Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
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Last edited by demarco; 29-01-2015 at 12:35 AM. Reason: old posting |
Re: Tan-Zhou ( 坦州 )
Hi Bro Beckham07, 11 litres of sexual fluids just added for you
Cheers Rasta Marley
I have permanently retired from Points Exchange; Please do not add my rep with expectations of returns. Thanks & Cheers |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Gone was the days of Yi-tiao-long, One dragon service. Lian Hua Lu street hooker is still around for 300 rmb per pop. room included. Got 1 sauna offer this service of 298rmb, BBBJ. ZhongShan, still okay, got the 1 dragon service is 688 onward. TanZhou, Since, Zhuhai no longer offer 1-dragon. when I hear that TanZhou got this service, chop chop went up to Tanzhou to the most famous joint. Sadly, only HJ available.
Kuta Beach, beautiful SunSet |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
头条新闻羊城晚报 [微博] 吕楠芳2015-02-04 05:43我要分享 6 [摘要]已有国内外33家航空公司于2月4日当天取消航班308班。 广州白云机场将临时关闭 白云机场第三跑道明天启用(图中红线所标注跑道,资料图) 5日0时至8时关闭机场,南航取消90架次航班,今明两日出行旅客需密切留意航班动态 羊城晚报讯 记者吕楠芳报道:2015年春运今天正式开始,广州白云机场第三跑道5日也将正式启用。为完成跑道和滑行道 编号的顺利切换,白云机场将于今日23时30分停止接收航班起降,5日0时至8时关闭机场。已有国内外33 家航空公司于2月4日当天取消航班308班,其中南航取消90架次,邮航8架次。计划4日、5日出行的旅客 需密切留意航班动态信息。 据介绍,第三跑道与现有东跑道为一组窄距跑道,投产后将与东跑道一起组合使用,第三跑道主要用于降落,东跑 道主要用于起飞。西跑道依然独立运行,既有起飞也有降落。 在白云机场运营的各航空公司已做好相应航班调整,国际航班以时刻调整方式为主,国内航班以合并取消、小机型 更换大机型的方式为主。业内专家介绍,白云机场新增一条跑道后,原有空中交通路线图需重新设计和优化,空中 交通规则也要调整。另外,各种引导飞行的通信、导航、场面监视等设备也必须到位。同时,航空管制员需要进行 相应培训。至于新增跑道能否减少航班延误,专家表示需取决于上述多项因素的协同作用。 新跑道启用前需要完成跑道和滑行道编号的切换,这也是白云机场全场飞行区标识牌改造工程的一项重要内容,包 括新标记牌回路接驳、旧标记牌拆除、标志线擦除及重新划设等,因此需要关闭机场8个小时。 “随着跑道数量的增加,飞行区滑行道系统也越来越复杂,现有跑滑编号是根据1999年的总体规划制定的,但 总体规划在2007年版本中有较大调整,如果不对滑行道编号进行系统的规划,今后新建跑道及滑行道系统编号 都将面临无号码资源可用的局面。”机场方面解释,机场启动扩建前,已对白云机场规划的五条跑道及滑行道系统 进行重新编号规划。 记者从白云机场获悉,今年春运白云机场的客流量预计将达到690万人次,同比去年增长7%,日均航班量超1 200班,日均接送旅客17.25万人次。南航将在中南、西南方向增加2500个起降架次,国航将在西南方 向增加约500个起降架次。 广州白云机场在春运次日临时关闭,你表示: |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Anyone bros know where to have fun in ZH? Planning to there with friends, but it is our first time.
Any advise or recommendation. Thanks |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
I would also suggest you contact VivianXu or other SBF advertisers who are on the ground and will be able to not only guide you to the right places, but more importantly, offer you a bit more safety. And of course, do NOT get suckered in by these Stealth agents pretending to just be another good guy Samster willing to help out etc - you're gonna get scammmed badly! Please refer to my thread on how to avoid these crettins: http://sammyboy.online/showthread.php?t=508851 only the first three pages are relevant - the rest are these dogs trying to deface/bury the information. Good luck, have fun and play safe!! SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Hi bro, I intend to engage the services of Vivien xu or gao fei in ZH & have book my flight on good Friday long weekend so maybe you & your friends wanna join me since I'm alone? 😆
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
I am always available here in this area.....
Kuta Beach, beautiful SunSet |
Re: Cotai Frontier Check Point/Hengqin Border
Well seems like my guess is quite right.
By combining so many thread into a single thread is putting ppl off. Just too much info jam into one place for ppl to get something out of it. Most if not all are just too lazy to go treasure hunting for info, more so as not sure if there any good value in return. So little post for the past 3 weeks OMG Last post is 4 days ago... A sign that the thread is dieing lol
CP is gone... ZH, here I come |
Re: Cotai Frontier Check Point/Hengqin Border
What to do when the fellow who made the changes were based his friend's recommendation |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Anyone Zhongshan contacts? Maybe like incall?
Re: Cotai Frontier Check Point/Hengqin Border
We all know what's the main reason why no ppl is sharing info when there's one big mouth who keep shutting he's sharing heehee
CP is gone... ZH, here I come |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Spot a good massage at Tanzhou end up with FJ. 368 + 200. Very happy ending.
Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Any1 knows me and in ZH on 28/3, msg me pls.
Looking for like minded kakis to KTV. |
Re: Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Tanzhou ( 坦州 ) Info
Bro, i will be there in 29th.. pm you.
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