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Old 20-09-2019, 12:38 PM
LiuBei LiuBei is offline
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Not so much as tio hoot..

Some MLs have white knights reporting to them on the happenings over here..

If the clues are obvious then most likely she will be able to identify that particular customer who is posting negative stuff about her..
Ya more or less they know who post negative stuff one la
Sometimes ML words and the bro post on forum got hidden story. Usually ML version is the bro in question do some scheming things like want to fuck but cannot.
So come forum say fake photo etc. Or even threatened to call police on them.

That's why I always act blur when they asked me if I know about sammyboy or not.. hehe

And from some of the stories I heard from MLs, Franco bro indeed not innocent kind hahaha
Old 20-09-2019, 12:39 PM
Kopiosteve Kopiosteve is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post

Anyway if don’t like just skip such posts lah.. This will be a never-ending squabble between both camps.. Make love here not war hor..
Worth a repost.

No need to take everything so seriously. Don't like, just skip. No need fed up fed up and make noise, then the issue will actually go on more and more.

Peace, and happy TCSS-ing.
Old 20-09-2019, 12:44 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by regency321 View Post
Hi bros can share whether zz or angel smokes. I don't enjoy when I smell smoke breath. Tks.
Blowers are smokers
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Old 20-09-2019, 12:51 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
And from some of the stories I heard from MLs, Franco bro indeed not innocent kind hahaha

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Old 20-09-2019, 01:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post

And from some of the stories I heard from MLs, Franco bro indeed not innocent kind hahaha
Me interested to know too.
Old 20-09-2019, 01:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
And from some of the stories I heard from MLs, Franco bro indeed not innocent kind hahaha
So all that talk about vanilla only, and putting down others who provide more... All BS la!? Lol. Kenna exposed liow lor!
Old 20-09-2019, 01:15 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Speaking of putting MLs down... You know, they provide pleasure for us. We go to them, we were not forced. Yes some services are good and some are bad... And we can report them as such.

But why mock them, call them names, verbally belittle them and use derogatory terms??

If really think they are such, then why still visit them? If you still do , then doesn't that make you worse than the names you were calling them?
Old 20-09-2019, 01:26 PM
LiuBei LiuBei is offline
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post

PM me if the info too sensitive to publicly disclose.
End of the day, it's all hearsay.
Can we really believe their side of the story? I just one ear one ear out lah.
Don't want to act too interested after all my nick, easy to remember for MLs hahaha

Basically what I heard is that Franco required for more from one of the ML.
ML refused so Franco go leave negative review here and dissuade others from looking for her.

But again, it's guesswork from ML that it's Franco bro or maybe he just so suay that the timing of his negative review coincide with the incident that the ML encountered. So ML thought it's him..
Old 20-09-2019, 01:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by whoizzit2 View Post
She at MP if u dun mind.
spa usually extra cost n disappointment

Thks for sharing.
zhu zhu rate increased 120
not sure she do fake love making
Old 20-09-2019, 01:34 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Location should be familiar.

$120 upfront. I said "later", but she insisted.

Heavy makeup in pics but light makeup when I met her. Still pleasant looking during first impression. Facial features a bit sharp but... she has... freaking hear this... DOUBLE CHIN.

Now, I absolutely dig those with a well-defined jawline.

On that note, she's not fat by any means, but she has obvious "sari rolls". Boobs are big B or small C. Semi-nude and I had to ask her to get to that stage.

Demeanour: positive attitude and tried to make conversation.

The rest? Nothing to remember.

Wonder what makes her price herself at $120? When we have pretty Bella nearby, who has a well-defined jawline, at $110.
This is the only negative FR (on this lady named Yi Lan) I gave in recent months. And I tried to bring out some positives as well.

Anyway whatever is said here allegedly about me doesn't concern me one bit.

I will still go about my life as normal.
Old 20-09-2019, 01:37 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Basically what I heard is that Franco required for more from one of the ML.
ML refused so Franco go leave negative review here and dissuade others from looking for her.
Wah, cannot get off menu services so not happy then come here and try to spoil her business???

Kaoz, that's quite despicable!
Old 20-09-2019, 01:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
End of the day, it's all hearsay.
Can we really believe their side of the story? I just one ear one ear out lah.
Don't want to act too interested after all my nick, easy to remember for MLs hahaha

Basically what I heard is that Franco required for more from one of the ML.
ML refused so Franco go leave negative review here and dissuade others from looking for her.

But again, it's guesswork from ML that it's Franco bro or maybe he just so suay that the timing of his negative review coincide with the incident that the ML encountered. So ML thought it's him..
sounds more like what baotohk will do. His post history is proof
Old 20-09-2019, 01:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Speaking of putting MLs down... You know, they provide pleasure for us. We go to them, we were not forced. Yes some services are good and some are bad... And we can report them as such.

But why mock them, call them names, verbally belittle them and use derogatory terms??

If really think they are such, then why still visit them? If you still do , then doesn't that make you worse than the names you were calling them?
Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
End of the day, it's all hearsay.
Can we really believe their side of the story? I just one ear one ear out lah.
Don't want to act too interested after all my nick, easy to remember for MLs hahaha

Basically what I heard is that Franco required for more from one of the ML.
ML refused so Franco go leave negative review here and dissuade others from looking for her.

But again, it's guesswork from ML that it's Franco bro or maybe he just so suay that the timing of his negative review coincide with the incident that the ML encountered. So ML thought it's him..
not finger pointing anyone just my 1 cent view

in a virtual world, can type without much responsibility. easy to point someone ask for extra, don't get it, go online badmouth.

alternatively, even if someone saying the truth as long got enough white knights or clone accounts appear to endorse, the truthsayer looks like some scumbags trying to get more and failed.

the previous STD incident says it all. 1 or 2 say nobody believe. then some appear and claim to know a gang of those who kanna from this specific ML then the fear and terror all start appearing, only the STD doc laugh his way to the bank. end up that ML is clean, starts to wonder who is the REAL source instead.

luckily no POFMA here. end of the day, ownself play ownself. we can only apply own moral standards to ownself. some of us here when try to book ML realised we are bad record for no reason, end up is some angry ML write a bad review and got the hp number blacklisted also. works both ways, inconvenience each other.

the bias is regrettably towards ML because we are naturally bias towards women, boobs and a physical person we interact and encounter. i do havev some personal SBF friends but of course, almost all would like to stay anonymous for obvious reasons.

no ways to resolve such bias issue, been around since the beginning of SBF.
don't pm me to exchange points. if you like what i post, up me and pm. if i like what you post too, i will return the favor. thanks
Old 20-09-2019, 01:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
End of the day, it's all hearsay.
Can we really believe their side of the story? I just one ear one ear out lah.
Don't want to act too interested after all my nick, easy to remember for MLs hahaha

Basically what I heard is that Franco required for more from one of the ML.
ML refused so Franco go leave negative review here and dissuade others from looking for her.

But again, it's guesswork from ML that it's Franco bro or maybe he just so suay that the timing of his negative review coincide with the incident that the ML encountered. So ML thought it's him..
Not trying to defend him or anything but I don’t recall bro Franco ever saying anything much negative about MLs here in general. He does has his preference yes and there are some APs here he isn’t so on about but I would barely said that’s negative.
That said, how would they know he is bro Franco? I don’t suppose he would go around telling them his nick, not to mention I would reckon his nick is rather hard to remember...
Old 20-09-2019, 01:51 PM
LiuBei LiuBei is offline
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Originally Posted by heartlock View Post
spa usually extra cost n disappointment

Thks for sharing.
zhu zhu rate increased 120
not sure she do fake love making
I thought she all along 120?
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