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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 25-12-2018, 10:18 AM
Analingusman Analingusman is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Any kind bro can advise any local shop selling this? Thanks in advance
I had more than enough points. Pls DO NOT up me for Exchange
Old 25-12-2018, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Analingusman View Post
Any kind bro can advise any local shop selling this? Thanks in advance
Lol I last saw this at E-mart bro. I think all E-mart should carry under their cash items. Merry Xmas!
Old 25-12-2018, 06:32 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

This is going out to all the bros that have gotten KCed before. Whether It happened intentionally or not, I'm not sure and It doesn't really matter at this point for me.

When I first started getting into bdsm, I understood that there were passionate dominatrixes who sought the lifestyle because they loved what they were doing and could also make decent coin out of it. It was then understandable that there would be people who saw this as a way to turn a quick buck as where else could one find a profession that pays $250 or more per hour and especially without going through years of ardous education or training similar to that of a doctor or a lawyer.

The reason I mentioned the above was because in my past I have had sessions with mistresses who have looked down on me for the kinks that I had or worse make me do things that I didn't ask for and those who were simply a waste of both time and money. I wouldn't name names because mostly they are either irrelevant or not around anymore.

Even in my previous relationship, with my vanilla girl whom I thought one day might just become the mother of my children ended things with me because she had certain doubts about me; about the things that I liked.

Heavy grew the heart that had always kept things locked up and I confessed to her about the things that I most secretly desired and expressed my wishes for her to do them to me one day but with the understanding that we start off with baby steps.

She was quiet, silent like a grave and I knew in that precise moment that she was mortified by everything I said. There was no turning back from there and she jumped off the nearest exit when she had the chance. I'll always appreciate the fact that as far as I knew she never told anyone the reason why she left and I respect her decision as well as it isn't easy for someone to accept me for everything that I am and I knew that she and I were never meant to be.

As I was processing all of this, I had taken a relatively long break from SM and soon enough decided it was time to find someone new for a session. I decided to engage a mistress who had been around the scene for a while but whose style of play never appealed to me and just like that I hopped on to the next stop that was kink town. She helped me live through my kinks and fantasies and never once made me feel shameful about the things that I most deeply desired.

She even gave me a listening ear when I needed one although I didn't have any such expectations as this is after all a relationship between that of a client and a mistress albeit an unconventional one nevertherless; having lived through such an intimate moment we both go back to our own lives once the door closes battling against our own respective struggles and tribulations that we come to face with once again.

I think being in such a vulnerable place, with someone very accepting of the way that I am made me have feelings that I shouldn't have had. I do know that it's never going to happen between us and as sad as It has made me, I wouldn't trade the memories I have had with her for anything else.

Along the past weeks, I have had the opportunity to talk and chat with a few bros here; their experiences in the scene, struggles they have faced in their personal lives and also the memorable sessions they have had with some of our local talents and it's really nice to hear the perspectives of others rather than your own to understand their sentiment on SM and the impact it has had on their lives.

I will say that 2018 has been a woefully difficult year for me but a year that once again reminds me to be grateful for the little things in life and I am to those mistresses that have allowed me to explore parts of myself that I never knew existed. To the bros whom I have had the chance to speak to as well thank you for sharing with me and I wish each one of you much joy along this journey of yours.

Lastly, a shout out to the mistresses whom have have made a difference in my life which includes, Mistress Yui, Princess Yura, Mistress Raine, Goddess Jamie and a few others.

Also a special mention to Mistress Estella whom I haven't had the pleasure of meeting and yet spoken with tremendous fondness by some of the bros I've chatted with. Maybe perhaps a memory for 2019 instead? Haha.

Wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2019 be the best that is yet to come.
Old 25-12-2018, 07:22 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ROTROTROT View Post
This is going out to all the bros that have gotten KCed before. Whether It happened intentionally or not, I'm not sure and It doesn't really matter at this point for me.
As Sam Leong once said, whores are for fucking (or in our case sessioning), not for loving.

On this forum, we are looking to meet our sexual needs. On this thread, bros are looking to have their fantasies/fetishes satisfied. We should not be here to look for love, companionship, or a listening ear. Going down that road will bring nothing but misery.
Old 25-12-2018, 10:00 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Any of you serve Mistress Secret? she is young Singapore Chinese girl.

her tribute is $300 per hour.
I am deaf and looking for funs. SG sex/ sex-massage scene so boring. I hope to explore KTV areas.
Old 26-12-2018, 02:00 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ROTROTROT View Post
This is going out to all the bros that have gotten KCed before. Whether It happened intentionally or not, I'm not sure and It doesn't really matter at this point for me.
tks for sharing bro, although i'm also personally advocating and creating awareness on this topic, it's very real and relevant...

bro otherone, FLs i find easier to siam coz there are everywhere, mistress wise not easy to find, for myself at least, easy kinks / fetish like feet etc, some girls are still willing to indulge
(not saying every girl but definitely easier than mine), most cringe at the mention of my kinks, like bro Rotrotrot say, run at the first chance to the nearest exit, so i been hiding in the
closet for the past years as well until laz yr then i chanced upon the SM scene... so yes it's unavoidable that we will definitely some kind of feelings in one way or another for a mistress
that can understand our 'sick' side, got one mistress call me 'si bian tai' (sick pervert) although i dont really mind lol...
Old 26-12-2018, 07:49 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I had meet up with Secret
As some of the fr stated, tall and beautiful lady.

Depend on your kink, likely will not be wrong going to her
Old 26-12-2018, 10:19 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Yep. I have said before that there's a difference between a domme, and a spoilt brat princess who has her head up her own ass. The second type is very common among women (especially younger) in Singapore, and a few of them think that the BDSM scene is a good way to turn their entitled princess attitude into a cash cow. So we have to beware on our end.
I cannot agree the least. With no names mentioned. Those young arrogant brats gog by princess something calling us names like loser, pigs, bitch, dumb, degrading which is ok if it is part of our fetish, however not if otherwise, thinking sub in the Bdsm ring are a convenient way to extract money via paypig/slave/ATM etc. hitting the jackpot! totally missing the point. A bit of mutual respect please. These are our hard earn money. We like to keep the community alive and viable but mutually respected at the same time. Agree that gog for mature doms are a good way to start with an exception of few excellent young blood I.e R and some. Please contnue to review. I recently tried a Prc mIlf Vetarian will potential. She in the central location
Old 26-12-2018, 10:29 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Oh and merry Xmas and happy sessioning into 2019
Old 26-12-2018, 11:13 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by subway73 View Post
I cannot agree the least. With no names mentioned. Those young arrogant brats gog by princess something calling us names like loser, pigs, bitch, dumb, degrading which is ok if it is part of our fetish, however not if otherwise, thinking sub in the Bdsm ring are a convenient way to extract money via paypig/slave/ATM etc. hitting the jackpot! totally missing the point. A bit of mutual respect please. These are our hard earn money. We like to keep the community alive and viable but mutually respected at the same time. Agree that gog for mature doms are a good way to start with an exception of few excellent young blood I.e R and some. Please contnue to review. I recently tried a Prc mIlf Vetarian will potential. She in the central location
Can share the contact and damages of the PRC milf? Thanks
Old 26-12-2018, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by subway73 View Post
I cannot agree the least. With no names mentioned. Those young arrogant brats gog by princess something calling us names like loser, pigs, bitch, dumb, degrading which is ok if it is part of our fetish, however not if otherwise, thinking sub in the Bdsm ring are a convenient way to extract money via paypig/slave/ATM etc. hitting the jackpot! totally missing the point. A bit of mutual respect please. These are our hard earn money. We like to keep the community alive and viable but mutually respected at the same time. Agree that gog for mature doms are a good way to start with an exception of few excellent young blood I.e R and some. Please contnue to review. I recently tried a Prc mIlf Vetarian will potential. She in the central location
share the contact
Old 26-12-2018, 06:11 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Out of all the mistress’d In the scene who are some of the tallest and best looking?
Old 26-12-2018, 09:39 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by JohnGreeman View Post
Out of all the mistress’d In the scene who are some of the tallest and best looking?
bro best looking ie looks is very subjective, wad one mistress ticks in ur boxes
might not tick for another bro... so better u c for yourself...
although again sorry i'm not supposed to touch on this topic as i got flak
for saying that a mistress is chio, PM scold wtf this one call me chio lol...
Old 26-12-2018, 09:58 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Think in the past there is one called Anja... Tall and beautiful....
Old 27-12-2018, 03:58 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by JohnGreeman View Post
Out of all the mistress’d In the scene who are some of the tallest and best looking?
As for tall, I think Mistress Secret is very tall.
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