Re: TCSS Discussion about Sex from Retired Samsters
Originally Posted by l3atu
My first time was real funny....
I went with my frens to GL and each of us booked a Thai gal for overnite = $130. I was told to strip and get into the shower with the gal, but I was sooooo paisey dat I wrap a towel ard me when in the shower. My gal was giggling throughout our shower coz my face was damn red from blushing...
We then proceed to the bed and when she tried to give me a BJ, I jump out of the bed immediately coz at dat time, I din know wats a BJ...thought she gonna bite and gobble up my didi. My gal was luffing so hard dat all my frens who are just next door came to see wats happening....end up all luffing at me. 
How abt telling us more about the time you took a trip to riau islands and got caught up with a hairy (armpit) monster??
Neber Assume, Caz it'll make an ASS out of U and ME.