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Old 19-03-2011, 02:13 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

swindled indeed a harsh word to use..

would rather say being influence by her friends is the possiblity if she has friend in sg working in those pub or so & she get to meet them quite often..

bro haojian, try to let her socialise with your circles of friends wife more or so..this might change her point of view & make her feel that in every aspect of your life, she is part of it..

you must get the balancing point in the marriage life..
Old 19-03-2011, 02:47 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by surescore View Post
i don't agree that haojian got swindled. His wife bored him 2 children. At most the wife had no longer any feeling for him.

Your advice was good for the children custody but this is the last resort. Don't forget haojian needs to pay alot of alimony if he cannot prove that his wife ditched him for any man or involved in adultery. Don't see how he can protect his asset in singapore courts. No guarantee he will gain custody of the young children too.

You had been very negative towards 3rd world country women in all your posts.
up you! :d
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Old 20-03-2011, 08:17 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by SureScore View Post
Originally Posted by haojian
I got married to a vietnamese wife through an agency two years ago. She bore me a son and a daughter. Now my son is 13 months old and my daughter is 1.5 months old.

Now she tells me that she dont feel anything when i touch her. she says she have this feeling after since after our wedding night. then she says she heard from her friend that when a wife tells her husband she have no feelings for him, they divorce shortly after. And she asks me if I would do the same to her???

Shortly after giving birth to my daughter, she started slimming down and making up to look even better than before our marriage. and she mentioned before during our arguments that she is young and can look for another husband. I can divorce her and pay her alimony and expenses for the children. Now she is asking for more money, even borrowing from my mum. She also mentioned buying and selling land in vietnam.

What should I do? Please advise.
The case here is a bit complex, but i can divide it into 2 main parts.

Most of these viet gals who agree to match-making with foreigners are often desperate to get out of their poverty striken lifestyle. They believe that they can attain a very much better life by marrying a foreigner overseas, as believed by majority of rural vietnamese. They left what they have behind, including vietnamese bf, to come singapore in search of a better life. I believe that Bro Haojian's wife did try hard to love bro haojian and settle down with him, that's why she bore him 2 children.

I am not sure, but i believe that bro haojian allowed his wife to return to Vietnam often and she had constant contact with her friends and relatives there. Most viet gals tend to be quite disappointed with life in singapore after marrying here. They realised that life is not as good as expected here. They lose their freedom, often tied down by family, and could not go out to have fun as often as they could. They also realise that money seems to be a main problem in most families in Singapore, husband is not earning enuff to give them good life. When they go back to vietnam on vacation, they pour their grievences to their friends and family. Those buggers in VN will give them all sorts of suggestions. At the same time, these gals will meet up with their old flame and start to hanky panky behind their husband's back. I believe that Bro Haojian's wife start to feel less for him after meeting up with her old flame in VN during one of her trips back.

One of the ways , they realised, is to take money from singapore, and buy and sell land in vietnam provinces. The land parcels in provinces are not too expensive, at US$2000 to US$10000 a piece, leave it there for 1 to 2 years, and it will easily rise 50% to 100%. This is when they start to think of ways to gather funds from Singapore to allow them to do that. Having bore bro haojian 2 children, these 2 children are her best bargaining chips. Even after divorce, she is ensured of monthly alimony from bro haojian. I feel she will not divorce Bro Haojian that fast, at least till she make some money out of her property investments in VN.

When a VN wife tells you she doesn't feel anything for you anymore, then its really bad. If they continue to stay with you, it means they are dragging for time only, maybe because they have not achieved what they want to do yet. These gals are not stupid, they know how to plan for themselves. Since bro haojian's wife told him she feels nothing for him, i feel nothing much can be done roi. She's just dragging for time to accomplish her aims.

My 5 dongs worth.
Old 20-03-2011, 10:20 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Bro singviet well say straight to the point,it time for bro haojian to think what he will want to do next no point dragging it which cause so many unhappiness and pain.
Old 20-03-2011, 10:39 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
When a VN wife tells you she doesn't feel anything for you anymore, then its really bad. If they continue to stay with you, it means they are dragging for time only, maybe because they have not achieved what they want to do yet. These gals are not stupid, they know how to plan for themselves. Since bro haojian's wife told him she feels nothing for him, i feel nothing much can be done roi. She's just dragging for time to accomplish her aims.
my suggestions -

1) drag the feet with her...ensure she takes care of babies since babies so young or you still have to pay nanny if no wife...
2) control the money you give more large amount...dun be soft hearted...
3) gather evidence of infidelity or adultery...
4) build your cases of ensuring you gain the children custody...
5) make sure she still serves you as her wife duties during this period..if not then this can be counted as evidence in court..note in a diary...
6) refrain from fooling around and dun get caught by her...if you fool around and get caught then sure you will lose alot in sinkie women charter...
7) if she initiates divorce then just dun sign...she will need 3 years to officially divorce...just continue to gather evidence for the court...

my 2 dongs worth....
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Old 20-03-2011, 10:45 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by shysaint View Post
Not only that ... Negative to Non-Singaporean GALs too .... he thinks those gals married here are probably WLs or whores .... Too Negative ....

That's why I no longer commenting on his post ...
I respect girls from 3rd world, their life are tough and they care for family
Old 20-03-2011, 11:29 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by jidol View Post
up you! :d
Thank you very much.

Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
The case here is a bit complex, but i can divide it into 2 main parts. (
Very good analysis.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
my suggestions -
Very good suggestions.

Originally Posted by Seletar View Post
I respect girls from 3rd world, their life are tough and they care for family
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Old 22-03-2011, 09:18 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Last weekend on The Shitty Times, there's a report on Foreign Spouses in Singapore. The reporter reported many cases of foreign spouses kanna abused in Singapore by Singapore man. The picture painted is again, only Singapore man with low income, low education and low esteem marry these gals from 3rd world countries like China and Vietnam. Damm, why don't they feature singapore woman kanna abused by their Ang Mo husband?

Its all these reports that create negative feelings against foreign spouses in Singapore. I remember not long ago, my wife and i were at a hawker center in singapore. My wife went to order 2 teh , the auntie gave my wife teh O. My wife told her nicely that she gave wrongly, the auntie shouted at my wife. I see already damm fed up, went over and shout at the auntie ` KNN, shout for what? You give wrongly still so loud? ' The auntie stare at me and say ` 20 cents more...' and started to grumble and grumble. i shout at her again `grumble for what? Radio spoil huh?'

I got one other friend who knew me for a long period of time. Our families meet up once in a long time. During the last gathering, she asked my daughters...`can you speak english?' i replied `of course they can.' then this friend said `i thought they can only speak mandarin and vietnamese'. KNN, i was not feeling good about it and replied `my daughters don't speak vietnamese, they only speak english and mandarin. They go to expensive private kindergarten like other singaporeans kids and now they go to local primary schools.' Then this friend of mine got a bit fed up and kept quiet. Then continue to drill me `So what car you drive now?'... i replied `new Merc E250' he kept quiet. Why do Singaporeans always have to think that anyone with a foreign spouse from vietnam is always damm poor and hopeless?'

Sometimes, we got to let the locals know that they should not discriminate against these foreign spouses. Not all are married to poor man, not all are match made, and not all are bitches. There are more local bitches than foreign ones in Singapore. We made a choice of foreign spouse because we think that they are more suitable for us.
Old 22-03-2011, 09:57 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
Last weekend on The Shitty Times, there's a report on Foreign Spouses in Singapore. The reporter reported many cases of foreign spouses kanna abused in Singapore by Singapore man. The picture painted is again, only Singapore man with low income, low education and low esteem marry these gals from 3rd world countries like China and Vietnam. Damm, why don't they feature singapore woman kanna abused by their Ang Mo husband?

Its all these reports that create negative feelings against foreign spouses in Singapore. I remember not long ago, my wife and i were at a hawker center in singapore. My wife went to order 2 teh , the auntie gave my wife teh O. My wife told her nicely that she gave wrongly, the auntie shouted at my wife. I see already damm fed up, went over and shout at the auntie ` KNN, shout for what? You give wrongly still so loud? ' The auntie stare at me and say ` 20 cents more...' and started to grumble and grumble. i shout at her again `grumble for what? Radio spoil huh?'

I got one other friend who knew me for a long period of time. Our families meet up once in a long time. During the last gathering, she asked my daughters...`can you speak english?' i replied `of course they can.' then this friend said `i thought they can only speak mandarin and vietnamese'. KNN, i was not feeling good about it and replied `my daughters don't speak vietnamese, they only speak english and mandarin. They go to expensive private kindergarten like other singaporeans kids and now they go to local primary schools.' Then this friend of mine got a bit fed up and kept quiet. Then continue to drill me `So what car you drive now?'... i replied `new Merc E250' he kept quiet. Why do Singaporeans always have to think that anyone with a foreign spouse from vietnam is always damm poor and hopeless?'

Sometimes, we got to let the locals know that they should not discriminate against these foreign spouses. Not all are married to poor man, not all are match made, and not all are bitches. There are more local bitches than foreign ones in Singapore. We made a choice of foreign spouse because we think that they are more suitable for us.
totally agree with you bro...
i had similar encounter before too...
Old 22-03-2011, 04:17 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by SingViet View Post
Last weekend on The Shitty Times, there's a report on Foreign Spouses in Singapore. The reporter reported many cases of foreign spouses kanna abused in Singapore by Singapore man. The picture painted is again, only Singapore man with low income, low education and low esteem marry these gals from 3rd world countries like China and Vietnam. Damm, why don't they feature singapore woman kanna abused by their Ang Mo husband?

Its all these reports that create negative feelings against foreign spouses in Singapore. I remember not long ago, my wife and i were at a hawker center in singapore. My wife went to order 2 teh , the auntie gave my wife teh O. My wife told her nicely that she gave wrongly, the auntie shouted at my wife. I see already damm fed up, went over and shout at the auntie ` KNN, shout for what? You give wrongly still so loud? ' The auntie stare at me and say ` 20 cents more...' and started to grumble and grumble. i shout at her again `grumble for what? Radio spoil huh?'

I got one other friend who knew me for a long period of time. Our families meet up once in a long time. During the last gathering, she asked my daughters...`can you speak english?' i replied `of course they can.' then this friend said `i thought they can only speak mandarin and vietnamese'. KNN, i was not feeling good about it and replied `my daughters don't speak vietnamese, they only speak english and mandarin. They go to expensive private kindergarten like other singaporeans kids and now they go to local primary schools.' Then this friend of mine got a bit fed up and kept quiet. Then continue to drill me `So what car you drive now?'... i replied `new Merc E250' he kept quiet. Why do Singaporeans always have to think that anyone with a foreign spouse from vietnam is always damm poor and hopeless?'

Sometimes, we got to let the locals know that they should not discriminate against these foreign spouses. Not all are married to poor man, not all are match made, and not all are bitches. There are more local bitches than foreign ones in Singapore. We made a choice of foreign spouse because we think that they are more suitable for us.
Bro SingViet ....

Agree ... they also laid their shitty eyes on you and you partners when out in the public ....
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Old 22-03-2011, 04:45 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

there are people like that in every where la, just ignore them. Lower league, don't play with them

Originally Posted by shysaint View Post
Bro SingViet ....

Agree ... they also laid their shitty eyes on you and you partners when out in the public ....
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Old 22-03-2011, 04:47 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

he is a real estate guy and came to the wrong forum roi

nobody is renting or selling here ... bye

Originally Posted by shysaint View Post
Not only that ... Negative to Non-Singaporean GALs too .... he thinks those gals married here are probably WLs or whores .... Too Negative ....

That's why I no longer commenting on his post ...
BTW, if you want to zap me, let me know where is my mistake. I am here to share and to learn.

But if you find my reports/views/contribution are beneficial and enjoyable, don't be stingy on your points.
Old 22-03-2011, 05:47 PM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Originally Posted by Honey Boon View Post
he is a real estate guy and came to the wrong forum roi

nobody is renting or selling here ... bye
good one bro...knew who you are talking about...fake real estate guy...
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Old 27-03-2011, 03:18 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Sth for everyone to read. ....
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Old 27-03-2011, 04:11 AM
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Re: Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner

Hi SingViet. It is common to hear of Singaporean University graduate men to marry Vietnamese wives in Singapore nowadays.
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