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Old 15-06-2011, 05:11 PM
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Cool Re: Screwing maids

Need some advice from bros out there.

Got to knew 3 filipino maids from FB and got their contact.Have being
smsing all the while and talking on the phone, but seem difficult to "eat "them as they will want to commit to a relationship first before proceeding.

Dear bros,Pls advise if there is another alternative?
Seem mission impossible.. Thanks
Old 15-06-2011, 05:18 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Maybe I need a leap of faith. haha
Shall try it in phils..

Just gotta leave the bait out as much and as often.. and see what bites hehe
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Old 15-06-2011, 10:50 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by soccerboot View Post
The outing has been fully booked as i only allocated 3 slots. Me leaving the maid's scene after this. Going for more exotic kill, going for Japanese Milf next. Currently, working on two, hopefully I can hit some home run there! Any brother want pinoy maid's contact, you can still PM me as I have more contacts daily! Cheers!
Dear Bro,
i m pretty impressed with your stories.
Can i try some contacts to share some stories as well?
Old 16-06-2011, 04:16 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

STOMPer Cyndi spotted a scantily-clad woman, apparently a maid, behaving indecently in a brightly lit room near her window on two occasions.

The woman was touching herself, while chatting on the phone with apparently her lover, said the STOMPer.

In STOMPer Cyndi's email:

"I wish to report this scantily dressed maid behaving indecently near her window.

"She would occasionally rub her breast and her thighs while making calls to her lover.

"The first time I saw her, she was talking to her lover while playing music loudly. She was chatting happily and loudly.

"Subsequently I saw her rubbing her breast for a few moments.

"I saw her again through my kitchen window while I am washing my baby milk bottle at the sink.

"I took this picture because I wanted to report this to the police.

"Just as I was checking the numbers for the neighbourhood police, her light was turned off.

"How can I tolerate this? This is not acceptable.

"What if a man or child saw the scene?

"I wish to inform her employer and police to advise her on her dressing. Even though she is in her room, the window is wide open and her light is on.

"Is the maid trying to get attention?"

Now everyone should know why maids are horny!!
Old 16-06-2011, 09:47 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Did the police ask Stomper Cyndi what rights she has to peep into somebody else's room ?? Invasion of privacy .. if the maid did that in public, it is different ..

I hate nosey-parkers ..
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Old 16-06-2011, 02:55 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Did the police ask Stomper Cyndi what rights she has to peep into somebody else's room ?? Invasion of privacy .. if the maid did that in public, it is different ..

I hate nosey-parkers ..
maybe she has no sexual attention from husband hence all others cant be horny too lol
Old 16-06-2011, 03:12 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

or Stomper Cyndi is the mirror image of what people paint Singaproeans' to be .. "MAID ABUSERS" and that Singaporean's consider less than inhuman, and should not do things a normal human being does
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Old 16-06-2011, 04:51 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
or Stomper Cyndi is the mirror image of what people paint Singaproeans' to be .. "MAID ABUSERS" and that Singaporean's consider less than inhuman, and should not do things a normal human being does
i just think people in general who r unhappy hate the idea of other people being happy
Old 16-06-2011, 06:37 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

like tat oso kena complained..!???

is she worrying tat his husband see liao, will dump her for a sexier maid...?? or her kid see liao will grow up become a pervert or sex-manic...??
com'on lar, people nowaday really got nothing better to do or too stressed liao??

i've to remind myself to be more careful in future...
- no singlet n short at home, people will take my photo and complain i "scentily-clad"...

- balls itchy oso must go into toilet and lock the door before can scratch, else will kena complained report police for "behaving indecently", "touching myself"...
Old 16-06-2011, 07:15 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by bochapsing View Post
like tat oso kena complained..!???

is she worrying tat his husband see liao, will dump her for a sexier maid...?? or her kid see liao will grow up become a pervert or sex-manic...??
com'on lar, people nowaday really got nothing better to do or too stressed liao??

i've to remind myself to be more careful in future...
- no singlet n short at home, people will take my photo and complain i "scentily-clad"...

- balls itchy oso must go into toilet and lock the door before can scratch, else will kena complained report police for "behaving indecently", "touching myself"...

Haha, U r damn funny!!! In fact, what u said r correct!! I think that the stomper r doing a CURTAIN business. She recommend to the public that we should buy curtains. To prevent harassment to the neighbors or prevent our photo to appear in the STOMP, USE CURTAINS!!! Hahahahahahaha
Old 17-06-2011, 10:09 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by bochapsing View Post
- balls itchy oso must go into toilet and lock the door before can scratch, else will kena complained report police for "behaving indecently", "touching myself"...
Bro, you are not far off the truth

I saw one, where a couple of guys, indian and chinese, sitting in train .. maybe the train before full, and then many people leave till the two look like sitting next to each other .. the Stomp fellow write "show how good our racial integration work"

WTF - as if the two man holding hand and kissing..

If me, I sure sue the stomper for invasion of privacy ..
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Old 17-06-2011, 06:27 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

after reading really great tips n stuffs! hope to have a contact for me to start applying the knowledge learnt.
I'm secretly in love with you...
Old 17-06-2011, 09:33 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

reading this thread makes me tempted to approach the maids
Old 18-06-2011, 02:32 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by kelvinaili View Post
Need some advice from bros out there.

Got to knew 3 filipino maids from FB and got their contact.Have being
smsing all the while and talking on the phone, but seem difficult to "eat "them as they will want to commit to a relationship first before proceeding.

Dear bros,Pls advise if there is another alternative?
Seem mission impossible.. Thanks
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Old 18-06-2011, 12:06 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

roller: dont' be like the one in news, where a horny kid was charged for molesting a maid ..
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