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Old 12-11-2015, 04:11 AM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes


A genital herpes vaccine still far off

September 11, 2015 By Susan C. Olmstead

Research into testing and vaccination for both the oral and genital forms of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) continues, but the prevalence and evolution of the virus add to the challenge of this task.

Thomas Quinn, MD, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who is also an international researcher with the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been working to analyze the genetic diversity of HSV-2 (genital herpes) strains from around the world.

Dr Quinn has been conducting research in East Africa for 30 years and is a senior author of 2 studies on sequencing the HSV genome that appeared in the August issue of the Journal of Virology.

Thomas Quinn, MD

HSV was first genetically sequenced using only European patient strains, and the resulting diagnostic test was developed to identify sequences common to those strains, according to a press release from Johns Hopkins. Scientists have long suspected that the glycoproteins present in African patients who are HSV-positive might differ from those in patients in the United States and Europe.

Related: More teens lack HSV-1 antibodies

The researchers note that HSV-2 is a causative agent of genital and neonatal herpes. Therefore, knowledge of its DNA genome and genetic variability is central to prevention and treatment of genital herpes. However, until now, only 2 full-length HSV-2 genomes had been reported. The researchers’ new analysis of additional genomes will facilitate research aimed at vaccine development, diagnosis, and the evaluation of clinical manifestations and transmission of HSV-2. This information will also contribute to the understanding of HSV evolution, they claim.

Read: Potential vaccine tested on mice

“We really can’t predict when we will have a safe and effective vaccine against HSV-2,” Dr Quinn told Contemporary OB/GYN in an email. “Several vaccines have been made and evaluated but did not demonstrate high efficacy in the volunteers. Another large trial is currently under way and we will have to see how effective that will be.

“Developing an effective vaccine is tough due to the high frequency of HSV-1 infections in many people that seem to interfere with the overall immunogenicity of the vaccine,” he explained. “But we keep on trying with new vaccines that are developed thanks to the new molecular information on herpes.”

Newman RM, Lamers SL, Weiner B, et al. Genome sequencing and analysis of geographically diverse clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus 2. J Virol. 2015;89:8219–8232.
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Old 20-11-2015, 07:33 AM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Herpes myths vs facts

Myth: Only certain sorts of people get herpes.
Fact: No, it is very common and anyone who has ever had sex can get genital herpes. It's not about being clean, dirty, good or bad – it's about being normal and sexually active.

Myth: Herpes isn't that common and I am unlikely to get it.
Fact: Herpes is very common and may be caused by both herpes simplex type 1 and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-1 or HSV-2). HSV-1 causes "cold sores" on the mouth, and up to 80% of the population has this virus. However, HSV-1 may also be transmitted to the genitals through oral/genital sex and about 40% of genital herpes is caused by HSV-1. Up to 22% of sexually active adults have genital herpes caused by HSV-2. Most people with herpes will not have symptoms and therefore will not be aware they have it. 50% of people getting herpes get it from partners who are unaware they have it.

Myth: Herpes "cold sores" on the mouth are not the same as genital herpes.
Fact: Cold sores on the mouth or face are caused by HSV-1 and are commonly transmitted to the genitals (causing genital herpes) through oral to genital sex. Up to 40% of genital herpes is caused by HSV-1.

Myth: Herpes can only affect the genital area.
Fact: HSV-1 typically affects the mouth area. HSV-2 and HSV-1 affect the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, back of thigh or inner thigh. Herpes can also occur on other parts of the body, although this is less common. On the fingers it is known as herpes whitlow.

Myth: People always know if they have genital herpes.

Fact: No, 80% of those with genital herpes do not know they have it, as they may have no or very mild herpes symptoms.

Myth: People with herpes are always infectious.

Fact: A person with herpes is not always infectious but the herpes virus is occasionally shed from the skin when symptoms are not present. Most of the time when you don't have herpes symptoms you are not infectious.

Myth: When you have an STI check or a cervical smear it always checks for herpes.
Fact: Routine sexual health (STI screens) checks and cervical smear tests do not screen or test for herpes. Tests for herpes can only be done if a person has symptoms and a swab is taken directly from the lesion.

Myth: People with herpes cannot have children.
Fact: Herpes does not affect fertility in either men or women, and women with genital herpes can have normal pregnancies and vaginal delivery. Herpes can be passed on to babies, but this is rare. If you are pregnant and you or your partner has herpes, tell your health care professional.

Myth: Herpes causes cervical cancer.

Fact: Herpes is not associated with cervical abnormalities or cervical cancer. These are caused by HPV (human papilloma virus), which is not herpes.

Myth: Herpes is passed through blood.

Fact: Herpes is not present in the blood. People with genital herpes can still donate blood. Genital herpes is only passed through direct skin-to-skin contact, both orally and genitally.

Myth: If you have herpes you should always wear condoms in long-term monogamous relationships.

Fact: In long-term relationships, most couples choose not to continually use condoms, and understand that getting herpes is just a part of life. (Your partner may already have herpes without being aware of it). Whilst some people may experience troublesome herpes symptoms from time to time, for the majority, herpes is not symptomatic or causes only mild symptoms. Herpes medication is available for those that need it.

Myth: If you have genital herpes you can't have (receive) oral sex.

Fact: Herpes transmission to the mouth is uncommon.

Myth: I can pass herpes to myself from my mouth to my genitals if I accidentally touch myself.
Fact: Once you have herpes at one site, it is rare to then get the same type at another site. This is because your body develops antibodies which prevent this from happening.

Myth: It's risky living in the same house as someone who has genital herpes.
Fact: The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is not spread through sharing communal facilities. When the herpes virus leaves living skin cells, it dies. People with genital or facial herpes are able to use the same showers, toilets, washing machines and swimming pools as anyone else, without the worry of passing on the herpes infection.
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Old 04-01-2016, 10:38 AM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Hi all, have read up the thread of Herpes.

Would like to check whether are Herpes (be it HSV 1 or HSV 2) easily transmitted through HJ, boob fuck or nipples licking/sucking?

I always have a strict rule of not going for FJ, BJ or BBBJ. However, can never resist boob fuck, nipples licking/sucking or a sensual HJ.

Old 04-01-2016, 11:06 AM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Originally Posted by hello2325 View Post
Hi all, have read up the thread of Herpes.

Would like to check whether are Herpes (be it HSV 1 or HSV 2) easily transmitted through HJ, boob fuck or nipples licking/sucking?

I always have a strict rule of not going for FJ, BJ or BBBJ. However, can never resist boob fuck, nipples licking/sucking or a sensual HJ.

Since Herpes is transmitted via skin to skin contact, I guess it is theoretically possible if the masseuse has a Herpes Whitlow outbreak.

However I doubt if there are any reliable statistics regarding the probability of transmission.

In life there is no such thing as ZERO risk but in my opinion the risk is so low that you don't have to bother about it.

It is far more likely that you have already been infected with Herpes as the majority of the adult population already carry the virus. If that is the case you cannot catch something you already have.
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Old 05-03-2016, 12:27 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

hi to all bro in the forum can i check does my look like herpes the problem is i have not pain just 2 pimple look like

Old 05-03-2016, 02:16 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Originally Posted by hiroshi View Post
hi to all bro in the forum can i check does my look like herpes the problem is i have not pain just 2 pimple look like
A herpes sore is typically rather painful as the infection is in the nerve ganglia.

I would advise seeing a doctor.
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Old 05-03-2016, 02:27 PM
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I have this pimple thing going round for 3mth I keep seeing my gp for 3time tell me if fungal in then end. Fed up go see dr shim is tell me is infection I took the antibiotic ok for 2wk came back again see dr shim he say dunno how to cure refer me Thomson skin centre he say might be herpes wait for the test from culture lab result my totally no pain at all
Old 05-03-2016, 03:32 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

bro you should go see a better go another doctor how can a std specalist doc tell u he think it is herpes and tell you he dont know how to cure u. lidat you better come JB and see doctor

Originally Posted by hiroshi View Post
I have this pimple thing going round for 3mth I keep seeing my gp for 3time tell me if fungal in then end. Fed up go see dr shim is tell me is infection I took the antibiotic ok for 2wk came back again see dr shim he say dunno how to cure refer me Thomson skin centre he say might be herpes wait for the test from culture lab result my totally no pain at all

Back in malaysiaaaaa.. Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu
please add my point if you can

disclaimer - i am a retired health care worker, helping out here only. if wrong info, dun blame me.
Old 05-03-2016, 03:34 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

abang sammy, my gential herpes sore no pain, but always got tingling sensation.

QUOTE=sammyboyfor;14296680]A herpes sore is typically rather painful as the infection is in the nerve ganglia.

I would advise seeing a doctor.[/QUOTE]

Back in malaysiaaaaa.. Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu
please add my point if you can

disclaimer - i am a retired health care worker, helping out here only. if wrong info, dun blame me.
Old 05-03-2016, 03:58 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Herpes typically starts off as a tingling sensation BEFORE an outbreak.

BTW can you learn how to quote a post properly you're messing up the thread.

Originally Posted by SBF-Man View Post
abang sammy, my gential herpes sore no pain, but always got tingling sensation.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
A herpes sore is typically rather painful as the infection is in the nerve ganglia.

I would advise seeing a doctor.
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Old 05-03-2016, 04:02 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Originally Posted by hiroshi View Post
I have this pimple thing going round for 3mth I keep seeing my gp for 3time tell me if fungal in then end. Fed up go see dr shim is tell me is infection I took the antibiotic ok for 2wk came back again see dr shim he say dunno how to cure refer me Thomson skin centre he say might be herpes wait for the test from culture lab result my totally no pain at all
If you have already sought the help of a specialist clinic, why bother asking for opinions in this forum? Just wait for the results of the culture.

The fact that it has been around for 3 months probably means that it is something other than herpes as an HSV outbreak typically lasts about 2 to 3 weeks max before the area heals without leaving a scar.
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Old 05-03-2016, 04:08 PM
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My Come n go like out for 2wk then gone the longest was 3wk I have clear for hiv test, sysphill also clear my urnie test came out nothing no yest cell everything clear the problem is the pimple like keep coming I use steroid cream it will be gone about 1wk or 2 it came back
Old 17-03-2016, 04:53 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Hi to all forum bro I haven gotten my result from culture my hvs 1 n 2 is negative doc just say I have sensetive skin n allergy that all thanks got all have been clear start to retire from chonging
Old 25-03-2016, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by hiroshi View Post
Hi to all forum bro I haven gotten my result from culture my hvs 1 n 2 is negative doc just say I have sensetive skin n allergy that all thanks got all have been clear start to retire from chonging

so lucky aom of a bitch.. congrats bro for safe health
Old 26-05-2016, 09:24 PM
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Re: All you need to know about Herpes

Originally Posted by hiroshi View Post
Hi to all forum bro I haven gotten my result from culture my hvs 1 n 2 is negative doc just say I have sensetive skin n allergy that all thanks got all have been clear start to retire from chonging
Most ML & WL joints uses heavily chemical soaps which can irritates our skin especially our tender genital areas, better to tell the girls apply a tiny portion rinsed with water to prevent any allergies.

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