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Old 02-05-2013, 10:25 AM
Slaynz Slaynz is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi I will be in Manila staying at marriot .
Anywhere to intro?
Previously I go to Phoenix gentleman club at makati
Last time I went change to greenbelt hotel
No where to go already

Don't like to go bar to pick up gals,
Heard about Air Force one , how is it like ?
Old 02-05-2013, 11:59 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by yellow5001 View Post
Visited Infinity Night Club, its situated right next to Traders Hotel at Malate/Roxas.

Damage Structure

Ladies drink - PHP 600
Take Out Gal for Bonk - PHP 6,000
Bonk In Room at the Club - PHP 3,000

To take out a gal to b bonk or bonk in room, min ladies drink to be ordered is 2. By the way, if u r newbie, u will b charged a showcharge for the first time, then they will assign a mami/dadi to u and thereafter, this will b waived so long as u can quote the name.

Generally, the gals take their turns on stage and broadly into 3 categories, models, group dancers and then solo dancers. Damage structure is the same regardless of category. Theres big open area with sofas for u to observe the gals, yr mami/dadi will b bringing the gals for u to view to see if u want to buy anybody a drink or if u see anybody u like on stage , then can get yr mami to call her down to accompany u. One ladies drink = 1 hour of her time with u.

To me, Infinity much better than the EDSA complex bars or the Burgos bars, quality of gals point of view. Quality of gals clearly a notch better and total damage wise, not that much higher. Not to say u cant find a stunner in EDsa/Burgos but u will have to look much harder !

EDSA = 1650 + 2500 (ST) / 3500 (LT) = 4150 to 5150
Burgos = 3000 to 3900 (range) + 3000 (ST) / 4000 (LT) = 6000 to 7900
Infinity = 1200 + 6000 = 7200

Of course, u can also get much cheaper at places like MBC(Malate) or Havana(Makati) but 'sikit' classless, v v like a meat market esp at night, super crowded and becoz theres no 'entrance criteria' set ie no evaluation criteria, u can see almost every type of Pinoy gal there trying to hook a guy, right to the ugliest slob imaginable trying to look sexy in a mini skirt to the soemtimes rare gem.

Whereas the EDSA/Burgos will not prob kick these hideous creatures our their bars and finally the clubs will settle on the most good looking ones.

anybody who wants my mami contact at Infinity to see if u can get away with the showcharge can PM me.

The showcharge fee which is only one time for yr very first time if u dunno any mami/dadi - PHP 500
Seems to be a good place.
How much is the showcharge ?
Why dun you let us know the name of the papa san or we can save the showcharge.
Take Out Gal for Bonk - PHP 6,000 ...Is this for ST ot LT
You need min 2 LDs to bring the gals out so i presume there is no bar fine.
Am planning a trip to manila this month...

Salamat ....
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:15 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Slaynz View Post
Hi I will be in Manila staying at marriot .
Anywhere to intro?
Previously I go to Phoenix gentleman club at makati
Last time I went change to greenbelt hotel
No where to go already

Don't like to go bar to pick up gals,
Heard about Air Force one , how is it like ?
I think Pheonix shut down .. by the human traffick-rescue team !!!!!!

AF 1 -

Some like AF1 .. some don't .. as for example, I prefer room service ..

Fret not though .. it is a nice place .. been there once some time ago ..
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:24 PM
yellow5001 yellow5001 is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Longitude View Post
Thanks for sharing. This is a good place. Most of the better looking girls are there. There is also a new one called "Club ..." also along the same stretch. Have you tried that? They also have some of the best girls.

Along that stretch, the first club after u exit Traders Hotel will b Infinity, then u come to Studio 69, then u come to club Enigma, then u arrive at EA International and last will be Bachelors Mansion.

All have the same price structure and same modus operandi, ie the 2 ladies drink, the show charge for first timer etc.

Some person ask if safe to walk, for me Traders to Infinity is not a problem, right next door. Walking onwards to the rest is not that big a deal to me distance wise, prob 200 m max to the last one ie Bachelors Mansion.

I would say use a bit of common sense. if you are walking around 8 or 9 pm, safe as most restaurants there is also open but if you intend to do it at midnight or so, better dont take the risk, the cab fare for such a short distance after all wont even top PHP 50 (SGD 1.5).
Old 02-05-2013, 02:30 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by decent02 View Post
Seems to be a good place.
How much is the showcharge ?
Why dun you let us know the name of the papa san or we can save the showcharge.
Take Out Gal for Bonk - PHP 6,000 ...Is this for ST ot LT
You need min 2 LDs to bring the gals out so i presume there is no bar fine.
Am planning a trip to manila this month...

Salamat ....

showcharge for first timers depends on club but at Infinity is PHP 500.

Take out gal at Infinity whether LT or ST depends on gal, u can ask the Mummy to show up all the gals who confirm do LT. she will bring. The LT ones confirm wont run away.

But if u take a fancy to a gal and Mummy say she do ST, u can still try your luck, if your gal like u, she not only LT but prob stay with u all the way to afternoon next day and u will b the one asking her to leave. So in a way depends on u also.

To b absolutely safe, when talking with them during the 2 ladies drink, can ask them point blank also whther staying LT or ST.

The bar fine is the PHP 6000 itself.
Old 02-05-2013, 02:38 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by yellow5001 View Post
showcharge for first timers depends on club but at Infinity is PHP 500.

Take out gal at Infinity whether LT or ST depends on gal, u can ask the Mummy to show up all the gals who confirm do LT. she will bring. The LT ones confirm wont run away.

But if u take a fancy to a gal and Mummy say she do ST, u can still try your luck, if your gal like u, she not only LT but prob stay with u all the way to afternoon next day and u will b the one asking her to leave. So in a way depends on u also.

To b absolutely safe, when talking with them during the 2 ladies drink, can ask them point blank also whther staying LT or ST.

The bar fine is the PHP 6000 itself.
Hi this place is quite ex
by the way what is the market rate for LT and ST in Infinity
need to pay PHP500 (showcharge) + PHP1200 (LD) + PHP6000 (barfine) + PHP??? (LT or ST)

anyway will upz you for your posting for Infinity
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Old 02-05-2013, 02:57 PM
yellow5001 yellow5001 is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by decent02 View Post
Hi this place is quite ex
by the way what is the market rate for LT and ST in Infinity
need to pay PHP500 (showcharge) + PHP1200 (LD) + PHP6000 (barfine) + PHP??? (LT or ST)

anyway will upz you for your posting for Infinity

the barfine covers everything liao, ie if u firsttimer, your total damage = PHP 7700 inclusive of bonking gal. whether ST or LT depends very much on u lor. if u dont think u capable/confident of sweetalking the gal to stay LT with u, then ask mami bring show up only all the gals who confirm do LT.

if u second timer, ie after knowing the mami, then the damage is PHP 7200 inclusive of bonking gal. ST or LT pls see explanation above.

by the way, additional charge depends on what u drink at club and what u tip mami or the gal in the morning also but these tips are entirely up to u. if u get a 10 in PSE, maybe give the gal a good tip lar. if u get a starfish then say bye bye enuf lor.
Old 03-05-2013, 02:51 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi bros

Will be making virgin trip to Manila early next week and staying at F1 Hotel (ex Best Western). Any recommendations for a nice rub down nearby?

Thanks all.
Old 03-05-2013, 03:00 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

blackdevil: you are pretty near P Burgos, if you are in Best Western Kalayaan Avenue !!

Do some look up on P Burgos
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Old 03-05-2013, 03:16 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

bro etsys, the address is 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City - we talking about the same area?
Old 03-05-2013, 04:05 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

blackdevil: wrong number I was mixing up the other former Best Western.

If you are in Fort, better bet is MBC - Havana Cafe
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Old 03-05-2013, 05:31 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

thanks bro...will check it out.
Old 04-05-2013, 12:46 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by adboy_6 View Post
Thanks for all the advice. Read about all the places mentioned @ As I was staying @ makati, do not want to go too far, ie, take cab ==> LA cafe is out. So walk to two main area.

First was greenbelt area. It was eyes opening at first, the area seem bigger than suntec, marina, milleinium combine. I think it could be 2 -3 times bigger, all connected together, there were numerous mega mall : SM, glorietta. Unable to locate phoenix gentleman club (forgot to bring the map), also did not do it intensively.

2 places to pick-up:
1. Big open spaces in front of shaligri-la hotel.
2. The star-buck beside the hotel.

This is a high-end, classy area, where shopping centres stand. I believe that it is more for westerners. I have no achievement here.

Second area that I go to is @ the northen part of makati ave. This area is for those who are familiar with BKK. Thre are pubs, strip-bars, very much similiar to BKK's cowboys, or nana plaza. Good thing is this area is more receptable to asian. I see taiwanese, koreans and japanese amongst the crowd. There is almost multiple streets with restaurants catering especially to the koreans, and also korean condomimiun.

I did not venture into any of the pubs. While standing along the road, did not notice anything of value. Also, I was in bermudas and slippers, so unable to get into most of them. The rules stated is that no sleeveless, shorts and slippers are allowed. There were also many shemale plying the street.

I did score in another way, though. While observing the shemail trying to take on some westerners, I asked the guy standing beside me if they were really....? We get to know each other and he mentioned that most girls in the pubs are married and old, season player who looked for for money. He gave me a number and I will be trying it later on the trip. Wait for the next posting... I hope it will be worthwhile.
Hi Bro, I am leaving for Makati some time next week,
would appreciate if you care to share the ctc.
Old 04-05-2013, 12:49 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by BenV View Post
Does anyone need a contact for next week? Got a good flipper to offer ... very much part time only hooker ... really quite innocent but nonetheless three hole available. Slightly taller than most flippers with great tits and good arse. 3000 for overnight and will pose for pics. My only interest is that she gets fucked often until i get back there ... and if possible that the lucky bro shares some pics with me of the fun!
PM me!
HI bro,
i am leaving for Makati next week
Old 04-05-2013, 11:43 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
I think Pheonix shut down .. by the human traffick-rescue team !!!!!!

AF 1 -

Some like AF1 .. some don't .. as for example, I prefer room service ..

Fret not though .. it is a nice place .. been there once some time ago ..
Is Air Force one like Phoenix ? Seems that Air Force one is like ktv style
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