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Old 23-02-2007, 04:25 PM
vkoolboi vkoolboi is offline
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

I only share with newbies whom I feel are genuine. Lau Jiao like yourself have contacts of your own already. If you start the ball rolling with your fellow lau Jiaos, I think this forum will have more information and less flaming.

Besides, I don't want to be accused of earning commission or that the gals are in my fold or I am helping to advertise them to earn some kickbacks or some other nonsense accusations and then later got threats and death warrants. Too many of these in the forum already. One of the bros has sent me the story of his version. See until I damn scared, just not sure whether what he say is true but I think there is some smoke lah.

I just help newbies by giving them the recommendations of bro who give me the contact and specifically, no mention of names of who introduce so that we don't get accused of commission type of problem. Also, I tell newbie bros that they have to check with the gals on the service and negotiate price on their own and book only for one night for a start. Book more nights only if they are satisfied. Like that still can be accused of hidden agenda?

BTW, these gals are in the farm and bros contact them by going directly to the farm to view the gals. No mention of introducer and no need to tell me their real names and when they are going. Own time, own target.

I already do my best to prevent problem of commission and hidden agenda and don't know what accusations will be thrown at me. Like that still get zapped by Bo Lan Jiao people who only dare to talk lan jiao way. Very hard to be a good bro to newbies when I am surrounded by powerful bo lan jiao gang people.

Originally Posted by TD0620G View Post
Since you have not tried them yourself, your recommendations are not validated. Blind leading the blind will still go to the wrong direction. If you are indeed willing to share then post your recommendations in the open so that more experienced bros can check whether those are correct recommendations or ones that come with hidden agendas.