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The Malaysian Commercial Sex Scene A section specifically for the great Sin Cities of Malaysia. Dedicated to our brothers across the Causeway. Malaysia Boleh!

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Old 26-05-2007, 03:57 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

i think this is the funniest thread ever... but a valid question if you are living in malaysia.

i for one, have bonked many many malay girls and still did not marry one... why, because must be clever lorr...

malay girls are special because if they like you - they WILL bonk you instead... and believe me when i say this - bonking a malay girl is like going to heaven... its the GFE that they have, really know how to please.

the fact is, their religion is somewhat restrictive - so given half a chance, they will rebel and prove that they are human after all... with the horniest pussy in town. but fortunately for malaysia and malay girls - the religion kinda keeps the girls under control - otherwise, my guess is - thailand and the phillipines would be no where compared to the malay girls... my 2 sens
Old 26-05-2007, 04:14 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by bolehk View Post
what is the general culture in malaysia like? if have sex with a decent malay woman, does that means fate is sealed and need to marry her??

also, is it ok to go example shopping with her? Will I kenna 'hantam' by other malay guys?

coz i'm recently fren-ing a malay gal, must prepare the know how before things gets out of control. I'm a chinese btw.

Can try your luck, if kana caught perpare to convert to those PIG head, and become no brain
Old 26-05-2007, 04:23 PM
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FerrariF1 has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by bolehk View Post
this malay gal very strange, in private, she seems like want to do that thing. but when i ask her want to come my place, she say no lah, wanna go home. Mix signals.
Maybe u need to learn a new term = COCK TEASER
Old 28-05-2007, 10:58 AM
esleeadipak esleeadipak is offline
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by Flyjacket View Post
i think this is the funniest thread ever... but a valid question if you are living in malaysia.

i for one, have bonked many many malay girls and still did not marry one... why, because must be clever lorr...

malay girls are special because if they like you - they WILL bonk you instead... and believe me when i say this - bonking a malay girl is like going to heaven... its the GFE that they have, really know how to please.

the fact is, their religion is somewhat restrictive - so given half a chance, they will rebel and prove that they are human after all... with the horniest pussy in town. but fortunately for malaysia and malay girls - the religion kinda keeps the girls under control - otherwise, my guess is - thailand and the phillipines would be no where compared to the malay girls... my 2 sens
Right on the money!! Malay girls give the best GFE. Outside they looked reserved, but after you get them into the bedroom...... KABOOM
Old 28-05-2007, 06:10 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Can try your luck, if kana caught perpare to convert to those PIG head, and become no brain
Brainy's back!!! Be very afraid...

Sta1100 you have no right to speak in such a manner. So you think you are better?? Monkey! You better shut your mouth and do not speak of something of which you know nothing. Idiot!

Now look what you have done! Changed the whole theme of this thread. Just give your two cents worth relevant to the question and don't insult people. Jerk!
Old 28-05-2007, 08:39 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

a lot of problem la. i would say think twice before doing it.

i met this girl last time when i was in UK. when we're both back in malaysia we still went out together. we're not boyfriends or girlfriends, merely normal friends with a bit extra thrown in. cut the story short when i was busted they told me that they could charge me with close proximity and whole lots of other bullshit. eventually her dad found out and her dad settled it with them. i don't know how but i'm guessing that some money or authority was involved cause her dad is some bigshot. after the ordeal i was left with a verbal warning from her dad and that's it i wash my hands clean after that.
Old 02-06-2007, 11:45 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by killaruna View Post
a lot of problem la. i would say think twice before doing it.

i met this girl last time when i was in UK. when we're both back in malaysia we still went out together. we're not boyfriends or girlfriends, merely normal friends with a bit extra thrown in. cut the story short when i was busted they told me that they could charge me with close proximity and whole lots of other bullshit. eventually her dad found out and her dad settled it with them. i don't know how but i'm guessing that some money or authority was involved cause her dad is some bigshot. after the ordeal i was left with a verbal warning from her dad and that's it i wash my hands clean after that.
yo bro Killaruna, can elaborate more. Coz I don't wish to end up like u too man. If u feel more comfortable with PM, pls enlighten your bro here?

I am getting intimate with this malay gal. Everywhere we go, I can feel that eyes are constantly on us, just being a Chinese guy going out with a Malay gal. In public we're not holding hands or behaving intimate, just walk normally. But already can feel, pple keep looking when we are eating... etc. I really scared one day trouble may comes to me.

that day I finally get to kiss her, quite hot one, with my hands exploring the "head lights". she also like it, but then it's quite dangerous. Have to go to a quiet place WITH PEOPLE, coz she say some places too quiet is dangerous.. (DUH!!).. going to my place is a No-No to her, as she quoted religion as an excuse.

During kissing we have to constantly keep a lookout for pple coming too near the car, often have to pause when pple are like 5 metres away from the car. this kissing session really is the most difficult one that in my life, passionate but yet cannot really concentrate.
prc boobs really bery soft.
(thanks to those who upped my pts, even though I don't know who you are, gum xiaz)
Old 03-06-2007, 01:46 AM
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Cool Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by bolehk View Post
thank you brothers for clearing the doubts. I'm not local in Msia, that's why dunno abt the rules.

this malay gal very strange, in private, she seems like want to do that thing. but when i ask her want to come my place, she say no lah, wanna go home. Mix signals.
It is simple, believe in your intuition. As long as you feel comfortable with her, then go ahead, otherwise,...

Make sure you have think it properly.
Old 10-06-2007, 03:51 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

A charge of khalwat would only be in the Syariah court. But non-Muslims are not subject to the Syariah court....

I think I said enough.
Old 10-06-2007, 11:26 PM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

The authorities are bloody moral police who make intent to make your life uncomfortable. Depending on where you are, they can make the experience rather uncomfortable. Things are not so bad in places like KL, but if you get caught in places like Kedah, Terengganu, Kelantan, you can be sure of getting high handed treatment from them.
Old 11-06-2007, 12:01 AM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by bolehk View Post
I am getting intimate with this malay gal. Everywhere we go, I can feel that eyes are constantly on us, just being a Chinese guy going out with a Malay gal. In public we're not holding hands or behaving intimate, just walk normally. But already can feel, pple keep looking when we are eating... etc. I really scared one day trouble may comes to me....(
Dude... the Malays (muslims) in Malaysia have this perception that if they were to get a non muslim to convert, they are guaranteed a place in heaven... so if you think of getting intimate with a NL, you go to heaven first before them...
On a serious note, if you give the girl the FULL THROTTLE - then you are a goner.... 'cos she will reel you in, hook, line and sinker... The trick with a NL is that let her do all the work - you get the GFE and she is left hanging... for more... *LOL!*

Just remember this " NO FORESKIN... NO FORE SIGHT!!! "... once its gone - its gone....
Old 11-06-2007, 12:04 AM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Originally Posted by Flyjacket View Post
On a serious note, if you give the girl the FULL THROTTLE - then you are a goner.... 'cos she will reel you in, hook, line and sinker... The trick with a NL is that let her do all the work - you get the GFE and she is left hanging... for more... *LOL!*

Just remember this " NO FORESKIN... NO FORE SIGHT!!! "... once its gone - its gone....
Haha.. good advice. Want to drink the Milk no need to buy the Cow le
Old 11-06-2007, 12:35 AM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??


I am guessing your friend was caught in a raid at a health center.

Those caught in a raid at places of vice might have to go to the police station to have their statements taken down. Later on, they might even be called to give testimony against the operators in court.

But I think the customers are usually not charged (mental note to self - got to ask a lawyer one of these days). Whether one needs to go to the police station would depend on various factors, such as whether one is caught in the act, the gal was caught naked, condoms were found or not, etc.

So if caught in a raid, just be humble, don't LCLY, don't show attitude. Maybe the MIB would kasi chance.
Old 11-06-2007, 12:43 AM
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Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??


I don't really see that. Else there would be more missionaries around.
Old 11-06-2007, 12:46 AM
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Nan Hong Gui Nan Hong Gui Nan Hong Gui
Re: in malaysia, if have sex with a decent malay woman, means need to marry her??

Ya i agree with u bro ha ha
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