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Old 24-09-2014, 12:39 AM
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Re: Passport stamping

Originally Posted by destined_me View Post
Hi guys,

Is there anyway that passport stamping can be avoided @ immigration ? Sorry if it's kind of weird question but I am going in coming week or so and would prefer not to have it.

thanks in adv,
I dont think a passport stamp can be avoided as it is consider travelling out of Singapore.
Old 24-09-2014, 12:41 AM
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Re: Happy in Batam (#6 - Saturday)

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
(Follows from Happy in Batam (#5 - Friday p2)

I was used to think and repeat in many reports that Saturday is the best night at NoName. No, I must correct myself. The best night is Friday, not Saturday.

Saturday is the most crowded night. The place is packed since before midnight. Yes, there are many sexy girls, not only those working at pubs who patronize this place on weekdays after their pub closes at 1am/2am, but also many regular girls who come here to have fun after a week of hard work at their office. But, and this is the bad point, also many handsome young bule craving as me for all this young goodness. The ratio between men and woman is approaching a disappointing 50%.

It was not like this some years ago, on my first visit to this island. Then, most bule were old, yet considered attractive by many girls. Now, there has been an influx of expats, coming here for work in one of the many companies active on international trade. The economy is booming, and this is just one of its effects.

Saturday night, I find myself facing the competition of many young handsome European or Australian guys, who would be considered sexy in Europe, imagine here for the local girls. In short: for the majority of local girls in NoName, I am not seen as Brad Pitt anymore.
I am just one of many, and not certainly the most handsome.

At 1am, I understand that there are no decent girls available for me. All good ones have company. I stand sipping my drink, and I don't know what to do. Oh no, I can recover. I send a message to R, my beloved R. She replies immediately that she's in Newton with a friend, but she will come to NoName for me. Such a lovely girl. She shows up in 10 minutes, looking excessive as always with her highest heels, black ultra-short dress, green contact lenses, hair extension, sexy as hell.
She grabs the attention of all bule immediately. Many try to involve her in dancing, before I manage to reach her pushing the crowd and I pull her away with me.

We don't stay long in NoName. She wants me to go to Chili Bar, where she was working months ago. She wants to sing a song in the KTV for me. I am bored, till she begins singing: the Titanic theme "My Heart Will Go On" of Celine Dion. Ooowww! Her voice is weak but well tuned, sweetest. She sings keeping her eyes on mine. OMG, I almost start to shed tears!

We move to Newton, but we don't stay long also there. We go back to my room.
Believe it or not, we were naked in bed till 12am next morning, just hugging and sleeping. No sex. Just hugging her soft but firm body.

(Follows to Happy in Batam (#7 - Sunday) )
I dont believe no sex. But then again, tell me more. Interestingly looking forward.
Old 24-09-2014, 01:26 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi bros, finally have some time to plan a trip! Thinking of going this friday 26-09 late. I'm thinking of checking out the disco/noname this time round. But from what bro BP describe, it sounds like a dead end at noname for me: don't look like Brad Pitt (I'm asian), don't look like Jay Chou (cannot rap), don't look like Jack Ma (no 25billion in bank).

Also thinking of checking out ktv scene in batam. Any bro wanna join in for disco/noname and ktv? Ktv if you don't mind my singing lo.

Full disclosure: i'm not old bird. So kena chop don't blame me hor. PM me if interested.
Old 24-09-2014, 02:22 AM
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Re: Happy in Batam (#6 - Saturday)

Originally Posted by pleasurehobby View Post
I dont believe no sex. But then again, tell me more. Interestingly looking forward.
Interesting also looking backward: she is the girl mentioned this week in
Happy in Batam (1)
Happy in Batam (Day 3: Sunday)
besides many reports I posted in 2014.

I met her the first time almost one year ago, almost completed. Since then, I spent hours chatting on WhatsApp almost everyday for the first months.
She is my beloved one and I trust her totally, in spite of her young age but hard past already. She's a veteran already in Batam, passed through brothels and Newton, pubs, and now more relaxed FL, but she's a real doll. She gets easily 1M-2M from Singaporeans who have her on their "friends list".
She had not much from her life, and I am happy to make her smile when I can.
She slept with me more than once without asking any money.
She shocked me the first night, one year ago, when I found her in Newton and after hours of dancing came to sleep with me. In the morning, she told me she did not want any money from me, in spite of her being "pelacur", because I treated her nicely.
I left 400k in her purse without her seeing it: not so much to be a normal customer, not so little to be ridiculous or offending.

Last edited by Black Page; 24-09-2014 at 02:42 AM.
Old 24-09-2014, 09:20 AM
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Re: Happy in Batam (#6 - Saturday)

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
In the morning, she told me she did not want any money from me, in spite of her being "pelacur",

4's Good

Sometimes, a good night with a good companion in a good room with a good bed are enough for them.

Sometimes, a heart folded $10 Sing Dollar are more powerful then a $100 Sing or a Juta Rupiah.

Well i said sometimes..
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 24-09-2014, 01:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
This is Nono1973's way to say "RTFF!": two pages of detailed step-by-step instructions!
Always helping
What's the meaning of RTFF?

There is a popular sentence in almost every part of the threads in this part of the forum (Int'l FR Forum) whenever newbie ask a question. That is :

"Please read the previous pages of the thread."

My personal view,i do not like to use this popular verse. I do not like to provide the fish on a plate ready for newbie either,becos they cant learn much this way and their understanding to the answers given will be limited. I have been thru the "being a very newbie" phase 7 months ago,i can understand the urge for asking for information and temptation of expecting to be provided for.So instead of providing all the information,i offer a fishing rod to help them learn to fish for information here.And if that is learned,it would benefits almost everybody.Another reason is,the answers for the questions is indeed going to be very long if i were to be the one answering them,hence i provide the "fishing rod" instead.

Originally Posted by nescafeGold View Post
Tutup mean Closed
Thank you. I learn from Kaha that Buka means Open. So can i safely say if a shop is close,they put out a sign that say "Tutup",like they say for Buka?

Originally Posted by nescafeGold View Post
The most patience and respected helpful man on this thread.. hat-off..
Very much often,people in the thread will says that newbies spoil the market by over-paying for services and tipping too much becos most who go to Batam feels like King/Prince due to the currency conversion. After reading the thread a few times,i realise most newbies do not even know they are doing that.The worse is, after getting chopped ,they can still come back to the forum and brag that they have a good bonk by paying ultra high premium price whereby most seniors would get nearly the same thing for a much smaller fraction.And this greatly annoyed nearly everyone who frequent Batam. So,while i am still a newbie,i write out my experience and collect informations from the 1000 plus pages of info from this thread,hopefully it will educate the new comers going Batam,point out their would-be mistakes (which i also made) and help them understand basic Batam 1st. More importantly,don't make mistakes that others already made.

Very much often,newbies ask a very basic question regarding Batam and not many wish to answer them or most of those who answer them just give them half-bake answers becos the same questions has been answered too many time over the last 1800 over pages. So my guide now becomes a reference for those who ask very basic questions. I only need to answer them once by referring them to my guide and they will source further for answers there if they are really interested. More advance questions which are not in my guide can then be ask in this thread again whereby i believe the more senior bros here will be more delighted to answer them to the best of their knowledge too.

Once in a while,there will also be bros who will complain about the rising bonking cost in Batam Booking joint/KTVs/Pubs/MP and their ever dropping standard in service. But i believe urging others for a mass boycott is not a solution. Educating and showing them in a convenient way for the right price to pay is, eg: 1)always bargain, 2)having the self control to say "no" for over pricing during a bargain, 3)having updated knowledge of market rates/pricing etc etc. The daily discussion already provide that,but as the thread move too fast with occasional out of topic discussion,one needs to learn to use the "Search this Thread" button to get the details. I'm still learning as this thread move along.

Gradual rising cost of bonking is inevitable in Batam,but having the sharing of the latest updates,knowledge of the basics and exercising some self-control at the convenience of under one roof can surely slow it down.

There is another stupid method to slow down the rise of Batam cheonging prices tho,that is to earn a higher salary than one used to earn.If i earn S$1000/mth in 2011 and batam takes up S$200 of my cheonging expenses which is 20% of my salary per month,and in 2014 i happen to earn S$2000,and even if Batam cost of cheonging increase from S$200 to S$300 ,it is only taking up 15% of my salary.Like i say,it's a stupid solution but i am looking at solutions from all angles starting from myself 1st.

At this point,i believe those who are reading this post will know by now that i am not addressing this post to bro Nescafegold's quotes anymore,hehehe.... Sorry for being long-winded...and thank you if you are reading.

Heading to Batam soon and wish everyone have a good day ahead!

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 24-09-2014, 02:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

sharing some KTV info, this is for those bros who cant find lady in joint and in need of plan B

alishan KTV - in formosa hotel(i think most of us should know ba) - damg 1.1m+

golden view hotel - @basement KTV(dont know what the name) - damg 1.2m+

I hotel - 2nd floor KTV(open concept, bo room de) - damg 1.5m+

M1 - totally no ideas - maybe trying this weekend(will get back to you guys)

all the above is i go before de(most of the ladys should be <30, how fun is up to you and her liao), other rest of the KTV i got no ideas, when i try out liao, will update and post

hope this help(the rest is up to you guys to explore liao)
Old 24-09-2014, 03:21 PM
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Re: Passport stamping

Originally Posted by pleasurehobby View Post
I dont think a passport stamp can be avoided as it is consider travelling out of Singapore.
You can apply for a pass, if you have a company sponsoring you. Valid for one year. No need to que at immigration.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 24-09-2014, 04:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

After my previous post. I know some agree with me and some disagree with me.But everytime i go bed to sleep, i always think about it. Why some don,t agree with me.

My final conclusions is that i am really in the wrong. The price increase is actually a must. For the boss, working girls, ,the worker and the police. They really need money to feed their mouth. If no increase, all will eat worms. Further more our sing dollars is so powerful. Is just a peanut to us. And one more is the ojek, also can earn higher commision to pay for their fuel.

But ,i notice one guy here still haven,t learn from my mistake . Like to teach people self control and to bargain with the price. Bargain for what ? The boss no need pay rent is it? The girls no need eat or sent some money back home is it? Self control to say "no". Wait got some bro say waste 40+ dollar and diy ? Better do it at home. Self control for what. I million 1 million lah, Some bro will say, just pay it . No need self control.

Hope the guy after seeing this will change his mindset and no more Bargain with the price lah. Gentlement a little bit will make everybody happy. Think of the poor girl open leg big big and get peanuts and you still want bargain. Batam joints is not a vegetable market.

I no need to introduce this guy and i believe most of you will know him.
Actually i believe he is a nice and helpful guy. But sometime want open mouth also must think then open. Don,t anyhow shoot.
Old 24-09-2014, 04:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by HelloWAH View Post

My final conclusions is that i am really in the wrong. The price increase is actually a must. For the boss, working girls, ,the worker and the police. They really need money to feed their mouth. If no increase, all will eat worms. Further more our sing dollars is so powerful. Is just a peanut to us. And one more is the ojek, also can earn higher commision to pay for their fuel.

But ,i notice one guy here still haven,t learn from my mistake . Like to teach people self control and to bargain with the price. Bargain for what ? The boss no need pay rent is it? The girls no need eat or sent some money back home is it? Self control to say "no". Wait got some bro say waste 40+ dollar and diy ? Better do it at home. Self control for what. I million 1 million lah, Some bro will say, just pay it . No need self control.

RELAX Friend.

You have the right to your own opinion. Bargaining is part of indo culture, just in case you dono.

As for self control, when it comes to entertainment, you just let it go when you want to have fun, why talk about control?

If you have the means to have fun, go ahead. If you need to borrow to BONK. I think you have a problem. Then you need to have some control. No money to eat, still want to borrow to bonk. DIY lah.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 24-09-2014, 05:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fu3rzas View Post
sharing some KTV info, this is for those bros who cant find lady in joint and in need of plan B

M1 - totally no ideas - maybe trying this weekend(will get back to you guys)
M1 - 1.6juta

If this saturday nite you saw a big group (more than 12 Bros) in M1, they are from this thread
Old 24-09-2014, 05:55 PM
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HelloWAH HelloWAH HelloWAH
Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
RELAX Friend.

As for self control, when it comes to entertainment, you just let it go when you want to have fun, why talk about control?
If you need to borrow to BONK. I think you have a problem. Then you need to have some control. No money to eat, still want to borrow to bonk. DIY lah.
You actually think i am referring to you?
When i saw your reply, i nearly laugh until my stomach cramp.
Old 24-09-2014, 07:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
M1 - 1.6juta

If this saturday nite you saw a big group (more than 12 Bros) in M1, they are from this thread
Old 24-09-2014, 08:04 PM
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Re: Passport stamping

Originally Posted by destined_me View Post
Hi guys,

Is there anyway that passport stamping can be avoided @ immigration ? Sorry if it's kind of weird question but I am going in coming week or so and would prefer not to have it.

thanks in adv,
Mayb u r a bankruptee who wanna go out of singapore without apply premission from your OA...
Once u leave singapore custom, your particular will be recorded irregardless ur passport is stamped or not when u at oversea or even if u go for a cruise to nowhere.. dun play with the law if u r a singaporean ok.. not worthwhile.. if u not from Singapore, plz forget wat i say haha
Old 24-09-2014, 08:36 PM
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Smile Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
M1 - 1.6juta

If this saturday nite you saw a big group (more than 12 Bros) in M1, they are from this thread
Bro nd, what is the room number..? Or you guys sit at the open hall or level one live music..? Heard the level one cannot sleep, worry surprises come.
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