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Old 05-08-2010, 08:55 AM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Good morning. Forget what I say and business as usual

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Bro it's ok, no need to buy into anybody's idea or agree to anything, just respect as what our Bro alvin36 has mentioned. That's all there is. This way, harmony will prevail amongst us.

To tell you frankly, I am not confused but rather, torn-in-between!

When you created this thread I was glad somebody, finally had the balls to do so!

We all know now who or what room to avoid, to say nothing of the fact that she is a WL and it would appear that she cannot do this and that without complaining from pain or any other excuses. Now what the fuck is going on here?! Right?

But then again as what Bro XEye has mentioned:

Bro XEye please correct me if I am wrong and for which I apologize, but what I see here is that, it would not be fair to say "avoid", that it is up to our own judgement to RTF or not and no need to share among Bros as it would "kill" the WL's business. Anyways, she will realize it if she had been bad because as what you said, "the facts will prevail to a point that they will feel the pinch as the business falls". So no need to reiterate.

Since, "The mere fact that many of them have survived for years shows that even the worst that we think still have their own loyal and satisfied customers", I would think then that this thread that Bro MrBombastic created is a valid and useful one especially for those on a tight budget hehe. And for those who are not as daring as me, this would also serve as a warning.

I just wish all WLs and customers can get along.

Last night, as I was waiting for Diamond, there was a commotion inside H24R08, when the door opened, WL was still scolding the China Bro and who is still naked from waste up! What happened? A deal gone wrong? Surely we're not going to avoid her right?

Hope this helps.

Old 05-08-2010, 09:16 AM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by MrBombastic View Post
Good morning. Forget what I say and business as usual
Business as usual indeed but not to say to forget what you said, please take note that every Bro's views and opinion counts, including yours and mine, otherwise we will not end up discussing something and learn.

So, thank you Bro. No worries.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 05-08-2010, 11:00 AM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by alvin36 View Post
oh... i know liao...not bad looking face, and always show half ball. but never see her smile or talk to anyone.

I also tempted to try her (same as Sophia) for many years. but still have not try because of her black face.

Sometimes I wonder, since they already decided to go into this line to sell their body and earn fast cash , why put up a black face ? and be a black face chicken ??

Why not just put up a smiling face and quickly made money and retire ? right ?

They dont have to go into hardcore service, just smile abit, catbath ... I'm sure she can double her income monthly

Those WLs who dun know how to treat their customers deserved no bisuness .
want to show black face must as well stay at home ,we paid them still have to see their black face .
Old 05-08-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by XEye View Post
Avoid ?

I guess this is too subjective to even warrant sharing. Everyone of us receives varying level of services depending on too many factors.

Do remember that the WL are also human and having to work in the line for so long, there will be some developed behaviors and habits and opinion.

We can have our opinion on them and they also have their own opinion and sorrow to pour.

RTF or not is up to us. The same lady can provide vastly differing service level towards the same customer on separate occasions.

You happy, you RTF, you not happy, move on. There may be some who would have felt that their money is not well spend and strives to do "something" about it. This may be true and may not.

Like I have always said, to each his own, its a simple willing buyer and willing seller deal.

To suggest some of the WL to be avoided may not be warranted.

If they had been bad, the facts will prevail to a point that they will feel the pinch as the business falls. The mere fact that many of them have survived for years shows that even the worst that we think still have their own loyal and satisfied customers.

Good to share but know what you share, how you share and you own intentions. Share openly without prejudice, provide facts and no hidden agenda.

Hard to achieve though for we are just human. It leave to the best of the readers' wisdom to see through the fog of truth and folly.
??? If I in no good mood on that day can I pay $20 less to that WL? Yes or No ?
Old 05-08-2010, 01:09 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Yes and No !!!

Just the other day, I was in a big famous watch shop and asked for the price of a watch.

I was not in a good mood and offered a 80% discounted offer.

Guess what happened ?

When we are not in the mood, we have the right to choose to engage or not. And they are in the mood, the WL may also do the same.

On the other hand, they might just give in for some reasons. :-)
Old 05-08-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by MrBombastic View Post
the reason why i created this thread is for our bros here to share some bad experience with the PT chicks. based on these infos, then we can go avoid their services. and also if these chicks are smart enough... they will "upgrade" their services once they realise that they are losing customers.

we are the customer and we have the right to choose. and prostitution is another form of business. if these chicks don't improve on their service...
Good on you bro! Your approach might be a little "too direct" for some, but I too totally share your views. Hahahaha.

Yes, I understand WLs are human too. And yes I can accept it if they are having a bad day or two. But like all professions, business must comes first! And legal prostitution is a profession - a chosen profession!!

Likewise, if I am emotionally distracted and performed inadequately at work, my good boss would try to close an eye. But if I continued to under-perform, my boss would fire me at a drop of a hat. And understandably so.

So if a WL consistently provides bad attitude and service, they deservedly should be exposed and shunned.

And what's with this "willing seller, willing buyer" nonsense? It's more like "willing seller, naive and exploited buyer". That's why forums like these are desperately needed - so that we are not naive and exploited anymore.

Old 05-08-2010, 01:49 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
Good on you bro! Your approach might be a little "too direct" for some, but I too totally share your views. Hahahaha.

Yes, I understand WLs are human too. And yes I can accept it if they are having a bad day or two. But like all professions, business must comes first! And legal prostitution is a profession - a chosen profession!!

Likewise, if I am emotionally distracted and performed inadequately at work, my good boss would try to close an eye. But if I continued to under-perform, my boss would fire me at a drop of a hat. And understandably so.

So if a WL consistently provides bad attitude and service, they deservedly should be exposed and shunned.

And what's with this "willing seller, willing buyer" nonsense? It's more like "willing seller, naive and exploited buyer". That's why forums like these are desperately needed - so that we are not naive and exploited anymore.

Bro!!! Nice to see your posts and read your views again! Wunderbar!

How're things? Long time no post, hope all is well. Looking forward to your FRs.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 05-08-2010, 01:56 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by XEye View Post
Just the other day, I was in a big famous watch shop and asked for the price of a watch.

I was not in a good mood and offered a 80% discounted offer.

Guess what happened ?

When we are not in the mood, we have the right to choose to engage or not
Sorry dude, but what are you talking about??

Yes you made an offer - 80% discounted off the watch. If the shop accepted, will they give you 80% of a watch?? Of course not! They will give you the entire watch at the accepted price.

And what's this "choose to engage or not". As a buyer, of course you can "choose to engage or not"....but as a seller, once a transaction is made (offer and acceptance), then the product or service has to be given fully. Being moody has nothing to do with it. Would you pay for a watch with some parts missing because the seller was moody?
Old 05-08-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Bro!!! Nice to see your posts and read your views again! Wunderbar!

How're things? Long time no post, hope all is well. Looking forward to your FRs.


Actually had a good one with Michelle yesterday! Will write more later but yesterday was quite funny, Saw Ada's room with light on, also Michelle's room light on.

Desperately wanted either of them, So I was practically running from house 2 to house 16 back and forth, back and forth for about 20 minutes to see which room door opened first!
Old 05-08-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

bro, u mentioned this carol is it from malaysian?? last time WL from geylang???
Old 05-08-2010, 03:18 PM
MrBombastic MrBombastic is offline
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Finally I got someone who is in the same frequency as me

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
Good on you bro!Your approach might be a little "too direct" for some, but I too totally share your views. Hahahaha.

Yes, I understand WLs are human too. And yes I can accept it if they are having a bad day or two. But like all professions, business must comes first! And legal prostitution is a profession - a chosen profession!!

Likewise, if I am emotionally distracted and performed inadequately at work, my good boss would try to close an eye. But if I continued to under-perform, my boss would fire me at a drop of a hat. And understandably so.

So if a WL consistently provides bad attitude and service, they deservedly should be exposed and shunned.

And what's with this "willing seller, willing buyer" nonsense? It's more like "willing seller, naive and exploited buyer". That's why forums like these are desperately needed - so that we are not naive and exploited anymore.

Old 05-08-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
Sorry dude, but what are you talking about??

Yes you made an offer - 80% discounted off the watch. If the shop accepted, will they give you 80% of a watch?? Of course not! They will give you the entire watch at the accepted price.

And what's this "choose to engage or not". As a buyer, of course you can "choose to engage or not"....but as a seller, once a transaction is made (offer and acceptance), then the product or service has to be given fully. Being moody has nothing to do with it. Would you pay for a watch with some parts missing because the seller was moody?
Maybe my English no good lor... Me also dun understand leh
Old 05-08-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by shootme72 View Post
bro, u mentioned this carol is it from malaysian?? last time WL from geylang???
Anything wrong coming from Malaysia?
Old 05-08-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by U-Da-Man View Post
Actually had a good one with Michelle yesterday! Will write more later but yesterday was quite funny, Saw Ada's room with light on, also Michelle's room light on.

Desperately wanted either of them, So I was practically running from house 2 to house 16 back and forth, back and forth for about 20 minutes to see which room door opened first!
Haha, very good work out Bro! It also happenned to me before so I understand the experience. You are right, somehow it is quite funny thinking back.

I think it was good you had Michelle. Personally, Michelle vs. Ada, I go for Michelle. Haha.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 05-08-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: Rooms That Should Be Avoided In PT!

Originally Posted by shootme72 View Post
bro, u mentioned this carol is it from malaysian?? last time WL from geylang???
Brother, there are 4 Carols here in Petain. Why dont u go down yourself and check it out.
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