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Old 08-02-2013, 03:10 PM
d2pre d2pre is offline
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Re: young indon femboys

Originally Posted by capcrunch View Post

Long time no post, let's get to the point. Anyone have any experiences with any of these? Please reply if you have!

(yes i know they're all femboys, you can see that from the title of my post. I have an itch that needs scratching.)

Gista/Jessica - also has a CL advert and

Is she the same person as this? I've tried the one labelled 'good sucker' - 'beby zora'. She's a ton of fun

Vanessa - one of my faves by looks.

Nayanna - wow? I know last online was jan, but just seeking info for future reference.

Leci - this one looks the most doubtful. PIctures look very airbrushed.

Miranda - wow??
the twin ladyboy from indo? they good in sucking?
Old 10-02-2013, 10:05 PM
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Re: young indon femboys

Originally Posted by capcrunch View Post

Long time no post, let's get to the point. Anyone have any experiences with any of these? Please reply if you have!

(yes i know they're all femboys, you can see that from the title of my post. I have an itch that needs scratching.)

Gista/Jessica - also has a CL advert and

Is she the same person as this? I've tried the one labelled 'good sucker' - 'beby zora'. She's a ton of fun

Vanessa - one of my faves by looks.

Nayanna - wow? I know last online was jan, but just seeking info for future reference.

Leci - this one looks the most doubtful. PIctures look very airbrushed.

Miranda - wow??
Nayannna is not an indon femboy, she is from Philippines, working in Moon shine orchard tower. midnight u go there and take her and enjoy her...
Old 11-02-2013, 04:07 PM
jgpkl jgpkl is offline
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Fr on barbie

met her last nite at her hotel..when she open her door, she was dress in stocking and lingery with high heel boots and tempting me to enter her room..
her bed was full of fresh lemon scent..when i sit on her bed, she seduce me by sitting on my lap..she started to undress me and we start our session
i request her to top me and she start to play with my dick and i was aroused..
we continue with 69 and follow by slowly play with my ass..she put on the condom and start to enter me..we play with different position and she lasted for half an hour before she come..after that she play with my dick and make me came..
face: 8/10
body: 8/10
gfe: 7/10

her link

she will be in sg for 1week
Old 11-02-2013, 05:59 PM
ALI PaPa ALI PaPa is offline
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by jgpkl View Post
Fr on barbie

met her last nite at her hotel..when she open her door, she was dress in stocking and lingery with high heel boots and tempting me to enter her room..
her bed was full of fresh lemon scent..when i sit on her bed, she seduce me by sitting on my lap..she started to undress me and we start our session
i request her to top me and she start to play with my dick and i was aroused..
we continue with 69 and follow by slowly play with my ass..she put on the condom and start to enter me..we play with different position and she lasted for half an hour before she come..after that she play with my dick and make me came..
face: 8/10
body: 8/10
gfe: 7/10

her link

she will be in sg for 1week
Next mission?
Old 11-02-2013, 08:00 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by jgpkl View Post
Fr on barbie

met her last nite at her hotel..when she open her door, she was dress in stocking and lingery with high heel boots and tempting me to enter her room..
her bed was full of fresh lemon scent..when i sit on her bed, she seduce me by sitting on my lap..she started to undress me and we start our session
i request her to top me and she start to play with my dick and i was aroused..
we continue with 69 and follow by slowly play with my ass..she put on the condom and start to enter me..we play with different position and she lasted for half an hour before she come..after that she play with my dick and make me came..
face: 8/10
body: 8/10
gfe: 7/10

her link

she will be in sg for 1week
Bro, the link cant see at all.
Old 11-02-2013, 11:42 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

FR on Vanessa:

Met her a couple of weeks back but didn't have time after to post an FR. If you're interested in femboys, then she's one for you. Looks exactly like she does in the pics; beautiful. No boobs but you'd ignore that once she get it down with her. Stays in a rented place with other LBs i assume but when you reach there she'll take you to her room. Quite good GFE. Chatted for awhile when i arrived then slowly got down on it. Won't explain further but she uses poppers. I didn't like the smell.

face: 8/10
body: 7/10 (no boobs)
gfe: 7/10
BBBJ: 8/10
Bottom: 9/10 (tight ass)
Top: never tried.
Overall: 7.5/10
Old 11-02-2013, 11:43 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

FR on Candice Michelle :

Quite bad experience. stays in a cramped room along chinatown. that wasnt the problem. Place was filthy and smelt of cigs. can't describe the horrid state of the room. The last time she was here she stayed in a nicer hotel and was more hygienic. Looked a lot better too. I had to force myself to cum this time round and just quickly left. Didnt want to stay there. Really disappointing because she was my first LB experience before.

face: 4/10
body: 6/10 (no boobs)
gfe: 6/10
BBBJ: 6/10
Bottom: 5/10 (just didnt feel pleasurable)
Top: never tried.
Overall: 4.5/10
Old 12-02-2013, 11:25 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

I have been following SB and Craig's List for a few years and have even subscribed for responses.
I would like to request Bros who do posting of FRs to include the name of the LB so that we know who they are talking about so as to prevent mistaken identities. Better still answer PMs for their contact numbers.
Posting an exciting and interesting FR to tease us, but when asked for contacts, the whole issue turns ice cold. What a let down?
If it is the writers original intention not to xupply the contact, then tone down the FR.
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:06 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

hey, anyone have good review on this LB?
she's in KL now and want to try her.
Old 12-02-2013, 10:47 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by kypdurron View Post

hey, anyone have good review on this LB?
she's in KL now and want to try her.
Belle Tse from Manila.....seen her in cyberspace and she looks beautiful but have not tried. Guess must be high end. She usually tours Hong Kong. Would like to hear from others who tried her and the damage. Thanks....
Old 12-02-2013, 11:39 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

FR on Shandee

Just tried today. Stays at a hotel along Bugis there. Quite a hassle to head up because front desk requires you to register so you got to take a separate route up. She'll guide you if you're not able to figure it out. Got up and there she was. Looks like in the pic except more towards the plump side. Not as slim as some of her pics. A few manly features only if you really look at her closely. Other than that, Service was still good.

face: 7/10
body: 7/10 (slightly plus size)
gfe: 8/10
BBBJ: 9/10
Bottom: 8/10 (just didnt feel pleasurable)
Top: never tried.
Overall: 8/10
Old 13-02-2013, 02:07 AM
ckthegame ckthegame is offline
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Originally Posted by pacinse View Post
Belle Tse from Manila.....seen her in cyberspace and she looks beautiful but have not tried. Guess must be high end. She usually tours Hong Kong. Would like to hear from others who tried her and the damage. Thanks....
Had her last year, tall and sexy, looks like her pics, paid about 120 if i'm not wrong, didn't top but was fun overall
Old 13-02-2013, 07:20 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

I have done quite a bit of exploration with craigslist ladyboys in singapore...and if this list was supposed to be a big list (Thread: LBs I Have Booked), i have a bigger list ))))) I am assuming that thread's list would not have stopped after 2008.

This one I did this weekend. TS Candy.

Talks like as if a cat is purring )) That got my adrenalin pumping and did her twice. her ass is super soft and i really wanted to spank her and do a bit of aggressive stuff, but she was so nice to me, that i couldnt. i have not seen any other ladyboy looking to get fucked so bad. she literally requests you to fuck her )) I almost felt that here is someone who really wants me to fuck her badly!!! Amazingly cute and i had a fabulous time. fantastic attitude.
Old 13-02-2013, 10:04 AM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

First off happy CNY to all bros here, and here is my belated FR on this laura.
I shall not go into too much details here, as there are not much anyway, but 1st impression wise she is really MILF, can tell quite old and the face as compared to the pics, quite rough(pimple scars) and overall she's not as fair as in the pic. Quite tanned actually.
One thing that i found troubling is her english ability, she's from indonesia and her communication skills in english is also quite bad. But her figure wise is good, great boobs and can roughly see her hourglass shape.
As for funtionality wise, bottom bros can skip this one, average tool size nevermind, but the thing is she topped me for like less then 5 min and she came, and all the while she was topping me she jerked me off like crazy, even after i protested, which makes me feel like she is trying to rush the session.
All in all service not really up to my expectations , but although her personality is ok, no attitude and can be quite friendly too.
Damage wise 100 for 2 shots, although i left after the 1st shot after knowing that her service is really only so-so!D.html
Old 13-02-2013, 02:15 PM
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Re: Craigslist and other on-line Ladyboys

Today, I called Tiffy aka Cocktail, and wanted to try her as she looks good in her pics. She agreed to sgd 150 for full course. But on the second SMS from her to tell me her location, she increased the price to sgd 200. Yucks! Immediately I cancelled and she does not seem to bother too. She must be cheating a number of our bros this way. Be careful Bros. my humble experience to share.
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