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Old 03-10-2015, 03:35 AM
SuperFAT SuperFAT is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

This is a late FR from my first ever batam virgin trip earlier this month.

Do take note. This is a wall-of-text. Dont zapzap me pls.

10.30am Head down directly to harbourfront and bought a 2 way ferry ticket to batam center. - $48 bucks

12pm - Ferry left on time from harbourfront center and reached batam center in less than 50 mins. Pretty fast.

Took a taxi to hotel. 70k (felt abit tio chop but bo bian. too tired.Previous night working OT till 9am)

Checked into DaVienna Hotel. booked online the very morning @ $42 SGD per room. Quick and fast check-in. Room is very clean as hotel is very new i think. Heard from taxi driver its around 3 months old. Bed very cosy and soft.

Met my friend at the lobby after we done some cleaning up around 2pm. As we are new to this choing scene, we have no clue where to go, so we decided to seek advice from the local taxi driver, quite a risk, but wasnt too bad.

Driver drove us to Indah2/MM(side by side) walked into MM, around 15 girls sitting on the sofa, quoted 800k - 1.2mil. My friend took a girl from MM. While i went next door to Indah2.

Once step in, saw a slim cewek, wa tio gongtao already. Asked papi how much, he quote 2mil. I went omg. I think that driver told him we first time. I firmly ask for 1mil i walked out. He requote 1.5mil, i asked 1.2mil, he say cannot reduce anymore. bo bian took up 1.5mil

So we left our number and hotel room number with the papis, paid and left. Told the papi to send to our room at 8pm as we want to have a massage and dinner.

Told the driver to drop us at Nagoya Mall as we know there might be some decent, good massage in the area. While driving in, we saw Secret SPA. Decided to give a try, and damn its good! i had a really great massage as my body was aching for quite sometime. Cant remember the price for 2hours, i think is 360k. Which is pretty cheap compared to 2hours in Singapore.

After massage, walked to nagoya mall for dinner. Had ayam penyet, veryyy nice. bought some water, chips, sweets and most important condoms.

Return back to room at 7pm, washed up and lie on bed ready to recieve the girls.

8pm reached, but the girls haven show up. start to panic. i posted on this thread asking the bros here what to do if the girls are late. thankfully to bro muimui quick respond, i called the papi and then i know the taxi driver stood up on me. he didnt go and pick them up. the papi asked another driver drive them to our hotel. lucky no extra charge.

The girls reached around 8.30pm.

Once my girl enter my room, was flag pole already got reaction already. Thinking i am going to bang this girl later.
Standard SOP, chitchat abit, shower and i smoke while waiting for her to shower.(she doesnt want to shower together, which is something i like to do)

After 1 shot, her pattern starts to come already.

Suddenly while lying on bed, she say she hungry, say she haven eat dinner. So i asked her if she wants to order room service, she say dont want, she want to go buy satay and eat. As i had a very heavy dinner and pretty tired due to lack of sleep, i told her to go ahead and go down to have her dinner on her own.

She went down in a split seconds but at the same time reassure me that she will not run away as her bag is kept in my room.

20 mins later, she return without any food. I am suspicious as she said she is going to buy and return, but she came back with nothing. She told me she ate at the stall as dont want to bring back, not nice.

I feel horny again and asked from round2. She is reluctant at the start but after i start taking out her panties she conceded to my request. But the 2nd round she is as dead as a fish, suddenly a change of personality from the 1st round. Got a feeling that her patterns starts to come out already. After bursting my load on her breast, she quickly went to the toilet to wash up. While waiting for her, her phone keep ringing.

After she got out of the room, she asked me if she can go off early, her family got some problem. she sounded serious, so i let her go. she beg me not to tell her papi. i agreed.

Next morning, went down to have breakfast at the hotel. Breakfast spread was good, with wide choices. Then my friend and his girl came down and joined me. His girl told me that, my girl texted her, say that she went go disco after she left my room.

Thats the problem of being too nice and naive. Guess that i will have to learn my lesson. lol

So after breakfast, went for another round of massage and back to SG!

Total Spending:
Transport - $48 + $20
Hotel - $42
Girl - $150
Food - $20
Massage - $60

Total damage - $310 for 2D1N + 2x Massage Trip

I feel the cost can be cut down more. and kind bros can give me advice where i did wrong? or i should improve? Hahhaa

Thanks all the bros for the kind advice here and at least my newbie trip wasnt so bad i feel.

Hope to have more of such trips, looking at at least once every 2months. At the same time, PLS DO HOPE more bros can show some more guidance for me as i am new to this choing scene!!

Have a great weekend all!
Old 03-10-2015, 09:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Eating wantan mee now at instar hotel, was chatting with the wantan mee boss just he just got back from jodoh market. Showed me the vegetables that he had just bought.

Caixin = 1kg 3k rp, yes it's 3,000 rupiah. He even tell me it's only sg 30 cents

Donna what veg = also 1kg for 3k rp

Smelly bean = 1kg usually 70k rp but today he got it for 30k rp for 1kg

Perhaps should really plan to retire in batam in the future

PS: His daughter forgot to bring back his bakso (meatball), now he is rushing back to the market.. LOL
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 03-10-2015, 10:25 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Eating wantan mee now at instar hotel, was chatting with the wantan mee boss just he just got back from jodoh market. Showed me the vegetables that he had just bought.

Caixin = 1kg 3k rp, yes it's 3,000 rupiah. He even tell me it's only sg 30 cents

Donna what veg = also 1kg for 3k rp

Smelly bean = 1kg usually 70k rp but today he got it for 30k rp for 1kg

Perhaps should really plan to retire in batam in the future

PS: His daughter forgot to bring back his bakso (meatball), now he is rushing back to the market.. LOL
That is why wantan mee, for example, can sell for less than S$2. Sg can never catch up with such low prices...
Old 03-10-2015, 12:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by morrowmate View Post
First if all, thank you to ask the bros putting all this knowledge together. In my country it is even more expensive than SG to go mongering.
Well,for what i know,nearly all 3rd world Asia countries are cheaper when it comes to mongering if compare to Sillypore or most 1st world land. There will be those who prefer to pay 1st world price in a 3rd country tho which may equates to spoiling the market. The tendency is people do compare,they felt big and very much cheaper in Batam comparing to most part of 1st world land where they came from. You may ask,who defines the market then? My answer,the majority locals in the respective 3rd world land.

There will definitely be countries with higher/lower mongering rate compared to the country you came from,but is that what you truly want,to one day having to pay similar or higher rate than where you come from? History has taught us that IT will happen. Whatever goes around will always comes around.

My most recent comparison between today's spending versus that of 12 over years ago in Batam.

Its not exactly a fair comparison tho,but still as i say,everyone has a different standard of comparison. And those were mine.

Originally Posted by morrowmate View Post
I will be going to SG and batam for some week deserved RnR next weekend. This is my first trip so there's much to learn on how not to be a carrot. I'll post up a full report on the adventure.
More importantly,you need to enjoy your trip,everyone has a different level of enjoyment. As for the full report thingy,i'll pass. Many "man" here claims their will to share a report (it doesnt have to be very detail),but very little has what it takes to fulfil their own words.

There is much to learn on a place to monger if everyone were to share positively,therefore i mainly reply to positive (and/or informative) postings. And yours happen to be one of them.

Originally Posted by morrowmate View Post
Nono is like a patron saint of cheongsters and I will study your posts religiously between now and my trip.
Thank you. I always count myself as a novice in Batam. Someone who knows something,but yet very little on most and am considered still on a learning stage. Hence the summaries you see were more like a diary of my travel in Batam where i keep a record of things i experienced. When i need to retrieve certain information,i simply flip back.

I also consolidate most information in this thread for my easier future trip reference too. I am no saint,as a matter of fact,i kind of "steal" those information from others,collect them and archive it in a vault (posted together in one single posting) and thats where people has the tendency to mistook the information were originated from me which in fact isnt.

Info credits goes to the senior bros who shared and contributed in this thread and others in other forums/sites. And i wish you will have a blessed and enjoyable upcoming Batam trip.


Side note : Get the basic right 1st and take baby step a time. Do not skip step 1 and 2 if you think you are new.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 03-10-2015, 02:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

The open air market at jodoh really sell things very cheap. Assisi can go Avava for jln2. Stuff there very cheap too, ascend can sometimes bump into booking ceweks buying cheong perfume there...
Old 03-10-2015, 05:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

(''''''''''Caixin = 1kg 3k rp, yes it's 3,000 rupiah. He even tell me it's only sg 30 cents

Donna what veg = also 1kg for 3k rp

Smelly bean = 1kg usually 70k rp but today he got it for 30k rp for 1kg

Perhaps should really plan to retire in batam in the future '''''''''''''')

Even local say things is cheap in batam. Only the bloody chicken price is up by the okt to carrot the stupid idiot bro here. I still remember got a few idiot say batam food is expensive now. Expensive only because you are an idiot carrot. For local is still not expensive at all.

Weak currency got impact is only if you go oversea. If in your own country, how weak your currency also make not much difference. Everything also the same.

Up my points if what i say is true. Thanks.
Old 03-10-2015, 07:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
The open air market at jodoh really sell things very cheap. Assisi can go Avava for jln2. Stuff there very cheap too, ascend can sometimes bump into booking ceweks buying cheong perfume there...
You went Jodoh market in the day or night? I heard it's more of a night market? Anyway, I'm so going to it next week!!!!
Old 03-10-2015, 07:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Espada View Post
You went Jodoh market in the day or night? I heard it's more of a night market? Anyway, I'm so going to it next week!!!!
The Jodoh market is open in the early evening,few hours before sun sets. More like a pasan malam kind of layout you see in Sillypore. According to some locals,the place isnt exactly quite safe for tourists. Its a likely place where you can find your missing luggage/hp/laptops etc if you happen to lose them anywhere in Batam.

I avoid the Jodoh market area when the sun is completely set unless i am in a vehicle drive thru. Beware of pickpockets and locals moving in group tho. For me,there are cheaper and better places to shop.

Perspective from a kiasi (afraid to die) person.

Take care and good luck.

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Old 03-10-2015, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Espada View Post
You went Jodoh market in the day or night? I heard it's more of a night market? Anyway, I'm so going to it next week!!!!
Day time is like vegetable market. The goods such as vegetables, fruits etc will be spread out on the ground and / or table. Night time is where the roadside stalls selling merchandise are open. Both, prices equally affordable.
Old 03-10-2015, 07:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Day time is like vegetable market. The goods such as vegetables, fruits etc will be spread out on the ground and / or table. Night time is where the roadside stalls selling merchandise are open. Both, prices equally affordable.
I also read that there are pickpockets there. I'd like to visit the wet market early in the morning where the fresh seafood are sold. Hmmm.... now I wonder if I should go or not.
Old 03-10-2015, 07:56 PM
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I'm going to visit tomm day time , if anyone interested can join me. Probably will return Monday morning.
Old 03-10-2015, 08:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Most importantly,i took this opportunity to walk through almost exactly based on my Beginner's Guide for 1st Time Batam Visitor to test its efficiency. (still works fine)

The only summary i can write for this solo trip is fuck all day,fuck all night and massage till my body "refueled",hehehe...

RTF? Hell YES!!


A tiny announcement to bros in this thread who knows me in person:

I already got my hp back from where i left off in my last trip.

And i am back.
Nowday u diam diam go btm solo har,nvr jio.

Good 2 hear u enjoying & got yr hp back,nw u no excuse no text me wen u in btm.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Perspective from a kiasi (afraid to die) person.
Day timing no need worrie lah,unless 1 group of many ceweks coming rubbing their neh neh against u saying kor kor,kor kor ,abang abang when u shopping there,then u better careful yr wallet kena pigpocket by the ceweks. Pigpocket not nehcelly is man or boy 1 hor. Snatch teeth aso must careful,watch out 4 motorbite moving nearing u if u carry bag. No wear flashy & bringing valuable can liao. Be alert in yr surrounding.
Old 03-10-2015, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Espada View Post
I also read that there are pickpockets there. I'd like to visit the wet market early in the morning where the fresh seafood are sold. Hmmm.... now I wonder if I should go or not.
This, you will have to decide for yourself. Despite all the talks about pickpockets here and there, whether during taking minibus or going through crowded places, I've never been pickpocketed before. The only ones who are able to get money out of my pocket are those girls that I've booked.. haha.. just be careful and it should be fine.
Old 04-10-2015, 02:46 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Quote Bro NoNO

"There are also so many fish farm too. One of strangest thing i found out in Batam was there is actually a PIG farm...hmm...looks like Batam is rather rich in its agriculture. Sorry if i sound like a frog in the well as to date, i do not know Batam well enough."

pulau bulan - about 30min boat ride from main batam island is the ONLY ava approved pig farm that supplies fresh pork to sillypore.the farm is run by Salim group - own by sudono salim a.k.a Liem Sioe Liong(1916 - 2012); Suharto's golf buddy. whose interest includes: Indofood(indo mie), bank Bca, bogasari flour, indomobil,djarum cig, unilever,indocement etc.....
Old 04-10-2015, 09:06 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I bought BatamPos newspaper and wanted to see what kind of businesses are available for sale. Felt like buying a business and let the Batam locals run the show. But now I don't understand Bahasa and feel like learning from scratch or just use Google Translate to do the communication with locals.
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