Hi Bro Bronco, do u mean "放長綫釣大魚" (fan chang xian diao da yu)??
i guess TS is a very professional fisherman... ha ha ...
i really hope TS can get June's hand & give her the happiness...
Originally Posted by Bronco
Bro rob, wu nia bo..Dun think so..still long way to have purely action..
Have u heard the story, let's go long line will catch the big fat fish!! hahahaha
after reading 15 plus page skip to last and still yet to screw her? what a let down. At the end of the day, dont know is the women lucky or bro urger is unlucky.
Pilot: "Welcome to Singapore. Local time is 1955pm. Temperature range from 27 to 32 deg cels. Relative Humility is about 80%.
The aircraft landed and slowly taxi-ing to the parking apron. I quickly made dashed immigration checkpoint. Cleared custom and headed straight to the DFS. I bought a Issey Miyaki perfume.
While waiting for my lauggage at the conveyor belt, I saw throught the glass and saw a familiar figure. It was June. She was wearing a white tank top and mini-shorts. So sexy!
Finally got my baggage. Headed straight to the waiting area. June gave a very warm welcome smile and hugged me. It was just so unbelievable.
Me: "Thanks for coming to fetch me."
June: "Heh heh....you are always helping me. Just a bit of returned favour mah."
Me: "Really thanks."
June: "Are you tired? Jet lagged?"
Me: "Nope. Slept for quite awhile so that I can spend time with you...haha."
June: "Hmm..that's good. "
Me: "Huh? That's good? Are you expecting this answer from me?" What are you up to?" Have you planned something?"June: "Hmmmm....up for you to discover. Anyway are you hungry? Shall we have dinner?"
Me: "Sure. Your call."
June: "Ok....let's go to town, how about it?"
Me: "Ok...sounds good."
June: "What are we waiting?"
June drove her car and we head straight to Berwerks at Rverside point opposite Clarke Quay.
We order quite a few finger food and some draft beers. It was a wonderful and relaxed evening with her. We chatted alot and laugh a lot during our conversation. I did not bring out her domestic problem during that night.
June: "Thanks for the evening. Thanks for spending with me"
Me: "See thanks again! I should thank you for picking me up personally at the airport."
June: "Really.....I want to say thanks especially tonight."
Me: "Huh...just tonight? I spent quite a few evenings and late nights with you already."
June: "But today is special mah."
Me: "Hmmm.how special?"
June: "Just special lor."
Me: "Special because you pick me up from the airport?"
June: "No lah.....just special to me lor."
Me: "Hmmm....you sound suspicious....Are you hiding something from me?"
June: "Urrr......nothing lah. Just special and thanks for spending it with me."
Me: "You are really trying me!...Urrrr....Don't tell me that today is your.......birthday?"
June: "Huhh....urgggg...well if you think it is then take it as it is lor."
Me: "Oooh...oooohh....oohhhh....Sorry...didn't know that It is your birthday."
June: "That's ok. I never tell you anyway. You don't have to know either. But thanks for spending it with me."
Me: "Ohhh...you should have told me earlier."
June: "Not your fault....I never blame you in anyway.....I am happy that at least I don't have to spend it alone."
Me: "June.....actually.....
June: "Huh?"
I grabbed out the perfume that I have bought from DFS and handed it to her.
Me: "Happy Birthday to you."
June was surprised to see me passed her a perfume.
Me: "Actually I knew that today is your birthday. And I have somehow planned this."
June: "How do you know when is my birthday?" And how do you planned it?'
Me: "Remember the car accident? We exchanged particulars and I actually jotted down your DOB....and that's how I remember it."
June: "OIC...oh yah huh.." And you actually remember till now?"
Me: "Yape......I am quite good with memorising figures. "
June: "And .....and how do you planned it?"
Me: "Actually I should be backed 2 days earlier. But knowing that your birthday was today, I extended my stay there. Took extra 2 days leave so that I can come back exactly today. In fact I wanted to ask you out for dinner too but you took the first step. You have offered to pick me up. I guess after that maybe I can ask you out for dinner and give you a surprise."
June: "Huuuuh.....I ....I....."
June was totally out of speech. She just took a few sip of beer and kept smiling at me with the astonishing look.
Me: "And that's not the end June."
June: "Huh......what do you mean."
Me: "You will know it when the time is due."
June: "It's unbelieveable. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect all this...all this from you."
Me: "Remember what I have said to you? You deserved all the attention." Do you like the perfume?"
June: "I...I love it. Thanks.
Me: "You fit this perfume. It compliment you."
June: "Thanks......"
June bended forward her body and kiss me on my face. The kiss was a long one. I really appreciate that from her.
June: "Really thank you. Thanks for planning all this to make this irthday a memorable for me. I will always remember this birthday and you."
Me: "Huuuh..Urrrrr....To tell you the truth....I just want you to be happy. It saddened me to see you cry. To see you unhappy. I really wish you are always so cheerful, always giving a sweet and sunshine smile. "
June: "Urrrrr......I appreciate all these. Everything you have done for me." I definitely treasure our friendship. It just so unexpected. We hit it off rather strangely.....then....."
Me: "I never expected it too. Well let's say that it takes 2 hands to clap."Maybe it's fate that bring us together in that kind of situation. Not matter what, I am your friend now and alwats will.
June: "Yape...maybe. So.what's the next thing you have for me?"
Me: "Just be patient. Will reveal when it's time."
To be continued.....
wah reminds me of my own experience. the "i just want you to be happy." line. the emo-ness when she cry...if she ask me for the star then, i will also go get it." but mine no happy ending like urs.
Yo Bro Yashirob, ending not posting yet leh... u already know the whole story from Bro urger??
Originally Posted by yashirob
wah reminds me of my own experience. the "i just want you to be happy." line. the emo-ness when she cry...if she ask me for the star then, i will also go get it." but mine no happy ending like urs.
Location: Where there is a pussy you will find me there.
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Re: Road Accident Encounter
Interesting story and developments but monster take has always been family problems between husband and wife best left to be solved among themselves before stepping in...if not outcome can be very messy and also the biggest loser end of the day are not the adults but the little child...
As TS claims this is 95% true, i will refer TS as male lead
Sometimes, we just got to let go in life, there is always "morals", "restrictions" and "rules" out there blocking the way. Your situation will be like drifting and racing on the mountain roads, either you get away clean and celebrate over it, or you will just crash and burn.
Still, goodluck to male lead TS. And thanks for sharing and taking the time to write your story
Very nice slow and steady story you have here. Please don't keep our suspense for too long and continue with the story.
__________________ Life is Short and Unpredictable...Enjoy while you can but be responsible towards the society. Don't spread things that you don't wish to get
Bro urger been following from front to now. all i can say is u are a good story writer..i really hope this is true..let people know true love still exists.haha
Yo Bro Urger, been waiting long long 4 ur next action packed installment since 4th-Mar-2010 leh... have u disappear?? or u'r also waiting 4 the deed 2 b done??
Originally Posted by urger
The my lips was with her's again. A few light pecks follow by deep kissing. Our tongue merely fought for a few seconds before June withdrew.
June: "Huh urrr.....sorry.....Isabelle is around."
Me: "Urrr....ok....."
June: "Sorry.....I think I am getting over-board over it."
Me: "Sorry too that I am at fault too."
June: "Yah...it's your fault."
Me: "Ok then.....so no more this type of thing in future lor."
June: "Well....I am fine about it."
Me: "Shall see." Whoever starts will be punished huh"
June: "Hahahaha..."