Comparison Between Surgical Abortion and Medical Abortion with Mifeprex™, or Methotrexate, with Misoprostol
PregnancyOptions.info: A Workbook of Options including Abortion, Adoption and Birth.
12. How will I be affected emotionally?
No matter which method you choose, it's important to be sure of your decision. No one should be forcing you or pressuring you into any decision about pregnancy. If you have strong doubts about what is right for you, take the time to consider your choices, even if that means you will not be eligible for a medical abortion. Counseling or further thinking may help. The great majority of women do not regret their decision or have serious depression after an abortion. Of course you may have a variety of feelings, as you would about any important life decision.
Mifeprex™ with misoprostol:
• Some women are anxious waiting for the abortion process to complete.
• Viewing the pregnancy tissue may be difficult.
Methotrexate with misoprostol:
• Some women are anxious waiting for the abortion process to complete.
• Viewing the pregnancy tissue may be difficult.
Vacuum Aspiration:
• Some women are anxious in a medical setting or with the idea of surgery.