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Old 30-10-2011, 08:45 AM
cqueen cqueen is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Good morning samsters,

1. I am just a crossdresser who used to own a slave whom I trained to be an obedient dog. I just want to emphasize that I am not a paid professional "Mistress", hence the session may just be a amatuerish one.

2. My 'training' is good and suitable who enjoy free, no hassle, no string attached free mild obedient session. Those with high expectations or have been trained by those professional "Mistress" are not suitable candiadate for my session as I do not have many such skilful experiences.

3. Please email a brief intro of yr name, age and race with a good description of what you like and do not like to [email protected] for a preliminary discussion before we decide if we can match our needs and enjoy a good training session.
Old 30-10-2011, 11:35 AM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by copymark View Post
bro robertchua, glad u enjoyed your session with Miss Kathy. She probably the best gal i scouted. lol.
Bro copymark, yes we talked about you during our session. I will elaborate more in my FR later.
Old 30-10-2011, 11:41 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by lancerex View Post
haha bro not every will finish u with a shoe job, Then they finish you ? Footjob? haha
Bri lancerex, in case you do not know, there are dominatrix who will not do any kind of job since they consider that as prostitution. Without mentioning names, I have encountered some. Thus when I compare my sessions with GL prostitutes versus dominatrix who do not offer me a bootjob, the former is certainly value for money.

Thanks for sharing your clip. I prefer a bootjob (meaning it is like a footjob except it is done with boots). I love to be a gas pedal anytime for a mean girl wearing thigh high / knee high leather boots!
Old 30-10-2011, 11:44 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by d2pre View Post
she bring her own boot? or u bought yr for hER?
Bro d2pre, several months back, thanks to bro copymark who told me that Miss Kathy has her own boots, I contacted her. Unfortunately at that time, she did not. She offer to kick me wearing heels but I told her I need boots. Recently, she contacted me telling me she just bought a new pair of "damn sexy boots" and if I was interested in having a session with her. Of course, I wasted no time in arranging a session with her.
Old 30-10-2011, 11:47 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by McWoof0 View Post
i am going for a mistress suniya session next week!.. she told me mistress wana watching need to pay $50..

btw.. how come i cannot add reputation to you guys? admin keep telling me to spread before giving to the same person. i already spread to so many pple.

Bro McWoof0, hope you have fun with Mistress Suniya! I will be giving her a miss this time round. I do not mind trying Mistress Wana but I think she should be the understudy to Mistress Suniya.

As for the "audience watching fee" for Mistress Wana, I had the bad experience of something similar. In the end, I paid more for the "audience" to become a "participant" though I do not know if you want to do the same.

As for the reputation, you can only give to the same person in 3 years time. Yes, 3 years! With your 0 Power, there is nothing for you to add to the reputation so you might be better off waiting till you reach 1 Power.
Old 30-10-2011, 11:51 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by cqueen View Post
Good morning samsters,

1. I am just a crossdresser who used to own a slave whom I trained to be an obedient dog. I just want to emphasize that I am not a paid professional "Mistress", hence the session may just be a amatuerish one.

2. My 'training' is good and suitable who enjoy free, no hassle, no string attached free mild obedient session. Those with high expectations or have been trained by those professional "Mistress" are not suitable candiadate for my session as I do not have many such skilful experiences.

3. Please email a brief intro of yr name, age and race with a good description of what you like and do not like to [email protected] for a preliminary discussion before we decide if we can match our needs and enjoy a good training session.
Hi cqueen, good of you to drop in this thread. A pity I am only into girls wearing thigh high / knee high leather boots. For other bros who are keen, do drop cqueen an email and I am sure you guys can have lots of fun together!
Old 30-10-2011, 12:22 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bros, as promised here is part 2 of my FR on Miss Kathy and her over-the-knee leather boots.

I reached the location a few minutes before our time and I messaged her that I am here. Two minutes was her reply and two minutes later, I saw her. Plus points for being on time. She was carrying a big bag (which contained her over-the-knee leather boots) and as I introduced myself, I noticed she was wearing a black pair of suede high heels (4 inches tall, I believe) and a pair of blue demin shorts that showed off her toned legs - her body shape is slim and shapely, the kind I like.

As she is not a local, we did not talk that much. I told her that I am similar to bro copymark and she replied that bro copymark was the one who corrupted her. I added that boots are essential to me and I am glad that she has such a beautiful pair. She changed from her high heels into her boots and we got down to business.

Initially, she was rather apprehensive with her kicks as she did not know my pain tolerance level. I encouraged her to kick me harder. Halfway through, she asked me if I watched Johnny English. I told her I did not but I know what she is talking about (Johnny English is immune to ball kicks in that movie). I told her why not we roleplay with me being Johnny English and she being the bad girl (I love being the good guy, really), and so with that, her kicks became more powerful.

We took a short breather as kicking is hard work and the next scenario / role-play I gave her was I am a bad guy (I love being the bad guy too!) and she is the good girl. Her kicks was even more powerful (obviously, she likes being the good girl as well) than the Johnny English. At this point, I had difficulty taking her kicks as my balls were rather injured. She allowed me more time to rest by letting me worship her boots.

I told her I am enjoying myself tremendously and I can sense she is happy too. Apparently, she has never kicked a guy as hard as myself previously (that includes you, bro copymark) and she enjoys watching me drop to the floor holding my balls after a good hard kick.

When I am too weak to stand, I laid on the floor and requested her to use her heels to poke my balls. This she did with much gusto. In her own words, she said "I break your balls" as she mashed her heels into my swollen balls (this was where I got the bleeding). When I see her smiling at me as my balls are being tortured by her lovely boots, I forced myself to endure the pain. Even now, I relish that particular expression on her face.

I requested for a few more kicks, telling her I am the bad guy and I want to attack her. This really earns me the hardest kicks from her and she does not feel bad since she is merely protecting herself from a bad guy like me. I asked her what if I am really a bad guy and she told me she will kick my balls till I faint. Tempting this may sound but I do want to have my balls get kicked another day so I did not goad her into kicking me harder.

As I grew weaker from her powerful kicks, I laid on the floor and requested her to trample on my balls. In particular, her heels should be on my balls. She stepped on me and danced a little and before I know it, I cummed due to the intense pain. Her boots were not touching my cock in case you were wondering so it is very fascinating that I can cummed in this way.

I enjoyed myself so much despite cumming before the hour is up and it is indeed money well-spent. Bathing was particularly painful due to the broken skin but as I recall my session with Miss Kathy, the pain is well worth it. Miss Kathy is certainly one dominatrix whom I will go back again and again.
Old 30-10-2011, 03:31 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by robertchua View Post
Thanks for sharing your clip. I prefer a bootjob (meaning it is like a footjob except it is done with boots). I love to be a gas pedal anytime for a mean girl wearing thigh high / knee high leather boots!
Maybe u can ask mistress kathy to treat u as a gas pedal for the next session ? haha
Old 30-10-2011, 03:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Great FR as always bro robertchua.

The "Johnny English" line made me lol you have great pain tolerance.

Sorry if I missed it but can Ms Kathy only be engaged thru CM?
Old 30-10-2011, 04:58 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro lancerex, I think she gas pedaled me already (except it is with her heels instead of her sole).

Bro kbearsg, the best way to engage Miss Kathy is through CM. Once you have sessioned with her, I believe she will ask you to sms in future for faster response (like she asked me to).

Last edited by robertchua; 30-10-2011 at 05:13 PM.
Old 31-10-2011, 09:28 AM
lancerex lancerex is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro Robert, i think her sole quite rough , my dick skin also suffer the same fate as ur balls, when bathing time..awww haha

you said that you cum while she was trampling other parts of your body except your dick and ball ?
Old 31-10-2011, 11:59 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Now waiting for my session with mistress Suyina . full of anticipation . Hahahha although serve her many times already but still that exciting feeling of what she will to u later on is like ......makes my heart beat faster ...hahaha reporting live from somewhere in Singapore hehe
Old 31-10-2011, 03:47 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Too bad i only into sub females
This thread seems focus more into dom females
Old 31-10-2011, 04:45 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by lancerex View Post
Bro Robert, i think her sole quite rough , my dick skin also suffer the same fate as ur balls, when bathing time..awww haha

you said that you cum while she was trampling other parts of your body except your dick and ball ?
feet sole or shoe sole
Old 31-10-2011, 08:44 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

is feet sole
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