I not calling people lan jiao lang just because they zap. Not easy to become a low scam insecure bully with a big ego and low inferiority complex. Only a few amongst the many people can achieve that lah. Those who achieve that are the real lan jiao lan. Those who zap lan jiao lang with big mouth and no value add output are what I term as private heroes.
No worries, not easy for anyone to qualify as lan jiao lang but those who qualifies (eg. zap bros who help newbies), they are definitely very special people.
If you want free bonks, no problem lah. When we meet in hatyai next time, I buy you one free bonk and you promise me to use your power in future only to up heroes and down lang jiao lang ok? If you can't tell who is who, I direct you but will definitely put down nick when you zap. Swee boh, help you to exchange your pts for a bonk.
Originally Posted by TD0620G
Calling ppl lan jiao definately won't earn you any favours. Even I got zapped also by dickless people who do not dare to leave their nicks... points cannot earn you free bonks so don't worry about that.