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Old 12-01-2015, 09:08 PM
TonyCheong TonyCheong is offline
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Arrow Macau Hammer Time

Turns out the mastermind aka Dua Peh Gong is Uncle Ho's 68 year old nephew and the bust is at the invincible Grand Lisboa Hotel.
This sort of syndicate operations have been going on for decades.
Haizzz no more chance go "race track" lim tei kill time liao.

President Xi's recent visit to Macau is already a hint.
He mentioned Macau's economy must diversify into other industries besides gaming.
Looks like Macau's humsup time is up.

Last edited by TonyCheong; 12-01-2015 at 09:23 PM.
Old 12-01-2015, 09:20 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by risingeast View Post
Just stayed at The Venetian. After check in, as I was going down from room, one SYT was standing at the lift area, looked at me and smiled and asked "Chi ma?" OK, on and turned back to my room. In the room, she quickly took off her clothes, showered and we started frenching....She told me she is 19 and her BBBJ is fantastic and deepthoa..... After we finished, her friend called her and asked whether she can come to my room to hide as the hotel security is catching FLs. I said OK, and her friend turned up and is also a SYT, but better looking and better equipped. The friend said "Oh, you finished already? Why not do me?"
OK, on and I banged the second girl on the bed, and the first girl looked on, but her face and ears were very flushed.
After that, we showered and dressed up, waited and chit chat and then go down for dinner.
bro how come you nvr bang both girls tgt ? Threesome just waiting for you lei.

So how much u paid the 2 of them ? 1500x 2??
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 12-01-2015, 10:45 PM
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Re: Macau Hammer Time

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post

Turns out the mastermind aka Dua Peh Gong is Uncle Ho's 68 year old nephew and the bust is at the invincible Grand Lisboa Hotel.
This sort of syndicate operations have been going on for decades.
Haizzz no more chance go "race track" lim tei kill time liao.

President Xi's recent visit to Macau is already a hint.
He mentioned Macau's economy must diversify into other industries besides gaming.
Looks like Macau's humsup time is up.
how about the other hotels in macau? there is no mention of raids at the other macau hotels yet
Old 13-01-2015, 12:17 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by in3deep View Post

Des club d2 at fisherman wharf have the same amount of freelance hookers like it used to when it was at aia building?
Old 13-01-2015, 01:25 PM
NijozanSameSame NijozanSameSame is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

RIP, Lisboa! Thnx for all the fond and fun and fuck memories....from the good'O days of 500 HK

Think the saunas will be the next to go.... better book my next trip soon.....
Old 13-01-2015, 01:42 PM
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Arrow Macau Saunas

Originally Posted by NijozanSameSame View Post
Think the saunas will be the next to go.... better book my next trip soon.....
This is what I'm afraid of too!
Old 13-01-2015, 05:49 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Anybody in Macau now ? ........ Xiaodi me cannot afford any premium hold hand service but a dinner and some beers on me no problem
Old 13-01-2015, 11:19 PM
MichaelWinn MichaelWinn is offline
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Re: Macau Saunas

Originally Posted by tonycheong View Post
this is what i'm afraid of too!

广东男子嫖娼被抓猝死派出所 警方称没暴力执法
社会万象中国新闻网 [微博] 2015-01-13 17:45我要分享 7392

中新网韶关1月13日电 (李凌 邬义忠)一条“广东韶关一壮硕男子在派出所内暴亡”的帖子,近日在互联网上发出后备受网民关注。韶关市浈江 公安分局13日接受记者采访时称,男子张某因嫖娼被抓到派出所后,全程都有监控,警员处置并无不妥,若家属 有疑问,可到检察机关进行申诉。

12日中午,一条“广东韶关一壮硕男子在派出所内暴亡”的帖子在韶关本地论坛上发出,称当地一男子2014 年10月30日晚被抓到派出所后,被迫坐老虎凳,十几个小时内只喝了几杯水,吃了几个包子等,最终,男子在 上厕所时,倒地抽搐,经抢救无效身亡。帖子发出后引发网民热议,纷纷质疑警方是否暴力执法。

针对网民的质疑,浈江公安分局刁副局长13日在接受记者采访时非常肯定地表示,事发后,十几名死者家属在派 出所内一起观看了所有的监控录像,可以证明办案警员绝对没有暴力执法,“派出所审讯用的椅子,是按照公安部 要求统一合法设置,根本没有什么老虎凳。”

据警方介绍,2014年10月30日晚上22时许,韶关市南山派出所民警在辖区沙梨园一出租发廊查处卖淫嫖 娼活动,当场抓获一男一女,其中男的为张某(46岁,广东省仁化县人),女的为刘某红(46岁,湖南省常德 市人),并依法将二人传唤到南山派出所,并进入办案区,整个审讯、采集指纹信息等均全程有视频监控,其中审 讯过程同步录音录像。

10月31日凌晨3时许,张、刘均被依法留在办案区内等待处理,为保障安全,两人被带上手铐留在讯问、询问 留置室凳子上休息,有专人看管,早上10时,两人吃了早餐并喝了水,到了中午12时许,张某要求上厕所,返 回时在办案区走廊突然自行倒在走廊地面(有视频监控),民警上前查看后立即拨打120要求对张某急救,急救 人员十多分钟后到达并对张某进行紧急施救,可惜抢救无效死亡。

警方表示,死者张某在南山派出所传唤调查过程中,十分配合调查工作,如实供认自己多次嫖娼的违法事实,民警 不存在对张采取刑讯逼供的违法行为;张在被传唤到公安机关至其突然发病死亡,历时约14个小时,是在合法传 唤时间内的,在这个时间内公安机关不存在网友称的虐待、体罚措施,“他晚上被抓,早上我们提供了早餐和水, 而当晚的室内温度约有20度,不会导致寒冷失温。”

警方表示,为避免嫌疑,张某死亡后,由其家属向韶关市检察院提出申请,委托检察院的法医进行尸检,最终法医 鉴定结果为心源性猝死疾病。

刁副局长称,如果家属认为公安机关在处置该案时有过错,可以依法向检察院、法院提出申诉,警方将责无旁贷配 合调查。



一是少数民警滥施暴力、搞刑讯逼供。此乃是派出所非正常死亡事件频发的一个直接原因。近年来,个别公安人员 粗暴执法、枉抓无辜、刑讯逼供等不良执法行为广为社会所诟病。虽然我国明确规定公安、检察等机关在侦破相关 案件时不得刑讯逼供,而实际上,刑讯逼供仍是警方尤其是一些基层派出机构屡用不爽的办案手段。

二是警方权力过重和滥用公权、乱作为,此乃是派出所非正常死亡事件频发的一个重要原因。在中国,权力在警察 和群众面前,本身就是不对等的。民警可以随时随地盘查一个在大街上正常行走的公民,也可以随时将任何一个公 民带到公安机关进行问询调查,中国每一个公民都有配合警方调查的义务,这就是现行法律赋予“民警的权利”和 “公民的义务”。

三是“制约失衡”,此乃是派出所非正常死亡事件频发的一个重要因素。对犯罪警察制约失衡,量刑畸轻是造成派 出所非正常死亡事件频发的重要因素。(腾讯新闻综合四川新闻网报道)返回腾讯网首页>>
Old 14-01-2015, 10:49 PM
Yoshi Chiong Yoshi Chiong is offline
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Unhappy Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Now in Macau staying at Dragon Hotel. initially thought of gng out to fish for FL mei mei but the moment I step out saw a few police cars and a van with several police. Some running around and some checking identities of those standing around the streets. Not sure of there's any new rules, so decides not to take risk and will hug pillow for tonight Strange is I receive wechat notification advertising some hotel delivery service, likewise not sure situation, decides to skip and not take risk. Will update tomorrow and also check if any news reported of any raiding. For now...... So lonely lor.
Old 14-01-2015, 11:41 PM
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Arrow Macau KTV/Sauna

Originally Posted by Yoshi Chiong View Post
Now in Macau staying at Dragon Hotel. initially thought of gng out to fish for FL mei mei but the moment I step out saw a few police cars and a van with several police. Some running around and some checking identities of those standing around the streets. Not sure of there's any new rules, so decides not to take risk and will hug pillow for tonight Strange is I receive wechat notification advertising some hotel delivery service, likewise not sure situation, decides to skip and not take risk. Will update tomorrow and also check if any news reported of any raiding. For now...... So lonely lor.
Besides gaming Macau is famous for its KTVs/Saunas.
For now it's still "legal" so no reason for lack of action.

For FLs can also try the "Silk Road" between Venetian and Galaxy over at Cotai provided they're still around since the big hotel prostitution raid.
Old 15-01-2015, 02:21 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

the china girl i want to bonk most ,will pay anything to get her click link below
Old 15-01-2015, 08:35 PM
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Re: Macau KTV/Sauna

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Besides gaming Macau is famous for its KTVs/Saunas.
For now it's still "legal" so no reason for lack of action.

For FLs can also try the "Silk Road" between Venetian and Galaxy over at Cotai provided they're still around since the big hotel prostitution raid.
Can I find out more on "Silk Road" between Venetian and Galaxy Hotel. Dun see any lei. Where exactly & how much? Thanks
Old 16-01-2015, 12:29 AM
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Re: Macau KTV/Sauna

Originally Posted by xiangso View Post
Can I find out more on "Silk Road" between Venetian and Galaxy Hotel. Dun see any lei. Where exactly & how much? Thanks
Just cm bk from macau ,don need find just switch on ur wechat n search many fl w add u ....enjoy bro
Old 17-01-2015, 03:59 PM
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A hint of things to come in Macau...and also the whole of China?

Hmmm.... everyday we learn of some more things screwing up our favorite hobby in the whole of China.

The following is an article which points to worse things to come - I mean, this is about Macau - a haven which up to now is a shining beacon for EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING GOES! If Macau goes down, what chance does other places in China have??!! The precursor, the beginning of the end....

Macau Sex Ring Bust Shows China Expanding Crackdown on Graft
By Bloomberg News Jan 16, 2015
The arrest of a prominent Macau executive in the largest prostitution bust in the city’s history shows China’s President Xi Jinping is broadening his crackdown on corruption to restrict even long-tolerated vices.

Police in the former Portuguese colony arrested Alan Ho, handcuffing him and covering his head with a black hood, for allegedly operating a prostitution ring out of the casino complex of his uncle, Stanley Ho. The elder Ho held a monopoly on gambling in Macau for four decades and SJM Holdings Ltd. (880), the company he founded, is still Asia’s biggest casino operator.

The authorities’ latest target of the sex industry comes as Xi wages the most sweeping campaign in decades against bribery, embezzlement and other kinds of corruption in an effort to bolster the legitimacy of the ruling Communist Party. Macau casinos that suffered last year from the fallout of Xi’s crackdown are likely feeling the noose tighten further, particularly on junket operators, middlemen who bring in high-stakes gamblers from the mainland.

“There is undoubtedly a new sheriff in town,” said Steve Vickers, a political risk consultant in Hong Kong. “This is consistent with President Xi’s call for Macau authorities to show ‘greater courage and wisdom’ and to ‘strengthen and improve regulation and supervision over the gaming industry’.”

No Let-Up

Xi, who visited Macau last month for the 15th anniversary of its handover to China, said this week that there will be no let-up in his “fierce and enduring” battle against corruption, which has already taken down thousands of senior officials including the country’s former security chief.

Actions including restrictions on illicit fund flows have prompted mainland VIPs to avoid Macau, putting some junkets out of business. The David Group, a top 10 Macau junket operator, is in the process of shutting its VIP rooms throughout the city, Nomura analysts led by Stella Xing wrote yesterday.

Macau is seeking to curb money flows because of concerns illegal funds are being taken out of the mainland into the territory through junket operators which provide credit to high-end players to gamble in the city.

Alan Ho was among the six people arrested for running the vice ring out of the Hotel Lisboa. Last weekend’s operation was the city’s biggest forced prostitution case since its 1999 handover to China, the Macau Daily News reported. It involved 2,400 suspected sex workers and about 400 million patacas ($50 million) in illicit gains, according to the Macau Judiciary Police.

Alan Ho didn’t respond to queries sent to his work e-mail address.

Entry Fee

The vice ring collected fees from women in return for allowing them to solicit men in a hotel, according to a statement from the police. The ladies, some of them recruited on the Internet, paid 150,000 yuan as an “entry fee” and a monthly protection fee of more than 10,000 patacas, they said. The city’s security chief Wong Sio Chak promised to step up police enforcement on the sex trade in Macau after the bust, according to a report in the Macao Daily News on Jan. 14.

Macau has long tolerated the sex trade, a natural outgrowth of a casino-focused tourism city, said Carlos Siu, an associate professor at Macao Polytechnic Institute.

“It’s happened to my friends visiting Macau; sometimes pimps will approach men asking if they need such services,” Siu said. “If it’s night, the women might hide in some dark corner pretending to play slot machines, come out and approach you.”

Illegal Brothels

Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. (27) led declines in casino shares in Hong Kong trading today. The stock fell 4.5 percent to close at HK$38.35, the lowest level since July 2013. Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd.’s Hong Kong-listed stock dropped 4.5 percent and SJM Holdings declined 4.1 percent.

Wynn Macau Ltd. and Sands China Ltd. lost more than 3 percent, while MGM China Holdings Ltd. fell 1.6 percent. The benchmark Hang Seng Index declined 1 percent.

Macau authorities conducted 34 sex trafficking investigations in 2013, compared with 15 a year earlier, the U.S. State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report published last June showed. Victims, predominantly from mainland China, “are sometimes confined in massage parlors and illegal brothels, where they are closely monitored, forced to work long hours, have their identity documents confiscated and are threatened with violence,” it said.

The State Department ranks Macau Tier 2 , for territories which do not fully comply with minimum standards in the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act “but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance”.

Staff from Association for Reach Out (Macau) found little evidence of the usually rampant sex trade when they visited Hotel Lisboa and another casino hotel to give out condoms and health information flyers on Wednesday, four days after the bust, said Kendy Yim, executive director of the non-governmental organization providing support for sex workers in Macau.

Nightclubs and Saunas

These sex workers usually ply their trade in places ranging from casinos to nightclubs and saunas, receiving little social and government support, said Yim, adding there are no concrete statistics on the size of the industry because of the hushed nature of the profession and lack of accurate surveys.

“Often these are young, female migrant workers with little local support,” said Yim. “They are very much marginalized and may face all sorts of dangers; violence is one of them, and unsafe sex and exploitation from their employers is another.”

The police sting on a high-profile location like the Hotel Lisboa, and the arrest of a member of the powerful Ho family, heralds of more clean-up operations to come, said Lok Wai Kin, vice president of Macau’s Law Reform Consultative Committee which advises the government on legal matters.

Macau’s government wants to make the gaming industry a more regulated and lawful one,” said Lok, a law professor at the University of Macau. “You can’t have rampant and in-your-face prostitution in a world-class entertainment destination right?”
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Old 17-01-2015, 05:07 PM
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Re: Macau KTV/Sauna

Originally Posted by starlight 88 View Post
Just cm bk from macau ,don need find just switch on ur wechat n search many fl w add u ....enjoy bro
Yes, I too receive lots of request to add from FL. Something I never encounter before in all my previous visit to Macau. Usually I am the one requesting to add. Activity on WeChat is on a high. Quite obvious the FL are quite desperate for business. But I never try any of them, just drop by Sauna in the end. Felt safer to Chiong in Sauna in such uncertain times. Msg To all Bros is CHIONG now before all is gone. As I have a bad feeling about all this activity going on in Macau.
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