Re: The Day I lost My Virgin
Woke up and it was around evening time. dropped W and june a message saying i was going to work again tonight. took a shower and went out to the same place.
hunch told me today something bad will happen. i told ah bee as he arrived and he told them about the bad feeling, we packed up and left the place, upon reaching main road, 2 police car went past us towards the direction of our "hangout" Bee praised me for my luck and awareness. we went to another location and set up our usual stuff and today i wasn't sitting behind the door to do security haha, i was task to do the giving out of cards. wah lao stress. seeing those stacks of money on the table.
bee: do what u can, win lose nvm no stress
me : huh, mai la, i guard door better
bee: they wanna see new hand new face.
me : later l
bee: diam, dun say the words, just give out cards and play.
i calm myself down and started shuffling and giving out the cards. it was a game of si ki pit. 4 cards. smallest point in front biggest points behind. best is 4 of the same or 2 pairs. soon i got hold of the game. not necessary always 9 must be behind. sometimes in front 7 points behind 7 points, also can run. really need to squeeze the brain juice.
slowly i was cheating, haha i dun wanna explain but i won alot that night. bee whispered in my ears sometimes must let them win abit. lol. i did that for like 2 hours and my pile was stacking high, bee took everything and left about 10k and ask the next guy to be the banker.
i followed him to a room where i saw the lady last night, obviously high on drugs and dancing sexily, in the room was another 2 guys higher rank than bee. 3 of them counted the winnings and bee walked over with one small stack.
bee : this 20k is yours, spend wisely. next time dun so obvious
me : orh
guy a : not bad ah, young young know all these tricks
guy b : eh small boy, u like my wife ah, keep looking.
bee : see what? that one is ppl wife
me : huh
shit i was lost. i dunno how to ans.
me : orh no, i errr
guy b : err what? eh bee, u never teach ur gina, steal brother wife is what consequences ah?
me : huh no, bee, i remember this jie jie ytd got come, got give me tips. i just find her familiar. u know me de bee, i got gf liao.
bee : oh ya, ytd ah ming jie got come ma, maybe she give tips then just now he never see her outside la. paiseh bro.
guy b : orh, aiya, see see nvm, she dun gamble, she only deliver drugs and money.
me : orh. yes da ge
guy a and b : here no da ge xiao dii, all brother. ah bee is my cousin also my brother, his problem is my problem. u wan girl u ask ah ming jie intro u but wait for her to wake up, she like to seh one.
me : huh no need la. i wan money more haha. i got gf le.
the mood finally lightened up and guy a came over with another 5k and hand it to me.
guy a : today u pang gang liao. go home rest. bee come, lets go lim
bee : oi, u wanna lim anot
guy b : he got gf one mai la. small boy
guy a : ai mai? ai come
the 4 of us left the place after bee gave some instructions to them. ah ming jie was left alone in the room and we 4 head down to take a cab to some ulu old hotel.