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Old 01-08-2024, 10:29 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Weekends were still Diablo+sex, with the occasional Alicia thrown in. As much as I shied away from girl-on-girl action previously, I actually enjoyed being with Alicia. Maybe it was the talking, the naked cuddling. Or maybe I didn't have that long a history with her as I did with April, but I openly welcomed Alicia into my sex life and otherwise.

So June came and went. I thought I might write about my birthday, and how all the talk of them being able to top last year's birthday. But nah, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Crabs and zhichar dishes were ordered. The other guys didn't come over this year though. I was very much hoping to have Mark and EoS over. Even April didn't pop by this year, not that I really wanted her over anyway. It just meant I'd have to share my husband and FWB with her too.

The only difference this year was Alicia, who came over to eat, and spent the night on the sofa cuddling with me, watching TV and eating ice cream, and not once dragging Mike or Tom from their game to entertain us. So yeah. I guess I did get fucked by Alicia on my birthday after all.

The next public holiday came and went, nothing happened. There was no BBQ, no potluck, no hotpot, basically no gathering from the usual group. It kind of made me wonder what was going on with them. As usual, I rarely texted Mark other than the usual what's up, how are you doing kind of stuff, but his replies were rather short as expected. According to Alicia, he spent every single moment at home attending to Jasmine's needs. Apparently, she had horrible morning sickness that carried on into the afternoon and night. So Alicia, the legal homeowner now, was actually considering moving out. I could tell she was somehow hurting from all of this. But surely there had to be some sort of discussion amongst them? I mean, what if Alicia was the one who got pregnant instead? Would Mark be taking care of her instead of Jasmine? I guess that was something we'd never find out.

July was a horrible month for me. No hires had been made to fill the obvious staffing gaps in the company, and one by one, senior management started leaving as well.

As I write this on the last day of the month, I am actually wondering how much longer I'd have before I am asked to leave the company. Not that I'm doing a bad job or anything, but when so many people are leaving, it kind of makes you wonder what's up?

A quick chat with my finance manager a couple of days ago as I needed approval for a requisition didn't throw up any red flags though. As far as he was concerned, his reporting officer leaving might mean a promotion was on the way. But who knows.

For now, there's no major updates in my life or anyone else's for that matter.

I guess I'll be back when something new happens.