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Old 29-08-2014, 03:49 PM
phuntru phuntru is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

i have actually had a lot of luck in these spas...
i mean the girls werent drop dead gorgeous, but i have definitely found a few very good looking ones. most of them have been between the age of 26 to 35.
each n every spa has atleast one reasonably good looking therapist out of the 10 or 15 tht they employ. a few spas even had a few more good looking ones.
the trouble is, tht u have to go there again again, just to find tht one good looking one. now thts a hassle. however good the massage maybe, but when its done by a good looking girl it goes to another level altogether. a yr earlier i had 4-5 spas tht i used to frequent. then one shut down, n 3 thereapist in 3 different spas one by one left the spa. now i m left with just 2 spas out which in one spa i do not know the name of the therapist which i mentioned in my earlier FR. n now i m just too lazy to go thrgh the whole process of trying every therapist n then deciding which one i like. n this a process for each n every spa. so i thght if bros here could share their experiences, then the process wld be cut short a bit. even in a place like health land u can get lucky. i have had luck in a lot of spas like pranali spa siam paragon, montra spa central world, and a few others.
Old 31-08-2014, 12:57 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Went to Poseidon near Sutthisan BTS station in Ratchada, Bangkok

Ratchada is a very old massage parlour in BKK, back when i was still a college boy about 15+ years ago, it's the first sex massage place i visited. it looks old from the outside despite the "new" pink paint job, but the interior looks refurbished and well maintained. so it's still an above-average place, prices are a little higher too.

How to get there? take the MRT to Sutthisan BTS, take exit 4 and walk south (the main road should be on your left hand side if you are walking south, you will go past a Mcdonalds) and you will see this cheeky looking billboard before you see Poseidon :P

Now about the girls' selection choices...

2nd-floor - the fish tank girls - two categories 2200baht and 2500 baht. When we visited yesterday (saturday afternoon), there's about 15-16 girls to choose from. I saw two girls i quite like, but we went to third floor to check out the better sideliner girls instead

3rd-floor, girls sat along a long stretch of sofa where you can walk up close to view and choose.
two of the leftmost girls are 4000+ baht, but i don't think they look better than the other girls.
in the middle stretch are 3600baht girls which i saw only one i like - she looks like my regular girl from ChangPing (Dongguan, China) but since China's a bad place to cheong now (in my opinion), I prefer Bangkok now. lol.

the girl i picked is #6, her name is Mook. Face-wise, she looks like a plastic version of the CP china girl i like, but with a much better figure. her height is about 175cm, wearing heels, she's like taller than me and my buddy. lol
more about her later...

on the right of the stretch are 3,000baht girls,
there's a significant looks/category difference between them and the 3,600baht girl, i will gladly pay 600baht more anytime.
but certainly not the 4000+ baht girls, i think they are priced wrongly.

So my buddy who is an Australian Chinese picked another girl with huge breasts, she happened to be good friends and roommate of my girl, so we decided to make it an orgy session by paying extra for a jaccuzi room - it's 2400 baht more, a big area with three bedrooms, a living room and a small jaccuzi which is perhaps too squeezed for three couples but alright for four of us

and here's a picture of my buddy's girl, the slutty looking one with over-sized breasts that look fake to me lol.

Sorry but i didn't snap pictures of my girl. my handphone battery was almost dead... but here's my field report on her

MOOK # 6 in Poseidon
btw, Mook in thai language means pearls of the sea, quite a suitable name for poseidon, lol.

Looks: 7/10 - very fair-skinned, face looks quite plastic - the nose bridge is high but nostrils are too flaring, i was kidding to my friend that she looks like a michael jackson version of my favorite CP girl in Dongguan China
Nice korean-styled curly hair, expensive looking. i definitely think she's the best looking girl that day.

Body: 8/10 - Really too, at least 175cm, and wearing heels, she is taller than me and my buddy. super-slim body, very small waist and long limbs, with fake-looking big boobs, nice erase looking pink nipples. Breasts feel somewhat stiff when i squeeze it, obviously her implants are getting hard.

Weight: I gauge about 50kg. she's tall but not that heavy when i carry her. Really slim girl. virtually no fat.

9/10 for fucking~ she is that good! very GFE in bed, soft moans and during orgasm, can feel her spasms and she will arch her back to enjoy my thrustings.
Allows me to kiss and to finger her. her pussy gets wet really fast.

6/10 for kinky massage

Damage: 3600baht for full service, 2400baht extra for the big jaccuzi suite, tipped mamasan 200baht (my buddy and i each tipped 100), tipped my girl additional 600 baht, paid 40 baht each for three service ladies helping to prepare the room and serve drinks (we wished there ain't there many servants around, feels redundant and awkward, merely there for more tips i guess. of course, the servants are not around when we start bathing and fucking. Drinks like lemon tea and plain mineral water are fairly expensive at 80 baht and 40-60baht respectively.

To elaborate further....

my buddy and I paid more for the jacuzzi room thinking we can have an orgy session. While we can grope each other's girls in the jacuzzi and we all fucked in the same bedroom, the girls are reluctant to exchange partners.
during fucking, we can grab both girls and autoroam, including fingering their pussies, but they won't allow us to fuck different girls unless we pay twice of that 3,600 baht. of course that's not worth it, so we stuck to fucking our own girls. lol.
but quite a visual thrill and gimmick to squeeze another girl while fucking your own.

Return to fuck? yes.

In fact, we will be staying in Bangkok till 3 September night. if any brothers like to join us for a bigger group session at Poseidon, you can add me at LINE or Whatsapp via 0984424008, this is my thai number.

or drop me a PM with your webchat number. i have different wechat groups for cheonging in different regions, including Thailand, China.

Tonight we are going to Patpong to check out the go-go bars there. Yes we know its touristy but there are some better looking girls there compared to soi cowboy which we are staying just walking distance away.

see ya
Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV
28 Oct - 1 Nov

Bangkok FR

Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov

#6 MOOK (Poseidon)
#63 Aee (Nataree)

#20 NOON (CCK massage)
Old 01-09-2014, 10:38 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

nice fr bro. up u
Old 08-09-2014, 10:43 PM
MrWarm MrWarm is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Hi bros,

any friendly samster going/at bangkok during 18 sept to 22sept

Looking for a buddy to go mp together? you can pm me!
Old 11-09-2014, 06:07 PM
happyglman happyglman is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by zir0 View Post
Shizuka moved to club mitu at S33 hotel just across the street bro. Hope this helps... Just your luck, had her service last week and saw your post. Haaha. Enjoy
Hi bro, how is Shizuka service ? Real boobs, big enough ? I don't know if Nonoka is good or Shizuka or other girl in omotenashi club mitu.
If any other brothers did try this joint, please advice which girl is good with real big boobs, thanks a lot
Old 12-09-2014, 04:53 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

My first Thai adventure

Still waiting for my teerak and had time to spare

Went addict massage. First ever time :)

Went in and all
The Girls are there :) pick my lady and took a shower room

She is petite. Small boobs but super feel like girlfriend

Went in and strip. Quite naughty girl. Was holding my 2IC while I strip.

She shower me in the bathtub. It felt really good. She do speak English so it was kinda easier to talk. She take her time to shower me and of course giving my ding dong a good shower.

Proceed to the bed. Oil massage. Massage not too bad and I kinda enjoy it;) she saw my harden 2IC and place it properly for me while I was laying on the bed.

She suck me and then cap me before going for a good cow boy. And missionary and then all got loaded:) strong GFE feeling.

We were cuddling after that.

First adventure and really felt it a super waste of time to do all this in sg. And probably this adventure will save me a lot of money cause I cnt
Imagine spending so much in sg

Thinking if I'm gonna see her again before I leave bkk :)

Sorry cause my FR not so full detailed :)
Old 12-09-2014, 06:03 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Bro.. Good enough to make me wanna go there right away!!!!
Old 12-09-2014, 06:07 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by tcca85 View Post
Bro.. Good enough to make me wanna go there right away!!!!
What are u waiting for haha
I was there just now haha

Thinking before go back wanna go again anot hehe
Old 13-09-2014, 06:25 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Happen to drop by in BKK in 25, 26 Sep, any bro care to link up?
Old 14-09-2014, 09:15 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by watermelon View Post
Happen to drop by in BKK in 25, 26 Sep, any bro care to link up?
Sounds good to me. Never been to BKK
Old 14-09-2014, 11:30 AM
zir0 zir0 is offline
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by wild_ren View Post
Went addict massage. First ever time
Hey bro. Which ML did u try?... So far my fav has been addict massage compared to many i have visited.
Old 14-09-2014, 11:32 AM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by happyglman View Post
Hi bro, how is Shizuka service ? Real boobs, big enough ? I don't know if Nonoka is good or Shizuka or other girl in omotenashi club mitu.
If any other brothers did try this joint, please advice which girl is good with real big boobs, thanks a lot
If u looking for big boobs she's not the one. Smaller B, skinny, and very tan compared to the pics. Got tatoo on her back. She gives good service, tho english quite limited. Enjoy!
Old 14-09-2014, 03:32 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by zir0 View Post
Hey bro. Which ML did u try?... So far my fav has been addict massage compared to many i have visited.
Poseidon has my vote as the best soapy joint in BKK. I have visited many other joints but none of them has been able to compare with Poseidon, whether in terms of service or quality of the girls. Btw they have an "VIP" room upstairs for their exclusive customers where their best girls are sit for viewing. Ask the PPS to bring you up to that room
Old 14-09-2014, 03:37 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by zir0 View Post
If u looking for big boobs she's not the one. Smaller B, skinny, and very tan compared to the pics. Got tatoo on her back. She gives good service, tho english quite limited. Enjoy!
Club Mitu girls on their website are heavily photoshopped. I have seen most of them in person and none of them near resembles their website photos. If choosing based solely on the website photos, I would give an allowance of about 50% discount to the actual looks of the person.
Old 14-09-2014, 03:40 PM
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Re: Massage parlours in Bkk

Originally Posted by Soul_Reaper View Post
Poseidon has my vote as the best soapy joint in BKK. I have visited many other joints but none of them has been able to compare with Poseidon, whether in terms of service or quality of the girls. Btw they have an "VIP" room upstairs for their exclusive customers where their best girls are sit for viewing. Ask the PPS to bring you up to that room
BKK massage still don't compare to the 21-step Dongguan massage to me (R.I.P). However, of the few soapies I've tried in BKK, have to agree that Poseidon is up there. Never try Annies though - went there and gals looked old and worn and not to my liking. Nataree also has soapy massage for some girls if you pay for VIP room.

When you talk of "VIP" room at Poseidon, do you mean the sideline gals on the 3rd floor lounge? Or another secret room on another floor? For the sideline gals, no need to ask PPS, just take elevator straight up to 3rd floor and they are on your right side!
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