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Old 24-05-2014, 09:45 PM
tiuminator tiuminator is offline
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by kristoa7 View Post
1/10 better DIY

My game plan has always landed me in higher ground in balay

Challenge only makes it more sextifiying
I like your challenging attitude.

Originally Posted by snookercue View Post
How many time can we do for booking...any food place for dinner there..average price.
Unlike Batam, here at balai theres no limit to bonking. At least i personally has not encounter such ruling. Having said that please do not treat them like sex slaves. U want to have it 10 times but do be generous when come to tipping them following morning. They are earning a tough living cos inflation sets in @ Balai.

Food, lunch, dinner, all depend what kind of food u order. Inflation catching up here. So its not as cheap as say 4-5 yrs back. U have restaurant selling seafood, steaks and even friend chickens etc etc. Avoid eating in hotel restaurant cos u end up paying taxes as well.

Last edited by tiuminator; 24-05-2014 at 09:56 PM.
Old 25-05-2014, 06:21 AM
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Tg Balai

Originally Posted by kristoa7 View Post
..1/10 better DIY Challenge only makes it more sextifiying
Nice thread/info here. Just Upz U back. Wishing all a nice weekend. Cheers.
Every experience is unique (different). Always the chemistry between two people.
Retiring: +21 x 2 pts given daily Annabel Chong: 251 men in 10 hrs
Old 27-05-2014, 04:48 PM
muniu368 muniu368 is offline
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post

Please do not treat them like sex slaves. U want to have it 10 times but do be generous when come to tipping them following morning. They are earning a tough living cos inflation sets in @ Balai.
Well said! Just to highlight a point to all chiongsters bro, if life is easy who Will want to let different guys bonk everyday? We are all humans so please treat the girls like human so the the trade will go on.
Old 27-05-2014, 10:19 PM
jovadevil jovadevil is offline
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by muniu368 View Post
Well said! Just to highlight a point to all chiongsters bro, if life is easy who Will want to let different guys bonk everyday? We are all humans so please treat the girls like human so the the trade will go on.
Agreed with bro muniu368. In fact, during the last week trip to balai with muniu368 & some other samsters, we were talking about this. Even the girls that we booked were sharing some of their encounters during dinner time that they had faced. I still remember one of the girl told us about a group of china customers. Budget the booking price till low low. Worst don't even bring the girl out for makan, only order 2 plates of Nasi and the 6 girls have to seat outside the hotel room to eat. Inhuman act.

Overall, I think the girls have no issue with customers from Sing afterall. Basically, we are all good customers

Lastly, thank bro muniu368 for leading the trip last week. It's indeed a good and fruitful trip with no hassle. And also great to meet with the rest of the bro to chat over some of the interesting topics in balai. Cheers to all.
Old 28-05-2014, 07:59 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by jovadevil View Post

Lastly, thank bro muniu368 for leading the trip last week. It's indeed a good and fruitful trip with no hassle. And also great to meet with the rest of the bro to chat over some of the interesting topics in balai. Cheers to all.
No prob at bro! Sharing is caring! That's my motto! In fact it's those PRC which is the ones giving probs. Msia, sg and even local will not do such inhuman acts to the gers.

Last edited by muniu368; 28-05-2014 at 08:19 AM.
Old 28-05-2014, 09:09 PM
tiuminator tiuminator is offline
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by muniu368 View Post
Well said! Just to highlight a point to all chiongsters bro, if life is easy who Will want to let different guys bonk everyday? We are all humans so please treat the girls like human so the the trade will go on.
Tks bro. Just speaking from experience when tcss with my ceweks. Even tip of RP100K ample enough for them. At time i just top up a little more if her service is above average. But thats me. Cos inflation very bad nowadays at balai. Pity them.
Old 29-05-2014, 09:21 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

any outing organise here,i feel like going on june 7,anyone interested
Old 29-05-2014, 02:19 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Tg Balai

Had a tops turvy trip..V12a indeed a handful syts@1 Mil as mention by Bro tiuminator
Grab 1,19yr old name Putri nice firm big boobs with ice cream
First bonk n second was kinda good but things kinda when down hill after that..
Looks/body 8.5/10 Over all sextification level :6/10 rtf:NIL
Short intermittent Power problem off n on at balay..
Below imho in term of stocks quantity in vila 7.5/10. Quality 7/10. Pricing 6.5/10.
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Below imho in term of stocks quantity in Ruko 4/10. Quality 4/10. Pricing 7.5/10.
I had totally rid of ruko even before my trip BUT it seems I had not learned/forgotten my lesson..that there gems there waiting to be discovered.I don't deny that one would usually feel that ruko is kinda not attractive but there are rare gems in there.
This 22yr old syt had made me the happiest man ever n Yes,She is the best I had ever had in that island!
Looks 8/10 body 7.5/10 Over all sextification level :9.5/10 RTF:YES!!!
She's special,so sorry gps withheld.

Do go to balay as many pussies lack of
Old 29-05-2014, 11:03 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

To the bros who asked me to bring you on a virgin trip to Balai... I am so sorry for not replying to your requests and wasted your time.

I have upgraded my chionging by traveling to Jakarta since the beginning of this year, and have not stepped foot into Balai since last December.

Why Jakarta, you would surely ask. If you have found a much better place to go and have more crazy fun, why not? My buddy made my virgin trip in January such an eye opener and unforgettable experience. So much so that I went for the second trip in March on my birthday weekend. The best birthday celebration in my life ever. And I just returned from my third Jakarta trip this past Tuesday, to celebrate a friend's birthday over there.

Got to hook up with many ceweks, enjoy wonderful spa centers, eat delicious food, etc... And the best thing about Jakarta is the nightlife, especially the clubs all over the capital!

I have girls over there who want to me meet on my trips already. Of course, they are the ones I fucked for free. There are also girls whom I have to pay for their service, usually in the range of 350-500K excluding tips. Cheaper than Balai, but is not full day booking.

As this is a Balai thread, I will not go on about my Jakarta experience. I will still visit this thread once in a while to see the updates on Balai.

Till then, folks...
Old 30-05-2014, 10:42 AM
tiuminator tiuminator is offline
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by kristoa7 View Post
I don't deny that one would usually feel that ruko is kinda not attractive but there are rare gems in there.
This 22yr old syt had made me the happiest man ever n Yes,She is the best I had ever had in that island!
Looks 8/10 body 7.5/10 Over all sextification level :9.5/10 RTF:YES!!!
She's special,so sorry gps withheld.

Do go to balay as many pussies lack of
Glad u found a gem there, bro. Bottomline is go on weekdays, early and take your time. I even take the public "buses" there. Slowly recce joint after joint. Btw whats the price tag bro?
Old 31-05-2014, 01:32 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

still in the planing stage but is anyone going on the 10?? going to be my first time there. have been going to batam but not balai
Old 31-05-2014, 07:34 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by lanceage View Post
still in the planing stage but is anyone going on the 10?? going to be my first time there. have been going to batam but not balai
I'm gg on 7-8 weekend. If you want weekdays then there will be another trip on 19-20. Cheers
Old 31-05-2014, 09:12 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

anyone wanna go on june,8th or 9th
Old 31-05-2014, 10:11 AM
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Re: Tg Balai

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post
Glad u found a gem there, bro. Bottomline is go on weekdays, early and take your time. I even take the public "buses" there. Slowly recce joint after joint. Btw whats the price tag bro?
V12a:1 Million R.

Ruko:1 Million R. but I booked her at about 3pm Indo time and was awarded 800K
Old 31-05-2014, 01:23 PM
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Re: Tg Balai

Bro muniu won't the weekend be hard to get girls?? Been awhile since im able to get a break so im hoping to get better chance to get some good girls
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