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Old 25-09-2009, 11:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 View Post
Ai need lah....during your 2nd can find your way to Massage 82...and come back to spore in one piece...All the fish tank info is in Page 218 post3263, page226 post3380 and page225 post3373

The bah kut teh i some more tambah this one....

Massage 82 easy to find la, from DC Mall look over to Romance Hotel can see liao.

Can lah, if u happen to bring newbies around, jope two seats hor (me and cerberus newbies oso leh), cos we go around the place quite confused, some more no road sign, many small and side roads, bahasa indon veri limited co. so jia liak cannot ask pp, last time i go look for bougainvile olredi veri difficult, sigh...

wa, this bah kut teh from the kopi shop behind utama? i makaned once but i din see the eggs leh, though agree that it is nice, a lot of liao and got pig tail some more i like ok, next time go makan there must ask the uncle liao.
i the hum sup kia, pledge myself to be hum sup all my life, to bonk gals regardless of age , race or nationalities, so as to fulfil my unsatisfiable sex drive, and for the 'progress' and 'prosperity' of my didi
thanks to all bros who upz me, will return favour when i got power
Old 26-09-2009, 01:17 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

i just back from angeles city in philippines. it was fun there and around 100 bars to pick up girls. I was wondering, if Batam could do the same ways as balibago field avenue in angeles city. I am sure more business and more tourist will go there. In balibago angeles city, this area is mainly more entertainment and bars....its easy to wanders around coz the bars are side by side and along one stretch of street. Hotel are within the vicinity. I have not been to batam almost a year and before knowing angeles city, i am quite frequent to batam coz mainly its near and transport is cheap by ferry. The setback to angeles city is the flight cost but overall its cheap there. example, hotel around 30-50 sin per night, girls about 45 sin, food between 5-10 sin per day. Batam girls is now expensive and mostly about 70 sin already ( 500k rupiah).
Old 26-09-2009, 09:10 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by rs07 View Post
i just back from angeles city in philippines. it was fun there and around 100 bars to pick up girls. I was wondering, if Batam could do the same ways as balibago field avenue in angeles city. I am sure more business and more tourist will go there.
Thanks for info and comments. Different places offers different kind of gals, which appeals to different kind of ppl. The main advantage of BTM is the close proximity.
But I believed one day I will make a trip to Angeles City to see for myself.
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 26-09-2009, 10:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Sorry bro victory1 and tuaki83 bro,

now i log in to sammyboy forum and then just see your PM.

Try to meet up but bro tuaki83 says he going to work and check out already.

My short detailed FR. hope you guys can understand.

Robert sms me in the morning asking me what time, i come....i told him i come around lunch time cos need to settle customer parts.
Reach harbourbay at 1245pm. went out, cannot find robert taxi 1380, so called him. in fact, he was standing behind me...haha....never see him before....his english to me quite not bad liao loh....

he took me to money changer to change money....he good bro, help me ask for better change first is 6750...he help me bargain to 6820...somemore he told me i his first customer that change 500 sgd....i told him come enjoy must enjoy good mah....

he told me got two girls, one lagi cantik, one ok...ok one 700,000 rupiah one night, lagi cantik one 1.2m per night...somemore the ok one can speak mandarin, but the lagi cantik one cannot speak mandarin or english at all....he told me that if i can stay in I hotel, why i cannot spend so much on girls? i told him...if chicken and duck together and the duck use hand or sign language, the chicken still dont understand, mati liao..think both are not indo cina at all...

he brought me to one coffee shop makan lunch...the auntie there can speak to me no problem at all...foodwise, one seafood soup for my girl and one hor fen for me with 4 can drinks total 61,000 rupiah....he even pointed to me where bro victory sayang lives.....i think the coffeeshop is near to hotel utama....

then i ask robert bring me to k circle to buy some stuff...bought two box of condoms, chewing gums, coret and three cigarettes...amount is 71,000 rupiah...

i view both, took the ok one...the lagi cantik in my opinion still lose to bro victory sayang....

went to I hotel, checking in takes quite some time as the sales exective did not update the system....

after checking in, i went up to my room with robert and the 700,000 to robert, 100,000 for robert and some loose change for the car park fares....

break the ice by chatting her up...she told me she 25 this year....i told her to guess my age, if correct, i give her 100,000 rupiah....

she guess the correct age the second time and i give as promised...

me too smelly liao, so go shower, never ask her shower with me....i know why only after the bonk....

she also go shower...and then come out, i close the window and the curtain....action starts...i lfrench kiss her....lick her ears and her neck...she cannnot tahan....says too ticklish...her breast...i think B+ but saggy....attacked her breast in circuliar mode before lick her nipple....then slowly make her way down...she dont allow me to lick her cunt or pussy cos she cannot tahan the ticklish already when i attacked her neck and ear....

then i slowly rub her pussy, took her hand to rub mine...slowly took her panties...and i slowly took off my underwear.....on the condom and slowly bonk the end...too tired..ask her to pcc out...she also not happy that i failed to cum in her pussy with condom....too tired...

then shower....i go stay there look at her...she paiseh...hide the curtain...i told her no need paiseh leh...

had a short nap after that, go to windsor food court...makan seafood..818 is the stall number...mei hua the lady she go back LL, still eat there loh.....had frog legs, steamed hongkong groupa, clams, baby kai lan..clay pot tofu...bit is 340,000 rupiah....

after that, went back to hotel....too tired liao to have another bonk....have a shower and lie on the bed...sleep girl not tired...still can watch tv until quite late...i remember cos halfway wake up is around 2am in the morning...

this is my short fr, hope you guys can understand ....
Old 26-09-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
after that, went back to hotel....too tired liao to have another bonk....have a shower and lie on the bed...sleep girl not tired...still can watch tv until quite late...i remember cos halfway wake up is around 2am in the morning...

this is my short fr, hope you guys can understand ....
Thanks for your FR.....
So the important question is....are you happy with the gal's attitude and service?
Value for $ given her looks and figure?....You pay almost 900k rph....
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 26-09-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Cerberus View Post
Thanks for your FR.....
So the important question is....are you happy with the gal's attitude and service?
Value for $ given her looks and figure?....You pay almost 900k rph....
to me, i still allright cos she not from the joint, so her service is still ok, at least got sound..attitude...not bad lah....

her looks and figure...well...i can says 6.5 for both....of course...this is my opinion...each opinion differs...
Old 26-09-2009, 02:25 PM
victory1 victory1 is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

[QUOTE=skyfree;4142257]Sorry bro victory1 and tuaki83 bro,

i view both, took the ok one...the lagi cantik in my opinion still lose to bro victory sayang....

after that, went back to hotel....too tired liao to have another bonk....have a shower and lie on the bed...sleep girl not tired...still can watch tv until quite late...i remember cos halfway wake up is around 2am in the morning...

Wah bros...very good detail...
That mean you only got 1 shot cos you are too tired...and some more no cum in her ya like that very time should take energy least can for for 3 -4 bonks...The way I read your post....look like you are a gentleman...
Old 26-09-2009, 02:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
Sorry bro victory1 and tuaki83 bro,

i view both, took the ok one...the lagi cantik in my opinion still lose to bro victory sayang....

after that, went back to hotel....too tired liao to have another bonk....have a shower and lie on the bed...sleep girl not tired...still can watch tv until quite late...i remember cos halfway wake up is around 2am in the morning...

Wah bros...very good detail...
That mean you only got 1 shot cos you are too tired...and some more no cum in her ya like that very time should take energy least can for for 3 -4 bonks...The way I read your post....look like you are a gentleman...
now waiting for robert to recommend me a good indoina for me....
Old 26-09-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by rs07 View Post
i just back from angeles city in philippines. it was fun there and around 100 bars to pick up girls. I was wondering, if Batam could do the same ways as balibago field avenue in angeles city. I am sure more business and more tourist will go there. In balibago angeles city, this area is mainly more entertainment and bars....its easy to wanders around coz the bars are side by side and along one stretch of street. Hotel are within the vicinity. I have not been to batam almost a year and before knowing angeles city, i am quite frequent to batam coz mainly its near and transport is cheap by ferry. The setback to angeles city is the flight cost but overall its cheap there. example, hotel around 30-50 sin per night, girls about 45 sin, food between 5-10 sin per day. Batam girls is now expensive and mostly about 70 sin already ( 500k rupiah).

If batam is able to improve their red light district 30 to 50 percent like angeles city, their business will surely pickup. Batam is still a muslim country and therefore the Indo anti porn law is much tougher than Philippines and Thailand…Even If I compare angeles with hatyai still angeles is much more cheaper….cos both destination need to sit aeroplane…

The damage for indo cewek is from 350000rp (S$50) to 1M
The damage for philippines gal is from 1500peso (S$45) to 4,000p
The damage for Thai FooYin is 1500baht (S$60) to 2500b

Some people prefer to hunt around at different place for gals as this add to the thrill as in hatayi…and also if gals at SKY (See Kim Yoong) no nice…can take a look at Channivet…and Thungsao

Of course the higher end ang pai cost more … like what you mentioned batam girls is now expensive and mostly about 70 sin….The damage I post here is the average standard girls from ktv, lounges or regular joints…

So If I put aside service standard, batam is still value for money and like what you said,….near…For hotels, it is almost the same price…$30 – $50 range…

I still prefer thai FooYin for their SYT, GF look and good service attitude, and of course the tuk tuk and tomyam
Old 26-09-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 View Post
Bro, managed to getl Ah Long. But he said no such girl. Asked me how to pronounce in Mandarin. I told him Btm Lau Sifu only gave me the name that spelled "NiNi". In Chinese should be pronounced as Milk Milk (translated in Hokkien). But again he said no such name in his stable. Bro, does she have a number tag? That would dispel alot of confusion.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 26-09-2009, 03:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
this is my short fr, hope you guys can understand ....
Detail Fr there. So OVERALL was it value for Money? Your honest opinion. Cos this is something different from regular joint.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 26-09-2009, 03:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

can you believe it?

robert called me just now, got one indo cina lagi cantik....

one night $350 sg dollars...

Old 26-09-2009, 03:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
can you believe it?

robert called me just now, got one indo cina lagi cantik....

one night $350 sg dollars...

Wooooo. @ 2.5Mio Juta!
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 26-09-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Detail Fr there. So OVERALL was it value for Money? Your honest opinion. Cos this is something different from regular joint.
in my own opinion, i still feel value for money....
Old 26-09-2009, 04:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Wooooo. @ 2.5Mio Juta!
ya...somemore i thought i hear wrongly...but confirmed with robert is 350 sg dollars...i

i told him this price i believe is even higher than the chicken joint with indo cina....

see him loh...he got ask me want take from chicken joint...i says dont want...tired of eating there....

still waiting for indo cina.....

bro victory1...shocked leh me
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