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Old 06-06-2015, 09:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post

Afternoon tried the panties pizza at nagoya hill, instead of the normal pizza with ingredients on top , theirs is in between the pizza..

Per 4 slices pizza with different pattern cost 26-33k

Very nice and worth money !
Koh, dun understand this part about "in between the pizza" and "different pattern" (and not normal pizza). Can describe pls ?
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Old 06-06-2015, 10:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Crab tofu soup 120k (add in vinegar & pepper taste like having shark fin soup) However, with the price not recommended
LOL Koh... I asked Denny Abt the price. Wrong price . For 2 ppl its 80k. 120k is for 4. You were served with the smaller portion. He wasn't aware til I pointed it out. He remembers you and next time u come u r VIP major discounted price. He is looking at my typing this post. A promise. LOL!
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Old 06-06-2015, 10:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
"Water that we drink is the single biggest factor to health, next is Air that we breathe - but to a lesser extent bcs our noses are very good at telling the brain to move away from poor quality air. Our tongues are the most easily fooled."
Totally agree with you above.

When chemical stuffs are involved,not many water filtration system is going to work very well if user/s lack the knowledge in maintenance. The reason why water filtration system isnt selling well becos no one is having any immediate or short term major issue with polluted/chemically processed water yet.Just like using uPure, you cant see the chemical that are already trap inside the filter cartridge therefore they look clean at most time. Today's clean water is very different from clean water of yesteryears. I rephrase,today's unclean water looks like clean water from yesteryears.(just like rain drops used to be one of the cleanest water many years ago but not today)

One most likely wont be able to see any dirt on the filter if the below glass of water were to go thru their water filtration system. But i ask myself,do i dare to drink it even if its boiled? (or do anyone?) Boiling the water kills most (all) bacteria,but whatever chemical contents in it remains.

the glass of water above will actually become crystal clear after about 10 secs

Sad to say this,the only time in Sillypore when the water filtration system sells very well is when some dead bodies turn up in some reservoirs or a maid's body is found in some water tank in certain part of Sillypore home rooftop.

By the way,OEM water filtration system after repackaging,various taxes from various countries,branding,testes from FDA and with its respective countries healthcare authority etc etc and upon reaching the wholesaler it is not going to come cheap. In my perspective,most healthcare products in the market are in fact really dirt cheap (if one knows the manufacturing cost). And i am now using the word "dirt cheap" in Sillypore term (not indo term),its the mark up after mark up and further mark up that cause any product prices to be ever increasing in a 1st world market.

In Batam,things after mark up can still be bargained down,but in Sillypore things after mark up cannot be bargain cos the buying and selling culture created made people get use to paying FIXED PRICE aka price that were quoted to them. Thats also why one rarely sees Sillyporean in Batam who would really bargain or even get a good bargain.That applies to Japan and the Japanese.


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Old 06-06-2015, 10:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
lol koh... I asked denny abt the price. Wrong price . For 2 ppl its 80k. 120k is for 4. You were served with the smaller portion. He wasn't aware til i pointed it out. He remembers you and next time u come u r vip major discounted price. He is looking at my typing this post. A promise. Lol!
lol.... Really hilarious hahaha. Denny is really a honest chap

Regarding the pattern of the pizza , I was referring to the variety available like beef/tuna/meatball etc..

And the speciality of the pizza refer to the picture below:

Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.

Last edited by KohOnly21; 06-06-2015 at 10:49 PM.
Old 06-06-2015, 11:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
lol.... Really hilarious hahaha. Denny is really a honest chap

Regarding the pattern of the pizza , I was referring to the variety available like beef/tuna/meatball etc..

And the speciality of the pizza refer to the picture below:

Looks like quesadillas...
Old 07-06-2015, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
lol.... Really hilarious hahaha. Denny is really a honest chap

Regarding the pattern of the pizza , I was referring to the variety available like beef/tuna/meatball etc..

And the speciality of the pizza refer to the picture below:

Looks more like calzoni bro.. Italian curry pop..haha
Old 07-06-2015, 01:15 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Depend on where u choose for housing. Can range from 300 M rupiah to 11 Billion ( Permata Baloi),
Lol,i try to count how much is 11 billion rupiah after being converted to Sin$,guess what. The number of digits on my small calculator maxed

Today's rate in Batam should be around 9840/SGD,and converting 11 billion rupiah to Sin$ i will need about S$1,117,886.18 (thats over S$1.1 million ) to buy their very luxury house there or pay S$30,487.80 (convert from 300 mil ruipah) to buy my "tiny corner of heaven".Then again i believe the tiny corner of Heaven are likely to have a bigger space than a big part of

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Honking? I have to admit the traffic now days is much worse than in the past. The traffic hours are just horrible.
I always see taxi drivers honking just to call out to fellow taxi drivers. Kind of turning honking into a kind of communication tool for them,hehehe...i also notice most honking are from cars towards motor bike and not the other way round in Batam.

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Old 07-06-2015, 01:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
I noticed recently this thread have plenty of tcss going on...
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Old 07-06-2015, 01:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi all Nubie here want to ask
in july i have some jobs to do in batam
is there any escort service?
any information for trusted escort?
Also any place near nongsa that have massage?
Old 07-06-2015, 08:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Bro I disagree with the idea of having another TCSS thread. I fear that may divide the population of this current thread into 2 and that might cause either thread to be less active.
PS. Just had dinner at marine live seafood, total bill = 290k

Drunken prawn 100k (must try the freshness of the prawn and the soup !!!)
Crab tofu soup 120k (add in vinegar & pepper taste like having shark fin soup) However, with the price not recommended.
Seafood tofu 60k ( good tofu experience)
2 X rice 10k

Afternoon tried the panties pizza at nagoya hill, instead of the normal pizza with ingredients on top , theirs is in between the pizza..

Per 4 slices pizza with different pattern cost 26-33k

Very nice and worth money !
Agree that we can share information and enjoy TCSS all in one place. More convenient.

Hahaha... I was at Marine Live Seafood 3 days ago and did not even realise it. Just came across it accidentally while wondering around looking for "fresh oysters". Even spoke with young man - must be Denny. Yes, his stock is quite impressive. Will frequent that place more often and try the alternative toufu.

Panties Pizza. Hahaha.. thats why its named that way instead of Quesadilla or Calzones. What's wrapped inside is the delicious part.

Have Also tried Zenbu wagyu bento. I give it two thumbs up !!

I must say the food options are quite good in Btm now, and has move far beyond Nasi Padang and Ayam Penyet.

Acia Ikan Bakar has a 2nd location at the space next to City Walk. I prefer the original behind Billiard Center as there is more variety and better food - char kuei tiaw and orh chien, But, more space and cleaner environment in the new location.

Enjoy !!
Old 07-06-2015, 09:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thats how i come out with my own personal tipping table to tip my girls in Batam :

50k for no good service
100k for fair or average service
150k for above average to good service
200k is only for the best or beyond expectation service (rare)

If i plan to tip 150k,i throw out 100k 1st becos i know the girl/s are likely to ask for more. Likewise for all other amount,hehehe...
Thx for sharing the tippng table tat are from yr personal pt of view. At least it serves me as a guideline to begin with.

Originally Posted by ilovetogobatam View Post
bro, I also agree on leaving to bros to decide, but for those whom seldom go,
They wont know what's the norm, as some post mention, we sg men paisei to bargain, I guess mostly will also paisei to give less tips.
I think nono's tipping table serves as a good basic guidline.Tipping of course have no meximum or minimum limit,but sm small irritating issue may occur if a person dn't tip at all (cewek kpkb,make lots of noise etc) or if they tipped too little; & tat's y "how much to tip" is usually 1 of the most commonly asked qn in any threads,but those who already knw the norm will say it's rigid. Hw can one even start tipping when he/she does nt even knw hw much to start with? Will tipping too little becm a humiliation to the tip receiver? or tipping too much be spoiling the market or spoilt the receiver? Tat's the usual newbie concern. The tipping table is designed for newbies/first timer anyway,the way i see it.Tat's y i say it's a good basic guideline.

Agree w u,sg men usually too shy to bargain. Most are skin thin...

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Old 07-06-2015, 12:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
When chemical stuffs are involved,not many water filtration system is going to work very well if user/s lack the knowledge in maintenance..... etc etc
Thanks for sharing this piece of info, Nono ~~~

Originally Posted by hottip View Post
Will frequent that place more often and try the alternative toufu.
Spoke to Denny last night (after-dinner chit chat) about his tofu. Told him his tahu seafood dish was too convoluted. There was the fresh prawn, the vege, the tofu, the carrot, mushroom , the over-powering gravy sauce, etc. Too many things in that dish - didn't highlight any of the ingredients' strengths (freshness, sweetness, whatever). And when none of the ingredients are highlighted - customers will say "so so". It was too convoluted (太熱鬧).

Suggested to him to work on a "simple light, spicy, sweet, salt, sour" sauce to just *barely* coat (like not enough sauce) the deep-fried tofus and serve as is. So that customers will primarily savor his tofu's natural taste and texture.

He is getting to work on making such a sauce, and when he does he will do a 1-month promo on that dish (8 sticks of fried tofu with that simple little sauce) - usual RP50K, promo RP15K - limited quantity (2 trays per day = 90 sticks per day = 11 plates per day max)

Trivia : I brought the ta-bao tofu to KBR (Kez's) and let Chef Denny appraise one stick of it. His conclusion : glorious amounts of real soy. full bodied yet very soft, no preservatives/MSG/binder. If I could have such tofu and make it into a Kez dish - I think I may have a super hit.

Trivia 2 : KBR is changing its entire restaurant theme to buffet for 1 month from 17th June - Puasa. No ala carte.

For sharing. Sorry for the banter. Cheers.
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Old 07-06-2015, 01:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post

Trivia 2 : KBR is changing its entire restaurant theme to buffet for 1 month from 17th June - Puasa. No ala carte..
Wow buffet theme, I'm getting very interested. .
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 07-06-2015, 02:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post my coming 3D2N Batam trip...i ask myself...
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1. How should i handle my 3 meals a day...breakfast,lunch,dinner x 2 nites/day (no supper)..
My 3 meals settled :



Will leave the rest of it to my friends,hehehe...

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
2. Which joint should i put to test this time,hehehe...
I guess booking joint is not going to be my priority nowaday. Overnight girls is becoming more like a bolster for me in my hotel room,hehehe...she MUST be able to "put me to bed" my Nothing in mind for now,will go there to take my pick,no rush type of

Most girls are returning to their respective hometown on 15th June 2015,the latest i heard from booking joints.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
3. What did i miss in my last trip,time to catch back up...
My last trip's May 2015 itinerary :

I missed : Madurani Massage,K8 ,Trinity Spa,Instar Coffee shop (i been there before tho),Batam Fresh Beer (been there before too),Beautiful Massage.I am going to miss Zhen Bao for the time being cos timing wont be right for their promo,hehehe...

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4. An Shun Travel,i found them during my last trip...time to learn more.
Will still try to check out this place out since i already know its location.

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5. Should i join my friends or play my own Batam RPG,hehehe...
I will be joining my friends,so this trip i have no itinerary or dates to go.I follow their terms and conditions,hehehe...since ALL OF THEM shares similar frequency as me. Hope this coming trip is fun too,cos last one was. (usually one trip fun and the other wont be for most cases)

Will try to break that "curse"

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6. What do i need to buy from Lucky Plaza...(earn my free ferry tickets to Batam)
I will keep this to myself for now.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
7. Time to pick a new massage place to try,other than Altalanta Spa.
My list for massage places to try just gets

I have been reading (FRs) from other forums on :

1. Angel Massage
2. Tropical Asia
3. Tulip
4. A3
5. Flower/Flora Massage

The above 5 massage places are the more popular ones in other forums. And i am adding it to my to-do-list on my future Batam trips together with :

1. Madurani Massage
2. K8
3. Trinity Spa
4. Altalanta Spa
5. Beautiful Massage

Definitely not going to do a massage marathon (or rush thru these places) as i believe it will not be good for health and may turn out to be a waste of money with minimum enjoyment. Batam's pace are slow and to really enjoy Batam,i believe i need to take things slow (and steady) too. I am just being a little greedy

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8. I believe i should be looking into warehouse category of shopping to get cheap and good stuffs.
I am looking at the SunBoss mall or something. Warehouse sale platform of shopping that sells stuffs that has no brand at Nagoya City Walk,hehehe...time to look deeper and search for more fun.

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Old 07-06-2015, 04:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Eatern Food Court. I think nothing of this food court until i look deeper and realise that this is another place for some DOWN TO EARTH good tasting food,hehehe....
Thanks Nono. I am addicted to the deep fried snapper fillet and it usually runs out by lunch time. The bak kut teh and dessert such as bubur hitam and tau suan made my day in Batam too.
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