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Old 13-12-2003, 10:54 PM
Thai Thai is offline
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Originally posted by pakpak2001
wah pian - so early in der new year u cheong ordei ah?
hav fun & good luck - may u win $$$$$$$$$ at der casino.
pls post yor FRs on der PRC chicks there.
merry xmas & a hapi new year
new year must cheong mah... bonk and win $$!!

Old 16-12-2003, 12:46 AM
girlhunter girlhunter is offline
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PRC at Genting..... service not good!

Until now, non of my frens tell me the prc's service is good in Genting! Really dissappointed on the service they offered.

Does anyone have any good contacts and idea to look for better service in Genting??

Thanks for sharing!
Old 16-12-2003, 12:30 PM
pakpak2001 pakpak2001 is offline
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Re: PRC at Genting..... service not good!

Originally posted by girlhunter
Until now, non of my frens tell me the prc's service is good in Genting! Really dissappointed on the service they offered.
Thanks for sharing!
dear bro - dun waste time in genting when u can find them in GL.
der gals r der same, their svc r der same & their price r der same.
these prc chicks r experince as they been 2 us & matland b/f.
they think sillyporeans & matlanders t der same - horny, stupid, like 2 show off by thowing $$$ at them, tat we can be sweet-yok into giving them big tips, so theu dun f..k care 2 giv svc at all.
pf course, if u lukcy, u still can bonk sum good ones lah even at GL.
hav fun & luck at genting. merri xmas
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Old 17-12-2003, 10:16 AM
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Originally posted by girlhunter
Until now, non of my frens tell me the prc's service is good in Genting! Really dissappointed on the service they offered.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Giril Hunter and PakPak,

I just came back from Genting. Bonk a girl at GL before i went there.

Can't find a PRC at Genting, even at 2am on Sat nite. Walk until i so tired that i decided to call Genting Spa. The Spa is not no longer there, but the girls are still there.

Suprisingly, the prices are RM$200, compared to RM$288 in the past.

The hph is 0122662216. One of the agent's name is Jeff.

Please don't call between 7am-2pm becos the girls and agent would still be sleeping.

Old 17-12-2003, 08:10 PM
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Bro Ken,
Thank you very much for the HP no.
Have good experience will share with you!
Have ever try cititel and chile??? worth trying!!

Originally posted by AhKen
Hi Giril Hunter and PakPak,

I just came back from Genting. Bonk a girl at GL before i went there.

Can't find a PRC at Genting, even at 2am on Sat nite. Walk until i so tired that i decided to call Genting Spa. The Spa is not no longer there, but the girls are still there.

Suprisingly, the prices are RM$200, compared to RM$288 in the past.

The hph is 0122662216. One of the agent's name is Jeff.

Please don't call between 7am-2pm becos the girls and agent would still be sleeping.

Old 21-12-2003, 05:53 AM
firedick firedick is offline
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is there any girls that work as salesgirls at the shops do part time or want to do one night stand?

Any contacts?
Old 21-12-2003, 06:13 PM
girlhunter girlhunter is offline
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So expensive!!

Dear AhKen,
I m in Genting yesterday.
Try to call Jeff for good PRC, however when i call him.
He told me the price are $298 insteady of $200, i try to bargain with him by he refuse to lower down the price. Keep insisting that the gals quality very good.
Any suggestion on the tactic to bargain with him??
For over nite, he is offering >$1000.

Need your help! Thanks.

Originally posted by AhKen
Hi Giril Hunter and PakPak,

I just came back from Genting. Bonk a girl at GL before i went there.

Can't find a PRC at Genting, even at 2am on Sat nite. Walk until i so tired that i decided to call Genting Spa. The Spa is not no longer there, but the girls are still there.

Suprisingly, the prices are RM$200, compared to RM$288 in the past.

The hph is 0122662216. One of the agent's name is Jeff.

Please don't call between 7am-2pm becos the girls and agent would still be sleeping.

Old 21-12-2003, 10:03 PM
pakpak2001 pakpak2001 is offline
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Re: So expensive!!

Originally posted by girlhunter
Dear AhKen,
I m in Genting yesterday.
Try to call Jeff for good PRC, however when i call him.
He told me the price are $298 insteady of $200, i try to bargain with him by he refuse to lower down the price. Keep insisting that the gals quality very good.
Any suggestion on the tactic to bargain with him??
For over nite, he is offering >$1000.

Need your help! Thanks.
tis asshole okt is all out 2 rip u off!
tell him u also matlander, noe der mkt well, regular cheongster @genting, & tell him 2 fuck off & not rip people off!
if he still want 2 chop yor chai tau, call der mata mata!
298 - der gal onli earn 200 herself, u noe!
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Old 22-12-2003, 01:32 PM
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So expensive!!

Dear AhKen,
I m in Genting yesterday.
Try to call Jeff for good PRC, however when i call him.
He told me the price are $298 insteady of $200, i try to bargain with him by he refuse to lower down the price. Keep insisting that the gals quality very good.
Any suggestion on the tactic to bargain with him??
For over nite, he is offering >$1000.

Need your help! Thanks.
Hi Girlhunter,

I dunno why he charged u so high.

Most likely he know u r from Spore. Try talking to him in Cantonese. N straight away ask him is the price RM$200 ?

What time did you call him ? 7am - 2pm is their sleeping time. So don;'t call during this period.

Some of their gers actually waiting until the HH Casino also. They are charging RM$200 and no need to go thru any agent.

I call the agent only when i can't locate his gers.

Old 22-12-2003, 01:35 PM
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To all Brudders,

Gv you another contact.

This ger from china. Quite chio and slim.

Her name is Xiao Qian - 0176561389.

The 1st time i saw n walk towards her, she quickly walk away. When i catch up with her, she was very scared. As i was wearing a black jacktet, she thought i am the security guard. hehehehehee .....

Some of her friends very chio too. But i paiseh to ask her friends' num when she was around.

Ah Ken
Old 22-12-2003, 02:55 PM
pakpak2001 pakpak2001 is offline
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Originally posted by AhKen
To all Brudders,
This ger from china. Quite chio and slim.
Her name is Xiao Qian - 0176561389.
Some of her friends very chio too. But i paiseh to ask her friends' num when she was around.
Ah Ken
dear ahken
u mean der prc chicks r bak in action in & o/s der casinos?
read from tis site security beri tight wat?
wah piang - mus cheong genting during x/mas leow if can make it siah!
thanks 4 der info
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Old 22-12-2003, 06:42 PM
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Hi Pak Pak,

It depends on your luck. When i was there, i search high n low during the day, n even the nite time 2am, i couldn't find a single PRC. It is totally frustrating when u win $, n can't find a ger to bonk.

N u guess what, the PRCs usually appear when i had lost all my $. I met few of them even at 11am - 2pm. Sometimes 3pm.

When i was there last week, i witness a Chinese Security guard telling one of the PRC, " xiao jie, bu yao zhan zai zhe li - Miss, don't stand here".

Old 22-12-2003, 11:27 PM
girlhunter girlhunter is offline
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Hi Ah Ken,
Thanks for the tactic, in fact i m malaysian.
sometime just lazy to search for the gals high n low.....
if got no. betterlah...
So do share with us if u got more numbers.

Happy bonking and win big money to YOU!!

Originally posted by AhKen
Hi Pak Pak,

It depends on your luck. When i was there, i search high n low during the day, n even the nite time 2am, i couldn't find a single PRC. It is totally frustrating when u win $, n can't find a ger to bonk.

N u guess what, the PRCs usually appear when i had lost all my $. I met few of them even at 11am - 2pm. Sometimes 3pm.

When i was there last week, i witness a Chinese Security guard telling one of the PRC, " xiao jie, bu yao zhan zai zhe li - Miss, don't stand here".

Old 26-12-2003, 02:21 PM
firedick firedick is offline
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Gv you another contact.

This ger from china. Quite chio and slim.

Her name is Xiao Qian - 0176561389.

The 1st time i saw n walk towards her, she quickly walk away. When i catch up with her, she was very scared. As i was wearing a black jacktet, she thought i am the security guard. hehehehehee .....

Some of her friends very chio too. But i paiseh to ask her friends' num when she was around.

Ah Ken


What is the damage and her service rating?
is her pussy still tight?
Old 27-12-2003, 10:11 PM
tigerboy tigerboy is offline
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long time never post any contribution, especially after my msian this one....

in fact, there are many prcs. i was at genting, first world hotel few days ago. my friends genna approached few times, once in the casino jack pot area but he was gambling then, & another in first world hotel lift (the gal was with the okt then). the okt then asked if he wanted 'taiwan massage' at 88 dols, i belif the okt meant ringgits when he said in chinese. but as he is not a cheongster bonker, he forgot to get the contact no. of the okt. later he thought back & regretted for not asking for the contact nos as the gals in both encounter were quite chio. hahaha.....

but personally, i oni saw few prc in casino, never approached but only made eye contact with them. but none returned any signal. thot would have better luck at frst world hotel lobby, but knn, there wasnt any prc soul even at 1-2am.

we only had arty mission at skyriver spa at jalan bukit bintang area. we both chose china gals, rm198, as my experience with msian gals last time not satisfactory. any bro out there with good experience with msian gals, pls intro.

in skyriver spa, okt got the china gals (abt 15) to parade in front of us. last time dont think got many chinese gals. anyway, i went up close n personal to look at them. many other patrons in the dining area looked shocked when i went upfront whereas they chose the gals from their seats.

i forgot what no. i chose, but so far my experience, only china gals at sky river service very good. all big tits min b+ cup, good skin, allow all positions, bathe b4 & after mission, bf/gf treatment. but i think all boils down to chemistry with the gals, so far i got ar from the gals but my friend didnt have, maybe cos he 1st timer there.

also, i went to this other spa 1st time, at unsuspected (2 or 3 star) hotel (forgot the name) along jalan bukit bintang, didnt know got spa there until we walked past the hotel n saw the lighted spa sign board. if u walked along jln bukit bintang n looked closely sure can see the sign as there are oni few budget hotels there. only tried ordinary massage there, but okt friendly n said if one lives in hotel nearby, presume along bukit bintang, gal can go to your hotel room too. he said got 5 prcs gal so far, n other like thai n msian. i only like prc gal, so far, rm198, maybe next time will try. recall thai gals cheaper.

* tigerboy is more than a cub, be forewarned. *
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