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Old 24-08-2015, 03:06 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
i make a comparison on 5 girls over 5 girls between Gold Bird and Permata Indah. Permata appears to have more prettier girls,but service standard wise,i still feel Gold Bird girls are better or at least more stable.

Hehehe..i only had one dick i cannot bonk so many girls in a short frame of time,so my comparison of 5 on 5 are base on other group trip's friends/bros who tried and feedback-ed to me. Both joints are known to be good (better than Bunga and Happy 8 but comparable with New Berry),but i have more satisfied newbies/friends/bros in Goldbird than in Permata.
This I would strongly agree with you.

Last year remember when I walk in into goldbird during one occasion, the cewek are being ordered strictly like kena shouted by the OKT to remain quiet and sit at their respective position.

Having a strict control of the cewek tends to result in having a disciplined character and would know the importance of serving their customers.

Probably majority of permata indah cewek are not subjected to strict control therefore tend to be more daring towards their tamu.

Example of some scenario are:

1) Request for early go home despite knowing that her duty have not been fully carried out.

2) Put on an act (main sandiwara) not feeling well

3) Request for exorbitant tips even when service sucks big time

4) Refuse to fxxx 3 rounds at least.

5) Not accommodating to tamu request like lazy to change pattern during sex or there are worst case whereby some don't even want to strip fully naked.

6) Bad habit like smoking indonesian clove cigarette (Kretek) in the room non-stop one after another (strong smell). Occasional smoking is okay but not too much.

7) Playing handphone like FB and games non-stop until were told to stop.

8) Never give attention to her tamu only know to watch her favourite TV programmes. Poor GFE....

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I learned another thing in Batam.
wait,i forgot one more other thing,different people asking for the price is also another factor. A few friends on my 18th Batam trip who goes to money changer without me got quoted a lousier price of 9700/SGD. i forgot how much i was quoted but definitely a better price. I was as shock as my friends to know that too.
So it does pays to be humble,well-mannered and not be demanding.
I believe the fat Chinese lady money changer opposite Formosa like you very much....

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
One of the MOST IMPORTANT thing i learned in Batam is,Money can practically buys me everything...but i may not get the BEST of what i buy with money if i do not understand Batam well enough...hence there is no such thing as a best place ,a best joint or a best girl,only those of which that suits oneself.
Just my thoughts...
(i know,i know...i think too
Just to share on some aspect about some local native Indonesian (but not all). Some of them tend to use up all their money whenever they have money on hand. Unlikely they would want to save it.

List an example like some rich Chinese businessman towkay boss hire many maids (pembantu), nurse (suster), chef (tukang masak) and chauffeur (supir) to work in his house.

Some household can have like 5-8 maids (1 for cooking, 1 for washing clothes,1 for cleaning the house, a few for taking care of kids, some as spare on standby) because hiring a maid in Indonesia is extremely cheap.(20 years ago in Jakarta is 300k per month, now is about 1-1.2 juta per month)

They were given daily salary for them to use for makan or other purposes. At the end of the month, the boss will then give the balance of the salary to them. In this way they will constantly be hardworking as they need the money to use on a daily basis.

However if they were given one month salary upfront first, then the employer may end up looking high and low for them... Therefore in indonesia household job, the salary is normally given on a daily basis.

This theory can also be applied to booking cewek. Let's say if you decided to reward by giving your cewek 200k tips for the 2 nights stay with you. Probably she will appreciate more if you give her tips 100k each night than to give a 200k tips at the end of her assignment...
Old 24-08-2015, 03:17 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by 1stClass View Post
Prata double egg for me!
Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
2 prata, 1 egg 1 kosong please...
Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Jangan lupa tambah Bawang ya
Have tried the indorasa foodcourt there is one store selling prata telur bawang, egg & onion prata very crispy and delicious at 15k only.

It was even cut into 8 pieces ready for makan.

The curry gravy they offer is chicken curry...

Good for breakfast...

enak banget...
Old 24-08-2015, 04:10 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Black Page

We Chinese have a saying.. 开开心心出门,平平安安回家 (go out happily, come home safely). I think this should be in our mind when we make any recommendations..
Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
just to pay what we think is adequate, is more likely to get that newbie into trouble.

Just imagine, what happens if the driver starts to protest about the amount given, and the newbie is not able to respond due to not knowing the language spoken (bahasa Indonesia, in this case).

And, what's wrong with asking the newbie to counter offer with the price he has in mind when approached by taxi drivers? It remove any possible conflict later on, and both parties are happy with the deal strucked.
There was an ancient Chinese saying : 先小人,后君子 which means we have to be defensive for ourselves first before we compromise or be friendly.

In another words, certain things have to be made clear to the other party first to avoid disagreement later.

Quote an example one of my friend pick up a freelancer in geylang. After doing the deeds, the FL was given 50 bucks for short time. She was displeasure with the tips that was given to her as she expected 80 bucks.

My friend told her that according to market rate 50 bucks is more than enough. But to the FL, her definition of market rate is different.

As a result both of them quarrelled aggressively until my friend end up give in to her request.

This unpleasant incident could have been avoided if they both have agreed upon the prices before the action begins.

Therefore although being direct in making clear first may seems abit unfriendly but however it could avoid misunderstanding or dispute later.

This is just my point of view for sharing.
Old 24-08-2015, 04:25 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ciwilover View Post
hello guys, i notice formosa hotel check in time is 2pm so if i reach earlier i cant check in? and if so i have to check in @ 2pm won't i be missing out to book charbo?

please help with my silly answer as i really search no answer in nono guide on early checkin
Check-in time

Although the official check in time of Formosa Hotel is stated as 2pm, however Formosa being well known for its warm hospitality will give hotel guest the convenience to check in early as long as there is availability of room.

I have ever checked in as early as 10 plus am morning before during weekday and on a off peak season.

Check-out time

The official check out time is at 12 noon. However they will also give a grace period of 1 hour upon request mean latest to check out is 1pm.

However, the barang barang that you place in the safe deposit box can be retrieved later in the day, need not be immediately after check-out.

Hope the following above answered your queries.
Old 24-08-2015, 08:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Just returned fr a 2D1N trip with bro nono, miumiu and bro T.

Been to numerous group trips but tis is surely THE BEST for me up to date.
Good to know you enjoyed yourself.

Remember what the terms and conditions say? Look at condition number 13,hehehe..even tho this is not a newbie trip,but i do have my reason why that condition are there.

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Started with me rushing for the 9.40 ferry and was like 'oh god pls let me board it'...Reached horizon counter at almost 9.30 and there is still a short queue and den i saw shining light ahead as bro miumiu is right infront of me in the queue haha...We boarded ferry and nice buddy chat ensure our 45mins passed in a blink..Nono & bro T welcoming us at harbor bay and we proceeded with all the SOPs, hotel, change $, breakfast, etc
Lucky all of you guys reach Batam at the same timing so i do not have to go to Harbour Bay twice to do the same thing.

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Fastforward to the most exciting part - shopping!!! 1st place we went to blue moon only 3 gals, one is not bad but she sit there like taking passport photo no smile and all 3 are seriously overpriced at 1-1.2 juta despite being slight milfs...Den we went happy 8 it has quantity but not much quality in my opinion...Next is new berry which is my frequent joint and sad to see tat the quantity is dropping since my last few trips and all my 3 regulars oredi balek kampong, new berry normally changes its ceweks on regular basis but i did not see any new ones tis trip...Juz as we were abt to leave, papi atek suggested a new cewek arrived juz few days only...she came down and bro miumiu immed gave me the 'tis is my dish, i looove it' look...Miumiu paid and was a happy man haha...Next is bunga which has alot of ceweks and i saw many ceweks tat i booked previously fr goldbird, indah2 & MM and they recognised me as well haha...The 2 places which i eagerly anticipate are indah2 & MM but when we reached there both joints are cut off electricity, the whole place is in a dark and the papi still tell us to pick when the ceweks are sitting there in the dark cannot even see how to pick hahaha even though the ceweks move out slightly but it is still very limited lights so i left sadly...We went to a new joint but i'm sure nono will touch on it haha...Lastly, permata indah is as usual has alot ceweks, one of the biggest in quantity and i saw a few likeable ones, one in particular caught my eyes and tried to lower the price but mami attitude quite sucky and refused to lower...Against all 3 bros advice, i go ahead to book a pretty & young blondie syt fr jakarta for 1.2 juta hahaha but good looks is all she offers me as i found out later
Many a time,standing from a 3rd party point of view,we were all able to see the situation clearer than you. Then again,imagine each of us has our own suggestion for picking the "right" girl,imagine you try to take in all of our suggestions? End up, who knows it may not be what you are after? Its may be a disaster? Or a blessing? I always have this in mind,one man's meat can be another man's poison.

Hehehe...from your experience in Permata,i have a new game to play in Batam hereafter.

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
We settled our shopping at abt 2pm as all of us hav a gal and while the 3 bros proceed for their massage, i went back to hotel to chillax & wait for my gal...i'm a crazy tv maniac and was still enjoying my donuts, snacks & drinks when the bell rings and was surprised as she arrived much early...Found out she is only 20yo!!! Wanted to chat more & break the ice as i normally do when suddenly she initiated for 1st round and all is done SOP in a haste, afterwards she juz proceed to sleep till dinner
There was 3 choices from 3 different places :

1. 1.3 mil for a 20 year old - looks 8/10 but old bird in the industry

2. 1.2 mil for a 18 year old - looks 8/10 but new to the industry

3. 1 mil for a 20 year old - looks 8/10 but old bird in the industry

Do keep them in mind for your next trip tho,hehehe..

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Dinner is surely the highlight of the trip as we meet up with bro micmac for a sumptuous meal but not before a small incident happened with bro nono and his gal, oops i meant gals haha...A big thank you to bro micmac for planning tis super delicious meal at marine live seafood, we had abt 12 to 13 dishes or is it more and all the dishes are real tasty and to our liking...Drunken prawn soup, fried sotong, garoupa, mango chicken, fried chick wings, spicy fried cockles, etc yum yum...Not forgetting the yummy jackfruits bro micmac brought for us and i especially love the red color ones which is much sweeter haha...Thanks bro micmac for the yummy jackfruits...A bigger thank you to bro nono for arranging with bro micmac to bring us to marine live...Great food with great companions as we chit chat happily during the sumptuous meal...We finished abt 9pm and was planning to catch mission impossible 5 but there is no more suitable timing...but no worries as we leave our gals in rooms and headed to bro nono's nice cozy living room, yeah man nono has his own living room haha, for some nice buddy talks + drinks as we chatted for few hours...We left at close to 12midnite
I have said this before,Marine Live sea food are those that the more you eat,the more hungrier you will be. I believe you and i shares similar taste bud when it comes to food, before we were there,i knew you are going to like it.

As for my room,it looks nice. But the hotel is too new,staffs were less experience with guests. Its my 1st 2 star hotel in Batam,I believe i was spoilt by the Formosa's personal touch service to the extend that most other hotels would not be able to even match it.

My 1st hour in the hotel :

1. I ask for 2 extra bath towels,2 extra pillows,1 extra roll of toilet paper and got rejected for the 2 extra towels which i didnt quite get how they would reject my request.

2. i email them a reservation for that "special room" you guys enjoyed (hehehe...) few days in advance before i arrived and they only make a reply to me the same day when i arrived to their hotel. And the most hilarious thing is,they told me my room has already been RESERVED by another person which is ME! (when they spelled my email address)

3. Its a new hotel,also their most expensive room,it has their room's peep hole sealed by a dried up chewy gum which i believe is not done by any guests.

4. There was no hair dryer,hehehe...which makes me feel uncomfortable when my 2 girls comes on bed with me with their hair WET! lol...

5. A well-fed lizard was But i got the hotel staffs to help me catch it,hehehe...

6. Limited TV channels

There was no all bad for the room and for what i pay for,i get :

1. 2 x 33' new modeled LCD TVs

2. 1 bed room to hide my girlsssss and 1 hall to entertain my friendssss,hehehe..

3. a refrigerator which no other rooms in the same hotel has

4. a fairly big size sofa for at least 4 men to seat in or 4 couples to seat in,hehehe...

I was thinking,what if i ask all of you guys and your girls to come to my room,hehehe...i think the hall may likely be turned into a "mini fish tank",hehehe.... (next time i will Who knows what might happen..

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Due to my strong craving for momo, bros happily obliged haha...After 25mins ride, we reached the stall but it was CLOSED, GOD DAMN IT!!! We then settled for meximo pub BCM which is nice too...Soonafter, bro nono & miumiu send me & bro T off for the 3.20pm ferry and tat is the end of my trip!!!
yes,i forgot Momo closes before 12pm. We wasted about 20 mins ride to go and 20 mins ride to come back. Totally forgot that Bai Long and Momo closes around the same timing.

Anyway,there is always next time,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Purely based on rating for my gal is 6/10. I am a sucker for good looking syt but i dont expect very good service or treatment. But tis gal brings 2 phones and use them all the time. i dun reali mind the phones but she wld provide fast pace bonking so she can do her own stuff - sleeping or phones
Dont need to fret over a 6/10 girl,you still have 2 other good choices somewhere in your menu in your next trip and even the next next one,hehehe...the good thing about our trip is "making mistakes",and as when we do,we can also avoid making them again.

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
Overall, it is easily a 8.5/10, simple itinerary + like-minded frens + sumptuous dinner sum it all up haha. If i have gotten a 7 or 8/10 gal, the overall trip wld easily be close to 10/10. I normally go solo, but at the same time i could not refuse an opportunity to go with like-minded familiar frens with lots of funny jokes & chats, plus the great dinner at marine live seafood
When i invited a group of friends to join me in a private trip,i have to make sure everyone shares a close enough frequency,otherwise its going to be a disaster. To date,my private group trip has yet to fail me,hehehe... *touch wood*

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
BIG THANK YOU to bro nono for planning all these and shall be looking forward to our next trip...The stingrays are calling out for us hahahaha
To be honest,this is my "cursed" 19th trip becos my 18th trip was fantastic,but i prepared you guys to help me dissolve that "curse", i am looking forward to my 20th Batam trip,hehehe...which i can almost guarantee that it is GOING TO BE VERY GOOD!!!! (for myself)

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 24-08-2015, 10:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I always kept the below quotes smwhere,knwing i may need em again :

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Chill,bro...remember my earlier question to you? The one that i ask you if there is a 10k taxi for you outside HB,do you dare to take it? It will tell you what i wish to tell you now.

There is also a different perspective from different cheongster too. Tourist are afterall tourist,some visit once a year,some visit twice and some thrice and so on. 10k or 20k rp is nothing to any tourist,just like when the China Chinese,the Arabian,or from other countries coming to Sillypore,what is S$1000 a meal (family meal)to them when they only visit Sillypore for a short period of time?They arent there to stay like the rest of local Sillyporean. Its cheap from their perspective.

Allow me to relate an experience with you during my young days. About 20 years ago,i went to a KTV with some frens and we were all seated with girls and at the end of it when everyone is tipping S$20 (abt 20 years ago tipping rate here),i am the ONLY one tipping S$ Needless to say,i was told off.The reason they gave then was they go that KTV very often asking me not to spoil the market etc etc...and from there,i begin to realise that i only go to that particular KTV once,i want to enjoy and pay what i can afford to and i am only there for a one time thing and compare to my frens who are regulars. So this is a different perspective issue.

In conclusion,i always try to stand from another person's point of view to see things,it may differ from my own. I see there are cheongsters who visit Batam every week,i also see cheongsters visiting Batam once or twice a year,some once every few months while some can be nearly Let's say,if i were to visit Batam once a while,why bother to even bargain since i am there to enjoy myself. i will not bother to bargain at all for small amount. But if i were to visit Batam EVERYDAY,i will bargain at the smallest

See the picture clearly now? Again,my own believes are,if one were to stand more from another person's perspective point to view things,a lot of argument and quarrels can be avoided. Dont be quarrelsome,avoid quarrelsome,ignore quarrelsome,my No offence,bro.

Just a personal point of view.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Try to understand the position of the other person who make a comment,eg,their race,frequency to Batam,and which type of cheongster he belongs to etc etc. Eg, Taxi drivers tends to expect more from tourist from non-asia countries,less from asians,even lesser from their locals.

Dont be quarrelsome : Less usage of strong words,unless necessary.

Avoid quarrelsome : if you see a post that after you reply is going to lead to a quarrel,avoid it.

Ignore quarrelsome : If you see a post that others specially pick a particular line just to put you in bad shape or annoy you,ignore it.

This is my posting motto at most time,hope it helps.
Thk u for yr advise.

Peace out...
Old 24-08-2015, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by localbest View Post
There was an ancient Chinese saying : 先小人,后君子 which means we have to be defensive for ourselves first before we compromise or be friendly.

In another words, certain things have to be made clear to the other party first to avoid disagreement later.

Quote an example one of my friend pick up a freelancer in geylang. After doing the deeds, the FL was given 50 bucks for short time. She was displeasure with the tips that was given to her as she expected 80 bucks.

My friend told her that according to market rate 50 bucks is more than enough. But to the FL, her definition of market rate is different.

As a result both of them quarrelled aggressively until my friend end up give in to her request.

This unpleasant incident could have been avoided if they both have agreed upon the prices before the action begins.

Therefore although being direct in making clear first may seems abit unfriendly but however it could avoid misunderstanding or dispute later.

This is just my point of view for sharing.

In Singapore, he try that stunt on the cabs here, he'll find himself in the police station, trying to explain his definition of "regular price". Best is to reach a $$ figure that both parties are agreeable with to avoid any possible conflict later on. After all, taxis are there everywhere in Batam. No to your offer? Then next please..

My last reply on this topic.
Old 24-08-2015, 12:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post

In Singapore, he try that stunt on the cabs here, he'll find himself in the police station, trying to explain his definition of "regular price". Best is to reach a $$ figure that both parties are agreeable with to avoid any possible conflict later on. After all, taxis are there everywhere in Batam. No to your offer? Then next please..

My last reply on this topic.
Indo culture is nego... But most registered taxis have fixed prices. Better for all, especially when you get a taxi from hotel. or from malls counter at the door..

Those whom go around asking you " taxi?' to offer you a ride for a price, these are nego types, which you got to be careful n always says in RUPIAH....
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Old 24-08-2015, 02:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Any Bro tried the Whampoa Keng SteamBoat Restaurant (yellow signboard) behind Utama Hotel? I think is the franchise from SG one...?
Whampoa Keng (Franchise from SG)
Location : Behind Utama Hotel
Speciality : fish head steamboat
Remarks : Opened 5 months at time of this post

Food : --na-- (steamboat : food ingredients raw not marinated, and food texture depends on customers' cooking)
Value : 2/5 (batam standards), 3.5/5 (SG standards)

Conclusion :

a. The steamboat soup base is really, really great. For die-hard steamboat lovers.

b. Due to its prices - if order zi-char - go Marine Live which is very nearby.

c. Beats the "show-you-how-fat-my-wallet-is" Duck King , Grand Duck nonsense. Caveat : it's a newly opened resto - so for sure quality is great. Later on, not sure.

Will not be detailed in this FR - bcs I can't recommend it in general - but yet the steamboat soup base is really great - and can recommend to die-hard steamboat lovers in SG who come to Batam. How great : the 4 of us drank 3 pots of it (perpetual replenishment).

There is a reason why steamboat dun take off in Batam. Locals think "so long as food is fresh (buy from wet market etc), can liao - so make it ourselves at home - cheaper, better, can wear anything we want, relax at home etc.

I agree with their thinking. But it's a big waste to buy a variety of ingredients to cook at home which is too much for only 2 ppl. So when my partner heard about this whampoa keng (from Koh21). We called friends to join us.

Went there for dinner at 1930hrs, and I saw china tourists patronising the place. Local friend remarked "its more crowded than Marine Live". My reply : "obviously (driver/tout) commission based"

Went thru the menu and ordered.


Total RP414K : Small fish head steamboat, baby corn, raw sotong, fried baby squid, beancurd-skin, 3 x rice, 2 x Aqua

Summary :


a. If go there, do order the fish-head steamboat **BUT** tell them to separate the soup and the fish parts/head (I asked after dinner and they said yes they can do that). Reason : (a) ours came with the garoupa parts in the soup - cooked too long - texture was rough and not tangy as garoupa should be. (b) so that one can see (how much) the fish portions and cook-to-control the fish parts by oneself.

b. To me, the most important thing in steamboat is the soup base - since all meats and vege are raw and not marinated. Their soup is really, really good.

Their signature dishes :


a. We can't decide if it's too expensive (for sure not cheap) - bcs the ingredients are fresh (but small portions) and the soup was wonderful (we drank 3 pots of it). So I leave it to you to decide :

Set Menu prices :

2 pax :
3 pax onwards :

Ala-carte prices :

Overall, we left with mixed feelings - Would we pay RP180K (small portion fish steamboat) to dine just the steamboat fish head ? YES (unlimited soup). But you gonna be full with just the fish head steamboat ? NO. So means ordering others - and that becomes pricey.

But the taste of the soup (and mixed with rice) continues to linger on in my mind...

However, if you're the occasional tourist and you enjoy whampoa keng in SG - go for it. It's 50-65% cheaper than SG's (from Koh's input). I personally never tried SG's WKeng.

Edit : Fixed URL links.
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Last edited by micmac888; 24-08-2015 at 07:32 PM.
Old 24-08-2015, 04:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 View Post
Bros who go solo. Please be more alert especially those staying at Hana hotel or visit New berry. There's a crime scene "inccident" early this morning along the small road. Probably some one got run over! Hit & run? Hit & rob & run???
I was there, passing by the crime scene.

Originally Posted by BatamBro View Post

Murder in Nagoya, There Are Three Stab Wounds in Body Tattoos

ATAMTODAY.COM, Batam - Hospital mortuary attendant Batam Authority declared three stab wounds on the body of a man named Tattoos are dead covered in blood in front of the boarding house complex Nagoya Busines Center Block V, RT 02 / RW 03 on Friday (21 / 82 015) morning.
Thank you for sharing the details.

Apparently there seems to be more people dying in Batam. Men usually tries to hit out on one another mainly for 2 reasons. Women and monetary benefits. To me,main cause of it all are usually due to one of the 7 sins, Pride.

Originally Posted by lurpsexx View Post
Like no-no, miu miu, new yorker etc..
I am no bbbj fan,hehehe...i can do or do w/o it. My objective in Batam are the O.W.E. girls,hehehe...those kind suits me best.

Originally Posted by Arilus View Post
Bros... any reviews on m-one karaoke place? Is it clean or is it the same as the ktv places.
Its almost the same as other KTV places with GROs in Batam but not the same as those family KTV kind. Its one of the higher-end KTV in Batam like Tian An Men KTV night Club in Sillypore but much cheaper if you dont get carrot chop and still a bit cheaper if you get chopped.

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 View Post
Went to the Apotik a few meters from crime scene to get some stuff, inside also got drama. Someone not happy bought Diabetic test kit complaint not working. Shouting like want to throw table. Haiz....
I like this kind of scene,i always stay around to observe how the customer and the shop assistant behave whenever i see situations like this during my travel in other countries. It enable me to look deeper into their cultural behaviour.The staff/s in the pharmacy (or other shops) are usually exceptionally calm and yet they do not allow the customer/s to get their way around unreasonably. Something i rarely see in Sillypore. Very rare i will see bosses/managers in Sillypore protecting their staffs from customer abuse.

Customer/s is not always right.

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
to me price factor ok lah, if she can do it good make me happy im willing to pay. i always belief good svc good products dun come in cheap.
I think in Batam,its the direct opposite. Base on my experience,paying high do not equates to good service. In fact at times,paying high price may result in not-so-good services. If you read this thread,you will notice most bros here who pays 1.2 mil to 1.8 mil rupiah for girls do not really get very good services from the girls,but a stingy man like me who pays 500k-800k for girls my summaries for details,hehehe...more importantly,dont hold too high expectation,be humble,be courteous,lower your vocal volume and dont show you can spend publicly. Lastly,always bargain down any quoted price.

I am just sharing base on my experience.

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
anyway how the.... ahem is the std n hiv rate there high?
Personally,i think it should be super ultra high,since i have read and see many girls in Batam going raw nearly everywhere with their customers that are from all over the world.

I think i read somewhere before,STD and HIV rates in Indonesia are in one of the top few highest ranking in the world. Be a responsible monger,always wear a condom for all sexual activities.

For me,i avoid DFK (deep french kiss),i am no fan of bbbj,and i always have spare CDs to use in Batam. (Condoms are cheap in Batam) Be safe,stay safe.

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
hi bro, many bros out there recommended me to ask u about batam. i know u wrote alot n i had read some to prepare myself. but bcos u wrote alot i cant find massage place that provide a good bbbjcim. can you recommend? i dont mind abut ex. just need it to be good
Thank you for your interest in my postings. 1st, i need to emphasise this,i am not a bbbj or CIM fan. And believing in the "one man's meat can be another man's poison" theory,therefore i do not know how to recommend. My apologize.

Base on just my personal experience in Batam,you may need a lot of luck to get a good bbbj or cim regardless how much you are willing to pay. Most if not all girls do only few secs or less than a min bbbj.The only few times i get an above average bbbj in Batam is when the girls like me,hehehe... (above average do not mean its good) If you are looking for a good bbbj or maybe a good cim,i think you will have a much better chance in Malaysia or Sillypore. So far i find that the bbbj by the girls in Batam cannot match what i had in Sillypore, China,Japan and Malaysia.

Hope i answered your doubts and may you have a good upcoming trip to Batam.


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Old 24-08-2015, 04:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Recently came back from my first solo trip.. have to say i made quite a few mistakes..

Tried to bargain for a 40k ride from Harbour bay to Da vienne Hotel but all the drivers insisted on a 60k price, finally settled for 50k, en route to the hotel the driver offered to bring me around looking for girls, plus bring me to massage and makan for 250k, agreed price at 200k.

Here is what happens next, i reached the hotel pretty early like, 9:30am, was told only can check in at 12pm, so no early check in. Ask driver to bring me to clean massage, and here is where i go wrong, should had picked a list of massage place posted by bro nono, but in the end he brought me to this place called Nagoya Spa & Massage, price listed for a 2hr Aromatherapy was 300k. My instinct tells me its more than expensive but i decided to take it anyway. Thankfully the massage was decent and the therapist was good and thorough.

After massage, driver brought me around to look for girls, went to quite a couple of joints, first thing he suggested to me was to go to Morena, but i flat out reject him when i rem what bro nono said about them. He den brought me to MM Massage, Happy Massage, Indah 2. Saw a nice cewek i like at 1 Juta from MM massage, confirmed with the mandarin speaking Papi whether its only 3 shots max, he said yes and i just told him that i'd consider and left.

Finally reach gold bird, alot of selection but stock seems normal, only 800k and 1 Juta ceweks available, chinese speaking papi told me 3 new Cewek priced at 1 Juta, the rest 800k. One chubby cewek caught my eye, tried to negotiate the price down to 900k but Papi seems firm and i reluctantly agreed to paid the price, another mistake here, should be more firm on the bargaining..

Go eat lunch with the girl, quite sure the driver brought me to HIS restoran so i think i was charged a bit more than i should be paying..

After that its back to the hotel, checked in, everything was pretty SOP from that point onwards.. girl was really friendly, respond to me, managed to get 4 shots until the next morning, but she was kinda reluctant in giving me BJ. Thats the only minus sign, we ordered room service at night, spent abt 200k for both of us.

Next morning go have free breakfast, food was pretty decent, not a wide spread, one bad part about the service was that the staffs dont seem to be refilling beverages, popular drinks like orange juice and milk runs out and they don't refill them. Tip the girl 150k and off she goes.

I will now talk about the hotel in general, pretty nice ambience in the room generally, but it would be great if they provide bath tubs in Deluxe rooms, water pressure was poor, LED tv has decent channels ranging from movies to sports. Hotel staff were really friendly always smiling and greeting me, asking if i need anything, wifi signal is strong in common areas and corridors but im only getting 2 bars in room, maybe its because im taking the corner room.

However, my confidence level on the hotel dropped when i went out for movies and massage on the second day but shockingly when i return, i found that my door was not locked properly, luckily my valuables are all on me, i also found that they disabled my room card and room wifi. Not sure what happened, but they must have mistaken that i am checking out on the second day, funny thing is, my backpack and clothes are all intact in the wardrobe. I will probably not stay there on my future trip, the walking distance to nagoya hill mall is manageable, Formosa is just a more strategic location.

Had a 2HR foot reflexology session at nagoya hill malls, sawadee massage, pls note that they have male masseurs. Price and massage were ok, but if u like massage with good ambience, not really recommended.

I'm glad i made the solo trip, but i feel that i made too much mistakes, hopefully will gain more experience in future trips, i want to explore the area more, not just Nagoya hill mall area, would like to get contacts of more reliable drivers, because i think that for bros who like to visit as many joints as they like before settling on a booking, walking is not really an option. Taking short taxi rides to different booking joints, dont seem very economical. Would love to join bros here on a group trip if time and schedule permits.
This coming weekend will be my 3rd stay at Da Vienna..Im a sucker for new and clean hotels,and once im comfortable with it, i will tend to stay there in future visits. My first stay there, the toilet bathroom door cant be locked. The rice and noodles are dry. Subsequently they inproved after giving feedbacks. I usually give new hotel chance as they still in the midst of stabilising. What i like about staying there is the food stalls beside it. Easy to find food at night. Theres also a local convenience store nearby. Best of all, not many people hang around that hotel, so its pretty safe.
Old 24-08-2015, 05:13 PM
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lai leh zap leh pcb come leh my target is -100 u ccb phua bak kia declare here lah bo lanpa knnbcb si sub zu , bo liuw act wu liuw ccb

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
which ever pcb wan zap keep zapping nvrmind i not so childish like u all... go ahead by all means even -100 it still doesnt affect me... more pls lai lai
Old 24-08-2015, 05:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Arilus View Post
This coming weekend will be my 3rd stay at Da Vienna..
The Ikan Bakar (Acia) behind your hotel not bad, as well as the durian there
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 24-08-2015, 05:21 PM
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HelloWAH HelloWAH HelloWAH
Re: Batam Info Thread

I post because i really felt that this bargain thing affect many solo cheongster. So i think the best to do is post and say out what is in my mind.This is call freedom of speech.

If what i say is not true, i cut out my balls and throw it into the sea. Only him and his gang will benefit from the bargain.Your bargain stunt only make other solo cheongster to pay higher price for chicken. If this is not call sabo, than this is call what?

Pay higher price for OKT . No balls to protest. OKT say how much, pay how much. One loser think he is winner. Think that by bargain he is in a win-win-win position for all. OKT--DRIVER-HIM. Only benefits more for him actually.

In actual fact is a lose-lose for those solo cheongster. OKT now know some smelly leg singkies will bargain. He counter attack bargain by adding the price by 200K rupiah for those chinese looking singkies. So when solo cheongster go in the actual price of 800K will turn to 1million rupiah. And let them win the bargain. If they shy to bargain, pays lagi more.Now you see who still can win? Solo cheongster? My foot ah. Pui pui pui

The winner is the king of bargainer. The person who reap in the most benefits is the king of bargainer. Why ? Because the OKT will let him win for his bargain. Give him some sweets. Because he can bring in customer for him. Is something like a PIMP. But as i say earlier on. The actual real winner in fact is the OKT. He just up the price by 200k and the loser think he is the winner.Very happy that he win the battle. And the papi say in his heart. Stupid singkies try to play with your father hahaha,

For shy type cheongster . The price is more expensive now. Shy to bargain. Actually cannot blame the shy cheongster. In singapore you go find chicken mostly no bargain. Go banana leg. The wl say $30 You bargain $20? She say you go fuck spider.In malaysia mostly no bargain. In thailand mostly no bargain. In fact in most world mostly no bargain. Find chicken only the smelly leg and poor then will bargain. They think they are in the market buying vegetables.. No money go home PCC better. Save more rupiah.

I believe many agree with me in their hearts. But quite a few have taken the firendship poison. So will agree with him. I really feel sad that we sinkies now look so cheap. No standard at all. Because of the fucking bargain bargain. Now make us pay more.

Ps got a few say mami or papi won,t reduce the price.Why no reduce price? Because you are not the bargain king. Even you can bargain win, you also lose in actual fact because of the added up price.

Ps.Use your brain to judge my post rather than using my negative points to judge my post. Don,t be shy to say out anything you want to say. Again, this is freedom of speech.
Old 24-08-2015, 05:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Bro nono, appreciate your analysis on the hotel charges. However I deliberately don't compare apple to apple because I want to see if the cost of durian is significantly more costly than an apple. But now I realised the price gap difference between a 2 star Lailai and 3 star Formosa is getting smaller over the years therefore see not worth staying in a 2 star hotel.
(Only a small $21 difference can have a more comprehensive and enjoyable stay)
I look at hotels base on their location as well as my planned route for my trip etc etc. Example if i like Formosa so much becos of its location,i will search for hotels nearby and that particular chosen hotel need to have close enough proximity as formosa as well as other services like ,room service,food,cleanliness etc etc.

In your case,you already fixed yourself between Lai Lai and Formosa,hehehe...then more of less from now on,you will more likely be staying in Formosa more cos no matter how, Lai Lai or Batam Star definitely isnt going to be better.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Yes, Formosa is not only getting cheaper to stay now via online or kaha, it is also constantly improving itself by providing comfort, quality furnishing and taking care of hotel guest needs.
Yes,i 100% agree with your saying. Formosa takes their customers feedback seriously and has constantly been upgrading to serve them better. More importantly for me,it is also getting cheaper and cheaper over the 1

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
1) Personal care or complete toiletries provided in bathroom including hair dryer, anti-slip mat, etc.
One small problem here,sometime they only provide 1 set of tooth brush/toothpaste,1 pair of slippers when i have 2 person staying in it.I know,i can always call them to ask for another set. They are also doing away with most of their bath tub,hehehe...cannot play rubber ducky in the bath tub

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
2) Strong Wi-Fi signal can be received in almost the whole hotel space like room, restaurant, hall, lifts, corridors, it provide many access point to boost the signal.
Yes,wifi signal strength has significant went better as compare to last year. Anyway,i rarely use their wifi but feedbacks from the bros who joined me in my trips tells me so.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
3) Recent replacement of all the spot lights (halogen) to LED lights in the room and toilet, since LED technology is getting more advance now.
Hehehe...check their new bath tap in my last trip,they even gold plated it a

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
4) From the wall there are many handphone charger cable for nokia, sony, Samsung, blackberry, etc. Think this is the only hotel I have seen that provide charging of handphone facility.
Yes,but the most important piece of hp charging wire for samsung is always broken. Nonetheless,they still offer to charge my hp at their reception.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
5) Carpet bring cosiness not many 3 star have this type of provision.
I found at least a dozen dead baby cockroaches on their carpet few trips ago in my 1st hour of stay. I have to ask them to vacuum it all over again, you know what the dead cockroaches means? That means there are unlikely to have any live ones around. In all my stays,i see no live insects in the room unless i open the room windows,hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
6) Old fashion CRT TV have been changed to LED TV with more than 50 channels.
Bro,you sure its LED or LCD TV? They are still using the old LCD TV but i have not seen any CRT tv in all my stays in Formosa so far. Their LCD TVs do not have HDMI port,so they are considered as older model of LCD TV to me,hehehe...and yes,i LOVE their TV channels.

I seriously learned to appreciate Formosa better after having stayed in the 2 star hotel in my last trip. (note : it does not means the 2 star hotel i stayed in is no good,just not better than Formosa)

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
7) Last but not least, the tile of the long bath can be dismantle for guest to hide their barang barang...
LOLOL....yes! YES! Thats my personal safe deposit box in the hotel room!!

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Bro, a very good piece of advice, to save cost but I am too lazy to monitor the online price. For me paying the Kaha auntie a visit talk cock sing song also quite a nice experience.
Most time,Kaha will be cheaper than online but i always plan my Batam trip about a week beforehand,so no harm clicking the browser to check the prices. At times,Kaha will tell me no room,but in these cases,i call Formosa direct,hehehe...give them my name and...Ta! Da! I got a room,hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Imagine if kaha can sell us at 475k, Formosa could have sold the hotel voucher to kaha at maybe 380k. if walk in, Formosa charge 580k which is much more expensive.
Thats why i am always looking at alternatives,eg An Shun Travels,hehehe...i dont like the idea of constantly rely solely on Kaha for hotel voucher. There MUST ALWAYS be a plan B for the "if all else fail" situation,hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Are u referring to lovina inn or Gideon hotel? For me I got a weird habit tend to match the quality of cewek I book with the number of star of a hotel to stay.

When I want to cheong batam in a tight budget, I will book a 600k cewek (cheapest) staying in a 1 or 2 star hotel. (lovina inn, Lailai, bahari, batam star)

When I want to enjoy more by spending moderately, I will book a 1 juta - 1.2juta cewek staying in a 3 star hotel like Formosa deluxe room.

But when I want to splurge by spending money extravagantly, I will book a 1.5-2juta cewek and stay in Formosa but in a junior or executive suite.

I find it funny/strange if I book a 600k cewek but stay in a 4/5 star hotel.
I am guessing thats your habit.

For my case,i get a hotel base mainly on comfortability. Comfortability as in both the girl and myself needs to be comfortable. She is my companion for the night,someone i treat as partner rather than a sex worker. So regardless if she is in the 600k or the 1.2 mil category,hotel has never been an issue. More importantly in any hotel,everything or at least nearly everything must be within reach,eg. Food,provision shops,massage etc etc.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Heard Goodway hotel use to be 4 star. do you mean that it has downgraded to 3 star ? But its studio room is smaller and cheaper, probably same cost as Formosa deluxe room ?
I think it has been downgraded to a 3.5 star. So far i have only stayed in Goodway once,which is their most basic room which cost about 525k/night on public holiday from Kaha in 2015,so its about same as Formosa room. The main thing i dislike most about Goodway is their big mirror is directly facing the bed,rather sinister in some sense.

Oh,and most of their TVs were in CRT,hehehe...cannot blame them also,Goodway has 260 over rooms whereas Formosa only have 100+ rooms and for them to change all their TVs to LCD ones is going to burn a big hole in their pocket,hehehe...wifi-wise it shows full bar or near to full bar,but always hang. The room service menu shows both Sin$ and IDR and once i see that,i usually deem it as carrot chopping.

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