Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
if you pay more and tip more some even offer you raw but gfe is very little compared to ktv girls sauna girls are too direct and will pestered you to pay more and more tips if you pay less on your 2nd visit to the same girl her service will drop i am speaking from personal experience, read my earlier posts i paid school fees of 500 rmb to learn something about sauna girl kc tricks not too expensive but still i feel that paying 500 rmb for dead fish service and 1 shot only for the so-called overnight is not worth it some more she asked for my atm card and pin number shenzhen is really the kuala lumpur of southern china fast paced of living, overcrowded population, high rise skycrappers,etc |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
video of vice raid in changzhou china click link below to watch video(raid on spa) http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTkzMDc4NzY=.html
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Is that GFE or PSE? LOL Also do the LE take the videos and provide a copy to the TV stations or do they get TV reporters to follow them when they raid? So many of these type of video clips. SEAJ |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
Tell me, you cannot be that young yourself as to call so many "uncle?" Just curious. SEAJ |
Dongguan Crackdown
Re: Dongguan Crackdown
Danshui Sauna Video Clip
My guess is 2009-2010. You can still spot the 桑拿 neon lights like nobody's business. I miss those days in Danshui. ¥268 for an above average quality masseuse. 100min/2 Shots. Where to find? Jin sad. Jin moody. Nowadays no establishment will dare to display 桑拿 neon lights but change to 洗浴 instead. Mostly in Huizhou City. |
Re: Danshui Sauna Video Clip
International flights between Singapore and Shenzhen or Guangzhou cheaper than China domestic flights! State monopoly mah. Most cheongsters are too lazy to go outside of Guangdong province just for cheonging. |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
rates for the train fares |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE1MD....4.8-1.1-1-2-7 |
Re: Chat App Warriors
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTgxOD....23-1.1-1-2-22 |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
八记者李亚坤 11月13日,一个从台湾来深圳旅游的旅行团有8名台湾籍男子因嫖娼与8名失足女被福田警方行政拘留。八记 者获悉,涉事的夜总会已被停业整改六个月罚款十万元。
旅行社:嫖娼是个人行为 此番台湾游客集体嫖娼事发后,更被怀疑这是一个专业来内地的“买春团”。涉事旅行社有关负责人昨日接受八记 者的采访,否认了“买春团”的说法,强调说,这是一个来内地的旅游观光团,嫖娼系部分游客的个人行为。这名 负责人还称,旅行社并未有介绍卖淫嫖娼等行为,实际上,导游还特别强调了内地扫黄以示提醒,事发也令他们颇 感意外。 据介绍,该团约30人,有男有女,均系同一家公司的员工,他们参加的是一个四天三晚的深港游,其中在深圳的 旅游项目包括东部华侨城等自然景区。据介绍,他们在接待的过程中,团友们也没有提出“买春”需求。据介绍, 事发当天中午他们才来到深圳,当晚系他们下榻深圳的第一晚,入住在新洲路绿景锦江大酒店,酒店按五星级标准 打造。 据介绍,当日晚间,团友们自主活动,部分人员在距离下榻酒店车程四五分钟的金海蓝湾夜总会饮酒作乐。这家夜 总会位于福田金地一路。他们是如何找到该会所的,旅行社有关负责人表示颇感奇怪,这绝非导游所推荐,也有可 能是驻地保安或者内地熟人带领。据悉,这些游客当晚在夜总会包房内饮酒唱歌之后,觉得不尽兴,遂各自从夜总 会内挑选了一名小妹,带回下榻酒店嫖宿。当日凌晨,警方在酒店内抓获8名嫖娼的台湾籍游客以及8名卖淫的失 足女,分别被处以5到10天不等的行政拘留。据悉,事发之后,剩下的游客继续剩下的行程。 夜总会停业整改六个月 “这批女孩子先是在夜总会给客人陪酒,就已经涉嫌明令禁止的有偿陪侍行为。”知情人告诉八记者,失足女入住 酒店时,酒店没有登记失足女身份信息,也违反有关的治安管理规定。八记者也获悉,针对此番事件中酒店以及夜 总会存在的问题,福田警方亦予以严格处理。目前涉案的绿景锦江大酒店被罚款10万元,责令限期整改。涉事的 金海蓝湾夜总会也被罚款10万元,停业整改6个月。 Play safe brothers. I have two Singaporean friends who were busted in their hotels on two separate incidents. One was detained for 10 days, another had to pay almost 36,000rmb to get out of detention after the first night
CHINA FR Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV http://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.ph...&postcount=424 28 Oct - 1 Nov Bangkok FR Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov #6 MOOK (Poseidon) #63 Aee (Nataree) #20 NOON (CCK massage) |
Re: Shenzhen Info Needed
News FGG linked to me - and the moral being 1. The Yanda ain't over 2. Its now spread to Shenzhen which was thought to be somehow safer 3. Worse to use agents as the LE have their sights on them and it's only a matter of time when they pounce. 4. Keep the size of your KTV parties/mongering forays to few participants - keep your head low, party quietly and DON'T let the an agent turn your party rowdy to make the bill high 5. When checking in hotels with a girl, make sure you do register her in too and exchange personal info with her. Adultery is only a moral issue but prostitution is a crime Play safe!! SEAJ |
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