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Old 08-07-2014, 03:25 AM
asiatic73 asiatic73 is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Originally Posted by asiatic73 View Post
Bro, thanks for the advice.

Will take note for the extras sales techniques.

Had a great time at Oase.

It was super crowded on a Sat, with both gals & guys.
More than 30 to choose from.

Well, I did a poor job in acting that I have been there before.
One look and the gals know it's my first time.

I didn't have any issue in meeting gals. I sat down and watch World Cup
and they see me sitting alone & came to say hi.

There were so many to choose from..

It's truly an experience.

Just at the entrance, there were some gals standing there naked.
I was great.. Seeing so many naked gals walking around.

Thanks for all the advice & tips.
Old 08-07-2014, 01:28 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

anyone knows if amsterdam has FKK?
the window shopping type here is too much for me...
Old 08-07-2014, 06:53 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

No FKK in Amsterdam. Nearest one in Holland is Yin Yang at Roermond, which is more more than 90 mins away by train and taxi. But it is a very modern and well equipped mid-sized FKK. Large garden and about 50 girls.
Old 09-07-2014, 03:27 AM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

ya. realised that.. so sad.
Old 21-07-2014, 12:45 AM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks also, does anyone know any good etiquette as a way of turning down some the ladies without them getting in to a huff and puff, other than saying ''No thanks'' or ''Not at the moment'' - say, for example, if your like waiting for another lady and don't wish appear rude in front of other potential ladies who may see? cheers!
Old 22-07-2014, 09:08 AM
ImmatureBoy ImmatureBoy is offline
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Originally Posted by asiatic73 View Post

Had a great time at Oase.

It was super crowded on a Sat, with both gals & guys.
More than 30 to choose from.

Well, I did a poor job in acting that I have been there before.
One look and the gals know it's my first time.

I didn't have any issue in meeting gals. I sat down and watch World Cup
and they see me sitting alone & came to say hi.

There were so many to choose from..

It's truly an experience.

Just at the entrance, there were some gals standing there naked.
I was great.. Seeing so many naked gals walking around.

Thanks for all the advice & tips.
hope u enjoy it
Old 22-07-2014, 09:09 AM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Originally Posted by Zeke001 View Post also, does anyone know any good etiquette as a way of turning down some the ladies without them getting in to a huff and puff, other than saying ''No thanks'' or ''Not at the moment'' - say, for example, if your like waiting for another lady and don't wish appear rude in front of other potential ladies who may see? cheers!
just smile and say i go pee pee or jus look down and walk away
Old 24-07-2014, 11:16 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

well, i think germany and many other european fkk is the best places for commercial sex. japan does not have fkk , it is quite a grey area actually for commercial sex, they dont offically legalize prostitution. i dont think the soapland and other outlets are as massive, large scale, luxurious and fun like fkk. Buildings are so small in japan , unlike europe.

anyway jap girls lack the figure, too short and flat, and their facial features are too plain , kawaii type, not as sexy and stunning like russians . But I am not interested in bonking in russia and other parts of east europe as most is controlled by mafiya,basicaly it isnt safe in the vodka belt and prices in moscow arent that cheap either. anyway, it is troublesome going to russia as i need a visa. for germany , sg passports dont need visa. and there are lotsa great russian and romanian beauties in fkk! i feel the prices are reasonable in german fkk for such high standards.
and if u want to compare japs in terms of oriental looks, i think koreans , dongbei and mongolian girls win the japs hands down.

i must say euros have the best figure, great boobs and height.

Thus, as the title goes, fkk clubs in germany rocks! Heil Deutschland!
German team won 2014 world cup , they rule in football too , and virtually everything!

Originally Posted by nazojin View Post

Decided to only hit FKK Club Palace. Here is the verdict: big but lukewarm jacuzzi without jets, so-so food. End of FR!

Just kidding. Actually I liked this one the most amongst ones I have visited. It's like making a perfect Thai dish. U need a perfect balance of spice, flame and timing. This place has a nice mix of right music, cozy nook and cranny with comfy lounge beds, large luxurious bonk rooms, saunas, peaceful ambiance, etc. Most importantly, higher ratio of hotties to fuglies. I can see myself spending hours lazing around this joint.

After settling in at the bar and sipping on my latte macchiato, vulture attack commenced. If I were a FKK owner, I would ban girls from initiating conversation with customers. They are invariably superficial, irritating and repetitive. Some girls even forgot they had approached me just minutes ago. Most of them would end conversation abruptly when they realized I was not going to get hooked- a definite GFE buster. As mentioned before, it's highly unlikely to get real GFE here.

Settled on a 26yo Romanian with tight perky ass and really fair skin who provided good enough service. It was rare to find a girl with fair skin because they all tan their skin really dark to appeal to white customers. There were two PRC girls too, about 5/10. With PPI(pussy price index) so outrageous nowadays in vaChina, a 6 and above girl probably can make more money in her home country.

Later saw a Russian German mixed 8'er who was probably the best I have seen on this trip. Decided to assign her to my spiritual bonk, as I was too tired for a sequel.

When one has achieved as many pussy kills as I have, the act of bonking itself actually doesn't feel that much better than jerking off any more, except a few lucky occasions where super GFE is achieved. The sexciting part is the chase, the ambiguity, the intrigue and with or without the final unwrapping of the present, in this case, the stripping. So when u see 40 or a thousand ladies all walking around in nude, it is only visually stunning for a minute and then u realize they have taken away all the fun.

This concludes my FKK reporting. Overall, I like Germany. It's like the European Japan while Japan is the Asian Germany. Both are smart, methodical, driven, honest people who have risen again so quickly from the ashes after the wars, exactly because of those characteristics. Unfortunately, one has learned from its history while the other is trying to repeat it.

Looking forward to my return to my Asian playground in Dec..... 但見她雲鬟擁翠,嬌如楊柳迎風;粉頰噴紅,豔似荷花映日;兩道黛眉,淺顰微蹙,似乎有含著嗔怨的模樣,仿如 空谷幽蘭....

Last edited by xiaofeiyang; 24-07-2014 at 11:34 PM.
Old 25-07-2014, 10:14 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Yes...if only that had German girls.

Great sauna

drink water
Old 26-07-2014, 11:04 AM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

FKK club looks interesting! Any places to recommend near Frankfurt main station?
Old 26-07-2014, 11:15 AM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

well german fkk do have local german girls , especially in the more expensive ones. german girls are quite hot too, northern ones look scandinavian with blue eyes, real hot blondes. for southern ones such as bavaria, there are many stunning brunettes
Old 27-07-2014, 03:11 PM
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Re: FKK clubs in Germany rocks

Oh. I didn't know that. Time to catch the U3 to Heimeranplatz!!!

(or is Fachnerstr. Station nearer)?

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Old 27-07-2014, 05:40 PM
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Re: Anything to rec in Munich Germany?

Today took some time away from FKK scene and visited the studio butterfly (sort of like fish tank) at MachtlfingerStr. The U3 goes there directly with station of same name.

Prices ranges from EUR50-100 per pop.

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Old 29-07-2014, 01:54 AM
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Re: Anything to rec in Munich Germany?

Originally Posted by JWNY View Post
Today took some time away from FKK scene and visited the studio butterfly (sort of like fish tank) at MachtlfingerStr. The U3 goes there directly with station of same name.

Prices ranges from EUR50-100 per pop.
Thanks Bro of sharing it cos I will be around there next few days
Old 29-07-2014, 01:06 PM
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Re: Anything to rec in Munich Germany?

Originally Posted by Valuable View Post
Thanks Bro of sharing it cos I will be around there next few days
Anytime. Do note at train station don't go out wrong exit, as it is a long walk around. Once you step out the U Ban, you should see it. Building with big number 12 on it.

Inside there are boards with all the ladies photos each with a name. Beside the door, each lady's name has a specific buzzer. Just press buzzer of desired lady.

As all are freelancers they may be available from time to time. Unlike FKK. There is no cover charge. Also picture of lady is quite accurate. I don't remember any credit card service too.

Best time to go would be 2pm to night.

Charges are estimated -

Eur50 for 15 minutes
Eur100 for 30 minutes
Forgot hour rates and above subject to additions if you desire extras like anal, domination, etc (also dependant what lady can offer)

Have fun

drink water
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