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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-05-2019, 10:49 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Havanna Slicks View Post
Bro i didnt opt for strict and sadistic so i didnt experience it first hand, but from my convo with the domees and feedback from other bros, coco and snow can up the strictness level if you so wish...

prettiest wise subjective bro, personally i will go for lele but consensus amongst prc specialist bros, coco is the top choice here... so you have to decide for yourself which one ticks ur boxes...
Just added coco earlier though, she asked why so many ppl add her for what xD. Is it she not doing already? Do you have website link for her? Cant seem to find.

*maybe no more alr, Lele site also gone.

Last edited by Zzun; 05-05-2019 at 11:17 AM.
Old 05-05-2019, 11:30 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Zzun View Post
Just added coco earlier though, she asked why so many ppl add her for what xD. Is it she not doing already? Do you have website link for her? Cant seem to find.

*maybe no more alr, Lele site also gone.
coco cfm still around...

lele wise not sure but i didnt get reply from her either, yes her link is down...
Old 05-05-2019, 10:59 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I think kittys and lele is gone

The number links to another person.
Old 06-05-2019, 12:51 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by mutalisk View Post
I think kittys and lele is gone

The number links to another person.
kitty shld be gone, heard she got caught...
lele 50-50 coz she mentioned she wont be leaving so soon,
maybe change number or something, will update here if i hear from her...
Old 06-05-2019, 03:10 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

hi bros, after going one round of my prc tour, i would like to share my feelings and thoughts so far, some bros who had similar experience will share same sentiments as me, it's ok if you dont agree with me, i'm not looking for a debate or saga or whatever, just to share only... focus of this post is to do a simple comparison between PRCs and locals, other overseas domees including asian and ang mohs we will leave it for another discussion another day... just a repeat reminder that i do not pledge allegience to any camp, i'm more of a mercenery but without the rewards, i go where the grass is green (read fun) hehe...

after chatting with some bros, we have come to a conclusion, as compared to locals (i've met most of them), prcs although more budget friendly and more fun, there appears to be something missing, 'x factor' perhaps if you call it that, we just couldnt find what it is but there's just something that we cant describe, perhaps it's a connection, the chemistry, the conversation, the banter, the touch even, whatever it is, we just couldnt settle on one specific point, however that said, whether or not this missing piece of the puzzle is worth the premium in tribute, i will leave it for you to decide...

lao jiaos (veterans) aside, the reason i'm sharing this is for newbies and for those who're thinking of embarking on the same journey as me, i save you the trouble and just summarize everything for you here, firstly let's rewind abit back to the start of my SM journey, the very first PRC i met was mingyue (bros who met her should be able to relate better), she hosted at an apartment in GL, the condition of the place is quite terok (read jialat), messy and needs area cleaning, even though she had a lot of toys, she had a hard time trying to locate them due to the whole room so messy, clothes, her barang and her toys, if i didnt remember wrongly, she had like 3 phones, also anyhow throw, later ring also duno which one lol... next the hygiene level also terok, the floor i tell you, dont say worship her feet, i dont even feel like walking on the floor with my bare feet, that sucks, big time... so for brothers who have been following me, you would notice i didnt go back to prcs even though at that time the session was pretty awesome, but i feel hygiene level is something not to be compromised, so i avoided sessioning with them... fast forward to the next prc i went, Mis Su, ok she different level, skip we move to the next one, Mistress Yan aka seventh princess, she regain my confidence plenty, she observed high level of hygiene, well equipped, skilled and fun... so thereafter i decided to embark on my PRC journey to meet all the gems currently available in the scene...

next let's talk about the advantages of PRCs, aside from those feshi that require extensive equipments, specialised skills etc, they can cater well, even GS or scat also can... they're skilled, yes they are, creative yes, i wouldnt pick out one by one for comparison but let's talk on the whole generally, they're fun yes, i know some bros who are into strict SM frown upon ML/FLs as domees, i beg to differ coz i find end of the day we're trying to get off, for bros like me, who likes ML/FLs with a bit of extra (SM), prcs can do the job perfectly, they're fun, at least a HJ, sometimes more... locals on the whole as they're not ML/FLs, sometimes dont touch us, sometimes dont let us touch (dont blame them but sometimes gives the feeling like not so fun)... then there's the hygiene level, few post back i did point out a few hygiene problems, after prc tour, about a year on after i met mingyue, prc hygiene level improved leaps and bounds, now they are very hygienic, clean towels, clean sheets, clean toys, from my observation, ok maybe i nit pick or troublesome there, prcs pass with flying colors in this aspect on the whole... then last but not least the best part is their tribute is lower ($80-$150), if you compare one session it might not seem much but if u stack together one month or one year, for pple like me who session every other week, adds up to quite substantial amount so for budget conscious like me, this is an attractive option, whales and sharks need not apply...

next let's move on to the locals, skills wise i need not elaborate much, from my FRs you can read, but generally on the whole still pretty good, so one a piece, no advantage there, locals wise generally have more equipment, things like electro, prcs wont have, they will have corporal, light anal toys etc quite basic, so if you're just into basic like me, feet and some light corporal etc, then you wont utilise much of the extra toys... nx fun factor, i know of some bros who go to sessions just for kinks, (for eg the bro who just want to hug mistress leg for one hr, sorry no offense there), locals most of the time just JOI, some got HJ if you're lucky, not saying not fun, it's fun, but just not as fun as prcs... nx is the hygiene level, few posts back i pointed out the hygiene issue with locals (i'm not saying all locals but a certain group of locals do so they are grouped thus), not cleaning their feet or toys thoroughly in between sessions, yui and secret are the two domees that sterilised their toys after every use, perhaps abit extreme to some but it gives us the confidence that mistress is concerned about our health and well being so we're rest assured we're in good hands, personally i kana one domee ask me to lick another sub's saliva (which i didnt request and declined politely, no offense to bros into forced bi), that's a big turn off for me, kana facesit with cum from the previous sub on the mistress panties (wads cum doing on her panties anw, wonder if they were piaking lol), these could well be the blacksheep of the local community but i have yet to experience such things from other nationality domees, one point which i have yet to mention before (i came across this in another forums then reminded me), other than yura (coz i personally helped her with this), some domees have the practice of recycling towels, if you receive damp or warm towels do check carefully, got once i kana warm warm towel, then i thought wah this hotel service so good even towels also warm up for you, open up got pubic hair and sperm, wtf right, we pay min 250 is it too much to ask for a clean towel? again not sweeping all locals but just to point out there are domees who practice that so keep your eyes open, some domees say since you so particular then you bring your own towel lo, you think your $250 f*cking big right?, i mean prcs 100 thereabouts they can provide a clean towel, most of them wash the towels themselves, locals mostly order from housekeeping, they dont even need to wash, yet they cant be bothered to take that bit of effort, ok lo i know most domees make much more than me peasant, my $250 no matter how small but still my hard earned money lo, ask me bring my own towel i sian half liao dont feel like going already, go session face black black low morale lol... and last but not least, premium over the prcs, take $250 vs $80, go locals one time i can go prc 3 times, so back to the chicken rice illustration (abit extreme but it's to show you the difference), kopitiam $3 chicken rice vs michelin $30 chicken rice, for me i'm more of kopitiam guy so $3 chicken rice works for me, unless maybe once in awhile you feel like going to restaurant then can splurge abit, otherwise $3 chicken rice can fill stomach, tasty and make me happy, works everytime...

btw dont PM me ask me which part is which domee etc, my point is not to flame any particular domee but instead wan to root out such unethical practices, highlight to bros, help everyone out and create awareness, coz it reminds me of some facility with okts that are just concerned about their own profits, imo a domee who is only concerned about her tribute and not about our health and well being is not worth sessioning, no matter how skilled, fun or otherwise...
Old 06-05-2019, 08:25 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

"if you receive damp or warm towels do check carefully, got once i kana warm warm towel, then i thought wah this hotel service so good even towels also warm up for you, open up got pubic hair and sperm, wtf right, we pay min 250 is it too much to ask for a clean towel? "

This is totally unprofessional, and have zero hygienic sense.
Think even geylang had better hygienic standard than this.

How many of us here make $250 an hour, likely only senior lawyer/doctor or businessman make this pay; I suppose 90% of the reader here do not make this pay.(sorry, not intend to offend anyone). Total do not make sense that pay $250/hr with zero hygienic when hygienic is such a basic, and is being take for granted.....

Last edited by zoomer; 06-05-2019 at 02:29 PM.
Old 06-05-2019, 02:08 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

[QUOTE=Havanna Slicks;18656529]hi bros, after going one round of my prc tour, i would like to share my feelings and thoughts so far, some bros who had similar experience will share same sentiments as me, it's ok if you dont agree with me, i'm not looking for a debate or saga or whatever, just to share only... focus of this post is to do a simple comparison between PRCs and locals, other overseas domees including asian and ang mohs we will leave it for another discussion another day... just a repeat reminder that i do not pledge allegience to any camp, i'm more of a mercenery but without the rewards, i go where the grass is green (read fun) hehe...

Bro. agree with your whole post. Hygiene should be paramount whether its $80 or $800

I have seen all types of mistresses here, from the PRCs to the ang mos. If theres not hygiene, I will walk out.

Comparing PRCs and other mistresses, there are hits and misses. Kelly was quite good, however, met another PRC recently and there was almost no connection and she smelt quite bad! Total turn off and almost wanted to vom. I do want to try Snow who i've yet to.

By far the best i've met is yui, and her hygiene level is top notch. She does charge a premium, and I'm glad to pay that as long as the service remains.
Old 06-05-2019, 02:39 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by zoomer View Post
This is totally unprofessional, and have zero hygienic sense.
Think even geylang had better hygienic standard than this.
just because they're pro-dommes doesnt mean they're professional, these domees who flout hygiene basics are juz wannabes imo, juz wan to faster grab a quick buck and dont care what happens to us...

just to add on, using a recycled towel, the part you use to clean your face or body could have been contact with the previous bro's dick, ass or feet...
if the bro was clean still not so bad, if he wasnt clean or worse had some kind of growth or infection on his privates then you're in for a good time, literally...
Old 06-05-2019, 02:46 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by tomfin877 View Post
Comparing PRCs and other mistresses, there are hits and misses. Kelly was quite good, however, met another PRC recently and there was almost no connection and she smelt quite bad! Total turn off and almost wanted to vom. I do want to try Snow who i've yet to.

By far the best i've met is yui, and her hygiene level is top notch. She does charge a premium, and I'm glad to pay that as long as the service remains.
u shld try snow, she is the most FUN prc mistress i met so far...

yup agree yui is top in hygiene in local context, i see the way she wash her toys i also feel paiseh wan to help her but scared later make a mess of it lol...

i see many workshops on ropes, sex, psycho, toys, mayb organisers can arrange one to educate the domees on basic hygiene
Old 06-05-2019, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Havanna Slicks View Post
u shld try snow, she is the most FUN prc mistress i met so far...

yup agree yui is top in hygiene in local context, i see the way she wash her toys i also feel paiseh wan to help her but scared later make a mess of it lol...

i see many workshops on ropes, sex, psycho, toys, mayb organisers can arrange one to educate the domees on basic hygiene
Agree bro - you have done a great job of educating us all
Old 06-05-2019, 02:56 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Normgre View Post
Agree bro - you have done a great job of educating us all
you're welcome bro, tks for reading, I just share what i can...
Old 06-05-2019, 03:07 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Another few that I know practise good hygiene are Cleo and Dominafire , who happen to be nurse formerly. (if not wrong). For local, beside what is mention, think Minky, Amber do have good hygience habit. As for the rest, not saying that they do or do not , just not sure. They may or may not practise it, Havanna Slicks can advice :-)
Old 06-05-2019, 03:11 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by zoomer View Post
Another few that I know practise good hygiene are Cleo and Dominafire , who happen to be nurse formerly. (if not wrong). For local, beside what is mention, think Minky, Amber do have good hygience habit. As for the rest, not saying that they do or do not , just not sure. They may or may not practise it.
Cleo yes, the best and top in hygiene i have ever seen, going to her session like medical play hehe, another fantasy or roleplay idea for bros...

minky and amber are the professionals, cfm top notch too... rest like i said, i'm not flaming one or a group of domees, just want to root out this bad practice...
Old 06-05-2019, 04:07 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by zoomer View Post
Another few that I know practise good hygiene are Cleo and Dominafire , who happen to be nurse formerly. (if not wrong). For local, beside what is mention, think Minky, Amber do have good hygience habit. As for the rest, not saying that they do or do not , just not sure. They may or may not practise it, Havanna Slicks can advice :-)
Yes Dominafire is a former nurse. She has a great presence as a domme, hope she comes to Singapore again soon.
Old 06-05-2019, 04:08 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Yes Dominafire is a former nurse. She has a great presence as a domme, hope she comes to Singapore again soon.
missed her last trip, hope can meet her on her next trip here...
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