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Old 09-08-2024, 09:47 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Hi, Bros,

I try to log in daily and have +19 points for exchange available.
No Q for tomorrow.
I like to be Happy. Please up me and make me Happier!!!
Old 09-08-2024, 10:23 AM
Powerman881 Powerman881 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

+22 ready for exchange
Up my points if you enjoy my humble sharing
Old 09-08-2024, 11:13 AM
rawmaster101 rawmaster101 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Originally Posted by Kenshelec View Post
Daily +7 for exchange.
Short Q.
do upped you on 21 July 2024, still waiting for your return, thanks
Old 09-08-2024, 11:53 AM
kcy69 kcy69 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Originally Posted by meatvegelove View Post
Hi, up 32 points for exchange.
(Min 7 pts)
upped 14 exchange for second round, thanks
Old 09-08-2024, 11:53 AM
kcy69 kcy69 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Originally Posted by Me Siam Bu View Post
26 Apple to gv away, Will return once recover.

Wish to hit 25000K before CNY 2025!

Pls Msg Me if u up me. Will return and delete msg once return. Thanks

upped 14 exchange for second round, thanks
Old 09-08-2024, 11:55 AM
kcy69 kcy69 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Open for second round exchange. 14 points to trade daily, no queue, can return immediately. Any points can exchange (9893)

Need to Return Lists (Second Round):
ejectjoy; Swagelock; CLouboutin; Havanna Slicks; WOOHOO; Biostar; Tho66;

Waiting Bro To Return (Second Round):
Joined2005; meatvegelove; Me Siam Bu;

Waiting Bro To Return (First Round):
Dragonbal; Canetra; Dekwaen; Footballax; Dougles;Tangramz; ladgaga; oppaman; kidate3028; linconbarack;
spaceant; bluraywriter; gorilladmz; voram93; Quasimodo; Ravenzano; chidoryx90; mao9999; simpletouch; heavenmothz;
william99; sexylover; Thaksin; hoian; neopets; mrkimm; gameboyxp; babyonboard; valerossi; DeusExMachina;
whitebread; vihaanreddy; Zeith; jijimomochi; digitaltvlg; MegaMan991; Hipposarus; sweetytomato; cornporn; beanbeanx2;
wangfeihongg; Justin Bieber; hasaan; GreenieHulk; merelyevil; mightyys; Doggoman; unfriend; essray; Aroithai69;
rvd_always_rulz; enzomatrix; taroo1; cablefl; FitPartner; changed; slickdick87; Happyboi123321; Jubei777; subwaymeltz;
Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho; kzarse2; lmf07; sextronics; ahlongkia; ryu80; RayNix; jahok;
ratatarat; topguru; phua2908; papam; wojeji; dangtai; rlskyline; Kenzofero; blusterRifle; teckboon;
wasise; kree; kopisiewtai; nipplemilk; MILF_LOL; hotindboi; vemoninc; jffsam; helitop; rauldon;
tagata3937; Blowlove; deadend143; hipsterrock; cookieghost; bulletman; xinowe1; Acenoobie; AquaticHoop; qwertyoo;
BalKuro; Hempowerry; kelang; Johnnypapa; Funlover; blackboystreet; metalslug97; sworldtofu; Dr4ke; sharingannnn;
gohbeng; tayahboy; Brojoms; incamaiden; jacky88; boobymansion; ossy77; wanted900; slimtea; Dacomforter;
roamer99999; Mozen11; zlackzz; kingofsex; Relcom888; xiaomidnightz; AwesomeGuy; pine33; tcss2; sadlonelyguyer;
marvel123; MAM4TS; Leeds; cucu_kuman; audi a6; TeKOT; boooberman; greenmangos; toukin; alphapunk2;
Enjoysilved; AlphaChiquita; Duakeeliao; mario55; komododx; Aranessetro; Tornesee; spiked; likebossamboss; Ahyong83;
Vashiewsho; HAIDILAOHOTPOT; roundaclock; Xzor66; liarrr; Lambor88; piichai; nkdskull; crew; suaray;
Arrol; Sacaiboy; Iceman1182; hambaconchee53; daveinaction; bupianren; vanityandwax; Indignant;

Last edited by kcy69; 09-08-2024 at 02:06 PM.
Old 09-08-2024, 12:08 PM
rawmaster101 rawmaster101 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

12 pussies to trade daily, any pussies can trade, fast return (9135)

Return Lists (Round 1):
Asspanker; Badtz1984;

Return Lists (Round 2):
exactmatxspeed; CLouboutin; Havanna Slicks; ejectjoy; WOOHOO; Swagelock;

Waiting for return (Round 1):
rvd_always_rulz; Aroithai69; essray; unfriend; mightyys; merelyevil; Cheeserath; Justin Bieber; drslump99; cornporn;
sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; digitaltvlg;davidbeckham123; Zeith; vihaanreddy; whitebread; valerossi; babyonboard;
neopets; Thaksin; sexylover; kingking28; william99; heavenmothz; mao9999; chidoryx90; Ravenzano; gorilladmz;
voram93; spaceant; linconbarack; ladgaga; GreenieHulk; southpark99; Dougles; Footballax; Dekwaen; Dragonbal;
Canetra; changed; slickdick87; Happyboi123321; Flash28; Jubei777; subwaymeltz; Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho;
kzarse2; lmf07; sextronics; ahlongkia; fuggly; RayNix; jahok; topguru; phua2908; papam;
dangtai; rlskyline; Kenzofero; blusterRifle; teckboon; wasise; kree; kopisiewtai; nipplemilk; MILF_LOL;
hotindboi; vemoninc; jffsam; helitop; rauldon; tagata3937; Blowlove; deadend143; hipsterrock; xinowe1;
bulletman; Acenoobie; XiaoLaoPO; AquaticHoop; AmyUber; Informergy; Hempowerry; qwertyoo; kelang; Johnnypapa;
Funlover; blackboystreet; metalslug97; Dr4ke; sharingannnn; Brojoms; Bustybibi; funfox; jacky88; boobymansion;
Cumclub22; MasterPenguin; wanted900; roamer99999; Kobayashi99; Grimwell; Mozen11; kingofsex; Relcom888; xiaomidnightz;
AwesomeGuy; pine33; tcss2; marvel123; MAM4TS; Leeds; cucu_kuman; audi a6; TeKOT; boooberman;
bralessbaby; Aranessetro; toukin; alphapunk2; Enjoysilved; AlphaChiquita; Duakeeliao; mario55; komododx; Tornesee;
spiked; likebossamboss; Ahyong83; Vashiewsho; KOPIOKOSONG; roundaclock; Xzor66; liarrr; Lambor88; piichai;
PowerRod; Kenshelec; nkdskull; crew; suaray; Arrol; Sacaiboy; Iceman1182; hambaconchee53; daveinaction;
bupianren; vanityandwax; cuntninia; Indignant; TonyCheong2; flyingduck;

Last edited by rawmaster101; 09-08-2024 at 02:08 PM.
Old 09-08-2024, 12:13 PM
marklui520 marklui520 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Originally Posted by pinkgensis View Post
+3 for exchange with all brothers daily
Min 1pt pls
upped 8 exchange, thanks
Old 09-08-2024, 12:16 PM
marklui520 marklui520 is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

8 points exchange daily. Any points welcome. Fast return (8171)

Need to Return Lists(Second Round):
exactmatxspeed; ejectjoy; Havanna Slicks; CLouboutin; WOOHOO; Swagelock;

Need to Return Lists (First Round: Need Latest Posts):

Waiting for return (First Round):
Udonit; classyact; merelyevil; MarkStrothard; chichihan; Lpman; FWDstriker; D0ppleganger; KT3248; Ahyong83;
drslump99; beanbeanx2; bestrobber97; sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; davidbeckham123; Zeith; hitman1891; babyonboard;
neopets; Thaksin; sexylover; heavenmothz; liebherr; chidoryx90; cmmaster; Amazo6469; gorilladmz; voram93;
spaceant; linconbarack; kidate3028; ladgaga; Tangramz; southpark99; Dougles; Dragonbal; Canetra; Dekwaen;
blossomgun; slickdick87; Happyboi123321; frostfuryz; Flash28; Jubei777; subwaymeltz; Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho;
lmf07; sextronics; ahlongkia; fuggly; RayNix; jahok; papam; dangtai; alanlim78; rlskyline;
Kenzofero; blusterRifle; sam782003; teckboon; wasise; kopisiewtai; nipplemilk; MILF_LOL; hotindboi; vemoninc;
itenshi; avbeng035; jffsam; rauldon; tagata3937; GalaxyS10; Blowlove; deadend143; hipsterrock; xinowe1;
bulletman; purepulp; Acenoobie; klocc; koxor89; baewatch212; AquaticHoop; PatJuz; qwertyoo; Hempowerry;
Voyaguefi; kelang; Johnnypapa; Funlover; sharingannnn; gohbeng; citol; Bustybibi; tplink4gltedong; funfox;
jacky88; boobymansion; Cumclub22; ossy77; roamer99999; Kobayashi99; Grimwell; Mozen11; kingofsex; zlackzz;
xiaomidnightz; AwesomeGuy; pine33; SuperPaman; Cowbangbang; marvel123; wildbunch; Leeds; cucu_kuman;
audi a6; TeKOT; boooberman; fuGIM; Aranessetro; pretiLuigi; CHINYC; toukin; alphapunk2; Enjoysilved;
AlphaChiquita; Duakeeliao; bomberman18; mario55; komododx; Tornesee; spiked; likebossamboss; Vashiewsho; HAIDILAOHOTPOT;
Badtz1984; roundaclock; Xzor66; liarrr; Lambor88; piichai; PowerRod; Acceson; nkdskull; moloch1666;
crew; suaray; Arrol; whalesun; Sacaiboy; Iceman1182; hambaconchee53; daveinaction; bupianren; vanityandwax;
Indignant; TonyCheong2; pinkgensis; flyingduck;
Old 09-08-2024, 01:28 PM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

+3 for trade.
Do Pm me after Upz me.
Thanks in Advanced.
Old 09-08-2024, 02:09 PM
SuperPaman SuperPaman is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Happy National Days to all.
+5 to Exchange.
Old 09-08-2024, 10:12 PM
zip4671 zip4671 is online now
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Hi, I log in daily to Xchange +3 points & up 2 different bro/sis everyday.
No Q currently.
Do leave your nick to enable me to up u back.
Thank u very much. ... Cheers ... !!
Old 09-08-2024, 10:52 PM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

26 Apple to gv away, Will return once recover.

Wish to hit 25000K before CNY 2025!

Pls Msg Me if u up me. Will return and delete msg once return. Thanks

คนใม่มีแฟน 21261/27

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Old 10-08-2024, 12:24 AM
zip4671 zip4671 is online now
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Hi, I log in daily to Xchange +3 points & up 2 different bro/sis everyday.
No Q currently.
Do leave your nick to enable me to up u back.
Thank u very much. ... Cheers ... !!
Old 10-08-2024, 08:01 AM
Milobing Milobing is offline
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Points exchange.

Min 2 power

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