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Old 13-08-2007, 09:16 PM
Botarbolampar Botarbolampar is offline
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Bro coolmanks,

Whoa........solid map. But too big lah.
Last time i pick the free map from the train station in CP.
Not sure now they still give out the map.

Old 13-08-2007, 09:20 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Whoa, you difficult to please.

Too small u said old man already cannot see. Too big, also ....


small one for the younger folks like botar hahha.

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
Bro coolmanks,

Whoa........solid map. But too big lah.
Last time i pick the free map from the train station in CP.
Not sure now they still give out the map.


Last edited by coolmanks; 13-08-2007 at 09:36 PM.
Old 13-08-2007, 09:26 PM
Botarbolampar Botarbolampar is offline
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Like that just nice

Old 13-08-2007, 09:28 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
Whoa, you will difficult to please.
Too small u said old man already cannot see. Too big, also .... hahha
small one for the younger folks like botar hahha.
bro coolmanks,

I think you're right, mine cannot read the words.
Yours just nice. hahahahahaha

Old 13-08-2007, 09:30 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by berber View Post
WAH COW wat u work as bro.... u really chong every month ah......u really own airasia ah.....hahahaha
i need to recharge my vit M leh bro....jul bkk aug CP i beitahan liao.......
earliest i can chong is either oct or nov liao ba....
need 2 months to trip should be CP or BKK ba.....
aiming Hari Raya Puasa or Deepavali long weekend liao.....
hahahahaha i'm jobless n poor cheongster.
hope to cheong with you too.

Old 13-08-2007, 09:36 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Hi bro coolmanks,

I've gotta it now.

117 Huihua Hotel
116 Miraton
118 Huatai KTV
167 MM house

Where is Jaiyi? I cannot read chinese ah kor.

Old 13-08-2007, 09:49 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

No ideas, is Jaiyi name of hotel or KTV?

48 梵爾賽酒店 A famous KTV is located in this hotel not sure the name.

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
Hi bro coolmanks,

I've gotta it now.

117 Huihua Hotel
116 Miraton
118 Huatai KTV
167 MM house

Where is Jaiyi? I cannot read chinese ah kor.


Old 13-08-2007, 09:52 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Calling calling 3Dee. You need to translate the below.

« 於: 十月 17, 2005, 04:22:10 04 »



一、雙飛是色魔們高級享受的藝術,而不是餓鬼所能體會的。色中餓鬼通常都是撲將上去,胡捅幾棍 後,一陣亂射----我對他們的評價是丟人丟精

二、雙飛的要領在於”雙“,其重要內涵是單槍搏雙洞,迥異于一對一的單挑。如果說單挑的過程是情與性的結合 ,雙飛則是力與性的征服,前者重於怡情,後者則主要是體現男人性的力量

三、雙飛是男女三人的小合唱,決不是一個男人面對兩個木樁出傻力亂搗一氣。既然是合唱,都要動 情,都得出力

雙鳳戲凰(必做的重點內容”共浴“可作如下環節:淋上沐浴露後做前後胸----背雙乳推、前後雞、蛋----臀雙乳推、前後雙臀擠磨和肉棍、蛋蛋、後門三重奏等等(具體細節不做贅述 ”BJ“可做如下環節:三人69、雙蛇(舌)纏棍、雞、蛋分進巢、前深喉後毒龍、前冰後火---前火後冰迴圈、火棍冰蛋----冰棍火蛋迴圈、冰火前後同時漫遊、進穴采陰---入口送陽雙女迴圈(有些鳳MM們或許不願做這想服務)等等(具體細節不做贅述 ”采陽“可做如下環節:座棍搶槍(左右中指分別插入後,雙女輪流為小弟弟做深喉)、雙女搶棍、雙女搶蛋等等 ,終極境界是雙女吞精

帝皇遊戲(同樣是必做的重點內容”采陰“戲:三人69、雙陰單舔、羅漢雙陰一順走(雙女仰面疊陰,一舌上下 )、羅漢雙陰毒蛇(舌)鑽等等”洗手“戲:雙手鑽雙穴、雙指雙鑽後巢、雙手單女前後鑽洞(二女迴圈使用), 最後應由二女雙吮十指為結束”洗手“戲”打洞“戲:這就不需多說了,相信眾狼花樣海的是。什麼羅漢雙陰炮( 雙女仰面疊陰)、懶狗雙陰炮(雙女俯臥疊陰)、左右連環炮、穴口雙響炮等等等等

一、飛前1小時自打飛機一次(能力強的可提前2小時打飛機二次),這樣可以上場後不至於見花就泄,確保可以 足額享受。此招必須使用,否則丟精丟人

二、多換花樣,每招以3---5分鐘的運動量為宜,不得超過。不然,你就會一沖到底,立馬敗下陣來。那樣的結果高興的是小姐,損失的是你 的錢包,更重要的是你把雙飛這項極富意境的事業糟蹋了

三、不能機械地使用各個環節,要做綜藝節目。采陰一會、打洞一陣;”BJ“三五個專案,”洗手“四五種花樣 ,穿插結合起來,使你發紅的炮管得以休息調整。好多狼友總是說自己想著還有好多花樣沒使上就GAMEVOE R,原因之一在於你做了機器,沒有做藝術

四、適當用點藥物,可以保證延時發射。如果一時找不到藥物,打洞時可以往小姐穴中放些小冰塊,這樣也有同等 功效(當然要小姐同意)

五、堅持以我為主的方針,不要被小姐牽著鼻子走。要知道,你是皇帝,要她們堅決服從你。每個男人都應該清楚 :再硬的雞巴禁不住小姐10分鐘的BJ,必射無疑。碰到技術好的小姐,3分鐘就可以吹熄你。所以信馬由韁讓 小姐去鬧你,別說是雙飛,來一個就可以搞定你。

六、應該學會使用性玩具。很多場所提供一些簡單的玩具,這是非常好的輔助工具,一定要學會使喚。它可以讓你 飛出新意境,玩出新天地。更能幫助你的小弟弟征服小姐。如果你到泰國去,這種工具更多,所以掌握科學技術就 能挺立潮頭。

七、一定要充分調動小姐的激情,讓她們和你一起HAPPY。前面說過,雙飛的終極結局是三人一起”飛“,這 三人飛不飛的起來,男人是關鍵。即便小姐最後沒飛起來,至少要讓她們有想飛起來的欲望,這樣你的噴射也會過 癮的多

八、適當耍點無賴。告訴她們:老闆是你的哥們,今天是他請你H的,如果服務不好,堅決投訴!老闆定會口錢! 還告訴她們:一口氣吹出來不算,也要投訴!等等等等吧

最後忠告狼友:除非體能特佳,雙飛不應多,以每月1次最為合適。否則既傷身體,還可能交不出家庭作業傷感情 !

Old 13-08-2007, 10:03 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

[QUOTE=Botarbolampar;2208259]Hi bro coolmanks,

Hi Bro, I just PM you. I will be joining on the coming Trip Pls call me, thanks!
Old 13-08-2007, 10:24 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
hahahahaha i'm jobless n poor cheongster.
hope to cheong with you too.

Jobless also can chong till so power ah....
envy wor........
Old 13-08-2007, 10:46 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Altavista babel fish translation, hahahahahaha still don't understand

Dual flight 絕 technique □to: In October 17, 2005, 04:22:10 04 □
First, must be clear about several concepts First, the dual flight is an art which the color evil spirits high-level enjoys, but is not the hungry ghost can realize. In the color the hungry ghost usually all will be throws oneself comes up, after Hu will hold several sticks, randomly will shoot ---- me disgraced throws the essence to their appraisal Second, the dual flight main point lies in "the pair", its important connotation is Shan Ch'iangpo the double hole, different to a pair one only selects. If Shan T'iao process is the sentiment and the natural union, the dual flight is the strength and natural conquer, former to is again joyful, latter then mainly manifests man's strength Third, the dual flight is the male and female three person of small choruses, is in no way a man leaves silly strength 亂搗 gas facing two wooden stakes. Since is the chorus, all must get excited, all must strive Fourth, the dual flight certainly must have "flies" the feeling, the essence is the process, the link and the skill perfect union. The ultimate result is three people all flies ----- the key in the man next, the dual flight key link one, the double phoenix play 凰 (must do the key content "altogether the bath" may make the following link: After drenches bathes the dew to make around the chest ---- back double breast to push, around the chicken, the egg ---- buttocks double breast to push, around the double buttocks crowds rubs with the meat stick, the fruit, the back door trio and so on (the concrete detail does not do gives unnecessary detail "BJ" to be possible to make the following link: (Perhaps after after three people 69, the double snake (tongue) entangles the stick, the chicken, the egg minute enters the nest, front the deep throat the poisonous dragon, front 冰後 the fire --- front fire the ice returns to the circle, 火棍 冰蛋 ---- the icicle fire egg returns to the circle, the ice fire around simultaneously roams, enters the hole to pick the cloudy --- entrance to deliver the positive pair of female to return to the circle some phoenixes MM not to be willing to make this to want to serve) and so on (the concrete detail not to do gives unnecessary detail "picks positive" may make the following link: After the place stick snatches the gun (about middle finger separately to insert, double female makes deep throat in turn for kid brother), a pair of female snatches the stick, a pair of female snatches egg and so on, the ultimate boundary is a pair of female swallows the essence 帝皇 the game (similarly is the key content which must do "picks the play cloudyly": Three people 69, double cloudy Shan T'ien, Luo Hanshuang is cloudy as soon as is suitable walks (a pair of female face up to fold cloudyly, about a tongue), Luo Hanshuang the cloudy poisonous snake (tongue) drills and so on "to wash the hands" the play: After the double hand drill double hole, double refers double drills the nest, both hands list female around drills a hole (two female to return to circle use), finally should suck ten figures by two women's doubles "to wash the hands" the play for the conclusion "打洞" the play: This did not have to say, believed the numerous wolves pattern sea was. Any Luo Hanshuang the cloudy artillery (a pair of female face up folds cloudyly), the lazy dog double cloudy artillery (a pair of female lies face downwards cloudyly folds), about the series artillery, the hole mouth 雙響artillery and so on and so on The dual flight eight big 絕 kills the skill one, flies previous 1 hour since airplane (ability to be strong may 2 hours hit airplane two ahead of time), after like this may go on stage as for does not see the flower to release, guarantees may the full amount enjoy. This move must use, otherwise loses fine loses face Second, trades the pattern, each move as is suitable take 3---5 minute physiological load of exercise, must surpass. Otherwise, you can as soon as flush, brings a horse to a halt is defeated. Such result takes pleasure to glad that young lady, loses is your wallet, more importantly you spoiled the dual flight this extremely rich ideal condition enterprise Third, cannot mechanically use each link, must make the synthesis skill program. Picks the cloudy meeting, 打洞;" BJ "35 special cases," wash the hands "45 kind of patterns, the alternation unify, enables the artillery tube which you blushes to rest the adjustment. Many wolves friends always said oneself thought also had many patterns not to cause on GAMEVOE R, one of reasons to lie in you to make the machine, has not made art Fourth, suitably with instills the thing, may guarantee the time delay launch. If finds the medicine for a while, 打洞 when may in the hole put a small ice piece toward young lady, like this also has the same level effect (certainly to want young lady to agree) Fifth, persisted by my primarily policy, do not have to lead by the nose by young lady. Must know that, you are emperor, wants them firmly to obey you. Each men all should be clear: The hard penis be out of control Miss 10 minute BJ, to have to shoot without doubt. Bumps into technical good young lady, 3 minutes may blow out you. Therefore letter Ma Yu? lets young lady make you, let alone is the dual flight, comes to be allowed to do decides you. Sixth, should learn the use toy. Very many places provide some simple toys, this is the extremely good auxiliary means, certainly must learn to direct. It may let you depart the new ideal condition, plays new goods come into the market the world. Can help you the kid brother to conquer young lady. If go you to Thailand, this kind of tool are more, therefore grasps the science and technology to be able to stand upright the wave crest. Seventh, certainly must fully transfer young lady's fervor, lets them and your together HAPPY. Front had said, the dual flight ultimate result is three people "flies" together, these three people do fly getting up, the man is the key. Even if young lady finally has not flown, at least must let the desire which they has wants to fly, like this you many which sprays also can satisfy a craving Eighth, suitably plays a rascal. Tells them: Boss is your elder brother, today is he invites your H, if serves is not good, firm suit! Boss surely meets the mouth money! Also tells them: A tone blows out did not calculate, also must sue! And so on Finally advises the wolf friend: Only if physical ability especially good, the dual flight should not be many, is most appropriate by each month of 1. Otherwise already injuries the body, but also possibly hands over the homework wound sentiment!
Old 13-08-2007, 10:49 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
No ideas, is Jaiyi name of hotel or KTV?
48 梵爾賽酒店 A famous KTV is located in this hotel not sure the name.
This is Versailles Hotel & Amazon KTV

Old 13-08-2007, 11:09 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Hi bro coolmanks,

Found it. But its not in the map.
Its opposite 47 (the popular disco) next to 49.
Jiayi Hotel 嘉怡酒店
Taoyuan Recreation Town
Taoyuan KTV 桃园娱乐城

Old 13-08-2007, 11:18 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
Hahahahaha ah boi fav. 3dee you every mm also want.
bro, not every MM i also want, at least yours is not my type, hehehe...

Originally Posted by berber View Post
Jiayi Gal
like that can already ba,,,.....
how come the BBS girl looks like ktv girl and the ktv girl looks like BBS girl??

Originally Posted by 4DnToto View Post
Hi berber,
I used to base in HK also never see so young mm even in SZ last time.
Whoa..............really young gals. Think must go CP look see look see.
Yo bro, there are many SYT at sex141... enjoy!~

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
This is Versailles Hotel & Amazon KTV
Bro you are right!

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
Hi bro coolmanks,
Found it. But its not in the map.
Its opposite 47 (the popular disco) next to 49.
Jiayi Hotel 嘉怡酒店
Taoyuan Recreation Town
Taoyuan KTV 桃园娱乐城
Bro you are right again! Wow, your chinese improved a lot, congrats!!!
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Old 13-08-2007, 11:22 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Yo yo, I Pass My Exam.............hahahahaha.................Good night
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