mostly i was setting up though, she was setting the tent in my boxers.
damn what a morning tease. W went to wake M up and after washing up, they came out of the room to see only i was sitting on the chair in the kitchen, june was already down under the table eating her own breakfast of you tiao. waiting for the dou jiang. M and W chuckled like little girls and disturbed her. saying early morning so horny and hungry .
i soon came into her mouth and she swallowed it all down and sat opposite me, blushing at her own morning horniness and we proceed to eat out breakfast. W finished hers first as she had to leave the house to go to another house for baby sitting, i went to prepare my uniform for booking in later and M helped me fold my smart 4 and also volunteered to send me to my camp by cab. i gave june a good bye kiss on her forehead before leaving the house and on the cab, i managed to get another last bj from M before booking in.
she dropped me at the outside bus stop and i walked in and i was back to reality. another boring 5 days in camp. or so i thought.
went to change into my pt kit, went downstairs to smoke. soon one by one all the army boys are booking in and my buddies soon came. we talk cock for awhile before turning in for the night.
woke up the next day by sgt kpkb downstairs shouting fall in like as though we are deaf. knn.... heng i woke up early and wash up and change le. just that hiding in toilet smoke. we went down to see a sexy babe in vest slack. army t shirt and army long pants. the way she tuck in maciam her neh neh wanna burst liao. face ok la, give 7/10 lo. without make up ma. short hair. standing at about 171. taller than me. lol. so now bros know not only my kuku short, i am short also haha.