in the past many local lady, job hop.
Now foreign lady get caught, wp revoke,
Cant come back spore.
Many spa still operating.
Open a spa , compete at same platform.
Die faster.
I miss Joyful..Aiko...Bugis HC...names forgotten-the one at golden hill plaza..the one at Alson hotel.. Corpnethorn hotel...Pissa (most frequent)
From what I know all close down liao. even those still around, change to facial for men etc, go in like go to whorehouse.. 1 min then ask u special liao.. no pool no sauna no steam nothing. sibeh sianz... gals also like shit.. I also miss health centres badly.. haiz.. been asking for 1 year.. so far no frens telling me anywhere.
I miss Joyful..Aiko...Bugis HC...names forgotten-the one at golden hill plaza..the one at Alson hotel.. Corpnethorn hotel...Pissa (most frequent)
gold hill.......
was started in the late 70s, the summer place hc,
by two old dame masseuse.
later rename 88, rename goodhill, rename novena hc.
rename nimble finger .
they always look out for blue van
From what I know all close down liao. even those still around, change to facial for men etc, go in like go to whorehouse.. 1 min then ask u special liao.. no pool no sauna no steam nothing. sibeh sianz... gals also like shit.. I also miss health centres badly.. haiz.. been asking for 1 year.. so far no frens telling me anywhere.
Thanks all brother for the help,my boss had decided to open a health center in orchard area in 6 months times,for all the old brothers in Sammyboy who is interested,kindly sent me a message and i will tell you the location...but no more advertising in here again,thanks