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Old 10-12-2012, 02:48 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

i also got NGU before.
very frequent urinating, sometimes get strong urge to urinate but nothing comes out.
then even when got urine, also cannot empty bladder one shot, dribble out then go back in 3-4 min.

1 time serious until got blood come out

went DSC check, took some antibiotics and was cleared.

recently got a new gf then she got some bad-smelling discharge when we were having sex, which she never had before. she went to the pharmacy and was given antibiotics n a vaginal spray to be used internally. says she's ok now, but i feel so bad for passing STD to her

this urinary tract infection comes and goes. every time i go polyclinic or DSC, they just give antibiotics then say i'm clear after the follow-up checkup tests upon completing the medication.
Old 11-12-2012, 05:01 AM
sammyboyregular sammyboyregular is offline
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

Bro bolehk,
oh man... finally don't know which cocktail cured you!? Can try recall?

Are you really, fully cured?

Bro hoosdathu,
Blood out of penis!? Sounds serious.

You mentioned you went to DSC and was 'cleared'. If clear... no way to pass something to another girl right?

Definitely these damn doctors are missing the point! And screwing us up!
Whenever they say NGU then it's NGU. But there may be 10,000 types of NGU!!!!! And they are really not helping.

Bro awakened.... good story. What differences do you experience? Any sexual infections?

It does sound a lot like it was a life changing experience for you!

Bro raver,

Please don't give others wrong idea that BBBJ is safe.
BBBJ is NOT SAFE at all and a super easy way to get infections!
For example, Herpes is a disease which can be infected through oral and it will NEVER be cured. Herpes is a disease that once you get it... it is forever.

Don't give others the wrong idea and spread good practices so other bros, even if they want to play, they can learn to protect themselves.

P.S. Bro bolehk was talking about STD and not AIDS.
Old 11-12-2012, 08:57 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

I recall there was a few cases of HIV being transmitted thru long as there is transmission or exchange of bodily fluids...the risk of HIV will always exist i think...

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Going for FL is like going to the tiger's cave, can u be 100% sure u are safe...Read up on HIV Stigmas
Old 11-12-2012, 10:12 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

Juts curious, why the girl let u ejaculated INSIDE her with CD ?
Old 11-12-2012, 10:57 PM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

I am not saying BBBJ is Safe....what i am putting through is that....BBBJ have a Very low risk for HIV....But Herpes and other Infections are highly possible
Old 17-12-2012, 01:20 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

Originally Posted by sammyboyregular View Post
Bro bolehk,
oh man... finally don't know which cocktail cured you!? Can try recall?

Are you really, fully cured?
the thing is, I really don't know.... at least the itchiness inside my penis stem is gone. But sometimes there is still an itch there.

I took antibiotics until wanna die liao. Even asked my FB to take together with me to avoid cross-contamination. Afterwhich I just stay faithfully with using CD.

I really can't be 100% sure, coz haven't got that much of a chance to shoot raw into different girls. Ever since kenna NGU, only have been doing raw with FB.

PM-ed u my cocktail. I actually made a record of it with intention to show to the next doc my medication history, so that I won't get the same medication again.
prc boobs really bery soft.
(thanks to those who upped my pts, even though I don't know who you are, gum xiaz)
Old 17-12-2012, 04:58 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

advice for you, stop taking all those weird concoctions that they are feeding you.

not all medication is good for you, some can make the illness worse and stronger. Usually, will prescribe you with anti-biotics because they have no idea what is wrong and they suspect that this is due to a BACTERIAL infection (go google). If it is a virus, my heart goes out to you bro, please seek professional help.

the reason why they say clear but you still have such episodes is because (as other bros mentioned) your body is the perfect condition (warm and moist) for such bacteria to grow and develop. my only suggestion is after you finish your course of anti-biotics, go for another test again. Doesn't mean one test clear you ho-seh liao, even people test for diabetes must go 2-3 times before getting that clearance

sorry to hear about this, don't know how to help you much but take care or PM me, I see what I can do to help since I study a bit about this before
Old 17-12-2012, 12:05 PM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

It looks like you are having a constant reoccurance of Yeast infection, which are transmitted to your partners when doing RAW. For some infection, you can only maintain them. You should be able to still have children doing lab tests or something like that.

I am not a doctor, above is just what i think. It shouldn't be HIV or STD, so don't worry too much

Old 17-12-2012, 06:45 PM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

sammyboyregular: hey bro, aft reading the whole thread, i think u have nothing much to worry about.
yeast infection can be cleared up with proper diet, hygeine and antibiotics. however, it does take some time.
also... it is kinda common for girls to get yeast infection if they didn't clean up properly...
Old 18-12-2012, 08:26 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

TS, i think u should just clear up all the issues before u start having unprotected sex with ur partners.
Old 19-12-2012, 08:43 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

Originally Posted by bluez85 View Post
also... it is kinda common for girls to get yeast infection if they didn't clean up properly...
There are some girls who don't wash the inside of their vagina after sex. It's disgusting to see them soaping and washing their whole body clean but they just will not want to wash the internal canal down there.
Old 21-12-2012, 04:52 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

I have the contact of a few doctors who can fix your yeast infection. Not easy though, you need to be disciplined (fixing your diet, religiously taking supplements and probiotics). But it can be done.

Worked for my friend who had recurring UTI. His tongue was always coated with thick yellow coating in the mornings (another symptom of yeast infection/candida). No problems now.

Your current doctors are fucking you up worse with the antibiotics. It is killing the good gut flora (aka. the stuff in yakult) and it will keep reoccurring.

PM me for CTC.
Old 21-12-2012, 03:33 PM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

No offence to TS and fellow Bros, heard your situation from your postings, but you should be seeking medical assistance and not advices from this Forum.

Yes, maybe this, that and many other doctors can help you, but still you should seek proper medical assistance and advices, and not asking Bros in this Forum.

Each case and each treatment is difference, please seek proper help from the right places.

Cheers, hope you and your love ones get well soon!
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Old 21-12-2012, 04:24 PM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

If i am you , i will just end my life . Pointless to carry on life when you can't shoot inside the girl .
Old 28-12-2012, 12:54 AM
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Re: Cannot cure even after many doctors and DSC

If TS purposely do raw and shoot inside his gf just wanting up know if anything happen to the girl thereafter so that he knows he is clear.. Don't you think you are abit selfish? Why keep on doing raw with girls in the hope that they will not develop yeast infection? Think you will continue what you are doing until the ultimate girl is perfectly fine after you shoot on her, to know that your STD is cleared!! Just find it selfish on your part although those girls deserve it!
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