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Old 27-07-2006, 09:32 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

She is not sweet at all....but cool!
Old 28-07-2006, 12:51 AM
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Re: I'm offering my services

I don't see anything 'lectury" about the do's and dont's listed. Seems pretty universal. How many FLs you know don't follow them?

I think OP has said much of what I wanted to say. Just to add.

By all means, complain about supplier inflexibility. But just like in business, buyer flexibility also count. You want to think buyer is king? Can. Just stay in your castle and don't complain when you lose out. Flexible already but still cannot? Maybe someone more flexible than you. Too bad la, move on.

My first attempt to meet her was cancelled, but she was polite and apologised by SMS. First appointment succeeded only after some rubber band stretching of my own schedule. For second appointment, I called her up out of the blue and asked she could meet 2 hours later. She could, and we met 2.5 hours later. Inflexible, haughty? Never had that impression.

Want extras or freebies? You willing to give money for free? No? Then comment for what? Be nice and polite, and take no as a no. If you get something extra, good. If no, no la.

No, she did not request me to defend her. I last met her quite some time ago. Even asked her before if she wanted FR for adverts, she declined saying it's ok. For those who know me, I am rarely the type who offer to write FR. People ask, I write, IF I find the experience worthwhile to write about. Bad experiences I just put it down to lousy chemistry.

I offered to write FR for her. No big deal you may say, but she gets my thumbs up.

Bro YE, we get your point. Multiple times over.
Old 28-07-2006, 01:04 AM
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Re: I'm offering my services

can't seemed to pm you

get me at [email protected] : )
Old 28-07-2006, 01:37 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

Originally Posted by Gerald Tan
Hi Youngeric,
Haha..I read dat u waited 6 months or more for sweety gal... well, I waited for 1 year or so before finally able to 'taste' her service.. but as had been said before, we have to respect every one's wish to remain discrete. No no will be distributed. Pls use email to correspond with her, and build up rapport with her.
Hi Gerald Tan!

Well, at least you were not played out by her & you get to meet her.
There is no issue about discreet here.

Old 28-07-2006, 02:04 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

Originally Posted by youngeric
Well, at least you were not played out by her & you get to meet her.
There is no issue about discreet here.

U've been harping on this issue for the past 6 months... everytime u appear here is to talk abt this (and sometimes on other threads too). U said so much abt it like u are obessed (like a certain bro alban I know) w the issue...

Now when and if she meets u, it will be when u and her are alone in a room. Now wat would be running thru her thoughts abt meeting a guy who's been harping abt this "non-meeting and play-out" since the beginning of this year ??

Well I can't speak for her, but I would honestly be a bit scared. And therein probably lies the reason why she wun get back to u...

Hope u can step back a bit and see if what I said make sense or not...
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 28-07-2006, 02:50 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

OP why not u just use ur IGNORE skill again?
I like SYT thats why i go KTV....

Sadest day in my life....15/08/ also my ROD date.
Old 28-07-2006, 05:02 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

just some thoughts after reading so many posting. FLs have their own life and being FL may not be their priority in life. So it's common that at times their schedule may not be able to accomodate ours. Thus last minute cancellation or stuff may take place. Taking into consideration that some are so popular that they may received requests for appointment in hundreds per day.

To be fair to Sweety, if she do not feel like taking up some offers, the least is to respect her wish. She may have other things on hand that are more important. Put yourself in her shoes and respect her dos and don't.

Perhaps I'm one of the lucky few who did not need to wait too long.
Old 28-07-2006, 08:00 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

Hey sweety gal

Would like to engage your services in the near future. Pls pm your contact to me or email me at [email protected]. Tried to pm you but your pm's box full.

Old 28-07-2006, 10:57 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

Hi gal,

Pm me your contact..
Old 29-07-2006, 01:34 PM
youngeric youngeric is offline
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Re: I'm offering my services

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime

U've been harping on this issue for the past 6 months... everytime u appear here is to talk abt this (and sometimes on other threads too). U said so much abt it like u are obessed (like a certain bro alban I know) w the issue...

Now when and if she meets u, it will be when u and her are alone in a room. Now wat would be running thru her thoughts abt meeting a guy who's been harping abt this "non-meeting and play-out" since the beginning of this year ??

Well I can't speak for her, but I would honestly be a bit scared. And therein probably lies the reason why she wun get back to u...

Hope u can step back a bit and see if what I said make sense or not...
Hi Optimus_prime,

I will reply to your post as if this was posted by the FL herself:

I think you are full of crap which seems to be your pattern now.

You claim I am obsessed about you?
You sound like some other fucked up OKTs in this forum desperate to cover their tracks by blaming the messenger (ie me) and not the message.

You would note I posted about this issue in April 2006.
6 months after you played me out. I stopped after that.
You know fully well how often I e-mail or call or post to you before or since then.

I cannot recall but you will know its very very very little.
I guess in your book, that means I am obsessed with you.
Yes I am.

As to being afraid to meet me. You are what the Chinese term "er(4) ren(2) xian(1) gao(3) zhuang(4)." You are no different than those hit and run drivers who cannot face up to their actions & run away & make all sort of excuses for their own inadequacies.

You are an adult, presumably you have more than a bit of common sense & as an adult, you must bear the consequences of your actions & put it right.
However, as an adult, you can choose to be very irresponsible which there are many in life who do so.

But for you to be irresponsible & then come on this forum & post in CAPITAL LETTERS & preach?

This is call hypocrisy.

You are in fact worse than those FL who play people out. At least these FL make an effort to do the right thing. You do not. You just give excuses. Excuses that you do not bother to act on.

No. I cannot remember who these FLs are. Contrary to what you and some other OKTs think, I don't think about them even 1% of the time or at all & neither am I obsessed with them either.

Please feel free to point out where & how I am wrong about you.

As for you, Optimus Prime,

I hope you are not one of those Samsters who support their OKTs and FLs no matter what happens for whatever reasons for their own. You seem to support this FL a lot no matter what.

These Samsters are among the worst. It is because of them that all these nonsense from OKTs and FLs take place. They think its okay that these nonsense happens, but everyone with some common sense knows its not.

Nowadays, other Samsters who want to raise problems with FLs and OKTs don't dare to do it. When they do, they always write in such a 'meek' way most probably because they are scared they will get flamed or zapped or blacklisted.

I give you the same advice you have given me & I hope you would think carefully about what you post as well.

Hope u can step back a bit and see if what I said make sense or not...

Old 29-07-2006, 01:36 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

Originally Posted by fathead
just some thoughts after reading so many posting. FLs have their own life and being FL may not be their priority in life. So it's common that at times their schedule may not be able to accomodate ours. Thus last minute cancellation or stuff may take place. Taking into consideration that some are so popular that they may received requests for appointment in hundreds per day.

To be fair to Sweety, if she do not feel like taking up some offers, the least is to respect her wish. She may have other things on hand that are more important. Put yourself in her shoes and respect her dos and don't.
Hi fathead!

I fully agree with what you said. But what you said is not the issue here.
Anyway, I don't think this FL or other FL have hundreds of requests per day.
If so, they won't be FL for so long. Correct?

Old 29-07-2006, 03:55 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services


After all the postings, I would say 2 words. Move on.

Continous harping on the same issues bring nothing but negative feelings to all parties (of course unless you enjoy it).

It's a fact that you know she wouldn't contact you to make up. And since that's what you believe as a fact, just ignore this thread from now on, well of course unless she contacts you again...

There are local FLs in this forum who put aeroplane, find all types of excuses one also lah, if it's not meant to be, it's not. Straightforward. To BLame is just that, B Lame. So let it go, and move on.
A.k.a. Hyugo to some.

Please inform me if I still owe you rep points. I dunno who liaoz.. hehe

Oh yah, don't forget to give me your posting also. If not very hard to find sometimes.
Old 29-07-2006, 06:53 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

I am surprised this issue is still going on. Youngeric, I will suggest that you don't continue harping on it.

Although I have never met Sweetygalswee before, there are a lot of other fishes (aka girls) out there that requires your attention

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Old 29-07-2006, 07:01 PM
youngeric youngeric is offline
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Re: I'm offering my services

Originally Posted by Montbank

There are local FLs in this forum who put aeroplane, find all types of excuses one also lah, if it's not meant to be, it's not. Straightforward. To BLame is just that, B Lame. So let it go, and move on.
Hi Montbank!

You are right. Knowing her, she won't bother getting back to me.
But I am inviting her to prove me wrong.

But that does not mean I cannot raise what kind of character she is here for all to see (including her supporters).

So any posts by her dabout her dos and don'ts are just nonsense.
After all, you reap what you sow.

BTW as I have pointed out above, there is no continuous harping about it.

Old 29-07-2006, 07:15 PM
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Re: I'm offering my services

Brudders,she ain't the only tree left in this jungle.So since u are the one paying and u have the dough,scared no gers will wanna do your business meh? To wait 9 months,man..i could have actuali forgotten abt it. All i can say is...time to move on,get another FL.Getting high and mighty and punking fellow samster,this alone is a minus point..
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