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Old 23-06-2008, 10:03 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Necromancer II View Post
have u think of a nice plc to have a couple of beer yet?
why not you ask bro Emperor Red to go? u haven't been inviting him since the last gathering on 5 April 2008..

Reason behind??

Archan told me he only rented a tiny little kp which cost $108 and had to treat him to food, meals, drinks, and even cab fare. He complained to me about that incident on that particular nite of the outing and told me will never ask him out again..

why can't a millionaire Archan afford to treat a bro who rented cheaper kp? why Archan so materialistic har?? rent cheap means cannot go gathering...pengz.

Everytime Archan would tell me Bro namelo yahoo gallery amulets no good..all cheap cheap stuffs...ownself sell cheapskate barangs still can say behind other people's back...called yourself an Archan of 20yrs. Because others are also renting out amulets, say other stuff no good..very very the worried people will buy rent from him instead..I cannot remember he have say anything good about other people's barangs....

I once ask Archan, why you want to keep selling yr stuff online when u say u want to retire? why must keep driving around to meet people see yr barangs? Then he tell me he is a powerful archan ask me never to doubt him again..
Old 23-06-2008, 10:13 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

double post
Old 23-06-2008, 10:19 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Uppercut View Post
why not you ask bro Emperor Red to go? u haven't been inviting him since the last gathering on 5 April 2008..

Reason behind??

Archan told me he only rented a tiny little kp which cost $108 and had to treat him to food, meals, drinks, and even cab fare. He complained to me about that incident on that particular nite of the outing and told me will never ask him out again..

why can't a millionaire Archan afford to treat a bro who rented cheaper kp? why Archan so materialistic har?? rent cheap means cannot go gathering...pengz.

Everytime Archan would tell me Bro namelo yahoo gallery amulets no good..all cheap cheap stuffs...ownself sell cheapskate barangs still can say behind other people's back...called yourself an Archan of 20yrs. Because others are also renting out amulets, say other stuff no good..very very the worried people will buy rent from him instead...

I once ask Archan, why you want to keep selling yr stuff online when u say u want to retire? why must keep driving around to meet people see yr barangs? Then he tell me he is a powerful archan ask me never to doubt him again..
LOL this guy is awesome. I should learn from him. But it disgusts me to even sit and eat at the same table with such a person. Even it's FREE.

No wonder that poor bro who pmed me said he arranged to meet bro necromancer and he did not turn up at all. Call him and sms him also no reply.

He must have thought maybe this guy wont rent amulets from him. Better not waste time on him. So much about helping bros out there.

I recalled that time I asked about those bros' nick in the forum. When I mentioned naemlo , he said he do not mix with naemlo one. I asked why.

He said someone told him that naemlo got some incidents go "happy" enjoy liao never pay $$ go off. Make that bro pay everything. So he say this guy no good too.LOL

LOL powerful Archan. He machiam like bluffing a 3 yr old kid leh. Knn..ask him use his power to brainwash us over night and make us admire and loved him with all his limited edition RARE barangs he keep for himself.

Real barangs can really do that actually. I actually seen khmer black magic works when I was in Bangkok.
Old 23-06-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Uppercut View Post

Everytime Archan would tell me Bro namelo yahoo gallery amulets no good..all cheap cheap stuffs...
Nbzzz he talked bad abt me?? Hmmm I guess I need compose my story liao. Initially I sian n dun bother to post but now bo pian. A true life story will be told soon. Sit back n relax.

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post

He said someone told him that naemlo got some incidents go "happy" enjoy liao never pay $$ go off. Make that bro pay everything. So he say this guy no good too.LOL

Nbzzz...this guy is very good in making stories...I honestly giving up my amulets n he backstab me Wait for my real life story.... I do not like to backstab ppl, but this time I openly post it.

lai lai lai buy cinema ticket. The show gonna starts soon. Archan Naemlo has something interesting to say.
Old 24-06-2008, 12:30 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
lai lai lai buy cinema ticket. The show gonna starts soon. Archan Naemlo has something interesting to say.
Bro i 1st in queue for your story......front seats with coke n pop corns.....when show starts???? Hehe
Old 24-06-2008, 01:08 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Part 1

I’m quite active in this thread, reading, trying to reply questions on amulets. I read that this guy necromancer is selling barang n seem like his barang very jalan. He always kena 4D, n all these shits.

So one day, he posted a few so called limited barangs which 1 of them I know. I also found out the same piece in yahoo auction. Hmmm called this limited. BTW, I roughly know the price too.

I proposely pm him n asked for the price n his replied, it was more than $500. I was smiling to myself, he is a confirmed, stamped, chopped, a conster. I can get the barang at less than $100. Never mind, I didn’t reply n of cos no intention to buy from him. Soon he sent me a pm, asking me whether am I an archan cos a lot of samsters in this thread address me as archan naemlo. He then offered me to buy all his barangs (cos of my rep in the thread), at low price of abt $200 each n asked me to mark up the price to few thousands each n sell them to samsters. I was thinking to myself, is he taking me as a fool. Anyway I dun bother to reply him.

Continue with part 2 soon.
Old 24-06-2008, 01:34 AM
thaidisco_lover thaidisco_lover is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Part 1

I’m quite active in this thread, reading, trying to reply questions on amulets. I read that this guy necromancer is selling barang n seem like his barang very jalan. He always kena 4D, n all these shits.

So one day, he posted a few so called limited barangs which 1 of them I know. I also found out the same piece in yahoo auction. Hmmm called this limited. BTW, I roughly know the price too.

I proposely pm him n asked for the price n his replied, it was more than $500. I was smiling to myself, he is a confirmed, stamped, chopped, a conster. I can get the barang at less than $100. Never mind, I didn’t reply n of cos no intention to buy from him. Soon he sent me a pm, asking me whether am I an archan cos a lot of samsters in this thread address me as archan naemlo. He then offered me to buy all his barangs (cos of my rep in the thread), at low price of abt $200 each n asked me to mark up the price to few thousands each n sell them to samsters. I was thinking to myself, is he taking me as a fool. Anyway I dun bother to reply him.

Continue with part 2 soon.

KNN , u know he confirmed , stamped , chopped , a conster , yet u never expose him. U know how many bros have been conned or not?

KNN no wonder he speaks ill of u first. To discredit u first so in future if u say anything , that will greatly reduce the credibility of your statements.

Same like what he did to me regarding the incident calling me a poor hardup chap.

LOL , can u imagine I went to sleep just now. I woke up suddenly because I realised I forgot to check some details for my client. So I came in to take a look.

Camping for Part 2..please do not let me wait too long...I want to go back sleep....
Old 24-06-2008, 01:38 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by David_Ginola View Post
Bro i 1st in queue for your story......front seats with coke n pop corns.....when show starts???? Hehe
Started liao....

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
KNN , u know he confirmed , stamped , chopped , a conster , yet u never expose him. U know how many bros have been conned or not?
Aiyoh, well water dun trouble river water mah.
Old 24-06-2008, 01:39 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by David_Ginola View Post
Bro i 1st in queue for your story......front seats with coke n pop corns.....when show starts???? Hehe
Bro , can share your popcorns or not? I got conned badly so I am quite hardup and poor now...

I no money pay for seats , only can SQUAT besides your seat.
Old 24-06-2008, 01:41 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Part 2,

Soon some samsters bought barangs from him n dunno y they pm me asking me the barang they bought, whether real or fake and is it ex? Nbzzz more than 1K for a normal so called limited powerful barang, I of cos mentioned ex. But I cannot confirm the barang fake or real. The most recently was silvia, who pm asking me the same question. Nbzzzz y u guys bought then asked these questions???

Anyway, I guess it is partly my fault that I did not expose his tricks. I was thinking no one of the right mind will buy for that price but now then I realise so many ppl bought from him.

Part 3 will be continued.
Old 24-06-2008, 01:48 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Part 2,

Soon some samsters bought barangs from him n dunno y they pm me asking me the barang they bought, whether real or fake and is it ex? Nbzzz more than 1K for a normal so called limited powerful barang, I of cos mentioned ex. But I cannot confirm the barang fake or real. The most recently was silvia, who pm asking me the same question. Nbzzzz y u guys bought then asked these questions???

Anyway, I guess it is partly my fault that I did not expose his tricks. I was thinking no one of the right mind will buy for that price but now then I realise so many ppl bought from him.

Part 3 will be continued.
Typical singaporeans behaviour mah.

Grab first , worry later.

Dun be cock teaser leh...hurry up with the posts.
Old 24-06-2008, 01:50 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Part 3.

Nbzzz commented on my bo eng cheap amulets. Mine are straight from the temple of cos cheap n I dun con ppl n mark up few hundreds times the original price. Less powerful?? I guess not.

There was 1 samster who bought a few amulets from me. I told him straight away, if my amulet costs me $10, I will sell him $15-20. He agreed n happily bought a few from me n we are always out for kopi but no free dinner cos I can’t afford to treat him, I dun kena 4D like necromancer. He once ask me abt this necromancer, cos he might want to buy from him, I told him dun waste money. He asked me y he always kena 4D. My reply is simple, lan pa, so easy to tio 4D every weeks, confirmed big canon n luckily he did not buy from him.

Part 4 coming.....
Old 24-06-2008, 02:05 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Part 4,

His posting of not making money from the barang, my view is lan pa. Want to sell me his few dollars worth of barang at $200 plus?? This is not profit then si mi lan.

His posting on info of the barang also incorrect, I didn’t bother to correct him. The most recent case, his info was wrong n a few samsters corrected him. He si mi archan for yrs n he die die said his info is always correct. Again, my reply is lan pa.

His posting on si mi chant, must be this n that then can chant, si mi katha n that katha. I read also laugh.

Luang Phor Naemlo dun say nia, … once I said his si mi tricks also expose by me. My skill, my power, 1 step higher than him. As mentioned well water dun trouble river water but he talked bad abt me, it is time for Luang Phor Naemlo to chant n break his spell.

Anyway too bad, I deleted all his pm n some samsters pm to me. If I still keep them, n post them directly, u guys read liao also lan pa him.

Luang Phor Naemlo has finished his chanting.... Let others take over n I go into deep meditation.
Old 24-06-2008, 02:13 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Part 4,

His posting of not making money from the barang, my view is lan pa. Want to sell me his few dollars worth of barang at $200 plus?? This is not profit then si mi lan.

His posting on info of the barang also incorrect, I didn’t bother to correct him. The most recent case, his info was wrong n a few samsters corrected him. He si mi archan for yrs n he die die said his info is always correct. Again, my reply is lan pa.

His posting on si mi chant, must be this n that then can chant, si mi katha n that katha. I read also laugh.

Luang Phor Naemlo dun say nia, … once I said his si mi tricks also expose by me. My skill, my power, 1 step higher than him. As mentioned well water dun trouble river water but he talked bad abt me, it is time for Luang Phor Naemlo to chant n break his spell.

Anyway too bad, I deleted all his pm n some samsters pm to me. If I still keep them, n post them directly, u guys read liao also lan pa him.

Luang Phor Naemlo has finished his chanting.... Let others take over n I go into deep meditation.
Yah he and his " I am a Archan and I cant be wrong " Buey kia lan du lan...LOL

Also his " no point chanting if u are chanting wrong" Not everyone can chant with the same pronounciation lah. As long as with sincerity , the chant will still bless the amulet and wearer .

Good bed time stories!! I also finished emailing my client. Time for bed. Continue tomorrow..
Old 24-06-2008, 03:08 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
Just wondering and curious , u can choose to ignore this post of mine though.

For wanker10 and camry69 , why bother to put in good/neutral word for Bro Necromancer?

Are u trying to tell us that all we said are accusations to Bro Necromancer?

Or are u trying to tell me all this while hanging out with Bro Necromancer , u guys failed to see "the characteristics" of him?

I do not know the real reason trying to side him. U guys "teh gong teh siao" or u guys do not know his tricks up his sleeves?

But u guys give me the feeling that Bro Necromancer has done nothing wrong that is why u guys are up for him.

I would really like to hear something positive about him after hearing so much negative remarks about him from PMs.
Bro thaidisco_lover What btwn yrself n Bro Nec had nothing to do with me since when did post to side him I just getting fuck up with u for writing all this like an old lady. repeat n repeat If u r not happy he charge u expens then for the fuck sake go and get him don't waste the fucking time writing here where other bro can intro more better thing here. Who I go out with is none of yr fucking business. I need not to be Bro Nec I have my own friend to go out with. If you keep talking no end easy bro just report to police. I also rent thing fm him I did not compliant If you find that his thing is expen than take it as a expenv lesson and get on with life. I REPEAT AGAIN ALL THE WHILE I POST I DID NOT SIDE ANYONE IT BECAUSE IF KEEP READING ALL YR POSTING GET ME FUCK UP. YOU ACT LIKE A SANIT AND A DEVIL IN ALL YOUR POST. I hope you guy can settle yr self and dont pull me into it ok. It nothing wrong to tell Bro wanker 10 to stop talking.
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