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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 01-04-2011, 11:07 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by boombang789 View Post

Anyway, those uninvited how can you chase them away the next time? I'm nice enough to give $20 at the end of the day (and she has the cheek to ask for another $10, this time I got quite pissed and told her that I did not ask her to sit down. Don't even know her name, kinda busty and wear glasses like 傻大姐, just watch out for this bitch). Others I keep it to the market rate of $30 to $50, depending on how long they sit with me.

Oh well, quite an eye opener for me, don't mind dropping by again and hopefully hit on some chio ones but so far have not spotted any hot babes.
Originally Posted by abrams75 View Post
Bro, those uninvited MMs that refuse to leave...just tell the waitress or the captain and they will do the rest...I rather keep the last 20 buck then to give to the is not been mean but rather it should be logically to well spend our $$ constructively then just waste on those "MM"....
As mentioned in other threads, These are extremely aggressive and die-hard moths. Normally I will tell these moths: Please don't make me say "No" twice. If they still not leaving and die-hard thick skin trying to ruba or protest or sob stories? Then get service staffs to "invite" them to leave.

Btw, if they tell you: "I have sat with you before" or "see you before", you can tell them: "Then you should be able to remember that I asked you to leave the room previously" Don't ever allow these CMI moths to ruin your night cos time is precious in sessions as we might missed out good gems while wasting time with these moths. Of cos, good ones are really butterflies.
Old 01-04-2011, 11:14 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by boombang789 View Post
Anyway, those uninvited how can you chase them away the next time? I'm nice enough to give $20 at the end of the day (and she has the cheek to ask for another $10, this time I got quite pissed and told her that I did not ask her to sit down. Don't even know her name, kinda busty and wear glasses like 傻大姐, just watch out for this bitch). Others I keep it to the market rate of $30 to $50, depending on how long they sit with me.
Bro, take some time to read this thread, you will find out about the "art" of rejection which has been discussed many times.

If you learnt how to say "NO", you dont even need to pay $20 to get rid of them.

Anyway got one time my friend also pestered by this 傻大姐. She kept hugging my friend and refused to go out. Ended up we had to gang up and ask her to get lost.
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Old 01-04-2011, 11:21 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
Hi Bro yangguo, good evening to you. Early session today huh?
Seriously, I have not been to Peach Centre for quite some time.

Nowadays hanging out at one small KTV along Jalan Besar. Lots of SYT Viets there.

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
As mentioned in other threads, These are extremely aggressive and die-hard moths. Normally I will tell these moths: Please don't make me say "No" twice. If they still not leaving and die-hard thick skin trying to ruba or protest or sob stories? Then get service staffs to "invite" them to leave.
Bro IK, I know you will be replying to bro boombang's posting. You are always so helpful.. Haha
~~~ 多长本事,少长脾气 ~~~
Old 01-04-2011, 11:26 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Good evening to all grandmaster here
Old 01-04-2011, 11:27 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Bro yangguo, Thanks. Haha..just trying to share some mothballs tips
Old 01-04-2011, 11:34 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Guessed a lot of those die hard ones are from the likes of BS, New Shanghai, they are used to push doors and persistent in wanting you to let them sit down. At the end of the day, either tell them off straight in the face, or tell them ' you can sit all you want, but I will not give you any tips at all'.
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Old 02-04-2011, 03:38 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by yangguo View Post
Bro IK, I know you will be replying to bro boombang's posting. You are always so helpful.. Haha

i hv learnt alot frm his wise words & sharing of his experience.

me also din go CD recently. kindly miss my gers: Ming Ming, Xiu Xiu & Ai Ling.

"Happy-Go-Lucky! Life is short~ Work Smart, PLAY HARD!"

as of 01-01-2012. Anything, pm me...
Old 02-04-2011, 04:42 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by YDJR View Post
Yes! yes! Who are you,bro? Don't tell me you are also one of their victims.
Hahaha…bro, you and your buddy really hit JACKPOTS !!

This 3 sisters are super experienced老教,Other than Japan, JB, Melaka & KL many times, they also been to Indonesia and Singapore. So, enough experience to handle Singapore men?

I knew these 3 sisters from KL 金色年代when they became famous after 米雪 hooked onto her 老公 nickname “Ferrari”, he looks clean cut low profile but a super rich corporate guy,often drives a red Ferrari & white Lamborghini in KL with many big thugs as his bodyguards. Yes, I say “thugs” because his Big Black bodyguard nearly gunned down an idiot tried to kiss 米雪on stage during PPC at 金色年代. So, don’t play-play with 大姐大loh, heard her老公 is closely linked to underworld and Bukit Aman police.

Bro, jz like you lah KL people think Ferrari kena米雪 ”kong tau”. 米雪still working today bcos Ferrari caught her flirting with 姓刘专门挂假花的。米雪maybe escaping fr Ferrari, that’s why they came to Singapore not sure. But, their news is widely spread on QQ and among the 花场singers in KL. If want to know more abt this sisters and Ferrari, go to KL 金色年代 & you will know it all.

BOTTOM LINE. Bro my advice to you is very simple. Like many other brothers said GIVE UP THIS CHICK BEFORE YOU FALL INTO DEEPER SHIT!

Bro., your 10k is peanuts to 米雪lah…UNLESS you can be like Ferrari gives an “Open Account” to 米雪自己补花挂袍,made 米雪花后with more than 200k花in ONE night during her个人秀, also bought her Rolex Watch, Diamond Rings; half a dozen of LV bags, 2 each for the 3 sister’s collection etc。

UNLESS YOU CAN GIVE HER THIS, YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT BONKING HER. Say he can give her an Open Account, why should you? Is such a regularly used toilet by its owner worth it or not? By the time you get to bonk her, you will be the Greatest Sucker in Singapore HFJ with Highest paid-up per bonk. Hahaha….

Uncle once also thought about bonking this expensive old chick but heng I didn’t. Hihi…


Good luck with yr next venture!
Old 02-04-2011, 04:48 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by YDJR View Post
Life is boring.....What can I do!!???
Bro., I think you are not bored but having love sick. You still miss her and her persistent sms, if i am not mistaken you probably review her sms many times already, right? if so, 你真的中毒了。。。快点找个新的女朋友当解药吧!呵呵。。。
Old 02-04-2011, 08:12 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by liews7779 View Post
hahaha…bro, you and your buddy really hit jackpots !!

This 3 sisters are super experienced老教,other than japan, jb, melaka & kl many times, they also been to indonesia and singapore. So, enough experience to handle singapore men?

I knew these 3 sisters from kl 金色年代when they became famous after 米雪 hooked onto her 老公 nickname “ferrari”, he looks clean cut low profile but a super rich corporate guy,often drives a red ferrari & white lamborghini in kl with many big thugs as his bodyguards. Yes, i say “thugs” because his big black bodyguard nearly gunned down an idiot tried to kiss 米雪on stage during ppc at 金色年代. So, don’t play-play with 大姐大loh, heard her老公 is closely linked to underworld and bukit aman police.

Bro, jz like you lah kl people think ferrari kena米雪 ”kong tau”. 米雪still working today bcos ferrari caught her flirting with 姓刘专门挂假花的。米雪maybe escaping fr ferrari, that’s why they came to singapore not sure. But, their news is widely spread on qq and among the 花场singers in kl. If want to know more abt this sisters and ferrari, go to kl 金色年代 & you will know it all.

bottom line. bro my advice to you is very simple. Like many other brothers said give up this chick before you fall into deeper shit!

Bro., your 10k is peanuts to 米雪lah…unless you can be like ferrari gives an “open account” to 米雪自己补花挂袍,made 米雪花后with more than 200k花in one night during her个人秀, also bought her rolex watch, diamond rings; half a dozen of lv bags, 2 each for the 3 sister’s collection etc。

unless you can give her this, you can forget about bonking her. say he can give her an open account, why should you? Is such a regularly used toilet by its owner worth it or not? By the time you get to bonk her, you will be the greatest sucker in singapore hfj with highest paid-up per bonk. Hahaha….

Uncle once also thought about bonking this expensive old chick but heng i didn’t. Hihi…


good luck with yr next venture!
Old 03-04-2011, 12:19 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by start2007ck View Post
花场有几个鬼女人是老实的啊?真真假假;骗来骗取!不是我们骗这些女鬼就是被女鬼骗!呵呵。。。她们姐妹是 挺现实贪心的。米雪是野心好大。在金色年代我们都她 “贪小失大”。我们也不知道那笨八婆贪那姓刘的什么失去那Ferrari。。

Old 03-04-2011, 12:34 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by start2007ck View Post
So how cd tonight????
Old 03-04-2011, 02:58 AM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by devol View Post
So how cd tonight????
Have planned to go there, but stucked with an overseas call and couldn't catch PPC time @ 11:45pm. So ended up @ 国都. Just back to home. Their PPC dance is more fun, but also siam liao -- still the same.

Anyway, must find a time to go CD and see this #86/#77...
Old 03-04-2011, 03:15 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by start2007ck View Post
Have planned to go there, but stucked with an overseas call and couldn't catch PPC time @ 11:45pm. So ended up @ 国都. Just back to home. Their PPC dance is more fun, but also siam liao -- still the same.

Anyway, must find a time to go CD and see this #86/#77...
Ya ya must go see this big supporter she have now....
Old 03-04-2011, 06:29 PM
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Re: China Doll KTV - 中国城

Originally Posted by LiewS7779 View Post
Hahaha…bro, you and your buddy really hit JACKPOTS !!

This 3 sisters are super experienced老教,Other than Japan, JB, Melaka & KL many times, they also been to Indonesia and Singapore. So, enough experience to handle Singapore men?

I knew these 3 sisters from KL 金色年代when they became famous after 米雪 hooked onto her 老公 nickname “Ferrari”, he looks clean cut low profile but a super rich corporate guy,often drives a red Ferrari & white Lamborghini in KL with many big thugs as his bodyguards. Yes, I say “thugs” because his Big Black bodyguard nearly gunned down an idiot tried to kiss 米雪on stage during PPC at 金色年代. So, don’t play-play with 大姐大loh, heard her老公 is closely linked to underworld and Bukit Aman police.

Bro, jz like you lah KL people think Ferrari kena米雪 ”kong tau”. 米雪still working today bcos Ferrari caught her flirting with 姓刘专门挂假花的。米雪maybe escaping fr Ferrari, that’s why they came to Singapore not sure. But, their news is widely spread on QQ and among the 花场singers in KL. If want to know more abt this sisters and Ferrari, go to KL 金色年代 & you will know it all.

BOTTOM LINE. Bro my advice to you is very simple. Like many other brothers said GIVE UP THIS CHICK BEFORE YOU FALL INTO DEEPER SHIT!

Bro., your 10k is peanuts to 米雪lah…UNLESS you can be like Ferrari gives an “Open Account” to 米雪自己补花挂袍,made 米雪花后with more than 200k花in ONE night during her个人秀, also bought her Rolex Watch, Diamond Rings; half a dozen of LV bags, 2 each for the 3 sister’s collection etc。

UNLESS YOU CAN GIVE HER THIS, YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT BONKING HER. Say he can give her an Open Account, why should you? Is such a regularly used toilet by its owner worth it or not? By the time you get to bonk her, you will be the Greatest Sucker in Singapore HFJ with Highest paid-up per bonk. Hahaha….

Uncle once also thought about bonking this expensive old chick but heng I didn’t. Hihi…


Good luck with yr next venture!
Woh..老兄,you are very well informed. I feel so much better now. At least I am not the only one kena 大姐大米雪的 “kong tau". This bitch is really daring and greedy! Of course i am only small fly can't give her me Open Account 自己补花挂袍 etc lah..You are right! Even if I can, why should I be nice to such a regularly used toilet ?

So the guy celebrated 可儿 birthday was "Ferrari". Must see how this 大福哥 looks like.

不要做傻瓜替别人养老婆孩子啦??? 米雪生过孩子吗? From the look of it, this old chick has probably being bonked until very "loose" already. Not Syork anymore. Anyone wants it may have to put on 2 umbrellas..hahaha...Not me! Dont want to become Greatest Sucker in Singapore HFJ !
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