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Old 20-12-2015, 01:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ds88 View Post
NTUC website says this:
Present NTUC Card and quote “NTUCPromo” before payment to enjoy the privileges

so I think only available over the counter purchase.
Do note Offer Date: Valid till 31 Dec 2015

Can check with them:
For enquiries or bookings, call 6271 4866 or email [email protected]
I drop them an email and are only at over the counter.
Since offer lasted until 31 Dec 2015....time to change to another operator.

BTW, I kinda like the specky counter staff at Sindoferry Batam Center terminal. Speak n understand english.....alluring to a certain aspect.

Originally Posted by SibeiNew View Post

Hotel stayed was at 89 Hotel a little further away from Harbour Bay , had a friend booked under his company for 2 grand superior rooms at 450k each plus breakfast. Rooms were pretty spacious BUT it has no
safebox(apparently only some rooms had them) , passports will be kept at the hotel counter.
There's safebox in Hana and Hans Inn rooms. You might want to consider next time.
But I try to keep the passport and return ticket at the recep counter.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Impressive,never heard of flying Kong Ming Lantern in Indonesia before...1st time seeing it in Batam (on photo) too. Really really thank you for sharing the picture,bro. Surely it would be even more impressive at night after the sun set.

If i am you,i will go check it out, ask the price,how to go about letting off the lantern.
Yup, guess this is a new thing.
This is organise by the tour guide. TPK is standard destination for most Batam tour.
I guess charges wont be cheap...considering they got a safety officer.
Launch at night.....considering the location....think highly impossible.

Originally Posted by FreshJives View Post
...hehe...and finally got my usual MILF from new berry...
I read you took the 200k room.
Did your new berry cewek made any comments on the room?

Generally speaking, does the ceweks hiam the condition of the room?
Old 20-12-2015, 01:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Next time, MUST bring you to Botak Cun - haven't write FR yet bcs going again tonight with the same old laojiao local couple who knows where is good and cheap etc, and brought me there last night. Botak Cun is *fantastic*. Trivia : Rony's master is Botak Cun himself (and Rony was just a kitchen-helper). Hand-to-God - Botak Cun is the "ambassador" of Medan cuisine in Batam, in my books (2nd is AMei near HAi Ou). Period.
Wow, sounds like a winner...!! Can't wait man... Whereabouts in Batam Center is Botak Cun located at..?

Then again, better don't share too much, otherwise, ppl might accuse u of having an agenda...

PS: I'll be in batam for the next 2 weeks, so I'm patiently waiting for u to jio me there... Hahaha...
Old 20-12-2015, 01:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by longlong135 View Post
LMAO, this is the first time i came across this version of Monkey God Story - Complaining under 5 Finger Mountain for 500 years.
There are many version of the Monkey God story,we may have heard a different one but the difference definitely wont be too far out.

Under the 5 finger mountain,Monkey God was cursing and swearing at Buddha,and over many years,the cursing and swearing becomes complaining...and later end up almost becoming whimpering towards the end of 500 years.

Monkey God's story is kind of like this forum,isnt it? Monkey starts creating trouble,earth could no longer bound him till the extend he feels his powers Equates to Heaven (look at his pride there) and eventually went overboard to attack Heaven instead.The trouble later grew so big till it trigger the Great Buddha who later jailed him under the 5 finger mountain for 500 years.

In jail, he is still non-remorseful for the 1st few hundred years. He keeps cursing,swearing and complaining to the Great Buddha that he did NO WRONG throughout the whole Destructive Ordeal. And if HE thinks he is wrong,how come during the middle of the chaos,no one correct him. Thats why in his jail term ,he never once have in mind that he is in any WRONG and he often shouted,"If i am WRONG,how come NO ONE correct me"..."if YOU think i am WRONG ,how come NO ONE teaches do what is RIGHT"..., "..and I am NOT WRONG,i was NEVER WRONG". 500 years later,a monk pass by the 5 finger mountain ,release him from captivity where he keeps the monkey as disciple to "teach" him and they went thru thick and thin together in their journey to the west. And they all eventually attain enlightenment.

Again,like i always have to say,its just a story.

Does this sound familiar with the activities in this thread and perhaps the structure of how this forum was built? We have samster asking the same questions which has been answered before and often claims he couldnt find an answer? We have immature trouble makers in this thread over a period of the last 7+ years from time to time. The case were usually,you support me,i support you and then a war break out? Situation went out of control when earth could no longer contain the chaos and then the "Great Buddha" finally arrived to save the day. Monkeys who never learn will keep complaining after being pinned to the 5 finger mountain and continue to return later to create chaos again at a later time.

"If i am WRONG,how come NO ONE correct me"..."if i am WRONG ,how come NO ONE teach do what is RIGHT"... "..and I am NOT WRONG,i was NEVER WRONG".

My imaginative reply to the Monkey God, TRY stepping out of yourself to look at yourself. Try looking at a situation from another person's perspective.

Its like a cycle and this cycle repeats itself from time to time even in real life,hence if one reads from the beginning of the Batam info thread,there will be peace for a while,but after some time,there will be a short period of chaos and later peace for a while again. After all the turmoil cause by the chaos,those who didnt cause trouble yet remains are those that has achieved enlightenment.

Thats why i constantly urge all my friends in this thread ,dont take sides,dont be involved in a argument,ignore all troublemakers...just sit back,relax and observe. They will be able to see the whole situation better and at a much clearer view. How everything all started,who started it ,who are those who will involve themselves and how it will end.

Let's not forget,PRIDE is the no.1 most deadliest of the 7 deadly sins. Pride is more about I,myself and me. And "I" am not WRONG."I" cannot be WRONG. Hehehe...remember doing the right thing the wrong way sometime is still considered WRONG.

I then slowed myself down for a second,threw my Pride (me,myself and i) away for a while and look into my own heart to ask,am i WRONG? Only i will know the answer.

My unimportant humble words of advise to the ONE who reads which i extracted from outside of Batam's Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Temple. It also happen to be southeast Asia's biggest Buddhist temple :

Namo Amitabha...may peace be with all readers.

Meantime,do enjoy some nice music sang by the kids below :

Originally Posted by longlong135 View Post
Just tell taxi driver Sekupang Money God Temple they will know? Or must we give the exact address or special landmark?
Just tell the taxi driver you wish to go to KTM Resort,the Guan Yin temple for prayers. Not many taxi driver will know where is the Monkey God temple tho. The Monkey God temple is just behind the Gigantic Guan Yin statue.

Hope i answered your question/s.

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Old 20-12-2015, 02:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Whereabouts in Batam Center is Botak Cun located at..?
It's directly opposite (across the main road) Kopi Raya cafe (batam center), 5min drive from Mega Mall. Across the road, facing Kopi Raya, 50 meters towards Nagoya direction - a row of shophouses. Can drive into the shophouses from main road.

See the big banner (sorry photo taken at night so not clear).

If you can get there tonight at 7pm , will have a blast. Intro you to the seasoned old wise couple as well. Made reservation at 7pm - because he is the only preferred cook and there are lots of people - waiting times can be to an hour during peak times (not for the impatient). See you there if you can make it tonight to join us.
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Old 20-12-2015, 02:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
It's directly opposite (across the main road) Kopi Raya cafe (batam center), 5min drive from Mega Mall. Across the road, facing Kopi Raya, 50 meters towards Nagoya direction - a row of shophouses. Can drive into the shophouses from main road.

If you can get there tonight at 7pm , will have a blast. Intro you to the seasoned old wise couple as well. Made reservation at 7pm - because he is the only preferred cook and there are lots of people - waiting times can be to an hour during peak times (not for the impatient). See you there if you can make it tonight to join us.
Update u later bro... Going to Kepri for Starwars & grocery shopping... Need to figure out the exact location too... Hehe...
Old 20-12-2015, 02:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post thing i dont often do is to look into any photo album for the available girls in Massage Parlor. Got so tired of receptionist telling this girl not working la,that girl got customers etc etc. So i just ask for any available massage girl but MUST BE able to massage well. I would rather go to Nice Massage than Moonlight for massage tho,better quality facilities, least i know Moonlight got no hot water for their VIP room and massage is piano kind. Kind of rare to see piano massage in Batam,hehehe...

Ah i think moonlight is full of surprise, i got my best massage service during the recent trip.
Old 20-12-2015, 02:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Need to figure out the exact location
Google map : Search for "Dhillon Sport" or "Rumah Makan Makassar" . They are along the short row of shophouses and Botak is along that too. Hope this helps ~~
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Old 20-12-2015, 03:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by quixy09 View Post
Went to Marine Live Seafood on 16/12/2015 at 11pm. Ordered 1 steamed pomfret, 1 kai lan and 1 cumi goreng plus 1 mineral water and 1 coke. Total bill = RP 286K . I seriously don't understand how this is considered cheap coz I have eaten cheaper seafood at touristy areas in nagoya..Food quality is so-so. This is the third time I have been to MLS and all three times my three different indon gf told me its super expensive

I believe Denny will only give discount to those who quote this forum or say that they are being recommended by some people here.
It sound funny, one time you kanna chop u still go and kanna chop another 2x. Since you said is expensive. Y still go, did anyone force you.

Originally Posted by HelloWAH View Post
For singaporean paying RP 286K for those food is counted cheap. But for local paying those price for those food is counted expensive. So overall RP 286K is not for local price but for tourist price.

RP 286K really can eat alot at those make shift stall. Fish , vege, sotong ,and many many more. Since people got AGENDA for promoting the Marine seafood. Cheap or expensive only they know.
Maybe you are jealous that alot of bro able to share good thing here and is the effort that count.

i visited the place a few time personally. I dont seem any problem too.


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Old 20-12-2015, 03:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post

Maybe you are jealous that alot of bro able to share good thing here and is the effort that count.

I dont seem any problem too.
You are so bad to say i am jealous when i at last still never go to the so call good thing

And btw you don,t seem any problem there doesn,t represent all the samster here. Stubborn is stubborn. So no point explain to you why got this hoo haa here. Or maybe you are really too stubborn to understand.

So fast jump to protect Marine seafood....haha.
Old 20-12-2015, 04:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by HelloWAH View Post
You are so bad to say i am jealous when i at last still never go to the so call good thing

And btw you don,t seem any problem there doesn,t represent all the samster here. Stubborn is stubborn. So no point explain to you why got this hoo haa here. Or maybe you are really too stubborn to understand.

So fast jump to protect Marine seafood....haha.
So fast jump to protect Marine seafood, what you mean by fast? Like i said

My liking and i find the food and price ok, maybe you think not your liking or your thinking of cheap is very very cheap. Bottomline is caring is sharing, bro here make effort to share and it should be appricated.


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Old 20-12-2015, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
So fast jump to protect Marine seafood, what you mean by fast? Like i said

My liking and i find the food and price ok, maybe you think not your liking or your thinking of cheap is very very cheap. Bottomline is caring is sharing, bro here make effort to share and it should be appricated.
Therein lies the crux of the discussion here. Most samsters here are saying that they don't find anything wrong with the price. But, most samsters are looking through the glasses of a foreigner whose currency strength means that prices charged in Batam are deemed much more cheaper.

Can anyone tell me.. If consumed at MLS, how much would the following cost:

Grilled Ikan Kakap
Baby Kailan
Telor Dadar
Ayam Goreng Bawang
Baby Cumi
2 Coconut Drink

Above dishes for 2 paxes.
Old 20-12-2015, 04:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ErnestK View Post

Can anyone tell me.. If consumed at MLS, how much would the following cost:

Grilled Ikan Kakap
Baby Kailan
Telor Dadar
Ayam Goreng Bawang
Baby Cumi
2 Coconut Drink

Above dishes for 2 paxes.
If you could be more specific on the weight or portion of each dish - would help. I assume you had such a dinner order as above and have the receipt. On the receipt, on the left side of each item is written the weight (if it's seafood) or portion size "B", "M", "S" (if its non seafood).
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Old 20-12-2015, 04:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
So fast jump to protect Marine seafood, what you mean by fast? Like i said

i find the food and price ok, maybe you think not your liking or thinking of cheap is very very cheap. Bottomline is caring is sharing, bro here make effort to share and it should be appricated.
After seeing your stubborn reply. I think i must really explain in detail then you will understand.

You say ( Bottomline is caring is sharing, bro here make effort to share and it should be appricated )

You are too naive already. Sharer got AGENDA to promote a restaurant that seems not so cheap overall and he try so hard with someone singing in the same tone to promote this restaurant every now and then during the month of june. by not telling the truth that restaurant owner is his friend. Maybe relative who the hell know?

He in fact has flout the rules of sammyboy here already. He indirectly bring business to his friend or relative without paying a fee to sammyboy.

This is not call sharing but call making use of fellow samster here. Although is not bring them to holland. But knowing very easy to grap a group of customer to the so call good restaurant. Their AGENDA has accomplish.

In actual fact is not much hoo haa about cheap or expensive. Is about the personality and the mindset of the person who device this plan to help support his friend or maybe relative, who the hell know?

When he start to talk about this marine restaurant in here. He has already started to cheated so many of you already. His plan has begin when he start to reccomend marine seafood. And many stubborn won,t felt cheated but instead felt grateful and say is cheap. When now knowing his Agenda , if i am one of them. I also don,t know what to say anymore. But still got stubborn one many many here. Believe me. You are one of them.

There is a saying Let people use already also don,t know that he had been used.
Old 20-12-2015, 05:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

0,52 x 171.154 for the Grilled Ikan Kakap.

As for the rest, I've stated it's for party of 2 paxes. 1 male and 1 cewek. Estimate price on what usually will be the case for such party. I'll be very surprised if MLS decided to service a large portion for just 2 paxes though.

Hopefully no one will accuse us of being clones talking to ourselves in the forum. I'm referring to our rep power and points.
Old 20-12-2015, 06:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Prebook 380k Superior room via
Took lift to 2nd floor...later I realise it is much faster using the
Found my room...and Im surprised they leave the door open.
I thought the room service forget to close but later I realise they have this habit of leaving unoccupied rooms door open.
(Most likely due to superstitious reason....)
Hans Inn Hotel has all along been receiving good feedback from customers,next time you go try De Best Hotel,the superior room,hehehe...i like their see thru toilet,can see my girl showering from my bed area,hehehe...

Not say a must-try,but just for the sake of kinky experience,hehehe..

Dont worry,superior room also have got queen bed type too.Its nearby BCS mall.

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
There is a safe....this is the kind I mostly see in China hotels....pretty easy to use.
Bro, China hotel safe sometime not attached to wall. Can be easily move out of the room by a single man,hehehe...

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Using the GPS...I revisit to find Vihara Metta Maitreya...but at last think it is physically not there anymore.
Yea,i just saw some online info,its now closed.

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Proceed to Vihara Buddhayana Batam....
Havent open I just offer joss sticks.

Im not a religion fanatic....just like to explore temples n stuffs.
A lot of ppl mistaken Im a religion fanatic...keep asking me to join their gathering....Im too lazy. Lol.
Even the temple itself REMINDS their worshipers....

Namo Amitabha....

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