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Old 20-11-2013, 09:36 PM
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Wink Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

I miss a spot. There may be many girls who quit and, return after some times. H12 Kelly is one. They changed their packages, or this brother wrote ex Kelly has the service standard of H26 Joyce.

The authority has all these, but it is not open to the public. Because it is not our problems. Then it became ours when we check with the girls. Sort of.

Ask Pat did she used to be the hottest girl at a HC? Before PRC era, it is written here she was retrenched after her HC closed shop. She will breathe fire out of her nose. I am not done with her yet until she call it a day.
Old 24-11-2013, 03:54 PM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Any Flanders Square veteran knows the present whereabouts of ex Kelly H7R4 L21999~2004 who left somewhere after SAR period?

I have ask the caretaker of H26 (exH7) regarding ex Kelly’s whereabouts. She can’t remember a decade ago things.

Kelly’s neighbors ex Jac H7R2L2 and ex Kathy (Yvonne) H7R6L2 are gone. Since like the leads are dead.

I can only wait till the next hungry ghost festival. That is the only time when some of the ex girls will come back for the Kim Jio Kah Zhong Yuan Hui.

Brief background of Kelly:
1) 168cm 55kg 34B 24 34 shoe size 7 fair slender built
2) GRO in ex Dulex Niteclub in JB during mid-90s
3) Kelly Chan replica (can say the best looking girl on that time)
4) In golden hair looks like Ah Lian and in black hair looks like a OL, girl next door or Plain Jane
5) During BJ will use silky long hair to ticker stomach
6) Has a mole on her left back
7) Usually wear blue bear black grown with front zip and white colour G-sting undies.
8) Smoke Salem
9) Fold origami with bet slip when waiting for customer.
10) Has a 14’ Sony CRT TV tunned to TCS 8
11) Have dinner with Kathy at 5pm on table at H7L2 next to caretaker counter

Girls after Kelly in H7R4L2 are:
1) Ling Ling 2005 3 months
2) Chan Chan ex H7R3L1 2008~2009
3) Miki 2010 now H26R4 (she change the room number from H7R4L2 to H7R28L2)
Old 24-11-2013, 09:51 PM
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Cool Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Thinking back there is a MILF by the name of Chen Chen, she called $30 and was operating her trade at H7 ground floor. Then she move above to Miki's room. That was somewhere in the 2008? Before the PSL come along.

She quit and, Miki with a sister who I cannot recalled her name, there were rumours she took out called and, her OKT complaints then she had to quit. Now, back to Chen Chen.

Very MILF rather plumb and she did not offer frenching. Average services and she hangs a chain around her waist. Today, I think only H10 Kico hanged one around her waist. Passing fashion no bones about it.

This Chen Chen is being confuse with another MILF at ex H7 ground floor. Today, she is still in business at H26. But she do away the poster of I used to think Aaron Kok but she said no. Actually a Korean cute looking star, don't think is Rain.

Morale of the story, after the PSL came about we are more aware then every body at PT. They are in our hands. Probably this is the reason I saw over here. Girls did not give their names but numberings. But we know who she is.

Liked I wrote, Pat and Cookie night mare is far from over.
Old 25-11-2013, 06:02 PM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Waist chain and leg bracelet was a Ah Lian fashion of 70s 80s.

Chan Chan is biz orientated. Typical classic Kim Jio Kah style. Purely FJ through the seasion to make money worth. Her selling point is Clamp Penis method via virgina’s PC muscle practice by the ex GL. The girl needs to train her PC muscle in order to perform this. This is well like by pro FJ marathon addict.

Her magic finger is able to make penis erect within a min via stimulation of penis head and nipple. Next is FJ.

If a guy’s PC muscle is not strong, he will explore shortly. But if strong enough, the guy can use the PC muscle via the virgina tunnel to push the womb in order to give ultimate climax.

If a guy is tired to rock, Chan Chan is able to use her feet and press against the guy’s feet and rock the guy.

Chan Chan was the girl that teach ex Kathy this Clamp Penis method when they are neighbor on L2. When Kathy was call Yvonne; other than look dept, the missing point of her was this. Anyway, Chan Chan and Kathy’s butt’s shape and virgina feels like given birth before. The Clamp Penis method is to compensate the looseness.

Classic Kim Jio Kah days, only Cat20 H2R6 (still in biz), Cat30 Chan Chan, Cat40 Coco and Cat50 Kathy Clamp Penis.

Chan Chan plays Cantonese Opera with the TV left over by Kelly. Then Miki throw the TV away from this fengshui room. The girl Miki brings is Sugar H7R3L2. Quite skinny.

Chan Chan is always mistaken for Pauline H7R8L1/ H26R14 who bring Joyce (ex GL Merc) here. She is always near Joyce. Joyce always addresses her as Da Jie.

In 99~04, there was an Excel file list for everyone to download and email to frenzs on the old SBF: But due to old age, the veteran guys has quit this hobby entirely.

Girls can use car makes eg. BM, Nissan, Merc etc like the old GL style as their name.

Anyway, the girls name is never their actual name on IC/ passport. This is the standard practice of this trade. During Coco’s enquiry, the name of the girls was totally different when publish on papers.
Old 25-11-2013, 09:36 PM
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Cool Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Yes my friend thinking back to 2009, some PRC streetwalkers hanged chains around their waist too. Usually were the pdmm.

I had this feelings years ago, some WLs are trained to cramp their pussy muscles. But not every girls could prolong it, normally I feel are the younger ones.

Just to add on to ex H7 girls, there was also a Super who I had not up her. When I wanted her, this website told me she left the scene. Every trades has its secrets and, not every body could master it. So the rumour of black magic has being solve, finally by us. However, there are dark forces within this world, we could never understand.

Still, mine friends the future, what tricks the current batch will throw. You see mine friends, I cannot asked as well as pissed the girls if I do not know how I could help. I am still sorry to the customers who did not access us, my morale whenever I chat to one.

Never do RAW, and yet some believe it will take away the fun.
Old 25-11-2013, 09:43 PM
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Cool Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Regarding Coco's case in papers, there were a girl name that was brought up. Till today, mine feeling is Aida.

A question that I could never feel the answer, Aida had spoken of enemies who had wanted to kick her rice bowl. It was written that she had quit but it turn up, the girl was Sally. Then she mention enemy and, she had the guts to ask me to write it down. So I did.

It is getting interesting over here and, I thank every body for the hard work this year.
Old 26-11-2013, 01:46 AM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

For Sally, she has made a fortune purely from hard-work. If anyone still remembers the Condo parking labels on her KL Plate Black colour Honda Civic Si 2.0A. Those comments are to bring up the atmosphere in Kim Jio Kah. Marketing gimmicks.

Coco use to occupy H30 which close after 2003. She is a dark horse in Lim Jio Kah.

During the late 90s 00s era, Sally is often rank with top-notch Cat50 girls like ex Jac, ex Kathy (H10R10) and Pat. But they were around 30+ at that time. 20+ Cat50 girls those days are the Kelly I am looking for and Kidd (Cat50 for few months then drop Cat40) who join in 2003. Both are same age. Kidd’s performance improve only years later and upgrade to Cat50. But she still calls 40 for veteran.

There were Cat60 20+ in H3L2 (Pat’s neighbor) H5 and H15 which I have forgotten their names. Too bad, I have lost the 90s SBF Excel file. Their services are as good as ex GL. But some of these past girls do come back once a year for the 7th Month Hungry Ghost Festival Zhong Yuan Hui Dinner.

Super is probably the girl before Cookie’s room in H7L1. This girl was Joyce’s friend who quit after a car accident in hometown. She has a slutty Ah Lian look.

H7L2 is filled with super natural power with merry-go-round-Q on stair case. Rumor of 4-Face-Budda on L2 which is now in the entrance of the close door temple in Marne Rd Carpk gave these blessing. On L2, R4 was the super fengshui spot. While on L1, Cookie’s old room was another super fengshui spot.

If girl don’t clamp penis, a guy can carry on for a long time. Unless, customers are willing to pay 2 or 4 times more for long hour sessions then this will be different. But most girls don’t want long session because multiple climax is tiring (just like gym or run) and will cause them to drink and eat more.

Raw can be compensated with excess KY. Desker, KS style and mamasan school of thoughts.

Long time ago, when Blangah just come; I happened to be in an industrial area private canteen for lunch and business. An anti STD seminar was held by an anti STD body in the canteen. Other than my table, the rest are Blangah.

The anti STD body also told the Blangah that excess KY gives the feeling of raw. After the lunch seminar all are given a booklet. Anyway, I have lost it.
Old 26-11-2013, 07:48 PM
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Wink Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Educating never stop after schools, even in commercial sex. Side track mine friend all the seminars conducted for FTs. It does not really have an impact because we still seen FT girls doing RAW. Perhaps the % is higher in FL who does not practice medical check-up, compare to WL which did.

Still it is easy to get a pass coming to medical check up. Your writing brought back wonderfully memory such as the dog, year ago I though he was owned by the uncle OKT at H17. I have not seen him during the pass 2 trips, probably he retired or he move on to another RLD. Because a taxi driver had this story.

He said ex convicts who are above 60s, un educated as well as lazy many will end up working as OKTs in this country RLD. I kind of believe him in 50%. The other may decide to walk towards the path of lights.

Your writing of ex H7 wind and waters is interesting, so ex Miki and Cookie if I ma not mistaken, she took over from Super were good spots. No wonder both girls were pretty hard to catch even during raining days. This generation mine feelings the good spots are H16 because it is organized. The alley ways with enough space and, the girls room are cleaner.

For the benefits of new comers, the girls at H16 origin from H3. There was a major renovation years ago where ex H16 girls moved over to H12. And remains till today with ex MJ Inter and Christie. Then H3 closed and the girls moved into H16.

Please continue mine friend.
Old 26-11-2013, 10:11 PM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

This’s late Coco’s tread. She was known as Gigi in H30R16 in 90s~2003. Board shoulder & 6 pack swimmer body. Further infor are gone in the old SBF:

The infor provide by H22 girls reported on papers are insufficient for in depth investigation because they don’t know her well. If H30 girls are still in biz, probably age 70 80. Moreover, her case took place after hometeam has an org restructure in mid00s. There is no longer AV but Specialize Crime Division. If Major Crime Division have asked ex AV members, her case may have conclusions.

Rumor from veteran, AV joint DSC days used to have an unofficial PSL with real identity. Presently, Specialize Crime SC joint DSC may or may not have an unofficial PSL.

Chances of getting AIDS is lesser than antibiotic curable STD. That’s why raw take place. Supernatural method, the girl (eg. Mei Yee H14R9) may have tattoo Thai Buddhist Script or insert the Long Phor Khun style of inserting Gold Trakid into body for protection.

ALIF method, the girl clamps virgina. Therefore, the sperm is around the edge. Then quickly wash away.

AIDS is discovered here in mid80s. Before that, all WL do raw. They inserted a ring in the womb to prevent pregnancy because birth control pill put on weight.

Then AV joint DSC step in. Permission req to open new house. Caretaker & WL to attend course. Yellowcard for WL.

Taxi driver story is right only for GL. Only ex convict of any age will be granted to open new house in GL. But no new application for freelance cubicle house in Flanders Sq, KS & Desker because these are Colonies time unsettled issues before WW2.

Before FLs in the 00s, Flanders Sq, KS & Desker WL are known as Singapore Malaysia FL by veteran of those days for the past hundred years. Unlike GL WL, they don’t carry Entertainment Trade Work Permit. But grant 3months social visit chop on passport. Then, WL stop birth control pills go back one month and come back.

When all decent male female house owners passed away, this will end the century old freelance cubicle house history.

The black spot dog I wrote has passed away. Ex H17 owner’s dog is black. He hides in the close door temple daily.

The renovation was 09 when the ex GL come on board.
Old 28-11-2013, 01:11 AM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Hi Kawan,based on your description Kelly seems like very power,too bad 2002 i still in school and have no idea about Petain.just curious to know if compare to the WL now like cookie or may,who is better? Kelly 会比 cookie,may 好吗?
Old 28-11-2013, 03:04 PM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

If saya is a niteclub Papasan, saya will introduce her to Chinese edu boss born in the industrial age (having parent pass down feral lord age mentally) that prefer submissive girl sia.

It is kind of having the soft Vivian Zhou Hui Min or Kelly Chan.

She’s never that power. It’s GFE. This depends on the customer’s taste. During the Y2K era, top-notches are ex Jac, Pat, ex Sally and ex Kathy (H10R10). Not forgetting their Cat60 senior of the late 90s from former H3L2, H5 and H15.

Overall points are on par with Vivi H14R13.

Hey, past girls seldom not come back to work other than attending Hungry Ghost Festival Zhong Yuan Hui Dinner. So it’s pointless to compare past performance.

GL has lots of window shoppers. But Flanders Sq has lots of genuine customer. Top-notch girls use 10K pcs of CD p.a. This’s an S$500k worth of sales with min overhead coast. A top executive or SME owner never earns so much. Popular girls going @ 7~8K pcs p.a. The rest @ 5K p.a.

Once upon a time, we take bus go to Flanders Sq in school uniform with classmates as ECA to have a session. Those days, we are still in developing nation and not a developed nation. The, mentality is different. Drop outs are common. That was how the 10yr Compulsory Edu comes about.

Having consent sex with minor under 16 or paid sex under 18 (those days was 16) comes from Women Chapter & not Panal Code.

Next day, we’ll share ex in class. It’s something very proud.

Girl classmate will go to work as illegal niteclub hostess as insisted by their father or mother who works as a mamasan. They’ll share their ex too. No PRC or Viet. All Sin & Mal. We ever met girl classmate working in niteclub in Jin Besar and Geylang.

As we age, we upgrade a-bit and go to Flanders Sq in 2 stroke sport bike like Yamaha RD, TZR or Honda MBX, NSR. Next, it was Datsun 620, 720 Pickup, Nissan Cabstar or Toyoace small lorry. Then it’s Honda Civc, CRX EA, EF or EG.

Lastly, we are too old for this hobby.
Old 28-11-2013, 09:03 PM
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Wink Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

So H24 Ah Ping is correct, years ago she told me PT is the place for old customers. She did not address another issue, for it is also the place where old girls operate her business. Therefore it is one of the cheapest brothel in this country.

However, mine experience mine feelings said many girls who called $20 could con the customers to extent his sessions. Even he don't want, chances of entering another girl room is above 99%. Cum or no cum.
Old 28-11-2013, 09:11 PM
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Cool Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

I pretty much feels that many brothers who read this, the 7 moon dinner where many ex girls will return for old time sake. We will tried to get info's from the girls when the time is rape.

However, the venue may not be within the brothel. Maybe across the street down to Rowell Road. Or Sammy Leong Street.
Old 29-11-2013, 01:11 AM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

One thing I forget is KS used to be the present GL where the Sin & Mal WL works for the boss. Later stage than become Flanders Sq or Desker style of rented cubicle house for Sin & Mal FL Yellow Card WL.

Whether is Cat20 ~ 50, this is commercial sex. The WL sales target is 10,000 pcs of CD yearly. Qty. Not quality. WL won’t want to worn out themselves on 1 customer. BJ, BBBJ, cat-bath, frenching, 69, fingering are just gimmicks package let customers feel worthwhile. FJ is done when cum can execute in sec or min by clamp penis, excess KY, bite nipple or dig ash method.

Their earning is tax exempted. We have many religions here. Our neighbors are religious country. We can recognize the existent of this trade. Yellow Card are not official lic. No black & white is given for approver for house and WL

But… Quality does come with costs.

KTV GRO or Hse WL is less than 25. After 25, if a KTV GRO can’t find enough GRO under her, she can’t be Mamasan. So this ex KTV GRO or Hse WL will have to go FL and rent cubicle in Flanders Sq. Some old customers will follow them to Flanders Sq and approach their svc every 1,2 or 4 wks.

KTV GRO or Hse WL will get an org. society member to liaise with the org. society member in Flanders Sq to recommend them a Hse. Then, they’ll pay them a token of commission. While other girls are bring in by snr Flanders Sq frenz.

Also, newly enter WL must go to Specialize Crime Division for interview and get approver before going med check & Yellow Card. This’s to ensure no human trafficking or force prostitution takes place.

By the way, the org. society members, hometeam undercover and informer who used to look after to maintain the law & order of Flanders Sq are gone. Not even in the corner coffee shop of Petian Rd. That coffee shop was also the SBF of the past. New World Niteclub on Petian Rd opp the coffee shop is gone too.

In 90s, whole booking 8hrs with rest in b/t in Flanders Sq for Strong PC Muscles Sex Marathon Addicts goes like this:
1) 1st shot 2hrs. Change CD in b/t 1 hr b’cos excess penis fluid cause CD to slip in virgina. When cum, let every round of cum flow slowly. If not PC muscles will b too weak for the rest 6hrs. Also, b’cos bladder b’cum full with urine @ 2hr, PC muscle can hole anymore; that’s why cum.
2) 2nd shot to continue w/o pulling off from 1st shot. Cum in 15min.
3) 3rd shot 1hr.
4) 4th shot to continue w/o pulling off from 3rd shot. Cum in 15min.
5) 5th & 6th shot 1hr each.
6) 7th & 8th shot ½ hr each.
7) 9th & last shot 15 min each. Usually, last 5min.

Such svc was S$2~4K. The red light door no off. But WL working inside. Some customer goes 4 or 2hr. But must be last customer because WL don’t want to worn out themselves from such marathon. When no booking, they do qty sex. Not quality.

Normally, young WL only do short time & not block. Marathon cause both immature male female to feel traumatize mentally.

This also answers why Flanders Sq WL which fills with genuine customers earns more than KTV GRO or Hse WL. But, ex Jac is an eg of teenagers that start early (in 90s) in Flanders Sq. & non ex GRO or Hse WL teenagers are rare.

Human are emotional animal. Prolong booking with the same WL will cause each other to have special feelings on the 3rd yr. During frenching or FJ, never look into each other’s eyes. Change girl every 2yr. Things gonna be nasty when commercial sex turns relationship for an attached man. This are hard facts of life and exp my veteran frenz has go through in their younger days.

Next qns. If the Flanders Sq WLs are having such good income, why don’t they retire? Yes, they can. They can survive from the property or biz they own. But when a person is too used to such lifestyle, it’s never easy to change.

From memory, 7th month dinner is held on Flanders Sq road where we park our cars. They’ll apply from the authority to close the road. I just return to this city. Hope infor is right. Stay tune, them.

An old Hockien song of the past:
Old 29-11-2013, 01:20 AM
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Re: FR on Kelly(h7r4) & Petain 1st-Timer Guide

Hi kawan,希望你能早日找到你的 paradise,Kelly. i like history and prefer the good old days when everywhere is not so crowded
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