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Old 07-03-2015, 01:54 PM
sporeknight76 sporeknight76 is offline
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Re: Damages Increasing

Originally Posted by Marlborolights View Post
Not to be nasty but if you can't afford it then find other cheaper alternatives. You pay a price for quality. I used to pay like $150-$180 6-7 years ago and now I'm not complaining for the price hike but I am complaining that even at such prices, still use photoshop pictures to con people. The last bonk I had was in Dec, knn picture show this but go there OMFG!
Yup. Totally agree wif u. Used to b 60/2/2. But MILF la. But fig ok, face still ok. Those days they stay in those "top below beds" meaning 1 rm 6-10pax with a few double beds. Rents was so cheap abt 10$ per day. But no security la, mus take gd care of their own belongings. Hotel pay by customers. Those areas I knw of is B n G area. If u guys knw wat I referring to.

Hwever times chg. NW their lodgings is at hdbs, condos n even landed property! Range bet 80$ - 120$ per day. Their advertisements are ranged 400$ at least, depending on hw many sites. So in order to earn a profit after deducting the base expenses - rents, food, hp, advertising, they hav to earn at least min 500$ per day. NT to forget their air tickets n some of them boro $ from their country wif interests. To sell their body, they also expect to earn abt 500-1k per day. If NT come here for wat???

After saying all tis, NW we knw y we r being charged so damn bloody high. So fellow bros, pls take care of yr own wallet n don pay so high for lousy svc n quality. I m sure bros here most would NT mind paying 150-200 for a svc. But if pics r PS, FLs r old ugly, svc r lousy, r our $ well spent? No one wana b treated like a carrot head, esp most of us r well-educated. We knw wat we wan. The okts behind the scenes r actually making tons of $ from both the FLs n us. 1-2 years ago, 1 pretty FL told me she jus barely break even. I was so surprised. Wat abt those averag ones?

So bros pls think carefully. Don hesitate to rej a FL if she fail to prov gd svc or NT same s pics. We mus show them we mean business. We wan svc n quality.
Old 07-03-2015, 02:12 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

apart from increasing prices, the trend is also having more FL doing massage only.. wtf chop carrot head
Old 07-03-2015, 07:56 PM
rolandpek86 rolandpek86 is offline
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Re: Damages Increasing

bro care to share the place
Old 07-03-2015, 10:00 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Nowadays you won't be able to see any negative FRs because all the negative FRs will be deleted away. Better don't waste your hard earn money.
Please leave your nick when u upped my points and I will return favour asap. Thanks.
Exchange of points are welcome too but with minimum of 5 pointers.

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Old 07-03-2015, 10:54 PM
hornyguy69 hornyguy69 is offline
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Re: Damages Increasing

Bro not only the price is increasing. the quality and services of the girls are also dropping like fk
Old 09-03-2015, 11:48 AM
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Re: Damages Increasing

We have all seen this coming for a long time.

Singapore is no longer the attraction it once was for China ladies wanting to make money. The gap between the economies has been narrowing.

Government policies haven't helped us tiko bros either. For many China girls now, the reward of coming here (if they can get past ICA in the first place) is no longer large enough to compensate for the risk.

Now we pay too much for too little. It really is the end, and I don't see how we can ever go back to the 'heaven it was for everyone'.

I will always remember the 2009-2011 period, and am glad I fucked so many of them then. There was literally one to fuck at every turn, at any time, at any place.

Good quality ones, in terms of appearance at least if not so much attitude. Now pretty much neither exist.

Those happy days then, now its nothing but fear and loathing.
Old 09-03-2015, 01:27 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Bros I think one of the biggest difference now compared with the past is that the success rate to find a good bonk has reduced due to bros reluctant/lazy to share good/ bad bonks.
Good ones are not encouraged /rewarded with more business and lousy ones continue to cheat bros cause nobody expose them. Bros Ask yourself When was the last time you write a FR? Good or bad
Old 09-03-2015, 02:27 PM
furyblaze furyblaze is offline
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Re: Damages Increasing

I guess we have to go jb instead any bros going can jio me go also
Old 09-03-2015, 02:45 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Who knows maybe some of these r run by our Millions dollar payroll PAPies MPs.
That's explain the hike.
Old 09-03-2015, 02:53 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Originally Posted by friendly View Post
Bros I think one of the biggest difference now compared with the past is that the success rate to find a good bonk has reduced due to bros reluctant/lazy to share good/ bad bonks.
Good ones are not encouraged /rewarded with more business and lousy ones continue to cheat bros cause nobody expose them. Bros Ask yourself When was the last time you write a FR? Good or bad
Wrote an FR last week, got taken down on the same day. Happens a lot.

Truth is, there's pretty much nothing good to write about nowadays. OKT's now making stuff up completely.

Want honest FRs from bros and OKTs? It will almost all be bad. There's very little good stuff to write about, so nobody writes anymore.

Quality is simply not heading to our shores anymore.
Old 09-03-2015, 03:54 PM
sporeknight76 sporeknight76 is offline
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Re: Damages Increasing

Originally Posted by syang85 View Post
Lol..... nowadays, thing changed, bonking cost so high liao, a couple of years ago, only 70 to 120 max. Now, become 100 to 180, some even asking for 200. How should ppl like me survive? Service oso no gurantee. Got bro suggest go geylang. long time nv go liao. How is there? Heard there business not so good well. Haiz.............
Yup, agreed. A few years ago, abt 2011-12, gt china FLs in wechat. 100/2/60min. Pic damn pretty. Don giv hp. Agreed Mt outside hotel to verify. No harm. When Mt up, whoa! Really pretty, gt ht n face sweet. 100/2/60min damn worth it. Btw, bro my standard is v high hor. At B area. On her twice. Then she left here le. She say she wont b cming bk, most like don earn much. Wif her tis type of quality? Most likely middleman here n china, take a big share of their profit.

Nwadys 150-180, no guarantee wyciwyg, NT to mention svc. Most PS or take other website pics. I knw a few FLs oledi left, but pics still there. Tats y NW we mus do our own research v carefully. Mines r everywhere, ez to step on 1.
Old 09-03-2015, 04:26 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Sick and tired of all this FL nowaday:-
01) Commercial and Rush Job
02) Aeroplane often no professional attics.
03) Picture too heavily Photoshop
04) Over Price.
05) Take thing for granted.
For me no more mood or craving like before.
Patron time reduce alot. Exploring new playground.
Send a signal to them we are not idiot.
Old 09-03-2015, 06:13 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Still miss those day to hunt around at G area.
All PRCs lining up along the streets to choose from..
Those good stuff ve to wait at the lobby to hijack..

And dun know since when Korean price shoot to $220 to $350.
Used to be only $160-$180.

Now Viet command about $200 and up.

Looks like we have to cut down on this hobby already.

Tks to our government tat makes us the most expensive city to live in.
Maybe now, we are the most expensive City to ve a fuck.!
Old 09-03-2015, 09:26 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Originally Posted by friendly View Post
Bros I think one of the biggest difference now compared with the past is that the success rate to find a good bonk has reduced due to bros reluctant/lazy to share good/ bad bonks.
Good ones are not encouraged /rewarded with more business and lousy ones continue to cheat bros cause nobody expose them. Bros Ask yourself When was the last time you write a FR? Good or bad
Hainz ....... some things will not change and will only get worst. OKTs/TSes (most of them anyway) will continue to advertise their gals until got dragon got tiger. The gals (most of them anyway) will continue to cheat and short change us paying customers.

The supply will always be there. The demand will also not die .....

So, the cycle repeats itself ..... Quality will continue to drop while price will continue to rise ......

So, what can we do? Precious little unless we all dun cheong, then, there will be no demand. Impossible. So, the next best thing to do is to help one another.

I totally agree with bro Friendly. Post your FR and share your experience. Good or bad never mind. Good gals we will continue to support. Bad apples we all siam. Very simple really. If everybody do your part.
Old 09-03-2015, 10:01 PM
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Re: Damages Increasing

Agree agree bro canthaveenuf always follow your FR found some good bonks avoided some bad ones Lets hope all bros start to share FR then united we can help each other
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