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Old 14-08-2011, 05:06 AM
be1cool be1cool is offline
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Thank you everyone for the support.. I will do it again if it happens..
One brother here PM regarding a LB in jAkarta who stole his money and watch while showering. I've been looking for her now for 2 days. I called mimi (her friend) and she said she will let me know once she sees her. I will report here if I have news. I will get the bro his watch and money.
The LB goes by the name Jenny or jin.
I will be in BKK in Spet 1-8th if anyone wants to go LB hunting or just hangout and party.
Old 14-08-2011, 07:46 PM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Originally Posted by micko8 View Post
Be careful especially when bonking 2. I had the experience when I was in Manila. I met 2 ladyboy while on my way back to my hotel and they kept pestering me to bring them back to hotel which I finally gave in. Brought them back to hotel and one of them suggested having a bath together. After bathing, we started our session. One started to blow me and the other was on top of me pushing his cock into my mouth. After the whole event when I took my wallet to pay them, I realized that a US$100 was missing from my wallet. They denial taking the money and as I do not have any evidence, I had no choice but to let them off.
if i were u i will KO both of them on the ground... n walk off...
Old 15-08-2011, 07:44 AM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Not sure if many bros have encountered this before but prior to visiting an LB they'll tell you things like "$XXX for XXmins". However, when you get there after you've paid them and done the deed they'll make some excuse like "I haven't eaten the whole day", "I don't feel good", etc and try to get rid of you. Happened once with me and I know of other bros who also encountered this behavior. Anybody else?
Old 16-08-2011, 03:06 AM
be1cool be1cool is offline
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

My experience 95% of LB are good and follow the roles. The other 3% needs little talking and negotiation and the remaining 2% are assholes and want to take all your money and give you nothing but headache. I think when you treat them nice and be gentle with them, they like you and give you good service and when you get cheap and act difficult, they hate you and treat you bad. My experience in BKK 97% positive, in JKT 95% in Sing 96% Mal 99%. Phil 92%. Here are some points to follow:
1- Show them you are nice but not weak
2- Tell them what you want and be clear about the price you agree on
3- If they change their mind and ask you for more, go back to your agreement and if they say no ask for your money back nicely if they say no, ask again leave or just do what you can. Don't be violent or pushy. But if they steal your stuff, then they violated you and broke the law. This is a disrespect and a violation of your right. Here you have the right to fight for your right and defend your belonging.

Word of caution: in Thailand it is not safe to fight unless the LB stole money from you. One time after fucking a LB in the hotel I didn't see my watch on the table, so I thought the LB stole it. So I went to the LB bag and search it, the LB got mad and asked me to stop, I told him where is my watch and he said, he didn't take it. So I pulled him from his hair and told him to give it back or I will beat him. He pushed me and yelled " I no take !!" then he looked under the bed and there was my watch. So I felt bad and gave him money to make up for the situation, he throw the money back at me and left. I felt like shit and I ran after him to apologize. He yelled in Thai language something and one guy from the street came to me to fight. I told him to go away and not to stick his nose. He told me" fuck you.. I fuck you go back, not come thailand" I told him " ok I go home"!! of course if I wanted to, I could have beat the shit out of him and break every bone in his body. But in Thailand they tend to gather in large numbers and group against you. So stay out of trouble and losing money better than losing life or body parts . If you want to fight then do it in the bedroom and make sure you can beat the LB, some of them are big and can fight.
Old 16-08-2011, 03:10 AM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Originally Posted by cqueen View Post
Good morning Mr Belcool,

1. Trust you enjoyed celebrating our National Day yesterday.

2. Many a times, most victims will just suffer in silence, thus sending a wrong message to the offender and encourage them to continue their bad business ethics.

4. One supportive samster of my "Goodwill Free Erotic BJ" related to me how he was badly treated and "blackmailed" into paying $50 for a supposedly free bj offered by a crossdresser here in this forum.

5. Such bad incident left a long lasting sour aftertaste in him that I could feel how badly hurt he was when he related to me this unfortunate incident.

6. Hence, my slutty tongue salute Mr Belcool for teaching that Jarkarta LB -CRIME DOES NOT PAY!!!!!
YES, thank you !
I always like to be fair and treat people the way I want to be treated. I don't steal or hurt people and I don't like it when people disrespect me. Many bros save money and take time from their job and travel to have good time with LBs and party. They should be treated nicely and not mess their holiday.
Old 16-08-2011, 05:45 AM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

thanks guys especially regarding the ts celeste. never tried her, luckily read this thread. from her vicesisters profile she always come to malaysia (almost all the time), bros from kl/malaysia beware..
Old 22-08-2011, 12:15 AM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Bros beware of tis lb quoted me 150 i only got a bj frm her.. says everythin can do but when meetin her give so much excuses after the money i gave.. spoilt my mood went to geylang lor 16 took andana bonk her left happily.. kinda stress today but happy to get the favourties again
Old 17-09-2011, 09:16 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Hi Bros plz beware of tis 2 ladyboy stayin at east.. Went to book "2600967056" at her place.. Rate 100 bucks for 1 n haf hr.. They stayin at a rental hse. Went to the masterbed room inside.. Saw three LB inside sleepin..she ask me to go to toilet inside n hav fun.. So my first time trying fun at toilet was so excited.. Went to the toilet inside so smelly.. No choice got to strip off.. When she strip she got no boobs usin sponge n bra.. Really @$#! tub feelin.. I ask him to HJ for me thn i left the place asap..
Old 17-09-2011, 09:29 AM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious!D.html

I sincerely hope that you guys Avoid her totally.

When i arranged to meet her, it was very embarrassing to see that there were many other people in the residence,.

Furthermore, she lied in her profile that she has boobs but doesn't

Her bj was mediocre.

I left after 5 mins.

And she expects money up front first.

Once again, please avoid her. Thankfully, i wasted only 50 dollars.
Old 17-09-2011, 09:56 AM
ladyboylover ladyboylover is offline
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Originally Posted by AsianValues View Post!D.html

I sincerely hope that you guys Avoid her totally.

When i arranged to meet her, it was very embarrassing to see that there were many other people in the residence,.

Furthermore, she lied in her profile that she has boobs but doesn't

Her bj was mediocre.

I left after 5 mins.

And she expects money up front first.

Once again, please avoid her. Thankfully, i wasted only 50 dollars.
She has HUGE hands looking at those pictures ...
Old 17-09-2011, 10:29 AM
dragonheart2000 dragonheart2000 is offline
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious


I had the weirdest experience of my life last night.

I stay at Clarke Quay. Around 9 we (me and my friend) started boozing and went on till 12:00 midnight. Once we were done, thought we would go around Clarke Quay for a walk. I have been able find some freelancers while roaming around normally and this time was no different. But, I didn’t have any intentions do pick up any body, just because I had left my wallet at the hotel room. Last night was no different, a nice looking girl with big boobs (I'm a boob lover) came and started talking to me. She was insistent that she wanted to come to my hotel. She started at $150 for an hour and negotiated it down for $80 for 2 hours. She just wanted to be with me; however I tried to avoid her. Finally had to take her for $80.

During the time we were negotiating, she was touching me on my chest and face and she seemed to be particularly interested in my thick gold chain which I was wearing. She was running her hand over it. Once we reached the room she wouldn’t remove her pants. I got angry and asked why she came if she won’t fuck. Then I touched her down there and then I felt a strange hard bulge. OMG!! A lady boy. I thought I will let her go, as I am never tried a LB. It was hardly 2 minutes since she came, she got up to leave and I notice that my Gold Chain worth at least $3500 is gone.

I lost control, threw her on the side, and started searching her bag. That’s when she tells me that it’s under the pillow. The chain has never come off me for last 4 years since I bought it, which means she came to steal it. I got angry at her and send her out. Didn’t pay her as well as I didn’t get any service. I guess it was a Thai LB. What a way to end a perfect Friday night!!!
Old 17-09-2011, 11:58 PM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Originally Posted by dragonheart2000 View Post

I had the weirdest experience of my life last night.

I stay at Clarke Quay. Around 9 we (me and my friend) started boozing and went on till 12:00 midnight. Once we were done, thought we would go around Clarke Quay for a walk. I have been able find some freelancers while roaming around normally and this time was no different. But, I didn’t have any intentions do pick up any body, just because I had left my wallet at the hotel room. Last night was no different, a nice looking girl with big boobs (I'm a boob lover) came and started talking to me. She was insistent that she wanted to come to my hotel. She started at $150 for an hour and negotiated it down for $80 for 2 hours. She just wanted to be with me; however I tried to avoid her. Finally had to take her for $80.

During the time we were negotiating, she was touching me on my chest and face and she seemed to be particularly interested in my thick gold chain which I was wearing. She was running her hand over it. Once we reached the room she wouldn’t remove her pants. I got angry and asked why she came if she won’t fuck. Then I touched her down there and then I felt a strange hard bulge. OMG!! A lady boy. I thought I will let her go, as I am never tried a LB. It was hardly 2 minutes since she came, she got up to leave and I notice that my Gold Chain worth at least $3500 is gone.

I lost control, threw her on the side, and started searching her bag. That’s when she tells me that it’s under the pillow. The chain has never come off me for last 4 years since I bought it, which means she came to steal it. I got angry at her and send her out. Didn’t pay her as well as I didn’t get any service. I guess it was a Thai LB. What a way to end a perfect Friday night!!!
Hi Bro, good to hear that you gotten your gold chain back. But how the LB remove your chain? Dun u have any feeling while the chain was removed from you?
Old 18-09-2011, 08:16 AM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

Hi Bro..
I was quite drunk. That's one of the other reasons that I didnt want to pick her. She said she would do massage, she takes off her top and asks me to remove my shirt. Then she starts to touch me and kisses my nipples. I guess, with all this distraction, she had unlocked the hook of the chain and pushed in below one of the pillows.
Old 18-09-2011, 03:16 PM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

I guess that she was eyeing your chain all the time. Thats why don't want to have sex.
Thank God you got your chain back.
If you have given a description or her name, it will be easier for Bros to avoid her.
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Old 18-09-2011, 04:15 PM
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Re: Listed of Ladyboys to be Aware n Cautious

only had a nice grip. but i shouldn;t be paying for just a good grip.
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